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The 86-kDa major immediate-early protein (IE2/IEP86) of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) contains a serine-rich region (amino acids 258 to 275) with several consensus casein kinase II (CKII) sites. We performed extensive mutational analysis of this region, changing serines to alternating alanines and glycines. Mutation of the serines between amino acids 266 and 275 eliminated in vitro phosphorylation by CKII. In vitro CKII phosphorylation of the serines between amino acids 266 and 269 or between amino acids 271 and 275 inhibited the ability of IE2/IEP86 to bind to TATA-binding protein. Correspondingly, nonphosphorylatable mutants in these regions showed increased activation of specific HCMV gene promoters in transfection studies. Viruses containing mutations of the serines throughout the entire region (amino acids 258 to 275) or the second half (amino acids 266 to 275) of the region showed delayed expression of all viral proteins tested and, correspondingly, delayed growth compared to wild-type HCMV. Mutation of the serines in the first half of the serine-rich region (amino acids 258 to 264) or between amino acids 266 and 269 propagated very slowly and has not been further studied. In contrast, mutation of the serines between amino acids 271 and 275 resulted in accelerated virus growth and accelerated temporal expression of viral proteins. These results suggest that the serine-rich region is structurally complex, possibly affecting multiple functions of IE2/IEP86. The data show that the phosphorylation state of the serine-rich region, particularly between amino acids 271 and 275, modulates the temporal expression of viral genes.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early (MIE) genes, encoding IE1 p72 and IE2 p86, are activated by a complex enhancer region (base positions -65 to -550) that operates in a cell type- and differentiation-dependent manner. The expression of MIE genes is required for HCMV replication. Previous studies analyzing functions of MIE promoter-enhancer segments suggest that the distal enhancer region variably modifies MIE promoter activity, depending on cell type, stimuli, or state of differentiation. To further understand the mechanism by which the MIE promoter is regulated, we constructed and analyzed several different recombinant HCMVs that lack the distal enhancer region (-300 to -582, -640, or -1108). In human fibroblasts, the HCMVs without the distal enhancer replicate normally at high multiplicity of infection (MOI) but replicate poorly at low MOI in comparison to wild-type virus (WT) or HCMVs that lack the neighboring upstream unique region and modulator (-582 or -640 to -1108). The growth aberrancy was normalized after restoring the distal enhancer in a virus lacking this region. For HCMVs without a distal enhancer, the impairment in replication at low MOI corresponds to a deficiency in production of MIE RNAs compared to WT or virus lacking the unique region and modulator. An underproduction of viral US3 RNA was also evident at low MOI. Whether lower production of IE1 p72 and IE2 p86 causes a reduction in expression of the immediate-early (IE) class US3 gene remains to be determined. We conclude that the MIE distal enhancer region possesses a mechanism for augmenting viral IE gene expression and genome replication at low MOI, but this regulatory function is unnecessary at high MOI.  相似文献   

Using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology, we have constructed and characterized a human cytomegalovirus recombinant virus with a mutation in the exon specific for the major immediate-early region 2 (IE2) gene product. The resulting IE2 86-kDa protein (IE2 86) has an internal deletion of amino acids 136 to 290 and is fused at the carboxy terminus to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). The deletion also removes the promoter and initiator methionine for the p40 form of IE2 and initiator methionine for the p60 form of the protein, and therefore, these late gene products are not produced. The mutant virus IE2 86 Delta SX-EGFP is viable but exhibits altered growth characteristics in tissue culture compared with a full-length wild-type (wt) IE2 86-EGFP virus or a revertant virus. When cells are infected with the mutant virus at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI), there is a marked delay in the production of infectious virus. This is associated with slower cell-to-cell spread of the virus. By immunofluorescence and Western blot analyses, we show that the early steps in the replication of the mutant virus are comparable to those for the wt. Although there is significantly less IE2 protein in the cells infected with the mutant, there is only a modest lag in the initial accumulation of IE1 72 and viral early proteins, and viral DNA replication proceeds normally. The mutation also has only a small effect on the synthesis of the viral major capsid protein. The most notable molecular defect in the mutant virus infection is that the steady-state levels of the pp65 (UL83) and pp28 (UL99) matrix proteins are greatly reduced. In the case of UL83, but not UL99, there is also a corresponding decrease in the amount of mRNA present in cells infected with the mutant virus.  相似文献   

The 86-kDa immediate-early 2 protein (IE2 86) of human cytomegalovirus is a powerful transactivator of homologous and heterologous promoters, including the human cytomegalovirus 1.2-kb RNA early promoter. Two potential mechanisms for gene activation by IE2 86 include interaction with cellular proteins and direct DNA binding. In this report, we show that the 1.2-kb RNA promoter contains a cis-acting AP-1 site, critical for its activation by IE2 86 in vivo, and that IE2 86, purified as a glutathione S-transferase-IE86 fusion protein, can interact with c-Jun and JunB. Additionally, by coimmunoprecipitation, we document that JunB and IE2 86 do associate in vivo. Further in vitro analysis reveals that Fos proteins are able to associate with glutathione S-transferase-IE86 only when present as a Jun-Fos heterodimer. With a set of IE2 86 mutants, we demonstrate that three independent regions of the IE2 86 interact in vitro with c-Jun, two of which are essential for activation of the 1.2-kb RNA promoter in vivo. We also show that IE2 86 can bind directly to this promoter through a sequence located just upstream of the AP-1 site between nucleotides -125 and -97. This discrete domain shares sequence homology with the cis-repression signal on the IE gene.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early (IE) proteins share an 85-amino-acid N-terminal domain specified by exons 2 and 3 of the major IE region, UL122-123. We have constructed IE Delta30-77, a recombinant virus that lacks the majority of IE exon 3 and consequently expresses smaller forms of both IE1 72- and IE2 86-kDa proteins. The mutant virus is viable but growth impaired at both high and low multiplicities of infection and exhibits a kinetic defect that is not rescued by growth in fibroblasts expressing IE1 72-kDa protein. The kinetics of mutant IE2 protein accumulation in IE Delta30-77 virus-infected cells are approximately normal compared to wild-type virus-infected cells, but the IE Delta30-77 virus is delayed in expression of early viral genes, including UL112-113 and UL44, and does not sustain expression of mutant IE1 protein as the infection progresses. Additionally, cells infected with IE Delta30-77 exhibit altered expression of cellular proteins compared to wild-type HCMV-infected cells. PML is not dispersed but is retained at ND10 sites following infection with IE Delta30-77 mutant virus. While the deletion mutant retains the ability to mediate the stabilization of cyclin B1, cdc6, and geminin in infected cells, its capacity to upregulate the expression of cyclin E has been reduced. These data indicate that the activity of one or both of the HCMV major IE proteins is required in vivo for the modulation of cell cycle proteins observed in cells infected with wild-type HCMV.  相似文献   

Primary human embryo lung fibroblasts and adult diploid fibroblasts infected by the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) display beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) activity at neutral pH (senescence-associated beta-Gal [SA-beta-Gal] activity) and overexpression of the plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) gene, two widely recognized markers of the process designated premature cell senescence. This activity is higher when cells are serum starved for 48 h before infection, a process that speeds and facilitates HCMV infection but that is insufficient by itself to induce senescence. Fibroblasts infected by HCMV do not incorporate bromodeoxyuridine, a prerequisite for the formal definition of senescence. At the molecular level, cells infected by HCMV, beside the accumulation of large amounts of the cell cycle regulators p53 and pRb, the latter in its hyperphosphorylated form, display a strong induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (cdki) p16(INK4a), a direct effector of the senescence phenotype in fibroblasts, and a decrease of the cdki p21(CIP1/WAF). Finally, a replicative senescence state in the early phases of infection significantly increased the number of cells permissive to virus infection and enhanced HCMV replication. HCMV infection assays carried out in the presence of phosphonoformic acid, which inhibits the virus DNA polymerase and the expression of downstream genes, indicated that immediate-early and/or early (alpha) genes are sufficient for the induction of SA-beta-Gal activity. When baculovirus vectors expressing HCMV IE1-72 or IE2-86 proteins were inoculated into fibroblasts, the increase of p16(INK4a) (observed predominantly with IE2-86) was similar to that observed with the whole virus, as was the induction of SA-beta-Gal activity, suggesting that the viral IE2 gene leads infected cells into senescence. Altogether our results demonstrate for the first time that HCMV, after arresting the cell cycle and inhibiting apoptosis, triggers the cellular senescence program, probably through the p16(INK4a) and p53 pathways.  相似文献   

When screening a number of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) temperature-sensitive mutants for defects in viral gene expression, we observed that H5ts1-infected 293 cells accumulated reduced levels of newly synthesized viral late proteins. Pulse-labeling and pulse-chase experiments were used to establish that the late proteins synthesized in H5ts1-infected cells under nonpermissive conditions were as stable as those made in Ad5-infected cells. H5ts1-infected cells contained normal levels of viral late mRNAs. Because these observations implied that translation of viral mRNA species was defective in mutant virus-infected cells, the association of viral late mRNAs with polyribosomes was examined during the late phase of infection at a nonpermissive temperature. In Ad5-infected cells, the majority of the viral L2, L3, L4, pIX, and IVa2 late mRNA species were polyribosome bound. By contrast, these same mRNA species were recovered from H5ts1-infected cells in fractions nearer the top of polyribosome gradients, suggesting that initiation of translation was impaired. During the late phase of infection, neither the polyribosome association nor the translation of most viral early mRNA species was affected by the H5ts1 mutation. This lesion, mapped by marker rescue to the L4 100-kilodalton (kDa) nonstructural protein, has been identified as a single base pair substitution that replaces Ser-466 of the Ad5 100-kDa protein with Pro. A set of temperature-independent revertants of H5ts1 was isolated and characterized. Either true reversion of the H5ts1 mutation or second-site mutation of Pro-466 of the H5ts1 100-kDa protein to Thre, Leu, or His restored both temperature-independent growth and the efficient synthesis of viral late proteins. We therefore conclude that the Ad5 L4 100-kDa protein is necessary for efficient initiation of translation of viral late mRNA species during the late phase of infection.  相似文献   

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