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In the olfactory system, both the temporal spike structure and spatial distribution of neuronal activity are important for processing odor information. In this paper, a biophysically-detailed, spiking neuronal model is used to simulate the activity of olfactory bulb. It is shown that by varying some key parameters such as maximal conductances of Ks and Nap the spike train of single neuron can exhibit various firing patterns. Synchronization in coupled neurons is also investigated as the coupling strength varying in the situation of two neurons and network. It is illustrated that the coupled neurons can exhibit different types of pattern when the coupling strength varies. These results may be instructive to understand information transmission in olfactory system.  相似文献   

Local field potential (LFP) oscillations are often accompanied by synchronization of activity within a widespread cerebral area. Thus, the LFP and neuronal coherence appear to be the result of a common mechanism that underlies neuronal assembly formation. We used the olfactory bulb as a model to investigate: (1) the extent to which unitary dynamics and LFP oscillations can be correlated and (2) the precision with which a model of the hypothesized underlying mechanisms can accurately explain the experimental data. For this purpose, we analyzed simultaneous recordings of mitral cell (MC) activity and LFPs in anesthetized and freely breathing rats in response to odorant stimulation. Spike trains were found to be phase-locked to the gamma oscillation at specific firing rates and to form odor-specific temporal patterns. The use of a conductance-based MC model driven by an approximately balanced excitatory-inhibitory input conductance and a relatively small inhibitory conductance that oscillated at the gamma frequency allowed us to provide one explanation of the experimental data via a mode-locking mechanism. This work sheds light on the way network and intrinsic MC properties participate in the locking of MCs to the gamma oscillation in a realistic physiological context and may result in a particular time-locked assembly. Finally, we discuss how a self-synchronization process with such entrainment properties can explain, under experimental conditions: (1) why the gamma bursts emerge transiently with a maximal amplitude position relative to the stimulus time course; (2) why the oscillations are prominent at a specific gamma frequency; and (3) why the oscillation amplitude depends on specific stimulus properties. We also discuss information processing and functional consequences derived from this mechanism.  相似文献   

The subthalamic nucleus (STN) and external globus pallidus (GP) form a recurrent excitatory-inhibitory interaction within the basal ganglia. Through a computational model of these interactions we show that, under the influence of appropriate external input, the two nuclei can be switched between states of high and low activity or can generate oscillations consisting of bursts of high-frequency activity repeated at a low rate. It is further demonstrated from the model that the generation of the repetitive bursting behaviour is favoured by increased inhibition of the GP, which is a condition indicated in Parkinson's disease. Paradoxically, increased striatal inhibition of the GP is predicted to cause an increase rather than a decrease in its mean firing rate. These behaviours, arising from a biologically inspired computational model of the STN-GP interaction, have important consequences for basal ganglia function and dysfunction.  相似文献   

We present an approach for using kinetic theory to capture first and second order statistics of neuronal activity. We coarse grain neuronal networks into populations of neurons and calculate the population average firing rate and output cross-correlation in response to time varying correlated input. We derive coupling equations for the populations based on first and second order statistics of the network connectivity. This coupling scheme is based on the hypothesis that second order statistics of the network connectivity are sufficient to determine second order statistics of neuronal activity. We implement a kinetic theory representation of a simple feed-forward network and demonstrate that the kinetic theory model captures key aspects of the emergence and propagation of correlations in the network, as long as the correlations do not become too strong. By analyzing the correlated activity of feed-forward networks with a variety of connectivity patterns, we provide evidence supporting our hypothesis of the sufficiency of second order connectivity statistics. Action Editor: Carson C. Chow  相似文献   

Theta and gamma rhythms and their cross-frequency coupling play critical roles in perception, attention, learning, and memory. Available data suggest that forebrain acetylcholine (ACh) signaling promotes theta-gamma coupling, although the mechanism has not been identified. Recent evidence suggests that cholinergic signaling is both temporally and spatially constrained, in contrast to the traditional notion of slow, spatially homogeneous, and diffuse neuromodulation. Here, we find that spatially constrained cholinergic stimulation can generate theta-modulated gamma rhythms. Using biophysically-based excitatory-inhibitory (E-I) neural network models, we simulate the effects of ACh on neural excitability by varying the conductance of a muscarinic receptor-regulated K+ current. In E-I networks with local excitatory connectivity and global inhibitory connectivity, we demonstrate that theta-gamma-coupled firing patterns emerge in ACh modulated network regions. Stable gamma-modulated firing arises within regions with high ACh signaling, while theta or mixed theta-gamma activity occurs at the peripheries of these regions. High gamma activity also alternates between different high-ACh regions, at theta frequency. Our results are the first to indicate a causal role for spatially heterogenous ACh signaling in the emergence of localized theta-gamma rhythmicity. Our findings also provide novel insights into mechanisms by which ACh signaling supports the brain region-specific attentional processing of sensory information.  相似文献   

Dynamical behavior of a biological neuronal network depends significantly on the spatial pattern of synaptic connections among neurons. While neuronal network dynamics has extensively been studied with simple wiring patterns, such as all-to-all or random synaptic connections, not much is known about the activity of networks with more complicated wiring topologies. Here, we examined how different wiring topologies may influence the response properties of neuronal networks, paying attention to irregular spike firing, which is known as a characteristic of in vivo cortical neurons, and spike synchronicity. We constructed a recurrent network model of realistic neurons and systematically rewired the recurrent synapses to change the network topology, from a localized regular and a “small-world” network topology to a distributed random network topology. Regular and small-world wiring patterns greatly increased the irregularity or the coefficient of variation (Cv) of output spike trains, whereas such an increase was small in random connectivity patterns. For given strength of recurrent synapses, the firing irregularity exhibited monotonous decreases from the regular to the random network topology. By contrast, the spike coherence between an arbitrary neuron pair exhibited a non-monotonous dependence on the topological wiring pattern. More precisely, the wiring pattern to maximize the spike coherence varied with the strength of recurrent synapses. In a certain range of the synaptic strength, the spike coherence was maximal in the small-world network topology, and the long-range connections introduced in this wiring changed the dependence of spike synchrony on the synaptic strength moderately. However, the effects of this network topology were not really special in other properties of network activity. Action Editor: Xiao-Jing Wang  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss mathematical models that address the control of sleep-wake behavior in the infant and adult rodent and a model that addresses changes in single-cell firing patterns in the hippocampus across wake and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep states. Each of the models describes the dynamics of experimentally identified neuronal components--either the firing activity of wake-and sleep-promoting neuronal populations or the spiking activity of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Our discussion of each model illustrates how a mathematical model that describes the temporal dynamics of the modeled neuronal components can reveal specifics about proposed neuronal mechanisms that underlie sleep-wake regulation or sleep-specific firing patterns. For example, the dynamics of the models developed for sleep-wake regulation in the infant rodent lend insight into the involved brain-stem neuronal populations and the evolution of the network during maturation. The results of the model for sleep-wake regulation in the adult rodent suggest distinct properties of the involved neuronal populations and their interactions that account for long-lasting and brief waking bouts. The dynamics of the model for sleep-specific hippocampal neural activity proposes neural mechanisms to account for observed activity changes that can invoke synaptic reorganization associated with learning and memory consolidation.  相似文献   

What cellular and network properties allow reliable neuronal rhythm generation or firing that can be started and stopped by brief synaptic inputs? We investigate rhythmic activity in an electrically-coupled population of brainstem neurons driving swimming locomotion in young frog tadpoles, and how activity is switched on and off by brief sensory stimulation. We build a computational model of 30 electrically-coupled conditional pacemaker neurons on one side of the tadpole hindbrain and spinal cord. Based on experimental estimates for neuron properties, population sizes, synapse strengths and connections, we show that: long-lasting, mutual, glutamatergic excitation between the neurons allows the network to sustain rhythmic pacemaker firing at swimming frequencies following brief synaptic excitation; activity persists but rhythm breaks down without electrical coupling; NMDA voltage-dependency doubles the range of synaptic feedback strengths generating sustained rhythm. The network can be switched on and off at short latency by brief synaptic excitation and inhibition. We demonstrate that a population of generic Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons coupled by glutamatergic excitatory feedback can generate sustained asynchronous firing switched on and off synaptically. We conclude that networks of neurons with NMDAR mediated feedback excitation can generate self-sustained activity following brief synaptic excitation. The frequency of activity is limited by the kinetics of the neuron membrane channels and can be stopped by brief inhibitory input. Network activity can be rhythmic at lower frequencies if the neurons are electrically coupled. Our key finding is that excitatory synaptic feedback within a population of neurons can produce switchable, stable, sustained firing without synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

The inhibitory restraint necessary to suppress aberrant activity can fail when inhibitory neurons cease to generate action potentials as they enter depolarization block. We investigate possible bifurcation structures that arise at the onset of seizure-like activity resulting from depolarization block in inhibitory neurons. Networks of conductance-based excitatory and inhibitory neurons are simulated to characterize different types of transitions to the seizure state, and a mean field model is developed to verify the generality of the observed phenomena of excitatory-inhibitory dynamics. Specifically, the inhibitory population’s activation function in the Wilson-Cowan model is modified to be non-monotonic to reflect that inhibitory neurons enter depolarization block given strong input. We find that a physiological state and a seizure state can coexist, where the seizure state is characterized by high excitatory and low inhibitory firing rate. Bifurcation analysis of the mean field model reveals that a transition to the seizure state may occur via a saddle-node bifurcation or a homoclinic bifurcation. We explain the hysteresis observed in network simulations using these two bifurcation types. We also demonstrate that extracellular potassium concentration affects the depolarization block threshold; the consequent changes in bifurcation structure enable the network to produce the tonic to clonic phase transition observed in biological epileptic networks.  相似文献   

The brain exhibits temporally complex patterns of activity with features similar to those of chaotic systems. Theoretical studies over the last twenty years have described various computational advantages for such regimes in neuronal systems. Nevertheless, it still remains unclear whether chaos requires specific cellular properties or network architectures, or whether it is a generic property of neuronal circuits. We investigate the dynamics of networks of excitatory-inhibitory (EI) spiking neurons with random sparse connectivity operating in the regime of balance of excitation and inhibition. Combining Dynamical Mean-Field Theory with numerical simulations, we show that chaotic, asynchronous firing rate fluctuations emerge generically for sufficiently strong synapses. Two different mechanisms can lead to these chaotic fluctuations. One mechanism relies on slow I-I inhibition which gives rise to slow subthreshold voltage and rate fluctuations. The decorrelation time of these fluctuations is proportional to the time constant of the inhibition. The second mechanism relies on the recurrent E-I-E feedback loop. It requires slow excitation but the inhibition can be fast. In the corresponding dynamical regime all neurons exhibit rate fluctuations on the time scale of the excitation. Another feature of this regime is that the population-averaged firing rate is substantially smaller in the excitatory population than in the inhibitory population. This is not necessarily the case in the I-I mechanism. Finally, we discuss the neurophysiological and computational significance of our results.  相似文献   

Sugase et al. found that global information is represented at the initial transient firing of a single face-responsive neuron in inferior-temporal (IT) cortex, and that finer information is represented at the subsequent sustained firing. A feed-forward model and an attractor network are conceivable models to reproduce this dynamics. The attractor network, specifically an associative memory model, is employed to elucidate the neuronal mechanisms producing the dynamics. The results obtained by computer simulations show that a state of neuronal population initially approaches to a mean state of similar memory patterns, and that it finally converges to a memory pattern. This dynamics qualitatively coincides with that of face-responsive neurons. The dynamics of a single neuron in the model also coincides with that of a single face-responsive neuron. Furthermore, we propose two physiological experiments and predict the results from our model. Both predicted results are not explainable by the feed-forward model. Therefore, if the results obtained by actual physiological experiments coincide with our predicted results, the attractor network might be the neuronal mechanisms producing the dynamics of face-responsive neurons.  相似文献   

The role of intrinsic cortical dynamics is a debatable issue. A recent optical imaging study (Kenet et al., 2003) found that activity patterns similar to orientation maps (OMs), emerge in the primary visual cortex (V1) even in the absence of sensory input, suggesting an intrinsic mechanism of OM activation. To better understand these results and shed light on the intrinsic V1 processing, we suggest a neural network model in which OMs are encoded by the intrinsic lateral connections. The proposed connectivity pattern depends on the preferred orientation and, unlike previous models, on the degree of orientation selectivity of the interconnected neurons. We prove that the network has a ring attractor composed of an approximated version of the OMs. Consequently, OMs emerge spontaneously when the network is presented with an unstructured noisy input. Simulations show that the model can be applied to experimental data and generate realistic OMs. We study a variation of the model with spatially restricted connections, and show that it gives rise to states composed of several OMs. We hypothesize that these states can represent local properties of the visual scene. Action Editor: Jonathan D. Victor  相似文献   

With the growing recognition that rhythmic and oscillatory patterns are widespread in the brain and play important roles in all aspects of the function of our nervous system, there has been a resurgence of interest in neuronal synchronized bursting activity. Here, we were interested in understanding the development of synchronized bursts as information-bearing neuronal activity patterns. For that, we have monitored the morphological organization and spontaneous activity of neuronal networks cultured on multielectrode-arrays during their self-executed evolvement from a mixture of dissociated cells into an active network. Complex collective network electrical activity evolved from sporadic firing patterns of the single neurons. On the system (network) level, the activity was marked by bursting events with interneuronal synchronization and nonarbitrary temporal ordering. We quantified these individual-to-collective activity transitions using newly-developed system level quantitative measures of time series regularity and complexity. We found that individual neuronal activity before synchronization was characterized by high regularity and low complexity. During neuronal wiring, there was a transient period of reorganization marked by low regularity, which then leads to coemergence of elevated regularity and functional (nonstochastic) complexity. We further investigated the morphology-activity interplay by modeling artificial neuronal networks with different topological organizations and connectivity schemes. The simulations support our experimental results by showing increased levels of complexity of neuronal activity patterns when neurons are wired up and organized in clusters (similar to mature real networks), as well as network-level activity regulation once collective activity forms.  相似文献   

We propose to investigate brain electrophysiological alterations associated with Parkinson’s disease through a novel adaptive dynamical model of the network of the basal ganglia, the cortex and the thalamus. The model uniquely unifies the influence of dopamine in the regulation of the activity of all basal ganglia nuclei, the self-organised neuronal interdependent activity of basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuits and the generation of subcortical background oscillations. Variations in the amount of dopamine produced in the neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta are key both in the onset of Parkinson’s disease and in the basal ganglia action selection. We model these dopamine-induced relationships, and Parkinsonian states are interpreted as spontaneous emergent behaviours associated with different rhythms of oscillatory activity patterns of the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical network. These results are significant because: (1) the neural populations are built upon single-neuron models that have been robustly designed to have eletrophysiologically-realistic responses, and (2) our model distinctively links changes in the oscillatory activity in subcortical structures, dopamine levels in the basal ganglia and pathological synchronisation neuronal patterns compatible with Parkinsonian states, this still remains an open problem and is crucial to better understand the progression of the disease.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s11571-020-09653-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Recent experimental results imply that inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can play a functional role in realizing synchronization of neuronal firing in the brain. In order to examine the relation between inhibition and synchronous firing of neurons theoretically, we analyze possible effects of synchronization and sensitivity enhancement caused by inhibitory inputs to neurons with a biologically realistic model of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The result shows that, after an inhibitory spike, the firing probability of a single postsynaptic neuron exposed to random excitatory background activity oscillates with time. The oscillation of the firing probability can be related to synchronous firing of neurons receiving an inhibitory spike simultaneously. Further, we show that when an inhibitory spike input precedes an excitatory spike input, the presence of such preceding inhibition raises the firing probability peak of the neuron after the excitatory input. The result indicates that an inhibitory spike input can enhance the sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron to the following excitatory spike input. Two neural network models based on these effects on postsynaptic neurons caused by inhibitory inputs are proposed to demonstrate possible mechanisms of detecting particular spatiotemporal spike patterns. Received: 15 April 1999 /Accepted in revised form: 25 November 1999  相似文献   

Neurons extracted from specific areas of the Central Nervous System (CNS), such as the hippocampus, the cortex and the spinal cord, can be cultured in vitro and coupled with a micro-electrode array (MEA) for months. After a few days, neurons connect each other with functionally active synapses, forming a random network and displaying spontaneous electrophysiological activity. In spite of their simplified level of organization, they represent an useful framework to study general information processing properties and specific basic learning mechanisms in the nervous system. These experimental preparations show patterns of collective rhythmic activity characterized by burst and spike firing. The patterns of electrophysiological activity may change as a consequence of external stimulation (i.e., chemical and/or electrical inputs) and by partly modifying the "randomness" of the network architecture (i.e., confining neuronal sub-populations in clusters with micro-machined barriers). In particular we investigated how the spontaneous rhythmic and synchronous activity can be modulated or drastically changed by focal electrical stimulation, pharmacological manipulation and network segregation. Our results show that burst firing and global synchronization can be enhanced or reduced; and that the degree of synchronous activity in the network can be characterized by simple parameters such as cross-correlation on burst events.  相似文献   

A network of two neurons mutually coupled through inhibitory synapses that display short-term synaptic depression is considered. We show that synaptic depression expands the number of possible activity patterns that the network can display and allows for co-existence of different patterns. Specifically, the network supports different types of n-m anti-phase firing patterns, where one neuron fires n spikes followed by the other neuron firing m spikes. When maximal synaptic conductances are identical, n-n anti-phase firing patterns are obtained and there are conductance intervals over which different pairs of these solutions co-exist. The multitude of n-m anti-phase patterns and their co-existence are not found when the synapses are non-depressing. Geometric singular perturbation methods for dynamical systems are applied to the original eight-dimensional model system to derive a set of one-dimensional conditions for the existence and co-existence of different anti-phase solutions. The generality and validity of these conditions are demonstrated through numerical simulations utilizing the Hodgkin-Huxley and Morris-Lecar neuronal models.  相似文献   

The notion of attractor networks is the leading hypothesis for how associative memories are stored and recalled. A defining anatomical feature of such networks is excitatory recurrent connections. These “attract” the firing pattern of the network to a stored pattern, even when the external input is incomplete (pattern completion). The CA3 region of the hippocampus has been postulated to be such an attractor network; however, the experimental evidence has been ambiguous, leading to the suggestion that CA3 is not an attractor network. In order to resolve this controversy and to better understand how CA3 functions, we simulated CA3 and its input structures. In our simulation, we could reproduce critical experimental results and establish the criteria for identifying attractor properties. Notably, under conditions in which there is continuous input, the output should be “attracted” to a stored pattern. However, contrary to previous expectations, as a pattern is gradually “morphed” from one stored pattern to another, a sharp transition between output patterns is not expected. The observed firing patterns of CA3 meet these criteria and can be quantitatively accounted for by our model. Notably, as morphing proceeds, the activity pattern in the dentate gyrus changes; in contrast, the activity pattern in the downstream CA3 network is attracted to a stored pattern and thus undergoes little change. We furthermore show that other aspects of the observed firing patterns can be explained by learning that occurs during behavioral testing. The CA3 thus displays both the learning and recall signatures of an attractor network. These observations, taken together with existing anatomical and behavioral evidence, make the strong case that CA3 constructs associative memories based on attractor dynamics.  相似文献   

Unraveling the interplay between connectivity and spatio-temporal dynamics in neuronal networks is a key step to advance our understanding of neuronal information processing. Here we investigate how particular features of network connectivity underpin the propensity of neural networks to generate slow-switching assembly (SSA) dynamics, i.e., sustained epochs of increased firing within assemblies of neurons which transition slowly between different assemblies throughout the network. We show that the emergence of SSA activity is linked to spectral properties of the asymmetric synaptic weight matrix. In particular, the leading eigenvalues that dictate the slow dynamics exhibit a gap with respect to the bulk of the spectrum, and the associated Schur vectors exhibit a measure of block-localization on groups of neurons, thus resulting in coherent dynamical activity on those groups. Through simple rate models, we gain analytical understanding of the origin and importance of the spectral gap, and use these insights to develop new network topologies with alternative connectivity paradigms which also display SSA activity. Specifically, SSA dynamics involving excitatory and inhibitory neurons can be achieved by modifying the connectivity patterns between both types of neurons. We also show that SSA activity can occur at multiple timescales reflecting a hierarchy in the connectivity, and demonstrate the emergence of SSA in small-world like networks. Our work provides a step towards understanding how network structure (uncovered through advancements in neuroanatomy and connectomics) can impact on spatio-temporal neural activity and constrain the resulting dynamics.  相似文献   

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