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The objective of this study was to determine whether Calomys laucha and Calomys musculinus superovulated oocytes undergo parthenogenetic activation following activation stimuli. Cumulus-intact or denuded oocytes were treated with medium containing ethanol (7%), medium containing strontium chloride, or medium alone. They were then incubated for 6-8 h to allow for activation. A group of oocytes was fixed immediately after maturation to serve as a control. The nuclear status of the oocytes was examined after staining with Hoechst 33342, to determine the timing of pronuclear progression from metaphase II to anaphase II or telophase II or to the pronuclear stage. The proportion of oocytes that underwent activation was higher for oocytes treated with ethanol or strontium chloride than in those incubated in medium alone, for the two species studied (p < 0.001). There was little evidence of spontaneous activation occurring in oocytes during the treatments. Most of the activated oocytes contained a single haploid pronucleus, but it was possible to find immediate cleavage and two pronuclei. The different classes of activated oocytes were cultured for 5 days. The type of activating treatment had a marked effect on the ability of the resulting C. musculinus and C. laucha parthenogenetic embryos to develop to the preimplantation stages. Incubation with ethanol produced only 8-cell embryos while the embryos induced with strontium chloride reached the blastocyst stage. This is the first report of parthenogenesis in C. musculinus and C. laucha. The ability of strontium ions to induce matured secondary oocytes to initiate parthenogenesis and obtain further development of Calomys provides opportunities to use Calomys oocytes in vitro and, therefore, to study the genetics, cell biology and virology of development.  相似文献   

The husbandry and breeding of Calomys laucha (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in captivity are described. Growth curves based on body weight and length showed statistical differences between sexes after 45 days, males being heavier than females. The overall reproductive efficiency was 53.4% but birth rate was depressed during winter. Gestation length was 21 +/- 1 days and females exhibited postpartum oestrus with a 3-7 day implantation delay (51%). Litter size was 5.3 +/- 1.1 (n = 34). Pup survival at weaning was 84.9%. Mean life span in laboratory conditions was 13.5 months and a cumulative mortality of 90% was reached at 27-28 months of age.  相似文献   

NAD-linked lactate, malate, glycerophosphate, alcohol and nonspecific dehydrogenases, aspartate aminotransferases, and soluble esterases from extracts of tissues of individuals from a wild population of Calomys musculinus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) have been analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining. Allelic frequencies and heterozygosity have been determined. Mendelian inheritance of some of the variants detected was confirmed by breeding experiments. Ten out of fifteen (66.6%) of the genetic loci investigated presented polymorphism. Mean heterozygosity per locus was very high (H=0.2014, se 0.046).This work has been supported, in part, by grants from the Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación (National Program for Endemic Diseases) and from the Fundación Emilio Ocampo. C. N. G. is a Fellow and A. B. a Career Investigator of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to knowledge of colonization patterns in the rodent Calomys musculinus, a natural reservoir of the virus producing Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF), we studied the haplotype diversity of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region in five natural populations from central Argentina. Digestion with eight restriction enzymes (RsaI, MseI, Tsp509I, AluI, AciI, HaeIII, NlaIII, and AseI) revealed polymorphism in the 1300 bp fragment amplified by PCR. Twenty different composite haplotypes were detected. Hierarchical analyses indicated that almost all variation (94%) is contained within local populations. Haplotypes 1 and 2, shared by all populations, were the most frequent. Nonsignificant genetic differentiation was found among populations of the endemic and nonendemic areas of AHF: All locations sampled presented exclusive haplotypes in spite of their geographic proximity, which would support previous observations indicating restricted gene flow among C. musculinus populations.  相似文献   

Cross fertilization was tested between oocytes of Calomys callidus and spermatozoa from C. callidus, C. musculinus and C. laucha by both in vivo and in vitro insemination. After in vivo and in vitro insemination, respectively, percentages of oocytes fertilized were 68.8 and 46.6 (C. callidus X C. callidus), 20.3 and 12.7 (C. callidus X C. musculinus), 26.7 and 4.3 (C. callidus X C. laucha). Thus, the percentages obtained after in vitro insemination were always lower than those obtained with in vivo insemination. It was found that 23.9% and 44.4% of two-cell hybrid embryos were present in oviducts 30 hr after in vivo insemination of C. callidus females with C. musculinus or C. laucha spermatozoa, respectively. At a later stage (56 hr postinsemination), development did not progress further, and abnormal embryos were found both at 30 and 56 hr postinsemination, suggesting some kind of cleavage arrest or degeneration of the embryos. We suggest that fertilization is not strictly species-specific, at least among the species we studied, but that there are some factors that reduce the efficiency of interspecific fertilization.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers were used to evaluate the relative contribution of gene flow as a determinant of the population genetic structure of the wild rodent Calomys musculinus (the reservoir of Argentine hemorrhagic fever [AHF]) in central Argentina. One hundred eighty-seven individuals from 13 populations (9 of them from the endemic zone of AHF and 5 from areas outside it) were analyzed using 78 polymorphic RAPD loci. Genetic variation within each population was high; each individual was characterized by a unique RAPD phenotype. C. musculinus populations showed a moderate to high genetic subdivision and a random pattern of differentiation. Populations separated by the same geographic distance showed very different degrees of genetic divergence. The results indicate that populations of C. musculinus have colonized their present ranges relatively recently and differentiation by genetic drift has proceeded faster than homogenization by gene flow at the macrogeographic scale analyzed (10-700 km).  相似文献   

In a previous phylogeographic study of the rodent Calomys musculinus, 24 haplotypes of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region were detected using the restriction fragment length polymorphism technique (PCR-RFLP). Seven percent of the individuals showed patterns in which the sum of the sizes of the restriction fragments exceeded the size of the original PCR product. In the present paper we analyze possible causes of these atypical haplotypes. PCR products were cloned, and two or three different clones from a single individual were detected by their RFLP patterns. Nine clones with different restriction patterns were selected for sequence analyses. A maximum parsimony phylogenetic analysis revealed two well-supported paraphyletic groups. One group comprised sequences showing low nucleotide divergence compared with the most common haplotypes detected in the phylogeographic study. The other group was basal to the three species of Calomys other than C. musculinus included in the study; the mutations in the short portion of the cytochrome b gene amplified corresponded to 12 amino acid substitutions. The results suggest that two independent insertions of mtDNA sequences into the nucleus occurred; these sequences would co-amplify in the PCR procedure. Identification of pseudogenes is crucial to obtain reliable reconstruction of the intraspecific genealogy in phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

A new oxyurid nematode Syphacia hodarae n. sp. is described from the cecum and rectum of the cricetid rodent Calomys laucha Fischer, 1814 (Sigmodontinae, Phyllotini), captured in an agroecosystem of central Argentina. The new species is distinguished from other members of the genus mainly by the shape of the cephalic plate, presence of cervical alae in females, absence of lateral alae, and absence of deirids. Some characters are shared with Syphacia carlitosi, a parasite of Akodon azarae from the wetlands in Argentina. However, S. hodarae can be differentiated from this species by the absence of ornamentation on the accessory hook of the gubernaculum, length of spicule and gubernaculum, size of the eggs, and distance to the vulva from the anterior end. This is the first record of a Syphacia species from the tribe Phyllotini in Argentina, and the first time a Syphacia species is reported from C. laucha .  相似文献   

We examined seasonal changes in microhabitat use by the murid rodents Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha in agroecosystems of the former pampa region of Argentina. In summer, trap data showed that both species had low densities and were almost equally distributed between the mature cropfields and their surrounding weedy borders. Analysis of vegetation at the trap sites revealed no selection for microhabitats at the borders, whereas in the cropfields both species shared preferences for covered microhabitats. In contrast, winter data revealed a sharp habitat segregation, being Calomys numerically dominant in post-harvest cropfields and Akodon more abundant in borders. Moreover, there were clear differences in microhabitat selection at the borders, A. azarae occupying the more covered microhabitats and C. laucha the less covered. Breadth and overlap of niches were calculated using principal component analysis, in order to recognize interspecific competition and its influence on community niche space. Available evidence indicates that the structure of this rodent community is strongly influenced by seasonal changes in habitat stucture and rodent abundance. The socially dominant A. azarae retains the best part of the available niche space, a fact becoming more evident under the harsh winter conditions.  相似文献   

Small vesper mice (Calomys laucha) may be considered as an animal model for in vitro fertilization studies, but limited data about in vitro evaluations of their sperm quality and fertility are available. The in vitro penetration (IVP) assay is used to estimate potential sperm fertility for many mammal species, but it still requires reduction in cost and labor. This study tested improvements in the IVP assay for C. laucha sperm using swine oocytes and perivitelline layers (PVL) of chicken eggs as substrates, and evaluated associations among C. laucha sperm quality, IVP, and in vivo fertility after natural mating. In the IVP assay, gametes coincubation was carried out flat-bottomed wells with M2, in water bath at 37°C for 2 hr. C. laucha sperm presented motility, normal morphology, membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity equal to 90.6 ± 5.6, 90.2 ± 6.6, 88.7 ± 9.6, and 90.5 ± 11.5%, respectively. The IVP rate was 39.8% in swine oocytes and 87.5% in the inner PVL. Considering in vivo fertility as the gold standard, the IVP assay in swine oocytes presented a sensitivity of 16.0% and specificity of 83.3%. The sensitivity of the IVP assay in the inner PVL was 84.0%, but the specificity was not determined because there were no true negative results. Sperm membrane integrity was correlated with parturition after natural mating (r = 0.38, P<0.01) and litter size (r = 0.54; P<0.0002).The IVP assay using swine oocytes as substrates can be performed in nearly 2 hr without gametes' coincubation in CO(2).  相似文献   

Calomys musculinus is a Sigmodontinae rodent inhabiting periodically disturbed habitats in the central eastern plains of Argentina. It is the natural reservoir host of Junin virus, the etiological agent of Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever (AHF). In order to analyze the levels of gene flow among populations of this species, allozymic variability at 26 loci was studied in 291 individuals from the endemic zone of AHF and localities outside it. All populations showed high levels of polymorphism (H e between 0.107 and 0.144; P95% between 38 and 54%). Individual loci f values were in most cases negative, although not significantly different from zero. Mean genetic differentiation among populations was low, but statistically significant (=0.020; P<0.01). There was no correlation between genetic and geographic distances between pairs of populations, and scatter of the pairwise points suggests that, at the regional scale, genetic drift is more influential than gene flow. This result can be interpreted as indicative of a relatively recent expansion of C. musculinus habitat and restricted on-going gene flow, which would be compatible with a relatively slow expansion rate of AHF.  相似文献   

An experimental model for acquired and congenital ocular toxoplasmosis as well as a model to induce experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) was investigated in Calomys callosus. Toxoplasma gondii, ME-49 strain, was used to infect males and pregnant- and not pregnant-females while S-antigen, a major glycoprotein of the retinal photoreceptor cell, was used to induce EAU. The ocular lesions elicited by T. gondii were characterized by the presence of cysts, free tachyzoites and inflammatory cells in the retina or related tissues. In the congenital form, 40% of the fetus presented ocular lesions, i.e., presence of cysts in the retina, vitreous, and extra-retinal tissues. In the acquired form, 75% of the females and 50% of the males presented unilateral ocular cysts both at 21 and 47 days post-infection. It was also demonstrated that S-antigen was not uveitogenic in the C. callosus model. No lesion was observed in the animals exclusively immunized with this retinal component, even when jacalin was used as additional adjuvant for polyclonal response to the retinal antigen. It can be concluded that C. callosus may constitute in a promising model for study both acquired and congenital ocular toxoplasmosis, particularly when it is important to make sure that a non autoimmune process is involved in the genesis of the ocular infection.  相似文献   

In order to assess the reliability of RAPD markers in the estimation of the genetic structure of natural populations of the murid rodent Calomys musculinus (reservoir of Junin virus, ethiological agent of Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever), we have analyzed the heritability of RAPD bands in 10 parents and their offspring (33 individuals). Fourteen out of a total of 119 bands obtained were absent in the parental patterns, but consistently amplified in offspring from some families. These bands can be eliminated from analyses. Overall degree of band sharing between individuals, including non-parental bands, correctly grouped members of a family in the same cluster in a UPGMA tree, with a high bootstrap percentage. Results support the usefulness of RAPDs as hereditable markers. One hundred polymorphic RAPD loci were identified in three natural populations of C. musculinus. Mean expected heterozygosity in three natural populations ranged from 0.206 to 0.220. Allele frequency based and phenotype based measures of genetic differentiation among natural populations of C. musculinus gave similar results (Weir and Cockerham's theta = 0.133; Excoffier et al.'s phi = 0.127). These values were considerably higher than those found previously using allozymes as genetic markers, and are compatible with moderate to low levels of gene flow among populations.  相似文献   

In the present work, we studied some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of mast cells located in the peritoneal cavity, submandibular and dorsal lymph nodes and ileum of Calomys callosus experimentally infected by Toxoplasma gondii. In uninfected animals, the majority of mast cells had similar ultra-structural characteristics, including several cytoplasmic granules with homogeneous and electron dense contents. However, after 1 h of infection, a significant influx of mast cells into peritoneal cavity was observed. The number of mast cells in this compartment decreased progressively in infected animals, and was significantly lower than the number of mast cells in control animals after 48 h of infection. Mast cells from infected animals or from purified suspensions that were infected in vitro presented significant morphological modifications, suggesting a degranulation process: cytoplasmic granules with electron dense content, fusion of the cytoplasmic granules, intracytoplasmic channels, cytoplasmic granules with flocculent material, plasma membrane rupture and granule contents in the extracellular environment. A remarkable increase in the influx of neutrophils toward the peritoneal cavity of the infected animals was observed after 12 h of infection. Moreover, this event occurred after the mast cell degranulation process took place. The relative increase in the number of mast cells and neutrophils was also followed by an increase in the number of macrophages, but there was a significant decrease in lymphocyte influx. After 48 h of infection, the parasite had spread from the peritoneal cavity to all organs examined. Also, mast cells from these organs showed evident morphological alterations, indicating the presence of the degranulation process. These results suggest that mast cells are deeply involved with the acute phase of the inflammatory response in this experimental model.  相似文献   

We studied habitat preferences and intra and interspecific density-dependent effects on habitat selection by Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha between maize fields and their adjacent borders, during different developmental stages of the crop. Akodon azarae detected quantitative differences between habitats, using preferentially borders throughout the year, while C. laucha perceived borders and cropfields as quantitatively similar during spring and summer and it detected borders as quantitatively better at the high density period (autumn and winter). These results support the prediction of differential habitat preferences as a model of community organisation at the low density period, while they are consistent with shared habitat preferences during autumn and winter when both species apparently coexist in the better habitat (border). Akodon azarae showed intraspecific density-dependent habitat selection throughout the year, except in spring, while habitat selection by C. laucha was density-dependent in spring, autumn and winter. The effect of interspecific density on habitat selection was detected in both habitats and changed seasonally. The effect of A. azarae over C. laucha by resources exploitation was detected in borders, while competitive effects of C. laucha over A. azarae was observed within cropfields. Both species were more affected by exploitation competition than interference, which was more common in borders than in maize fields. We conclude that seasonally have a profound effect in habitat selection of these species because it changes the intensity of intra and interspecific competition and affects different habitat preferences and basic suitability of habitats. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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