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Summary Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were generated from 20 cultivars and accessions representing four agronomically important species of Stylosanthes, S. scabra, S. hamata, S. guianensis, and S. humilis. Approximately 200 fragments generated by 22 primers of arbitrary sequence were used to assess the level of DNA variation. Relatively low levels of polymorphism (0–16% of total bands in pairwise comparisons) were found within each species, while polymorphisms between the species were much higher (up to 46%). Very few polymorphisms (0–2%) were detected between the individuals of the same cultivar or accession. A phenogram of relationships among the species was constructed based on band sharing. Four main clusters corresponding to each species were readily distinguished on this phenogram. The allotetraploid species S. hamata and its putative diploid progenitor, S. humilis, were more similar to each other than to S. scabra and S. guianensis. No variation in RAPD markers was found between the two commercial S. hamata cvs Verano and Amiga. Cultivar Oxley in S. guianensis was considerably different from the other cultivars and accessions of this species. The phylogenetic distinctions obtained with RAPDs were in agreement with other studies from morphology, cytology, and enzyme electrophoresis. The low level of polymorphisms observed within each species suggested that interspecific crosses may be a better vehicle for the construction of RAPD linkage maps in Stylosanthes.  相似文献   

Optimization of primer screening for evaluation of genetic relationship in 34 cultivars of rose through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers was investigated. Four series of decamer primers were used for screening and optimization of RAPD analysis between which A and N series performed good amplification of fragments as compared with other series. The primers OPN-07 and OPN-15 produced maximum number of DNA fragments in Rosa hybrida cv. Anuraag. Some primer either did not produce amplification or produced very poor amplification. Further, ten selected primers were used for genetic analysis of 34 rose cultivars. The primer OPN-15 amplified 21 fragments in all cultivars tested. A total of 162 distinct DNA fragments (bands) ranging from 100 to 3400 base pairs were amplified by using 10 selected random primers. The cluster analysis indicated that these rose cultivars formed nine clusters.  相似文献   

1. The genetic variation of the endangered freshwater fish Ladigesocypris ghigii, endemic to the island of Rhodes (Greece), was investigated for nine populations, originating from seven different stream systems and a reservoir, both at the mtDNA and nuclear level, in order to suggest conservation actions. 2. Both restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of five segments of mitochondrial DNA (ND‐5/6, COI and 12S‐16S rRNA) amplified by polymerase chain reaction, and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, revealed extremely low levels of intra‐population polymorphism. It is highly likely that the low intra‐population variability is the result of successive bottleneck events evident in shrinkage and expansion of the populations year after year, which may have led to a complete loss of several genotypes and haplotypes, and an increased degree of inbreeding. 3. Inter‐population genetic structuring was high, with fixation of haplotypes within six of the nine populations and fixation of alleles within populations originating from different waterbodies. It is probable that all haplotypes and/or alleles found were initially represented in all populations. However, because of the long time of isolation coupled with successive bottleneck and subsequent genetic drift, common mtDNA haplotypes and alleles among the populations may have become rare or extinct through stochastic lineage loss. 4. Although nucleotide divergence among haplotypes was very shallow, half of the haplotypes recorded (three of six), resulted from nucleotide changes on the 12S–16S rRNA segments, which are the most conserved part of the mitochondrial genome. This fact may indicate that the observed genetic variation did not necessarily result only from the retention of ancestral polymorphism, but may have arisen through mutation and complete lineage sorting over a relatively small number of generations, once the populations had become isolated from one another. 5. Our data suggest that two of the L. ghigii populations may be on independent evolutionary trajectories. Considering that each population appears so far well adapted within each site, all populations should be managed and conserved separately.  相似文献   

Two DNA sequences specific for the canine Y chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data are presented on the characterization of two nucleotide sequences found exclusively in the DNA of male dogs. In polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) of canine genomic DNA with a decanucleotide primer of arbitrary sequence (OP-W17), two nucleotide segments (650 and 990 bp) were amplified only from male samples, whereas a number of other fragments between 400 and 2500 bp in size were amplified from both male and female samples. The two male-specific segments were cloned and sequenced, and terminal 24mer oligonucleotide primer pairs were synthesized. PCR with these specific primer pairs resulted in amplification of the two male-specific sequences only from DNA samples of 34 male dogs; no product was amplified from 42 samples of females. A segment of the SRY gene previously localized on the Y chromosome could be amplified in DNA samples that had the two new sequences. Eco RI digested genomic male DNA when hybridized with the 650 bp or the 990 bp sequences, resulted in a single band for each on Southern analysis; DNA from females did not yield any bands. Comparisons between the two new sequences and the SRY gene segment revealed no homologies. We concluded that the two new sequences are specific for the canine Y chromosome and do not contain the short characterized segment of the SRY gene.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA was extracted from 13 samples of Sargassum polycystum and S. siliquosum collected from various localities around Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore by using four different extraction methods. The yields and the suitability of the DNA to be used as template for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was compared. DNA samples were subjected to PCR analysis by using random primers. Only DNA samples that were extracted using the CTAB method were successfully amplified by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR. Five of 31 random primers (OPA02, OPA03, OPA04, OPA13 and OPM10) tested amplified sequences of DNA from the DNA samples. Reproducible, amplified products were obtained using these primers and showed some potential to be useful in discriminating individual samples within the genus, in determining relationships between species within a genus and in developing individual fingerprints for individual samples.  相似文献   

亚欧美栗疫病菌群体的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从 12 0个随机引物中筛选出条带清晰、主带明显、重复性好的 9个引物 ,对来自不同地域和寄主的 7个群体的 14 2个栗疫病菌菌株进行 RAPD分析。 9个引物共扩增出条带 12 4条 ,其中多态性条带 111条 ,多态性比率为 89.5 2 %。利用 Popgen3.2软件对供试群体进行遗传多样性分析和 UPGMA聚类。结果表明 ,中国地区 4个群体间的遗传相似性较大 ,与美国、意大利和日本群体间的相似性较小 ;美国和意大利群体间的遗传相似性较大 ,且它们与日本群体间的相似性大于与中国群体间的相似性。病原菌群体的遗传变异率为 0 .2 35 1,其中在地区水平上 ,82 .34%由群体内的变异引起 ,17.6 6 %由群体间的差异引起 ,群体间的基因流动值为 2 .3311;而在寄主水平上 ,则 79.4 2 %由群体内的变异引起 ,2 0 .5 8%由群体间的差异引起 ,群体间的基因流动值为 1.92 97  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) was used for the molecular characterisation and identification of Sargassum spp. A total of 17 samples of Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Fucales) was obtained from various localities around Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. On the basis of morphological characteristics, the samples were tentatively grouped into five species: Sargassum baccularia, S. glaucescens, S. oligocystum, S. polycystum and S. siliquosum. By RAPD-PCR, five of 31 random primers tested generated reproducible amplification products, and polymorphic loci were detected by four of them (OPA02, OPA03, OPA04, OPA13). The RAPD-PCR profiles did not correlate with the morphological grouping into five species and extensive variation was detected between different isolates of the same species. A 450 base pair fragment generated using OPA13 was detected in 12 of 17 samples of Sargassum. This fragment was also present in profiles from Turbinaria (Sargassaceae). This study suggests that RAPD-PCR is useful in discriminating individual samples of the genus Sargassum and in developing fingerprints for them.  相似文献   

In order to study genetic variation among populations of Rhynchosporium secalis, 65 isolates were sampled from the West Asian and North African regions and used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based DNA marker analyses [namely random amplified polymorphism DNAs (RAPDs) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs)]. The study revealed that genetic diversity among and within populations accounted for 80 and 20%, respectively, of the total genetic diversity, indicating that the local field populations of R. secalis in West Asia and North Africa originated from genetically diverse source populations. Furthermore, high genetic similarity among isolates from the same location suggests that scald populations originated from a local founder population, possibly through rain‐splash‐dispersed conidia.  相似文献   

The genetic relationship of 34 isolates of Stenocarpella maydis from different geographic regions in South Africa was analysed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and ribosomal DNA markers. Two genetic groups were differentiated by using three RAPD primers and correlated to the cultural morphology of the isolates. Of all the isolates tested, 79.4% were clustered into RAPD group I (RG I), which did not sporulate when cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 25°C for 10 days. The rest of the isolates designated as RG II sporulated on PDA medium and showed a higher genetic variation. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the universal primers, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 and ITS 4. Restriction digestion of PCR products displayed three types (RF A, RF B and RF C) of profiles. RF A was in accordance with RG I. RF B was consistent with RG II except for one isolate, U5. However, U5 displayed a unique profile and had no restriction sites for Hpa II and Hae III. The results indicate that two distinct genetic groups exist among S. maydis isolates from maize in S. Africa. The ITS1 and ITS2 regions of rDNA were sequenced and primers were designed. The designed primer pair P1/P2 permitted a sensitive and specific detection of S. maydis .  相似文献   

The houbara bustard (Chlamydotisundulata), the main quarry for Arab falconry,is currently threatened by excessive huntingand poaching as well as by habitat loss andfragmentation. We have investigated the geneticdiversity, population structure and demographichistory of houbara bustards across theirgeographical range by analyzing mitochondrial(mt)DNA sequences (a 370 bp fragment of controlregion I and a 264 bp fragment of thecytochrome b gene) and 4 microsatelliteloci in 74 individuals sampled from the CanaryIslands to China. Both markers revealed low tomoderate diversity that could be partitionedinto two monophyletic groups or evolutionarysignificant units belonging to the NorthAfrican (C. u. undulata) and Asian (C. u. macqueenii) subspecies. A history ofrelatively recent population growth (35,000years ago) accompanied by range expansion isthe most likely demographic scenario for theAsian subspecies. In addition, Macqueen'sbustards are able to disperse efficiently overbroad areas, which is consistent with ourinference of weak phylogeographic structure(global F ST = 0.20 and 0.04 formtDNA and microsatellites, respectively) andhigh levels of homogenizing gene flow on widegeographical scales. We therefore suggest thatmanagement actions should focus on maintainingmigratory connectivity between breeding andnon-breeding areas.  相似文献   

Rogstad  Steven H.  Keane  Brian  Beresh  John 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(1):111-121
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale Weber(sensu lato); Asteraceae) have been introduced to NorthandSouth America with human migration from Europe. While potential sourcepopulations have both sexually and obligate asexually (agamospermous)reproducing lineages, apparently only the latter have successfully colonizedtheAmericas. The consequences of obligate agamospermy on dandelion populationgenetic diversity in North America remain little explored. Here we use fourdifferent synthetic DNA probes that reveal genetic markers at multiplevariable-number-tandem-repeat (VNTR) loci to examine patterns of geneticvariation among plants collected along three different central North Americantransects with plants (21 to 22 individuals per transect) separated by: 1) >2 m and < 60 m (short transect); 2) > 5km and < 30 km (medium transect); and 3) > 30km and < 340 km (long transect). The mean numberofVNTR markers revealed per plant was 59.3. Co-clonal individuals (proportion ofbands shared exceeding 90%) were found in each transect, with the indexof clonality (the percent of co-clonal individuals detected in a transect)ranging from 34.12% for the short transect to 18.65% for the longtransect. Co-clonal individuals were separated by up to 200 km.With redundant examples of co-clonal individuals removed, mean similarity(proportion of band sharing) of distinct genotypes within transects was 0.426,and no statistical differences in level of similarity between transects, norindication of genetic differentiation between transects, was detected (meanFst between transect levels with all individuals included =0.05). These results indicate: 1) that dandelion genetic diversity ofcolonizinglineages in central North America is moderately high and does not reflectextreme bottleneck effects shown by some colonizing species; and 2) thatdandelion seed dispersal can be very effective in maintaining similar levels ofgenetic diversity at the different scales of sampling in this study, withcertain clones maintaining numerous, widespread individuals. Evidence that VNTRmutation is detectable within dandelion clonal lineages is presented,demonstrating that clonal families with lines increasinglydifferentiated from one another will continually evolve, and that Muller'srachet is, in all likelihood, turning for asexual lines.  相似文献   

PCR-RFLP patterns of four isolates of Trichinella for rDNA ITS1 region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have studied the genetic differences among four isolates of Trichinella including a new strain of Trichinella spiralis (ISS 623) recently found from a human case who took a badger in Korea. Because they have a different host origin and came from geographically separated regions, we supposed the genetic pattern of the isolates might be different as had been previously reported. It was analysed by PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA repeat that can readily distinguish a species or strain from others. Isolated genomic DNA of each isolate of Trichinella larvae was amplified with ITS1 specific primers and digested with restriction endonucleases. The PCR product of ITS1 was confirmed using Southern blot analysis to be a 910 bp fragment. The restriction fragments of each isolate had variable patterns when it was digested with Rsa 1 only. According to the RFLP patterns, the estimated genetic divergence between each isolate was different. In conclusion, four isolates of Trichinella including a new strain of T. spiralis obtained from a Korean patient may have genetic differences in the ITS1 region and the Shanghai isolate was genetically more similar to the Japanese unknown isolate than others in the ITS1 region.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny of 12 species of Camponotus ants in Korea was examined using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers as inputs for an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and cluster analysis to describe the relationships between species. For comparison, morphometric data (based on 10 morphological characters) were also gathered for phylogenetic analysis. Assessments of similarity between species were made, and the results of these assessments are compared for the molecular and morphological data sets. In the morphometric analysis, the following groups were identified: (i) C. atrox, C. kiusuensis, C. japonicus and C. concavus (93% similarity); (ii) C. sp. 1 (be diverging at 80% similarity); (iii) C. jejuensis, C. sp. 3, C. itoi, C. nawai and C. tokioensis (94.5% similarity); and (iv) C. nipponensis and C. quadrinotatus (94.5% similarity). Formica fusca was 73.5% similar to the 12 Camponotus species studied here. The group comprising C. nawai and C. tokioensis had the highest similarity index (97.36%), followed by the group comprising C. jejuensis and C. sp. 3 (95%), then C. atrox and C. kiusuensis (94.5%), and then C. nipponensis and C. quadrinotatus (93.5%). In the molecular analysis the following groups were identified: (i) C. atrox and C. jejuensis (30% similarity); (ii) C. concavus, C. japonicus and C. itoi (25% similarity); (iii) C. kiusuensis, C. nawai, C. sp. 3, C. nipponensis, C. quadrinotatus and C. sp. 1 (24% similarity); and (iv) C. tokioensis (be diverging at 23% similarity). The most closely related group in the molecular analysis was C. nawai and C. sp. 3 (75% similarity), followed by C. concavus and C. japonicus (50.5% similarity), then C. atrox and C. jejuensis (30%), and then C. quadrinotatus and C. sp. 1. Camponotus tokioensis was the least closely related to other species among the 12 species studied. Although C. jejuensis and C. tokioensis were found to be 93.6% similar on the basis of morphometric data, molecular data indicated only 23% similarity, the lowest similarity index between any two species considered here. Camponotus jejuensis has marked morphological similarities to C. tokioensis, but on the basis of molecular data gathered in the present study, we refute the proposal that they are synonyms or sister species.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess genotypic diversity within Ralstonia solanacearum isolates of a single field. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 44 field isolates and 22 in vitro generated clones of R. solanacearum were studied for genotypic diversity by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Genomic DNA of these isolates and clones was extracted by proteinase-K-SDS lysis mini-prep method. RAPD analysis was done with 30 decamer primers. The data were analysed using NTSYSpc 2.02h software. Forty-two out of 44 field isolates and all the clonal isolates were identified as distinct genotypes at 70% similarity level. CONCLUSION: Very high level of genome variability was observed within the field and clonal isolates of R. solanacearum. This might be a reason for the wide host range of this bacterium and for quick breakdown of wilt resistance in host plants. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results suggest that it would be difficult to design specific diagnostic protocol for R. solanacearum even for a localized population and to breed cultivars with broad-spectrum resistance.  相似文献   

Four morphologically indistinguishable isolates of monoecious Gelidium vagum Okamura were crossed reciprocally to obtain hybrids for a study on heterosis in this alga. Approximately 50% outcrossing was achieved by adding a small fragment of the designated female parent to a much larger quantity of designated male thallus in the crossing dish. Hybrids in the mixed population of isomorphic hybrid and inbred sporelings were identified by the presence of male-specific random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Growth performance of hybrid tetrasporophytes was compared to that of their gametophytic parents and with inbred tetrasporophytes at near-optimum and sub-optimum temperature and density. In general, the hybrids showed growth superiority over inbred lines, particularly under sub-optimum conditions. In these experiments, the hybrid plants from cross 129 × 130 exhibited a 9.5–130% higher growth rate as compared to the mid-value of the related inbred tetrasporophytes, strongly suggesting the presence of heterosis.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity analysis by RAPD in Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic diversity level ofCathaya argyrophylla was confirmed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Seventy five samples (individuals), collected from Hunan and Sichuan provinces of China were used in the study. 21 10-mer oligonucleotide primers detected 106 sites, and 34 (32%) of them were polymorphic. The level of genetic variation in C.argyrophylla was lower than those of other conifers, and was considered to be associated with the complexity of habitats. The percentages of polymorphic sites (PPS) in the Hunan and Sichuan populations were 18% and 25% respectively. 7.99% of genetic variation existed between the two populations; this value was higher than the mean value (6.8%) among populations in conifers displayed by allozyme. Some subpopulations ofC. argyrophylla were greatly differentiated because of site mutation and genetic drift. The highest value of genetic difference between subpopulations amounted to 16. 23%. In addition, a concept of diversity coefficient (DC), a value used to measure the genetic diversity level, and its calculation were proposed. The low genetic diversity level ofC. argyrophylla was thought to be one of the factors causing its endangered status. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Summary Dendrobium hybrids have great economic importance in a number of countries. Asymbiotic seed germination and the conventional vegetative method have been commonly used by growers to propagate these plants. To overcome somaclonal variation, which is commonly exhibited by Dendrobium (Nobile group) when micropropagated from protocorm-like bodies, a protocol for propagating Dendrobium Second Love in vitro using axillary buds in the presence of thidiazuron was developed. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was also carried out to check for possible genetic alterations in plants originating from six consecutive subcultures. The results revealed that the established protocol was efficient for the in vitro cloning of this orchid hybrid and the plants obtained from the six subcultures did not exhibit any type of polymorphism.  相似文献   

Eight German populations of the land snail Balea biplicata(Mollusca: Clausiliidae) were studied using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction and morphometrics (principal component and discriminant analysis) to examine population structure and gene flow patterns in a fragmented landscape mosaic along the Elster/Saale riparian system, Germany. A variety of population genetic analyses targeting either more on the geographic scale of gene flow (genetic distances, F statistics, Mantel test) or on local genotypic structure (heterozygosity, linkage disequilibrium, bottleneck probability) showed that (1) the population system in total is governed by high gene flow independent of geographic distance, (2) genetic structure on the narrower sampling scale is mainly determined by stochastic processes due to genetic drift in small isolated and frequently recolonized populations, and (3) the morphometrical variation of the populations was related neither to habitat nor to genetic heterogeneity. The potentials for active and passive dispersal capacity of the snails and possible environmental impacts on their population structure are discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient PCR-based system that uses RAPD markers for the certification of F1 hybrids of canola. These markers were selected by screening five parental lines used in three crosses X, Y and Z with 131, 131 and 322 primers respectively. Stable DNA fragments that were homozygous and specific to the male inbreds were used to certify F1 hybrid populations. The hybrid production system was based on self-incompatibility (SI) alleles that prevent self-pollination of the female parent. The efficiency of two S-alleles was compared under both field and greenhouse conditions. The percentage of hybridity was estimated in different F1 populations. We found a significant difference between the two alleles for their efficiency in controlling selfing; both alleles were stable under greenhouse conditions, one allele appeared less reliable under field conditions.  相似文献   

B. J. Hann 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):9-14
The presumption of intercontinental distributions of many species of Anomopoda has been reinforced by their considerable morphological uniformity and ease of passive dispersal via ephippial eggs. To test the validity of this dogma, genetic variation among taxa in the cladoceran genus Simocephalus was examined on a continental scale. Genetic variability (percentage polymorphic loci = 8.8%, individual heterozygosity = 3.4%) was comparable to that determined on a local scale in Simocephalus and somewhat less than for other zooplankton groups. Four species complexes were distinguished allozymically with unique allelic substitutions found for at least two loci between these taxa. Eight species in North America were differentiated within these complexes (Nei s genetic distance, D>0.30), all of which were clearly separated from two European species. Both S. cf. vetulus and S. cf. serrulatus are broadly distributed in North America, and intraspecific divergence is relatively low. In contrast, S. cf. congener and S. cf. exspinosus represent species complexes, both consisting of several species, differentiated allozymically and morphologically. The concept of generalist species with moderate genetic variation throughout a broad range and specialist species, genetically depauperate, with restricted distributions, is explored.  相似文献   

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