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A study was conducted on the germination traits and seed-bank dynamics ofOenothera glazioviana (=O. erythrosepala), which sets seed in August in sand-dune systems in Japan. More than 90% of freshly matured seeds germinated over a wide range of temperature in light, but less than 10% did so in continuous darkness. Stratification (chilling under moist conditions) was ineffective in diminishing the light-requirement for germination. When fresh seeds were imbibed for 24 h including a 12-h light period, followed by 7-day air-drying, 94% of them became germinable in the dark at 25°C, but remained dormant at less than 15°C. of seeds collected in March from capsules of dead plants, 58% germinated in the dark at 25°C. After four cycles of alternatc 1-day wetting followed by 2-day drying or 1.5-day wetting followed by 1.5-day drying under a 12-h photoperiod, the fraction of viable seeds declined from 76% to 40% and 22%, respectively, due to germination during the wet periods. Seed-bag experiments were conducted in the field, using seeds given and not given a light-stimulus. Forty percent of the light-stimulated seeds germinated in the soil, whereas the seeds without a light-stimulus remained dormant throughout the experiment. When seeds were placed on the soil surface or at a depth of 0.5-1 cm, the proportion of germinable seeds declined during late spring and autumn, but not during winter and early spring. The seed-bank size of a natural population just prior to current seed dispersal was 2–3% of the seed production in the previous year, suggesting a high turnover rate of the seed-bank.  相似文献   


The seed-bank and the dynamics of a Polygonum hydropiper L. community were investigated. The study area is located along the Po river in the Central-West Po plane (Northern Italy), in Piedmont, near Alessandria. The seed-bank in the soil was investigated by means of a simplified procedure of seasonal sampling and germination tests while the dynamics of the Polygonum community was investigated within a permanent square. Results indicate that: i) The Polygonum hydropiper community has strong growth potential because it has a source of biodiversity in its reservoir of germinable seeds of different species. River overflows act both as disturbance and as vectors for propagules, selecting the species that can grow and develop within the vegetation, and the species that will be left as seeds in the soil; ii) species diversity and dominance vary with vegetation stage (seed bank, pioneer stages and mature stages); iii) two types of seed-bank were present in the soil we analysed: a transient one and a persistent one.  相似文献   

The drawdown zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region was assumed to be completely formed in 2009 and the water level would range from ~145 m in flood season (summer) to ~175 m during non-flood season (winter). The soil seed bank is an important propagule source for vegetation restoration. In order to evaluate the potential of the soil seed bank to revegetate the drawdown zone of this region, we examined the quantitative relationships between the germinable soil seed bank and the established vertical and horizontal vegetation patterns. A total of 45 soil samples at four sites was collected to examine seed bank density, species richness, and composition using the seedling-emergence method. Forty-five species (from 20 families) germinated from the soil seed bank, and the average seed density was 4578 m−2. The seed bank was dominated by annual plants, suggesting reestablishment of some above-ground species was plausible. However, most established woody plants and perennials were absent from the seed bank indicating a low probability of reestablishment for non-annuals through the seed bank. Thus, due to low species compositional similarity to extant vegetation and the dominance of annual plants, the soil seed bank had a low potential to restore pre-dam vegetation in the drawdown zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, but its potential as a propagule source should be considered regarding the management of the drawdown zone for vegetation cover.  相似文献   

In order to predict species-specific potential to form persistent soil seed-banks and to characterize the dynamics of their seed-banks, the seed dormancy/germination traits of seven Persicaria (Polygonum s.lat.) species sharing lakeshore habitats in central Japan were examined. Strict light requirements for seed germination were not observed in any of the species examined. Although all species required moist chilling (0–6 weeks) to break seed dormancy and were sensitive to temperature fluctuation, the degree of both responses varied between species. Seed germination of Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach, Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) S.F. Gray, and Persicaria longiseta (De Bruyn) Kitag. was more accelerated by temperature fluctuation and required shorter chilling periods compared with Persicaria japonica (Meisn.) H. Gross, Persicaria maackiana (Regel) Nakai, Persicaria thunbergii (Sieb. et Zucc.) H. Gross, and Persicaria sieboldi (Maisn.) Onki. Secondary dormancy was induced in all species at higher temperatures (24 and 30°C). A persistent seed-bank strategy suggested by the dormancy/germination traits of the studied species was also demonstrated by seedling emergence from surface soils collected from the natural habitat immediately before seed dispersal, as well as by viable seed persistence for 13 months in the field in a seed burial experiment. In the natural habitat, the species with longer chilling requirements occurred in various microhabitats, including the interior of moist tall grasslands, whereas the species having higher sensitivity to temperature fluctuation were most frequently found in sparsely vegetated microhabitats.  相似文献   

The seed banks in the soils of seven mature beech forests in southern Sweden were examined using the seedling-emergence method. Seedling emergence in the field was also studied. In the studied forests, covering a wide range of vegetation and soil types, between 1020 and 4500 germinating seeds m−2 were found in the seed bank. Seed abundance showed no apparent relationship with the type of soil or vegetation at the sites, but the highest number of species in the seed bank was found on the mull sites. The species diversity of germinative seeds increased strongly with increasing soil fertility.
Only a minor part (10–35%) of the species in the germinable part of the seed bank were represented in the vegetation. Soil samples from the oligotrophic sites mainly contained graminoids, notably Carex spp., while herbs dominated the seed banks of the rich mull sites. Seeds of e.g. Stellaria nemorum, Oxalis acetosella, Moehringia trinervia, Viola rivinianalreichenbachiana, Melica uniflora , and Milium effusum were especially abundant in the mull soils. Woody species were infrequent on all sites, and no representatives of the early spring flora were noted in the germination tests.
In the mor and moder soils most seeds were recovered from the mineral soil, and they were believed to originate from early stages in the succession of the forest. Several sites had comparatively large seed banks of species that typically occur in disturbed forests, e.g. Juncus effusus and Rubus idaeus , but very few germinating seeds belonged to species restricted to non-forest habitats. Emerging seedlings in the field were only observed on the mull and moder sites. With few exceptions they belonged to species, which were common both in the seed banks and in the vegetation.  相似文献   

The seed-bank dynamics of cerrado, a savanna-like vegetation type in central Brazil, was monitored for a year after a fire event in the mid-dry season. Fifty paired soil and litter samples were collected 1 day before and 1 day after the fire to record the immediate effects on the seed bank, and thereafter at monthly intervals to investigate the post-fire seed bank dynamics. The samples were hand-sorted and the intact seeds were classified as monocot or dicot and counted. All seeds underwent germination trials in a germination chamber for 1 month. Seeds that did not germinate were checked for the presence and viability of the embryo. The sorted soil samples were placed in a greenhouse for 6 months, and the count of emerging seedlings was added to the number of germinated and dormant seeds from the germination trials to estimate the total number of viable seeds per sample. The fire did not affect the total seed-bank density: 63 ± 8 seeds m?2 before the fire, and 83 ± 20 seeds m?2 (mean ± se) immediately after it. Although monocots represented 65 % of the pre-fire seed bank, 1 year after the fire, the monocot seed density did not reach the pre-fire value, whereas the density of dicot seeds increased threefold. After the fire, the viable seed density and species richness, decreased with the onset of the rainy season coinciding with germination in the field. Therefore, post-fire recruitment increases genetic variability and contributes to the persistence of plant populations in cerrado communities.  相似文献   

Seed banks are of vital importance for local plant persistence and recruitment, for maintaining both plant and genetic diversity and for habitat restoration. Yet, seed-bank dynamics, particularly on the long term and in deciduous forests, remain poorly understood. Additionally, information on compositional seed-bank differences under contrasting tree canopies remains scarce.This study aims at quantifying long-term seed-bank dynamics by sampling vegetation and seed banks along a four-stage successional chronosequence (40, 80, 120 and 250 years) using 12 10 m×10 m plots per forest stand age–class under fully developed oak–hornbeam and beech canopies.Seed banks were remarkably abundant and diverse. Species richness and seed density declined steeply with forest stand age, regardless of canopy species. Seed-bank composition differed significantly with stand age, yet also with tree species. Most likely, tree species-dependent ecosystem engineer effects on light availability and possibly also litter quality affect the seed bank through the vegetation. Compositional differences between seed banks from stands with a different canopy diminished with increasing stand age, possibly due to a gradual loss of species with a less persistent seed bank.Long-term seed-bank dynamics in deciduous forests seem to consist predominantly of a unidirectional and predictable depletion of the seed bank as long as large disturbances, which would allow seed-bank replenishment of early-successional species, are lacking. Furthermore, forest seed-banks appear to converge upon a characteristic seed bank in the later stages of forest development, irrespective of canopy composition, driven by seed-bank depletion and limited input from the herb layer.  相似文献   

  • 1 The relationship of the seed bank to the vegetation of a freshwater marsh was studied along gradients of water depth and soil organic matter content. Characters examined included standing crop, seedling density, and species composition, distribution and richness.
  • 2 The seed bank differed from the vegetation in that only nine of twenty-seven species were present in both, abundant seed-bank species were uncommon as adults, and adults showed different distributions along a gradient of soil organic matter content whereas their seeds were most abundant in soils with high organic matter.
  • 3 The seed bank resembled the vegetation in that separate multivariate analyses of the communities revealed that variation in the species composition of each was significantly correlated with water depth and soil organic matter content. Further, species richness in both communities decreased with water depth and increased with soil organic matter content. Lastly, the standing crop of the vegetation and the number of seedlings both decreased with water depth and increased with soil organic matter.
  • 4 Consideration of spatial patterns and environmental gradients revealed more similarities between vegetation and seed banks than were obtained by comparing species lists. The results suggest that artificial stimulation of seed bank germination for management purposes will not produce vegetation changes as large as those suggested by differences in species lists.

Global warming is occurring more rapidly above the treeline than at lower elevations and alpine areas are predicted to experience above average warming in the future. Temperature is a primary factor in stimulating seed germination and regulating changes in seed dormancy status. Thus, plant regeneration from seed will be crucial to the persistence, migration and post disturbance recruitment of alpine plants in future climates. Here, we present the first assessment of the impact of soil warming on germination from the persistent alpine soil seed bank. Contrary to expectations, soil warming lead to reduced overall germination from the soil seed bank. However, germination response to soil temperature was species specific such that total species richness actually increased by nine with soil warming. We further explored the system by assessing the prevalence of seed dormancy and germination response to soil disturbance, the frequency of which is predicted to increase under climate change. Seeds of a significant proportion of species demonstrated physiological dormancy mechanisms and germination of several species appeared to be intrinsically linked to soil disturbance. In addition, we found no evidence of subalpine species and little evidence of exotic weed species in the soil, suggesting that the soil seed bank will not facilitate their invasion of the alpine zone. In conclusion, changes in recruitment via the alpine soil seed bank can be expected under climate change, as a result of altered dormancy alleviation and germination cues. Furthermore, the alpine soil seed bank, and the species richness therein, has the potential to help maintain local species diversity, support species range shift and moderate species dominance. Implications for alpine management and areas for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

We analysed the submerged soil seed bank of three fishponds in the Waldviertel region in Austria. We aimed our study at comparing the efficiency of two methods in detecting seeds quantitatively from soil samples of four characteristic mud-flat species, i.e. Carex bohemica, Coleanthus subtilis, Elatine hexandra, and Eleocharis ovata: the seedling-emergence and the rinsing method. Additionally, the actual vegetation was described based on 65 phytosociological relevés. Soil seed bank analyses were based on 31 samples representing the vegetation zonation. Mixed soil samples were portioned into 62 subsamples further treated with the two methods in parallel.  相似文献   

Wetland seed banks comprise the propagules of plant species that have species-specific germination requirements for germination in either flooded or dry conditions. At the community level, wetland structure and succession during and after a seasonal flooding event depends upon the early life-history requirements of species, including germination under flooded and dry conditions. We examined the effects of simulated flood and post-flood scenarios on seedling emergence from a seed bank of seasonally flooded grassland in the Pantanal, Brazil. Field samplings were conducted in both wet and dry seasons, both of which were subject to flood and post-flood conditions. A total of 70 species emerged from the seed bank, dominated by Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Sixteen species were exclusive to the wet and one exclusive to the dry season. The richness of perennial species was higher under flood conditions, while the richness of annuals was greater post-flood. In general, the aquatic and amphibious species exhibited a significant germination response to flooding. Terrestrial species only germinated in post-flood conditions, with higher richness in the dry season. Four species had high seedling abundance in both treatments. The capacity of regeneration by seeds is high in these grasslands and can be increased by seasonal flooding and drawdown. In these seasonally flooded grasslands, we observed three main germination strategies: under flooded conditions, aquatic and amphibious species; post-flood conditions, an explosion of annual amphibious and terrestrial species; and in moist soil, perennial terrestrial species. The differential responses to flooding versus post-flood conditions help to maintain the structure and species richness in the community over time.  相似文献   

Seed development, dormancy and germination of the American invasive tree species, Prunus serotina, are described for plants growing in a large forest in Belgium. Seeds of P. serotina were collected following anthesis in the first week of July and thereafter at fortnightly intervals. Seed dormancy, temperature requirements for germination and the soil seed bank were investigated. At maturation (about 105 days after anthesis), seed moisture content had decreased to around 13.7%, and 44% of the seeds had attained the capacity to germinate. Mature seeds of P. serotina exhibited physiological dormancy, germinating only after a long cold, moist stratification period. Highest germination percentage occurred in seeds treated with gibberellic acid (GA3), at 10°C. We found no evidence that P. serotina forms a persistent seed bank but noticed a persistent seedling bank in the field.  相似文献   

J. van Baalen 《Oecologia》1982,53(1):61-67
Summary The germination ecology and the dynamics of the generative reproduction in populations of Digitalis purpurea L. were investigated in the field as well as in experiments. Germination of fresh seeds in the dark on moist filter paper appeared to differ between populations. These differences were eliminated when a moist natural soil functioned as germination substrate. An interaction between the spectral composition of light and the germination substrate was present. Germination in gradients of light, temperature and soil moisture revealed some clear-cut results. Germination proved to be strongly dependent on the percentage of vegetation cover. During two years of burial in litter bags, the number of buried viable seeds did not decrease. From one generation of seeds produced in a natural population, 18% was introduced into the buried seed bank, 10% germinated in autumn and 24% was present as a enforced dormant surface seed bank in late autumn.The results are discussed in relation to secondary succession. can be derived from Milton (1936), Salisbury (1942) and Thompson and Grime (1979). Soil disturbance and germination seem to be correlated in D. purpurea (Grime 1979). The purpose of this study is to analyse the dormancy and germination behaviour of D. purpurea in relation to the relevant environmental factors in order to explain the mechanisms of entry into, and the escape of D. purpurea seeds from a seed bank. Furthermore, an attempt will be made to quantify seed rain as well as the fate of different germinating and non-germinating seed rain fractions in space and time per unit area, in different stages of succession.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire-triggered release from seed dormancy is a characteristic of many Australian plant species. We investigated aspects of the seed-bank dynamics and dormancy characteristics in seeds of Grevillea barklyana, an understorey shrub of coastal sclerophyll vegetation in the Jervis Bay Region on the south coast of New South Wales. We used two soil core sizes to compare the number and distribution of stored seeds in soil cores taken from underneath and outside the limits of plant canopies at three study sites. Core size did not affect the estimate of seed density. No seeds were found outside the existing canopies. Even in under-canopy samples, seed numbers were small. Mean seed densities were estimated as 10. 9, 14. 1 and 4. 3 seeds per for the three sites. A hierarchical series of laboratory experiments was used to test the germination response of both fresh and soil-stored seeds. Likewise, we attempted to simulate ‘natural’ disturbance conditions in a glasshouse experiment. Both laboratory and glasshouse experiments indicated polymorphism in germination behaviour. A constant proportion of seeds exhibited enforced dormancy, when moist at room temperature, while a smaller number of seeds showed either an induced dormancy or a non-seed-coat linked innate dormancy. The majority (75%) of seeds were innately dormant due to a hard seed-coat. This dormancy was broken when the seed-coat was damaged, for instance, by heat. The level of polymorphic germination behaviour will be dependent on the length of the inter-fire periods. We conclude that the expression of polymorphism within and between species across a range of environments and fire regimes is an important consideration for any further study attempting to assess the role of the seed-bank.  相似文献   

Reducing the seed bank of invasive plants is a prerequisite for successful restoration of invaded ecosystems. The Australian legume tree Acacia saligna is one of the worst invasive plants in Mediterranean climate regions. This fire-adapted species possesses a large persistent seed bank characterized by physical dormant seeds. The present research was aimed to compare the efficacy of prescribed burning, soil solarization by solar heating of moist soil, and their use in combination on A. saligna seed bank reduction, using the buried seed method, and on seedling emergence from the natural seed bank, as a model of controlling fire-adapted plants. The data obtained show that the direct effect of prescribed burning on the buried seed dynamics was highly variable, and it only reduced seed viability from 98% to about 56%. Soil solarization, particularly in combination with prescribed burning, was much more effective than prescribed burning alone, reducing seed viability to about 29 and 4%, respectively. These results were confirmed by recording seedling emergence from the natural seed bank during two successive germination years following the treatments. Only a relatively very small number of seedlings emerged in the soil solarization treatment and none in the combined treatment. Based on the above data, it is recommended to apply prescribed burning as a pretreatment for soil solarization, or to utilize wild fires followed by soil solarization to reduce the seed bank of invasive fire-adapted plants. In situations in which fire cannot be used as a pretreatment, soil solarization alone is reasonably effective.  相似文献   

Aims Fire has important consequences on vegetation dynamics. In fire-prone areas, natural selection favors plant species, characterized by a large soil seed bank, and that their germination is stimulated by fire. Although seed germination stimulated by fire heat is common in the eastern Mediterranean Basin, only little is known about germination stimulation by smoke. We examined the interactive effect of aerosol smoke and fire history on the germinable soil seed bank (GSSB) community in eastern Mediterranean woodlands.  相似文献   

The N-substituted phthalimide, AC 94377, promoted the germination of dry-stored seeds of 17 out of 24 weed species in Petri-dish tests maintained at 22°C. In a further test it was able to substitute for light and/or alternating temperatures in promoting the germination of some species. AC 94377 was more active than GA, in stimulating Solanum nigrum seed to germinate. When mixed with soil in the laboratory, AC 94377 again promoted germination of S. nigrum but the level and persistence of activity differed between soils. In the glasshouse, with soil containing a natural weed seed population, more seedlings emerged from treated than from untreated soil but this number represented fewer than half of the apparently viable seeds present. Field applications of AC 94377 promoted the germination of hand-sown seeds of certain weed species but did not increase the number of seedlings emerging from the natural weed seed bank.  相似文献   

Seed-borne pathogens are a daily issue for ex situ collection managers who try to solve it using various chemicals more or less harmful to the staff and the plant material stored. The most common physical method for seed sterilisation is moist heat, in contrast to dry heat which is used much less frequently. Consequently, the efficiency of dry heat as disinfection method and the behaviour of seeds undergoing this treatment are currently poorly known, especially for wild species. In this study, seed viability was estimated by performing germination tests according to standard procedures. Germination tests were conducted on 13,200 seeds from 66 wild species of temperate regions belonging to 22 different families. Results indicate that dry seeds exposed to 60°C during 1hour were less infected by seed-borne pathogens in 14% of the cases, whereas no change has been registered in the other cases. For all 66 studied species, no decrease in germination percentage was detected after the heat treatment. Given its positive effect on infection control without affecting seed viability, dry heat treatment as proposed here opens opportunities for seed bank managers, but also for the disinfection of herbarium collections.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Seed persistence in the soil under field conditions is an important issue for the maintenance of local plant populations and the restoration of plant communities, increasingly so in the light of rapidly changing land use and climate change. Whereas processes important for dispersal in space are well known, knowledge of processes governing dispersal in time is still limited. Data for morphological seed traits such as size have given contradictory results for prediction of soil seed persistence or cover only a few species. There have been few experimental studies on the role of germination traits in determining soil seed persistence, while none has studied their predictive value consistently across species. Delayed germination, as well as light requirements for germination, have been suggested to contribute to the formation of persistent seed banks. Moreover, diurnally fluctuating temperatures can influence the timing of germination and are therefore linked to seed bank persistence.


The role of germination speed measured by T50 (days to germination of 50 % of all germinated seeds), light requirement and reaction to diurnally fluctuating temperatures in determining seed persistence in the soil was evaluated using an experimental comparative data set of 25 annual cereal weed species.

Key Results

It is shown that light requirements and slow germination are important features to maintain seeds ungerminated just after entering the soil, and hence influence survival of seeds in the soil. However, the detection of low diurnally fluctuating temperatures enhances soil seed bank persistence by limiting germination. Our data further suggest that the effect of diurnally fluctuating temperatures, as measured on seeds after dispersal and dry storage, is increasingly important to prevent fatal germination after longer burial periods.


These results underline the functional role of delayed germination and light for survival of seeds in the soil and hence their importance for shaping the first part of the seed decay curve. Our analyses highlight the detection of diurnally fluctuating temperatures as a third mechanism to achieve higher soil seed persistence after burial which interacts strongly with season. We therefore advocate focusing future research on mechanisms that favour soil seed persistence after longer burial times and moving from studies of morphological features to exploration of germination traits such as reaction to diurnally fluctuating temperatures.  相似文献   

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