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正Light is crucial for plants, not only because of photosynthesis, but also because of photomorphogenesis. As one of the most important environmental cues, light influences multiple responses in plants,including seed germination, seedling de-etiolation,shade avoidance, phototropism, stomata and chloroplast movement, circadian rhythms, and flowering  相似文献   

Membrane receptors for steroid hormones affect signaling pathways that modulate nuclear function, influence neuronal activity, ion flow, and the circulatory system. Indeed, 'new' steroid hormones have been identified by their interaction with membrane-initiated signaling systems. A brief summary of the FASEB Summer Research Conference devoted to these topics is presented in this mini-review. In addition, attendees of the meeting propose introduction of the following terminology: membrane-initiated steroid signaling (MISS) and nuclear-initiated steroid signaling (NISS) to replace more inaccurate terms in current use.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) are a diverse family of proteins that have specialized roles in secondary metabolism and in normal cell development. Two P450s in particular, CYP734A1 and CYP72C1, have been identified as brassinosteroid-inactivating enzymes important for steroid-mediated signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetic analyses have demonstrated that these P450s modulate growth throughout plant development. While members of the CYP734A subfamily inactivate brassinosteroids through C-26 hydroxylation, the biochemical activity of CYP72C1 is unknown. Because CYP734A1 and CYP72C1 in Arabidopsis diverge more than brassinosteroid inactivating P450s in other plants, this study examines the structure and biochemistry of each enzyme. Three-dimensional models were generated to examine the substrate binding site structures and determine how they might affect the function of each P450. These models have indicated that the active site of CYP72C1 does not contain several conserved amino acids typically needed for substrate hydroxylation. Heterologous expression of these P450s followed by substrate binding analyses have indicated that CYP734A1 binds active brassinosteroids, brassinolide and castasterone, as well as their upstream precursors whereas CYP72C1 binds precursors more effectively. Seedling growth assays have demonstrated that the genetic state of CYP734A1, but not CYP72C1, affected responsiveness to high levels of exogenous brassinolide supporting our observations that CYP72C1 acts on brassinolide precursors. Although there may be some overlap in their physiological function, the distinct biochemical functions of these proteins in Arabidopsis has significant potential to fine-tune the levels of different brassinosteroid hormones throughout plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Major advances have been made during the last decade in our understanding of adrenal steroid hormone biosynthesis. Two key players in these pathways are the human mitochondrial cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP11B1 and CYP11B2, which catalyze the final steps in the biosynthesis of cortisol and aldosterone. Using data from mutations found in patients suffering from steroid hormone-related diseases, from mutagenesis studies and from the construction of three-dimensional models of these enzymes, structural information could be deduced that provide a clue to the stereo- and regiospecific steroid hydroxylation reactions carried out by these enzymes. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the physiological function and the biochemistry of these enzymes. Furthermore, the pharmacological and toxicological importance of these steroid hydroxylases, the means for the identification of their potential inhibitors and possible biotechnological applications are discussed.  相似文献   

CD72, a 45-kDa type II transmembrane glycoprotein carrying an ITIM motif, is believed to be an inhibitory coreceptor of the BCR. Mature B cells lacking CD72 show enhanced Ca(2+) mobilization and are hyperproliferative in response to BCR ligation. However, the signal transduction pathways downstream of BCR signaling that transmit the inhibitory effect of CD72 in mature B cells remain unknown. To address this question, we used hen egg lysozyme-specific BCR transgenic mice to elucidate the differential cell signaling between wild-type and CD72-deficient B cells in response to hen egg lysozyme Ag stimulation. Our results demonstrate that CD72 predominantly down-regulates the major signal transduction pathways downstream of the BCR, including NF-AT, NF-kappaB, ERK, JNK, p38-MAPK, and PI3K/Akt in mature B cells. CD72 ligation with anti-CD72 Ab (K10.6), which mimics the binding of CD100 (a natural ligand for CD72) to release the inhibitory function of CD72, augments cell proliferation, Ca(2+) flux, IkappaBalpha activation, and ERK MAPK activity upon Ag stimulation in wild-type B cells. In addition, we show direct evidence that CD72 promotes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis after Ag stimulation in mature B cells. Taken together, our findings conclude that CD72 plays a dominant role as a negative regulator of BCR signaling in primary mature B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4: metabolism and signal transduction   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is known as one of the most potent chemoattractants and activators of leukocytes and is involved in inflammatory diseases. Enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and metabolism of LTB4 have been cloned, and their properties are well understood. Two G-protein-coupled receptors (BLT1 and BLT2) have been cloned and characterized. BLT1 and BLT2 are high- and low-affinity LTB4 receptors, respectively, and form a gene cluster in human and mouse. In this article recent findings on the metabolism of and the receptors for LTB4 are reviewed. We also discuss briefly a coreceptor role of BLT in HIV infection, and ion channel modification by LTB4.  相似文献   

The A-type response regulator ARR4 is an element in the two-component signalling network of Arabidopsis. ARR4 interacts with the N-terminus of the red/far-red light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) and functions as a modulator of photomorphogenesis. In concert with other A-type response regulators, ARR4 also participates in the modulation of the cytokinin response pathway. Here evidence is presented that ARR4 directly modulates the activity state of phyB in planta, not only under inductive but also under extended irradiation with red light. Mutation of the phosphorylatable aspartate to asparagine within the receiver domain creates a version of ARR4 that negatively affects photomorphogenesis. Additional evidence suggests that ARR4 activity is regulated by a phosphorelay mechanism that depends on the AHK family of cytokinin receptors. Accordingly, the ability of ARR4 to function on phyB is modified by exogenous application of cytokinin. These results implicate a cross-talk between cytokinin and light signalling mediated by ARR4. This cross-talk enables the plant to adjust light reponsiveness to endogenous requirements in growth and development.  相似文献   

A molecular modeling study of CYP27B1 suggests that Arg458 of mouse CYP27B1 is involved in interaction with adrenodoxin (ADX). Thus, we generated CYP27B1 mutants R458K and R458Q and revealed their enzymatic properties. Substrate-induced difference spectra and K(m) values for 1alpha-hydroxylation of 25(OH)D3 indicate that the replacement of Arg458 with Lys or Gln does not affect substrate binding. However, these mutants showed remarkable decreases of both kcat values and the ratio of product formation to NADPH oxidation (coupling efficiency). A high K(m) value of R458Q for ADX concentration and a decrease of rate constant of the first electron transfer seem reasonable considering that the conversion from Arg to noncharged Gln abolishes salt-bridge formation with the acidic residue of ADX. On the other hand, R458K showed atypical kinetics for ADX concentration with Hill's constant of 2.0 and high catalytic activity at high ADX concentration by increase of coupling efficiency. These results suggest that conformational change of R458K by binding the two ADX molecules is essential for 1alpha-hydroxylation of 25(OH)D3. On the other hand, binding one ADX molecule is sufficient for the conformational change of the wild-type CYP27B1, judging from its Michaelis-Menten-type kinetics for ADX concentration with high coupling efficiency. These results suggest that ADX functions as an effector for the oxygen transfer reaction in addition to being an electron donor for CYP27B1.  相似文献   



The previous published data on the association between CYP1A2*F (rs762551), CYP1B1 Leu432Val (rs1056836), Asn453Ser (rs180040), and Arg48Gly (rs10012) polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk remained controversial.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of CYP1A2*F, CYP1B1 Leu432Val, Asn453Ser, and Arg48Gly genotypes in colorectal cancer susceptibility. We performed a meta-analysis on all the eligible studies that provided 5,817 cases and 6,544 controls for CYP1A2*F (from 13 studies), 9219 cases and 10406 controls for CYP1B1 Leu432Val (from 12 studies), 6840 cases and 7761 controls for CYP1B1 Asn453Ser (from 8 studies), and 4302 cases and 4791 controls for CYP1B1Arg48Gly (from 6 studies). Overall, no significant association was found between CYP1A2*F, CYP1B1 Leu432Val, Asn453Ser, and Arg48Gly and colorectal cancer risk when all the eligible studies were pooled into the meta-analysis. And in the subgroup by ethnicity and source of controls, no evidence of significant association was observed in any subgroup analysis.


In summary, this meta-analysis indicates that CYP1A2*F, CYP1B1 Leu432Val, Asn453Ser, and Arg48Gly polymorphisms do not support an association with colorectal cancer, and further studies are needed to investigate the association. In addition, our work also points out the importance of new studies for CYP1A2*F polymorphism in Asians, because high heterogeneity was found (dominant model: I 2 = 81.3%; heterozygote model: I 2 = 79.0).  相似文献   

The oxidative burst in plant defense: Function and signal transduction   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
The rapid production and accumulation of active oxygen species (AOS), the oxidative burst, has been shown to occur in a variety of plant/pathogen systems. In particular, two species, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the superoxide radical anion O2? have received considerable attention. H2O2 and O2?, while acting directly as antimicrobial agents, may also serve as second messengers or catalysts in plants to activate a more diverse set of defense responses. Some of the better studied downstream responses promoted by AOS are (1) the cross-linking of cell wall proteins, (2) the induction of defense-related genes, (3) the stimulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis and (4) promotion of the hypersensitive response (HR). A useful model for studying the oxidative burst in plants is the neutrophil NADPH ox-idase complex, the primary source of AOS production in mammals. Several of the subunits of the neutrophil NADPH oxidase complex have been immunologically identified in plants. Furthermore, many of the components known to be involved in the signal transduction pathway in neutrophils have also been found to play a role in the oxidative burst in plants. Just as various ligands activate the oxidase complex in neutrophils, several ligands (elicitors or pathogens) also lead to induction of the oxidative burst in plant cells. The similarities between the neutrophil and plant oxidative bursts will be elaborated in this review. Following stimulation with elicitors, different signal transduction pathways are activated in plants, depending on the source of elicitor used. While the identities and chronologies of the major intermediates in these pathways remain largely unknown, there is strong evidence at least for participation of phospholipases, H+/K+ exchange, Ca2+ influxes, protein kinases and phosphatases, and GTP binding proteins. In an effort to integrate these various signaling events into a single scheme, we have constructed a hypothetical model that proposes how different elicitors might induce the oxidative burst in the same cell by different pathways.  相似文献   

Purine nucleotides transduce cell membrane receptor responses and modulate ion channel activity. This is accomplished through conformational change in the structure of nucleotides and cell membrane associated proteins. The aim of this study is to enhance our understanding of nucleotide dependence in regard to signal transduction events, drug action and pharmacological promiscuity. Nucleotides and ligand structures regulating Gα protein subunits, voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels are investigated for molecular similarity using a computational program. Results differentiate agonist and antagonist structures, identify molecular similarity within nucleotide and ligand structures and demonstrate the potential of ligands to regulate nucleotide conformational change. Relative molecular similarity within nucleotides and the ligands of the major receptor classes provides insight into mechanisms of receptor and ion channel regulation. The nucleotide template model has some merit as an initial screening tool in the study and comparison of drug and hormone structures.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid receptor accumulates in nuclei only in the presence of bound hormone, whereas the estrogen receptor has been reported to be constitutively nuclear. To investigate this distinction, we compared the nuclear localization domains of the two receptors and the capacity of their respective hormone-binding regions to regulate nuclear localization activity. As with the glucocorticoid receptor, we showed that the human estrogen receptor contained a nuclear localization signal between the DNA-binding and hormone-binding regions (amino acids 256-303); however, in contrast to the glucocorticoid receptor, the estrogen receptor lacked a second nuclear localization domain within the hormone-binding region. Moreover, the hormone-binding domain of the unliganded estrogen receptor failed to regulate nuclear localization signals, although it efficiently regulated other receptor functions. We conclude that the two receptors employ a common mechanism for signal transduction involving a novel "inactivation" function, but that they differ in their control of nuclear localization. Thus, despite the strong relatedness of the estrogen and glucocorticoid receptors in structure and activity, certain differences in their properties could have important functional implications.  相似文献   

Cytokinins are essential hormones for the proper growth and development of plants. They exert their actions through the phosphorylation of two-component signaling factors. The two-component elements in cytokinin signaling display not only overlapping, but also specific functions throughout a life cycle. These elements regulate the development of shoots, roots, and inflorescence meristems inArabidopsis; shoot meristems in rice; and nodule formation in the lotus. They are also involved in interactions between plants and pathogens. In this review, we examine the mechanism for signaling events initiated by cytokinins inArabidopsis.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal proteins provide the structural foundation that allows cells to exist in a highly organized manner. Recent evidence suggests that certain cytoskeletal proteins not only maintain structural integrity, but might also be associated with signal transduction and suppression of tumorigenesis. Since the time of the discovery of tensin, a fair amount of data has been gathered which supports the notion that tensin is one such protein possessing these characteristics. In this review, we discuss recent studies that: (1) elucidate a role for tensin in maintenance of cellular structure and signal transduction; (2) implicate tensin as the anchor for actin filaments at the focal adhesion; (3) describe the phosphorylation of tensin; (4) describe potential targets for its Src homology region 2 domain; (5) describe the association between tensin and the nuclear protein p130; and (6) demonstrate that increased tensin expression in a cell line appears to reduce its transformation potential.  相似文献   

Recent trends in new drug discovery of anticancer drugs have made oncologists more aware of the fact that the new drug discovery must target the developing mechanism of tumorigenesis to improve the therapeutic efficacy of antineoplastic drugs. The drugs designed are expected to have high affinity towards the novel targets selectively. Current research highlights overexpression of CYP450s, particularly cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), in tumour cells, representing a novel target for anticancer therapy. However, the CYP1 family is identified as posing significant problems in selectivity of anticancer molecules towards CYP1A1. Three members have been identified in the human CYP1 family: CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP1B1. Although sequences of the three isoform have high sequence identity, they have distinct substrate specificities. The understanding of macromolecular features that govern substrate specificity is required to understand the interplay between the protein function and dynamics, design novel antitumour compounds that could be specifically metabolized by only CYP1A1 to mediate their antitumour activity and elucidate the reasons for differences in substrate specificity profile among the three proteins. In the present study, we employed a combination of computational methodologies: molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. We utilized eight substrates for elucidating the difference in substrate specificity of the three isoforms. Lastly, we conclude that the substrate specificity of a particular substrate depends upon the type of the active site residues, the dynamic motions in the protein structure upon ligand binding and the physico‐chemical characteristics of a particular ligand. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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