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Ercan S  Lieb JD 《Cell》2008,133(5):763-765
The histone acetyltransferase MOF (males-absent-on-the-first) is required for the regulation of X chromosome gene dosage compensation in Drosophila males. In this issue, Kind et al. (2008) show that MOF is also found on autosomes and that it has two modes of binding: one in males for X chromosome dosage compensation and the other in both sexes for X chromosome and autosomal gene regulation independent of dosage compensation.  相似文献   

DEAD-box protein (Dbp) family members are essential for gene expression; however, their precise roles and regulation are not fully defined. During messenger (m)RNA export, Gle1 bound to inositol hexakisphosphate (IP(6)) acts via Dbp5 to facilitate remodeling of mRNA-protein complexes. In contrast, here we define a novel Gle1 role in translation initiation through regulation of a different DEAD-box protein, the initiation factor Ded1. We find that Gle1 physically and genetically interacts with Ded1. Surprisingly, whereas Gle1 stimulates Dbp5, it inhibits Ded1 ATPase activity in vitro, and IP(6) does not affect this inhibition. Functionally, a gle1-4 mutant specifically suppresses initiation defects in a ded1-120 mutant, and ded1 and gle1 mutants have complementary perturbations in AUG start site recognition. Consistent with this role in initiation, Gle1 inhibits translation in vitro in competent extracts. These results indicate that Gle1 has a direct role in initiation and negatively regulates Ded1. Together, the differential regulation of two distinct DEAD-box proteins by a common factor (Gle1) establishes a new paradigm for controlling gene expression and coupling translation with mRNA export.  相似文献   

Gle1 is a conserved, essential regulator of DEAD-box RNA helicases, with critical roles defined in mRNA export, translation initiation, translation termination, and stress granule formation. Mechanisms that specify which, where, and when DDXs are targeted by Gle1 are critical to understand. In addition to roles for stress-induced phosphorylation and inositol hexakisphosphate binding in specifying Gle1 function, Gle1 oligomerizes via its N-terminal domain in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. However, a thorough analysis of the role for Gle1 self-association is lacking. Here, we find that Gle1 self-association is driven by two distinct regions: a coiled-coil domain and a novel 10-amino acid aggregation-prone region, both of which are necessary for proper Gle1 oligomerization. By exogenous expression in HeLa cells, we tested the function of a series of mutations that impact the oligomerization domains of the Gle1A and Gle1B isoforms. Gle1 oligomerization is necessary for many, but not all aspects of Gle1A and Gle1B function, and the requirements for each interaction domain differ. Whereas the coiled-coil domain and aggregation-prone region additively contribute to competent mRNA export and stress granule formation, both self-association domains are independently required for regulation of translation under cellular stress. In contrast, Gle1 self-association is dispensable for phosphorylation and nonstressed translation initiation. Collectively, we reveal self-association functions as an additional mode of Gle1 regulation to ensure proper mRNA export and translation. This work also provides further insight into the mechanisms underlying human gle1 disease mutants found in prenatally lethal forms of arthrogryposis.  相似文献   

Uptake of Ca(2+) by mitochondria serves as a regulator of a number of important cellular functions, including energy metabolism, cytoplasmic Ca(2+) signals, and apoptosis. Recent findings reveal that the process of Ca(2+) uptake by the mitochondrial uniporter is itself regulated by Ca(2+) in a temporally complex manner.  相似文献   

Bolger TA  Folkmann AW  Tran EJ  Wente SR 《Cell》2008,134(4):624-633
Gene expression requires proper messenger RNA (mRNA) export and translation. However, the functional links between these consecutive steps have not been fully defined. Gle1 is an essential, conserved mRNA export factor whose export function is dependent on the small molecule inositol hexakisphosphate (IP(6)). Here, we show that both Gle1 and IP(6) are required for efficient translation termination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and that Gle1 interacts with termination factors. In addition, Gle1 has a conserved physical association with the initiation factor eIF3, and gle1 mutants display genetic interactions with the eIF3 mutant nip1-1. Strikingly, gle1 mutants have defects in initiation, whereas strains lacking IP(6) do not. We propose that Gle1 functions together with IP(6) and the DEAD-box protein Dbp5 to regulate termination. However, Gle1 also independently mediates initiation. Thus, Gle1 is uniquely positioned to coordinate the mRNA export and translation mechanisms. These results directly impact models for perturbation of Gle1 function in pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Production of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) by Ipk1, the inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase, is required for Gle1-mediated mRNA export in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. To examine the network of interactions that require IP6 production, an analysis of fitness defects was conducted in mutants harboring both an ipk1 null allele and a mutant allele in genes encoding nucleoporins or transport factors. Enhanced lethality was observed with a specific subset of mutants, including nup42, nup116, nup159, dbp5, and gle2, all of which had been previously connected to Gle1 function. Complementation of the nup116Deltaipk1Delta and nup42Deltaipk1Delta double mutants did not require the Phe-Gly repeat domains in the respective nucleoporins, suggesting that IP6 was acting subsequent to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein targeting to the nuclear pore complex. With Nup42 and Nup159 localized exclusively to the nuclear pore complex cytoplasmic side, we speculated that IP6 may regulate a cytoplasmic step in mRNA export. To test this prediction, the spatial requirements for the production of IP6 were investigated. Restriction of Ipk1 to the cytoplasm did not block IP6 production. Moreover, coincident sequestering of both Ipk1 and Mss4 (an enzyme required for phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate production) to the cytoplasm also did not block IP6 production. Given that the kinase required for inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate production (Ipk2) is localized in the nucleus, these results indicated that soluble inositides were diffusing between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Additionally, the cytoplasmic production of IP6 by plasma membrane-anchored Ipk1 rescued a gle1-2 ipk1-4 synthetic lethal mutant. Thus, cytoplasmic IP6 production is sufficient for mediating the Gle1-mRNA export pathway.  相似文献   

Dbp5, DDX19 in humans, is an essential DEAD-box protein involved in mRNA export, which has also been linked to other cellular processes, including rRNA export and translation. Dbp5 ATPase activity is regulated by several factors, including RNA, the nucleoporin proteins Nup159 and Gle1, and the endogenous small-molecule inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6). To better understand how these factors modulate Dbp5 activity and how this modulation relates to in vivo RNA metabolism, a detailed characterization of the Dbp5 mechanochemical cycle in the presence of those regulators individually or together is necessary. In this study, we test the hypothesis that Nup159 controls the ADP-bound state of Dbp5. In addition, the contributions of Mg2+ to the kinetics and thermodynamics of ADP binding to Dbp5 were assessed. Using a solution based in vitro approach, Mg2+ was found to slow ADP and ATP release from Dbp5 and increased the overall ADP and ATP affinities, as observed with other NTPases. Furthermore, Nup159 did not accelerate ADP release, while Gle1 actually slowed ADP release independent of Mg2+. These findings are not consistent with Nup159 acting as a nucleotide exchange factor to promote ADP release and Dbp5 ATPase cycling. Instead, in the presence of Nup159, the interaction between Gle1 and ADP-bound Dbp5 was found to be reduced by ~ 18-fold, suggesting that Nup159 alters the Dbp5–Gle1 interaction to aid Gle1 release from Dbp5.  相似文献   

Regulation of nuclear mRNA export is critical for proper eukaryotic gene expression. A key step in this process is the directional translocation of mRNA-ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) that are embedded in the nuclear envelope. Our previous studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae defined an in vivo role for inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) and NPC-associated Gle1 in mRNA export. Here, we show that Gle1 and InsP6 act together to stimulate the RNA-dependent ATPase activity of the essential DEAD-box protein Dbp5. Overexpression of DBP5 specifically suppressed mRNA export and growth defects of an ipk1 nup42 mutant defective in InsP6 production and Gle1 localization. In vitro kinetic analysis showed that InsP6 significantly increased Dbp5 ATPase activity in a Gle1-dependent manner and lowered the effective RNA concentration for half-maximal ATPase activity. Gle1 alone had minimal effects. Maximal InsP6 binding required both Dbp5 and Gle1. It has been suggested that Dbp5 requires unidentified cofactors. We now propose that Dbp5 activation at NPCs requires Gle1 and InsP6. This would facilitate spatial control of the remodelling of mRNP protein composition during directional transport and provide energy to power transport cycles.  相似文献   

The unidirectional translocation of messenger RNA (mRNA) through the aqueous channel of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is mediated by interactions between soluble mRNA export factors and distinct binding sites on the NPC. At the cytoplasmic side of the NPC, the conserved mRNA export factors Gle1 and inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) play an essential role in mRNA export by activating the ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dbp5, promoting localized messenger ribonucleoprotein complex remodeling, and ensuring the directionality of the export process. In addition, Dbp5, Gle1, and IP6 are also required for proper translation termination. However, the specificity of the IP6-Gle1 interaction in vivo is unknown. Here, we characterize the biochemical interaction between Gle1 and IP6 and the relationship to Dbp5 binding and stimulation. We identify Gle1 residues required for IP6 binding and show that these residues are needed for IP6-dependent Dbp5 stimulation in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Gle1 is the primary target of IP6 for both mRNA export and translation termination in vivo. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, the IP6-binding mutants recapitulate all of the mRNA export and translation termination defects found in mutants depleted of IP6. We conclude that Gle1 specifically binds IP6 and that this interaction is required for the full potentiation of Dbp5 ATPase activity during both mRNA export and translation termination.  相似文献   

The protein Gle1 is required for export of mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in both lower and higher eukaryotic cells. In human (h) cells, shuttling of hGle1 between the nucleus and cytoplasm is essential for bulk mRNA export. To date, no hGle1-interacting proteins have been reported and the mechanism by which hGle1 interacts with the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and mediates export is unknown. To identify proteins that can interact with hGle1, a genome-wide yeast two-hybrid screen was performed. Three potential hGle1-interacting partners were isolated, including clones encoding the C-terminal region of the NPC protein hNup155. This interaction between hGle1 and full-length hNup155 was confirmed in vitro, and deletion analysis identified the N-terminal 29 residues of hGle1 as the hNup155-binding domain. Experiments in HeLa cells confirmed that the nuclear rim localization of the major hGle1 protein variant (hGle1B) was dependent on the presence of these 29 N-terminal residues. This suggests that this domain of hGle1 is necessary for targeting to the NPC. This work also characterizes the first domain in hNup155, a 177 C-terminal amino acid span that binds to hGle1. The mutual interaction between hGle1 and the symmetrically distributed nuclear pore protein Nup155 suggests a model in which hGle1's association with hNup155 may represent a step in the Gle1-mediated mRNA export pathway.  相似文献   

Comment on: Zakharyevich K, et al. Mol Cell 2010; 40:1001-15.  相似文献   

Complex formation among the RNA export proteins Nup98, Rae1/Gle2, and TAP   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Most nucleocytoplasmic traffic through the nuclear pore complex is mediated by soluble receptors of the importin/exportin or karyopherin family. mRNA export is unique in that no receptor of this family has been implicated in trafficking of the bulk of mRNAs. Instead, many diverse proteins have been linked to mRNA export, but an all-encompassing model remains elusive. Understanding how these proteins interact with each other is central to the development of such a model. Here, we have focused on the interactions between three proteins implicated in mRNA export, Nup98, Rae1/Gle2, and TAP. We have defined the binary complexes that form among these proteins. We find that Gle2 requires two sites within TAP for stable interaction. Strikingly, rather than a general affinity for all nucleoporin FG repeats, TAP has highest affinity for a specific region within the GLFG domain of Nup98, indicating that not all repeats are identical in function. We have established that the ternary complex can form through simultaneous binding of both Gle2 and TAP to adjacent sites on Nup98. In contrast, Nup98 competes with TAP for Gle2 binding; when bound to Nup98, Gle2 no longer interacts directly with TAP. From these interactions, we propose that Gle2 may act to deliver TAP to Nup98 and that this may represent the first in a series of interactions between an export complex and a nucleoporin.  相似文献   

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