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Large lecture classes and standardized laboratory exercises are characteristic of introductory biology courses. Previous research has found that these courses do not adequately convey the process of scientific research and the excitement of discovery. Here we propose a model that provides beginning biology students with an inquiry-based, active learning laboratory experience. The Dynamic Genome course replicates a modern research laboratory focused on eukaryotic transposable elements where beginning undergraduates learn key genetics concepts, experimental design, and molecular biological skills. Here we report on two key features of the course, a didactic module and the capstone original research project. The module is a modified version of a published experiment where students experience how virtual transposable elements from rice (Oryza sativa) are assayed for function in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. As part of the module, students analyze the phenotypes and genotypes of transgenic plants to determine the requirements for transposition. After mastering the skills and concepts, students participate in an authentic research project where they use computational analysis and PCR to detect transposable element insertion site polymorphism in a panel of diverse maize strains. As a consequence of their engagement in this course, students report large gains in their ability to understand the nature of research and demonstrate that they can apply that knowledge to independent research projects.  相似文献   

Evolution is a complex subject that requires knowledge of basic biological concepts and the ability to connect them across multiple scales of time, space, and biological organization. Avida-ED is a digital evolution educational software environment designed for teaching and learning about evolution and the nature of science in undergraduate biology courses. This study describes our backward design approach to developing an instructional activity using Avida-ED for teaching and learning about evolution in a large-enrollment introductory biology course. Using multiple assessment instruments, we measured student knowledge and understanding of key principles of natural selection before and after instruction on evolution (including the Avida-ED activity). Assessment analysis revealed significant post-instruction learning gains, although certain evolutionary principles (most notably those including genetics concepts, such as the genetic origin of variation) remained particularly difficult for students, even after instruction. Students, however, demonstrated a good grasp of the genetic component of the evolutionary process in the context of a problem on Avida-ED. We propose that: (a) deep understanding of evolution requires complex systems thinking skills, such as connecting concepts across multiple levels of biological organization, and (b) well designed use of Avida-ED holds the potential to help learners build a meaningful and transferable understanding of the evolutionary process. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

An important discussion at colleges is centered on determining more effective models for teaching undergraduates. As personalized genomics has become more common, we hypothesized it could be a valuable tool to make science education more hands on, personal, and engaging for college undergraduates. We hypothesized that providing students with personal genome testing kits would enhance the learning experience of students in two undergraduate courses at Brigham Young University: Advanced Molecular Biology and Genomics. These courses have an emphasis on personal genomics the last two weeks of the semester. Students taking these courses were given the option to receive personal genomics kits in 2014, whereas in 2015 they were not. Students sent their personal genomics samples in on their own and received the data after the course ended. We surveyed students in these courses before and after the two-week emphasis on personal genomics to collect data on whether anticipation of obtaining their own personal genomic data impacted undergraduate student learning. We also tested to see if specific personal genomic assignments improved the learning experience by analyzing the data from the undergraduate students who completed both the pre- and post-course surveys. Anticipation of personal genomic data significantly enhanced student interest and the learning environment based on the time students spent researching personal genomic material and their self-reported attitudes compared to those who did not anticipate getting their own data. Personal genomics homework assignments significantly enhanced the undergraduate student interest and learning based on the same criteria and a personal genomics quiz. We found that for the undergraduate students in both molecular biology and genomics courses, incorporation of personal genomic testing can be an effective educational tool in undergraduate science education.  相似文献   

Education for sustainability (EfS) in higher education is an emerging specialisation within the general field of EfS. EfS encompasses cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects, and aims at enhancing a variety of learning outcomes in these domains and reaching students from all programmes. One of the main challenges for higher education educators is to design courses in a way that will effectively promote the various learning outcomes of EfS. A central question is how sustainability should be integrated into the curriculum; which topics should be taught and which pedagogies ought to be applied to improve students’ knowledge, skills and motivation to promote sustainable living. The present study aimed to contribute to the knowledge about students’ learning outcomes yielded by different designs of EfS courses. This multiple-case study of three courses used a mixed-methods design. For each course, we identified its characteristics and analysed students’ self-reported learning outcomes. We found that: (1) a course with a higher degree of participatory learning, employing a system approach, promoted the highest and most varied learning outcomes; (2) the lecture-based course yielded the fewest learning outcomes; and (3) field trips promoted learning outcomes only when accompanied by more advanced pedagogies.  相似文献   


Meaningful learning occurs by relating new information to and revising prior knowledge, making it essential to understand student knowledge before helping them move toward a more scientific understanding. In this study, we characterise prior knowledge about cellular respiration in undergraduate students enrolled in introductory biology by analysing student-constructed concept maps (N = 182) and interviews (N = 9). Students were instructed to create concept maps from a bank of 20 concepts with the purpose of interconnecting the processes of cellular respiration, showing how pools of ATP are generated and used, and identifying where the events of cellular respiration occur. Student maps were analysed for content, quality and organisation of knowledge. Interviews were used to corroborate inferences made from concept maps. Students had a simplified understanding of cellular respiration and its processes as evident by cognitive structures with limited quantities of schemas that were vaguely connected and linearly organised. Furthermore, students had a better understanding of glycolysis than fermentation. Instructors can use these findings to help students build better knowledge of cellular respiration by focusing on incorporating relevant schemas, creating quality connections among schemas, and organising their knowledge of cellular respiration to reflect biological complexity.  相似文献   

《Science activities》2013,50(3):95-104
Teachers can use pedometers to facilitate inquiry learning and show students the need for mathematics in scientific investigation. The authors conducted activities with secondary students that investigated intake and expenditure components of the energy balance algorithm, which led to inquiries about pedometers and related data. By investigating the accuracy of pedometers and variables that may impact reported step counts, students can better understand experimental design and statistical concepts. Students can also examine other data (distance walked, kilocalories expended) using multifunction pedometers and apply the concepts of correlation and regression. This topic fits well with thematic learning and responds to concerns about excess energy intake and insufficient physical activity in the U.S. population.  相似文献   

随着信息化手段的不断丰富,新型教育理念结合线上学习平台的新信息化教学模式成为高校课堂的改革新趋势。本次教学改革利用科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、艺术(Art)和数学(Mathematics)多学科融合的超学科教育理念(简称STEAM教育)对教师教学过程进行了整体设计,同时借助“线上+线下”教学平台对学生学习过程进行了全面优化。将原本分散的验证型、操作型实验重新整合串联成以多角度“项目式”任务为主线、以Blackboard线上平台为辅线的自主研究型实验项目。新型教学模式以学生为主体,给学生提供更多自我展示和讨论互动的平台。从学生的课堂表现、知识测验、课后反馈、实验操作及实验报告4个方面对新型模式下的教学效果进行了分析和评价。结果表明,此模式不仅提高了学生在微生物学实验中的学习质量,增强了其学习主观能动性,而且有利于培养和提升学生的问题探究及实践创新能力。这一新型教学模式对其他生物学科实验课程的教学具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) methods and tools are increasingly being taught in university courses. Students are learning the concepts and applications of process-based LCA, input−output-based LCA, and hybrid methods. Here, we describe a classroom simulation to introduce students to an economic input−output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA) method. The simulation uses a simplified four-industry economy with eight transactions among the industries. Production functions for the transactions and waste generation amounts are provided for each industry. Students represent an industry and receive and issue purchase orders for materials to simulate the actual purchases of materials within the economy. Students then compare the simulation to mathematical representations of the model. Finally, students view an online EIO-LCA tool ( http://www.eiolca.net ) and use the tool to compare different products. The simulation has been used successfully with a wide range of students to facilitate conceptual understanding of one EIO-LCA method.  相似文献   

基于微信的“微生物遗传育种实验”混合式教学模式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严婷婷  张蕾  李余动  梁新乐 《遗传》2018,40(7):601-606
随着互联网的飞速发展,传统课堂教学与互联网相结合的混合式教学模式越来越受到人们的关注。微信作为使用最广泛的即时通讯软件,其公众号功能非常适合作为移动学习的平台。本文介绍了将微信应用到“微生物遗传育种实验”的教学实践,探索线上和线下结合的混合式教学模式。以“绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein, GFP)的基因定点突变实验”为例,从教学设计、建立公众号及推送素材、课前预习、课堂学习、课后复习及反馈等5个方面详细介绍混合式教学过程。GFP基因定点突变实验在引物上引入一个GFP突变位点(Y66H),以质粒pGFPuv为模板,经PCR扩增后,以DpnⅠ消化原始质粒,并转化大肠杆菌筛选蓝色荧光蛋白突变株。采用微信与课堂教学结合的模式,既方便学生与老师交流互动,又有利于学生利用碎片化时间学习,使得“教与学”更加顺畅。实践证明,这种混合式教学模式深受学生喜爱,增强了学生学习兴趣与学习自主性,显著提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

"医学微生物学"实验是联系微生物学理论知识与临床实践的重要桥梁,在医学微生物学教学中占据重要地位。然而传统的实验教学内容多为验证性实验,学习效果和教学效果都不理想。本文探索一种结合相关学科知识点的综合性实验教学模式——跨学科综合性实验教学模式,能有机整合不同学科的相关理论知识,将理论知识与今后可能遇到的临床实际问题更加密切地联系起来,克服传统教学中存在的弊端,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,并能有效提高学生独立思考以及综合分析问题的能力。  相似文献   

本科的化学基础知识是生命科学专业的核心课程"生物化学"的重要基础.本文在对生物化学与大学化学知识的密切关系进行学理分析的基础上,对无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和物理化学四门课中与生物化学内容密切相关的知识点进行梳理和总结.以肽键、酶作用机制、蛋白质纯化为例,给出化学基础知识对生物化学知识点的关联性.借助第二课堂启迪学生...  相似文献   

Biodiversity is a complex, yet essential, concept for undergraduate students in ecology and other natural sciences to grasp. As beginner scientists, students must learn to recognize, describe, and interpret patterns of biodiversity across various spatial scales and understand their relationships with ecological processes and human influences. It is also increasingly important for undergraduate programs in ecology and related disciplines to provide students with experiences working with large ecological datasets to develop students’ data science skills and their ability to consider how ecological processes that operate at broader spatial scales (macroscale) affect local ecosystems. To support the goals of improving student understanding of macroscale ecology and biodiversity at multiple spatial scales, we formed an interdisciplinary team that included grant personnel, scientists, and faculty from ecology and spatial sciences to design a flexible learning activity to teach macroscale biodiversity concepts using large datasets from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). We piloted this learning activity in six courses enrolling a total of 109 students, ranging from midlevel ecology and GIS/remote sensing courses, to upper‐level conservation biology. Using our classroom experiences and a pre/postassessment framework, we evaluated whether our learning activity resulted in increased student understanding of macroscale ecology and biodiversity concepts and increased familiarity with analysis techniques, software programs, and large spatio‐ecological datasets. Overall, results suggest that our learning activity improved student understanding of biological diversity, biodiversity metrics, and patterns of biodiversity across several spatial scales. Participating faculty reflected on what went well and what would benefit from changes, and we offer suggestions for implementation of the learning activity based on this feedback. This learning activity introduced students to macroscale ecology and built student skills in working with big data (i.e., large datasets) and performing basic quantitative analyses, skills that are essential for the next generation of ecologists.  相似文献   

Botanists benefit from a scientifically literate society and an interested and botanically literate student population, and we have opportunities to promote literacy in our classes. Unfortunately, scientific illiteracy exists, in part, because students are technologically advanced but lack intellectual curiosity and rigor. Botanical illiteracy results from several interacting factors, including a lack of interest in plants and infrequent exposure to plant science before students reach college. If scientific or botanical literacy is a goal, we must understand what literacy means and how we can help students reach that goal. A model of biological literacy recognizes four levels; students enter courses at the lowest level possessing misconceptions about concepts; however, misconceptions can be used to our advantage, especially by using concept inventories. Inquiry-based instruction is advocated for all science courses, and learning theory supports inquiry. Seven principles of learning inform recommendations about how botanists should teach, including using themes and "thinking botanically" to illustrate all biological concepts. Overall, consideration of the botanical content taught is less critical than the methods used to teach that content. If botanists emphasize thinking and process skills with an understanding of concepts, we will prepare scientifically literate students and citizens and benefit from our efforts.  相似文献   

Overfitting is one of the critical problems in developing models by machine learning. With machine learning becoming an essential technology in computational biology, we must include training about overfitting in all courses that introduce this technology to students and practitioners. We here propose a hands-on training for overfitting that is suitable for introductory level courses and can be carried out on its own or embedded within any data science course. We use workflow-based design of machine learning pipelines, experimentation-based teaching, and hands-on approach that focuses on concepts rather than underlying mathematics. We here detail the data analysis workflows we use in training and motivate them from the viewpoint of teaching goals. Our proposed approach relies on Orange, an open-source data science toolbox that combines data visualization and machine learning, and that is tailored for education in machine learning and explorative data analysis.  相似文献   



Evolution is a difficult subject for students, with well-documented confusion about natural selection, tree thinking, and genetic drift among other topics. Here we investigate the effect of a simulation-based module about the conservation of black-footed ferrets, a module designed with pedagogical approaches that have been demonstrated to be effective, for teaching genetic drift. We compared performance on the Genetic Drift Inventory (GeDI) of students who completed the module and students who were in classes that used other methods for teaching genetic drift.


Students in 19 courses using the simulation-based module improved their understanding of genetic drift significantly after completing the Ferrets module, as measured by the GeDI. Students in five control courses actually performed significantly worse on the GeDI after instruction. The lower scores in the control courses were driven by a decrease in these students’ understanding of key concepts.


The Ferrets module appears to be an effective way to teach genetic drift. In the control courses, students’ progress in understanding genetic drift may pass through a stage where their understanding of key concepts is worse than it was prior to instruction. However, students who learned genetic drift in courses that used the Ferrets module showed a more rapid increase in their understanding of key concepts related to genetic drift. This result suggests that the paths that students can take to move from novice to expert understanding may be more varied than was previously predicted.

A multidisciplinary approach to teaching was adopted in two art courses by employing concepts of evolutionary biology with a focus on the Precambrian Era. This knowledge served to help students create original art pieces while learning and applying concepts that are often challenging to non-science majors. This evaluation report shows the efficacy of our teaching methods and will hopefully inspire educators to creatively enhance the teaching of evolution across the curriculum.  相似文献   

The well-established finding that substantial confusion and misconceptions about evolution and natural selection persist after college instruction suggests that these courses neither foster accurate mental models of evolution’s mechanisms nor instill an appreciation of evolution’s centrality to an understanding of the living world. Our essay explores the roles that introductory biology courses and textbooks may play in reinforcing undergraduates’ pre-existing, faulty mental models of the place of evolution in the biological sciences. Our content analyses of the three best-selling introductory biology textbooks for majors revealed the conceptual segregation of evolutionary information. The vast majority of the evolutionary terms and concepts in each book were isolated in sections about evolution and diversity, while remarkably few were employed in other sections of the books. Standardizing the data by number of pages per unit did not alter this pattern. Students may fail to grasp that evolution is the unifying theme of biology because introductory courses and textbooks reinforce such isolation. Two goals are central to resolving this problem: the desegregation of evolution as separate “units” or chapters and the active integration of evolutionary concepts at all levels and across all domains of introductory biology.  相似文献   

Students learn best when they are focused and thinking about the subject at hand. To teach physiology, we must offer opportunities for students to actively participate in class. This approach aids in focusing their attention on the topic and thus generating genuine interest in the mechanisms involved. This study was conducted to determine if offering voluntary active learning exercises would improve student understanding and application of the material covered. To compare performance, an anonymous cardiorespiratory evaluation was distributed to two groups of students during the fall (control, n = 168) and spring (treatment, n = 176) semesters. Students in both groups were taught by traditional methods, and students in the treatment group had the option to voluntary participate in two additional active learning exercises: 1) a small group discussion, where students would discuss a physiology topic with their Teaching Assistant before running BIOPAC software for the laboratory exercise and 2) a free response question, where students anonymously responded to one short essay question after the laboratory exercise. In these formative assessments, students received feedback about their present state of learning from the discussion with their peers and also from the instructor comments regarding perceived misconceptions. As a result of the participation in these activities, students in the treatment group had a better overall performance [χ(2) (degree of freedom = 1) = 31.2, P < 0.001] on the evaluation (treatment group: 62% of responses correct and control group: 49%) with an observed difference of 13% (95% confidence interval: 8, 17). In conclusion, this study presents sufficient evidence that when the opportunity presents itself, students become active participants in the learning process, which translates into an improvement in their understanding and application of physiological concepts.  相似文献   

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