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The thermodynamics of Cu(II) and Ni(II) binding to bovine serum albumin (BSA) have been studied by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The Cu(II) binding affinity of the N-terminal protein site is quantitatively higher when the single free thiol, Cys-34, is reduced (mercaptalbumin), compared to when it is oxidized or derivatized with N-ethylmaleimide. This increased affinity is due predominantly to entropic factors. At higher pH (approximately 9), when the protein is in the basic (B) form, a second Cu(II) binds with high affinity to albumin with reduced Cys-34. The Cu(II) coordination has been characterized by UV-vis absorption, CD, and EPR spectroscopy, and the spectral data are consistent with thiolate coordination to a tetragonal Cu(II), indicating this is a type 2 copper site with thiolate ligation. Nickel(II) binding to the N-terminal site of BSA is also modulated by the redox/ligation state of Cys-34, with higher Ni(II) affinity for mercaptalbumin, the predominant circulating form of the protein.  相似文献   

The magnetic circular dichroic (MCD) spectra of cobalt(II) sugstituted metalloenzymes have been studied and compared to a series of four-, five-, and six-coordinate cobalt(II) model complexes previously examined (T. A. Kaden et al. (1974), Inorg. Chem. 13, 2582). The MCD spectra of cobalt substituted carboxypeptidase A, procarboxypeptidase ta, and thermolysin are consistent with earlier deductions of tetrahedral coordination from absorption spectra and also with X-ray structure analysis. Inhibitors fail to alter their MCD spectra significantly. The MCD spectra of cobalt alkaline phosphatase and carbonic anhydrase are more complex and their pH dependence and alteration by inhibitors are discussed in terms of known cobalt(II) models.  相似文献   

Cu2+ binds to bovine alpha-lactalbumin at two different sites, principally at a hystidyl residue and in second instance at a deprotonated amide group. In human alpha-lactalbumin, that is lacking His 68, only the second binding site was observed, so that evidence is given that His 68 in bovine alpha-lactalbumin is responsible for the major Cu2+ binding. In goat alpha-lactalbumin, the histidyl binding effectively occurs but only to a lesser degree as the accessibility of His 68 is reduced by the greater compactness of goat alpha-lactalbumin. In the three species the Cu2+ binding is independent on the occupation of the primary Ca(2+)- site.  相似文献   

The interaction of copper(II) with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) has been studied as a function of pH in the range pH 3-12. Our approach is the study of the effect of binding both on the ATP ultraviolet absorption spectrum and on the optical d-d transition of copper ions. The results show that Cu(II)-ATP complexes exist in a variety of forms in equilibrium, the percentage of each species varying according to the state of ionization of the intrinsic adenine, phosphate and ribose groups. These results also show a close correlation between the rate of dephosphorylation of ATP in the presence of Cu(II) ions and Cu(II) bonding to the adenine of ATP, thus supporting the hypothesis that the metal-ion/nucleic-base interactions are crucial for the observation of a metal-ion promoted dephosphorylation of ATP (D.H. Buisson and H. Sigel, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 343 (1974) 45).  相似文献   

The Cu,Co superoxide dismutase derivative, in which the native Zn(II) was replaced by Co(II), was investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy at pH 7.0 in the presence of CN- and N-3. Addition of either anion produced large but remarkably different variations in the position of the histidine proton signals bound to the metal cluster. The resonances of the histidines bound to the copper broadened at low CN- concentrations (6 X10(-5)-16.5 X 10(-3) M KCN, in the presence of 1.5 mM protein) and narrowed again, with changed chemical shifts at [KCN] greater than 10(-2) M. At 7 degrees C two resonances split into two pairs of lines as a function of [CN-]. The temperature dependence of these resonances, in the presence of nonsaturating [CN-], suggests a slow exchange between two forms of the protein-bound copper in the presence of the anion. The apparent activation parameters associated with the interconversion of the two species indicate a local conformational change in the presence of CN-. No evidence of temperature dependence was seen in the spectrum in the presence of N-3, which, on the other hand, was fully removed from the copper by addition of CN-. No evidence was obtained for removal by CN- of a histidine bound to the copper as previously reported for low affinity anions at pH 5.5 (Bertini, I., Lanini, G., Luchinat, C., Messori, L., Monanni, R., and Scozzafava, A. (1985) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107, 4391-4396). These results indicate that CN- has a unique pattern of binding to the enzyme copper. Since catalytic and structural data indicate that CN- is the only appropriate substrate analogue for the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase, data from anions with much less affinity may lead to misleading conclusions on the mechanism of anion and substrate binding to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of the Ca2+ binding to bovine alpha-lactalbumin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bovine alpha-lactalbumin contains one strong Ca2+-binding site. The free energy (delta G0), enthalpy (delta H0), and entropy (delta S0) of binding of Ca2+ to this site have been calculated from microcalorimetric experiments. The enthalpy of binding was dependent on the metal-free bovine alpha-lactalbumin concentration. At 0.8 mg ml-1, metal-free bovine alpha-lactalbumin delta H0 was -110 +/- 6 kJ mol-1. At this concentration the binding constant was estimated from a mathematical analysis of the titration curves to be greater than 10(7) M-1. This means that delta G0 is smaller than -40 kJ mol-1 and delta S0 is less negative than -235 J.K-1 mol-1. The binding of Ca2+ is therefore enthalpy-driven. From binding experiments as a function of temperature, a delta Cp value of -4.1 kJ.K-1 mol-1 was calculated. This value is dependent on the protein concentration. A tentative explanation for this large value is given.  相似文献   

G Mocz  I R Gibbons 《Biochemistry》1990,29(20):4839-4843
The circular dichroic spectra of outer arm dynein from sea urchin sperm flagella, of its separated alpha and beta heavy-chain complexes, and of the two major fragments produced by tryptic digestion of the beta heavy chain have been measured over the range 190-240 nm. Although the spectra show significant individuality, in all cases they qualitatively resemble those of typical globular proteins with mixed regions of alpha-helix and beta-sheet (alpha/beta-type structure) or with separate alpha-helix- and beta-sheet-rich regions (alpha+beta-type structure). Quantitative analyses of the spectra by both constrained and unconstrained least-squares curve-fitting procedures indicate that the intact dynein contains approximately 26% alpha-helix. The separated beta heavy-chain complex and its ATPase-containing amino-terminal domain (fragment A) both have spectra resembling that of intact dynein, and they appear to contain 32% and 23% alpha-helix, respectively. The carboxy-terminal domain of the beta heavy chain (fragment B) and the separated alpha heavy chain have significantly different spectra; however, they each appear to contain 26-36% alpha-helix. These data suggest that dynein does not contain an extensive alpha-helical domain, such as is found in the carboxy-terminal rod region of the other motor proteins myosin and kinesin.  相似文献   

The single polypeptide chain of conalbumin strongly binds two Fe(III) or two Cu(II) ions to yield intense absorption in the visible region similar to that shown by the related protein transferrin. Comparison of the metal-ion-binding sites in the two proteins is made by exploiting the sensitivity to ligand geometry of circular dichroism (CD). For the Fe(III) proteins strong similarities of the CD spectra outweigh marginal differences. For Cu(II) conalbumin an additional negative extremum near 506 nm appears between two positive ones at 634 and 410 nm suggesting greater subtraction of oppositely signed CD components leading to lesser magnitudes for the two positive peaks than are found in Cu(II)-transferrin. The two Fe(III)-binding sites within conalbumin are compared by noting the strong similarities of the CD and MCD of proteins with Fe(III) in one site and Ga(III) in the other site, and vice versa, with the protein containing Fe(III) in both sites. Due to features of the amino acid sequences of the single protein chains, the four strong metal ion binding sites in conalbumin and transferrin cannot be identical in all particulars, yet CD spectra of their metal ion complexes are closely similar. From a study of model phenolate complexes and the wavelength maxima of visible absorption in the Fe(III), Cu(II), and Co(III) proteins near 465, 440, and 405 nm, respectively, these strong absorption bands are identified as ligand to metal ion electron-transfer transitions. It is suggested that tyrosyl residues are the donors in the electron transfer transitions and that they lock in the metal ions after being keyed into position by binding of bicarbonate or other anions.  相似文献   

The dissociation kinetics of complexes of bovine alpha-lactalbumin and cod parvalbumin with Ca(II) and Mg(II) ions induced by mixing of a Ca(II)- or MG(II)-loaded protein with a chelator of divalent cations (EDTA or EGTA) have been studied by means of the stopped-flow method with intrinsic protein fluorescence registration. Within the temperature interval from 10 to approx. 37 degrees C kinetic curves for Ca(II) removal from alpha-lactalbumin are monoexponential with a rate constant ranging from 0.006 to 1 s. Taking into account the rather low rate of fluorescence changes, one can assume that the limiting stage in this case is the dissociation of the single bound Ca(II) ion from the protein and not a conformational transition which occurs after Ca(II) dissociation. At temperatures above 37 degrees C the kinetic curves require at least two exponential terms for a satisfactory fit. The second exponential seems to be due to denaturation of the apo form of alpha-lactalbumin which takes place at these temperatures. The values of the dissociation rate constants for Mg(II) bound to alpha-lactalbumin practically coincide with those for Ca(II). Within the temperature interval 10-30 degrees C the kinetic curves for Ca(II) and Mg(II) removal from parvalbumin are best fitted by a sum of two exponential terms identified as arising from the dissociation of cations from the two binding sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

L J Berliner  S S Wong 《Biochemistry》1975,14(22):4977-4982
The kinetically observed Mn(II) activation as well as inhibition has been clarified for bovine galactosyltransferase. An electron spin resonance (ESR) titration of MnCl2 with galactosyltransferase alone at pH 8.0 clearly shows the existence of at least two metal ion binding sites with microscopic dissociation constants of 0.84 +/- 0.1 and 9.0 +/- 1.0 mM, respectively. The second site corresponds with either published kinetic constant for Mn(II) of 8.5 mM (inhibition) or 3.40 mM (activation). The contribution of the binary complex Mn(II)-UDPGal is of lesser significance, as concluded by its ESR measured Kdiss of 14.5 +/- 1.1 mM at pH 8.0. A spin-labeled inhibitor analog of UDPgalactose, UDP-4-O-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl-1-oxy), or UDP-R, was synthesized as a competitive inhibitor for UDPGal. It was shown from inhibition kinetics to be almost as potent an inhibitor as UDPGlu. The Ki values at pH 8.0 in the N-acetyllactosamine and lactose reactions were 0.38 +/- 0.04 and 0.63 +/- 0.06 mM, respectively, as compared with 0.10 +/- 0.01 and 0.094 +/- 0.009 mM for UDPGlu. An ESR titration of UDP-R with galactosyltransferase at pH 8.0 yielded direct physical dissociation constants of 0.40 +/- 0.07 and 0.53 +/- 0.08 mM in the absence and presence of alpha-lactalbumin, respectively. No other substrates (glucose of N-acetylglucosamine) nor Mn(II) were present.  相似文献   

Analysis of the time decay of fluorescence anisotropy of 1-dimethylaminoaphthalene-5-sulfonyl (DNS) and fluorescamine derivatives of bovine alpha-lactalbumin and lysozyme reveals that no significant differences in mean rotational relaxation times are present. While fluorescamine molecules appear to orient randomly on these proteins, DNS is bound with a preferential orientation. Other fluorescence characteristics of the labels are also cited.  相似文献   

The conformation of pinellin was studied by circular dichroism, which showed a minimum at 223 nm and a double maximum at 198–200 nm. The protein was rich in -sheet (about 40%) with little -helix, based on current CD analyses. It was stable betweenpH 4 and 10 beyond which it unfolded reversibly, but in alkaline solution, prolongly stored at, say,pH 12, it became irreversibly denatured. Thermal denaturation indicated a transition between 55° and 68°C; the solution at 80°C was partially renatured upon air-cooling back to room temperature. Addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate caused a sharp increase in -helix, which leveled off at 0.25 mM surfactant.  相似文献   

Transition metals have been frequently recognized as risk factors in neurodegenerative disorders, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer's disease are rich in Fe(III), Zn(II), and Cu(II). By using different biophysical techniques (nuclear magnetic resonance, circular dichroism, light scattering, and microcalorimetry), we have structurally characterized the binding of Cu(II) to a 198 amino acid fragment of the protein Tau that can mimic both the aggregation behavior and microtubule binding properties of the full-length protein. We demonstrate that Tau can specifically bind one Cu(II) ion per monomer with a dissociation constant in the micromolar range, an affinity comparable to the binding of Cu(II) to other proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases. NMR spectroscopy showed that two short stretches of residues, (287)VQSKCGS (293) and (310)YKPVDLSKVTSKCGS (324), are primarily involved in copper binding, in agreement with mutational analysis. According to circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy, Tau remains largely disordered upon binding to Cu(II), although a limited amount of aggregation is induced.  相似文献   

We analysed the theory of the coupled equilibria between a metal ion, a metal ion-binding dye and a metal ion-binding protein in order to develop a procedure for estimating the apparent affinity constant of a metal ion:protein complex. This can be done by analysing from measurements of the change in the concentration of the metal ion:dye complex with variation in the concentration of either the metal ion or the protein. Using experimentally determined values for the affinity constant of Cu(II) for the dye, 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylaxo)-5-(N-propyl-N-sulfopropylamino) aniline (5-Br-PSAA), this procedure was used to estimate the apparent affinity constants for formation of Cu(II):transthyretin, yielding values which were in agreement with literature values. An apparent affinity constant for Cu(II) binding to α-synuclein of ∼1 × 109 M−1 was obtained from measurements of tyrosine fluorescence quenching by Cu(II). This value was in good agreement with that obtained using 5-Br-PSAA. Our analysis and data therefore show that measurement of changes in the equilibria between Cu(II) and 5-Br-PSAA by Cu(II)-binding proteins provides a general procedure for estimating the affinities of proteins for Cu(II).  相似文献   

The binding of zinc(II) ions to apo-(bovine erythrocytes superoxide dismutase) was studied by 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy. Two zinc(II) ions bind to each subunit of the apoenzyme, and the first has a binding constant at least an order of magnitude larger than the second. The nature of the spectral changes that occur on binding the first zinc(II) ion are interpreted in terms of a change in the structure of the protein around the active site to one very similar to that of the holoenzyme, thus pre-forming the second zinc(II) binding site. The binding of the second zinc(II) ion effects changes in the environment of only those residues involved in its co-ordination.  相似文献   

Using a combination of ultraviolet-visible absorption, 1H NMR and ESR techniques we have established that N(1) of the imidazole and N(1) of the pyrimidine residues of bleomycin A2 bind to Cu(II) and Zn(II). The observations coupled with the earlier results that the alpha-amino group of the alpha-amino carboxamide function and the carbamoyl moiety are also Cu(II)-ligating groups makes it possible to reconstruct the detailed geometry and stereochemistry of the metal binding site of bleomycin A2.  相似文献   

Binding of zinc to Mung Bean Nuclease was investigated by anodic stripping voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry. These methods rely on the direct monitoring of the oxidation current of zinc in the absence and presence of Mung Bean Nuclease. Titration curves of Zn(2+) with the enzyme were obtained in concentrations ranging from 1.08x10(-9) to 1.07x10(-8) M and 1.16x10(-8) to 1.04x10(-7) M. The acquired data were used to calculate the dissociation constant and the stoichiometry of the complex. The binding sites of zinc in the Mung Bean Nuclease molecule were investigated using cyclic voltammetry. Two types of binding sites for zinc were identified and were attributed to a mononuclear exposed zinc-binding site with catalytic function and to an inaccessible binuclear zinc-binding site with structural functions.  相似文献   

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