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J. Claret  Y. Carton 《Oecologia》1980,45(1):32-34
Summary The strain of Cothonaspis boulardi originating from a field collection at Guadeloupe (16° lat. N-West Indies) exhibits a facultative diapause that occurs at the final larval instar. The diapause was induced by low temperature (17.5° C) and was inhibited at 25° C. Diapause was independent of photoperiod. The termination of diapause was hastened in about 10 days by exposing larvae to a temperature of 25° C. Although a succession of sufficient cold days for diapause occurs only rarely in the collection area (Petit-Bourg), at higher elevations within 20 km of Petit-Bourg conditions that could induce diapause occur annually.This study is supported by research grant of C.N.R.S. (ATP Ecophysiologie, no 51-3571)  相似文献   

In this contribution the results of a zoogeographical analysis, carried out on the 123 endemic leaf beetle species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) occurring in Italy and its immediately adjacent regions, are reported. To assess the level of faunistic similarity among the different geographic regions studied, a cluster analysis was performed, based on the endemic component. This was done by calculating the Baroni Urbani & Buser’s similarity index (BUB). Finally, a parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to identify the most important areas of endemism in Italy.  相似文献   

We used noninvasive methods to obtain genetic and demographic data on the wolf packs (Canis lupus), which are now recolonizing the Alps, a century after their eradication. DNA samples, extracted from presumed wolf scats collected in the western Italian Alps (Piemonte), were genotyped to determine species and sex by sequencing parts of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region and ZFX/ZFY genes. Individual genotypes were identified by multilocus microsatellite analyses using a multiple tubes polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The performance of the laboratory protocols was affected by the age of samples. The quality of excremental DNA extracts was higher in samples freshly collected on snow in winter than in samples that were older or collected during summer. Preliminary mtDNA screening of all samples allowed species identification and was a good predictor of further PCR performances. Wolf, and not prey, DNA targets were preferentially amplified. Allelic dropout occurred more frequently than false alleles, but the probability of false homozygote determinations was always < 0.001. A panel of six to nine microsatellites would allow identification of individual wolf genotypes, also whether related, with a probability of identity of < 0.015. Genealogical relationships among individuals could be determined reliably if the number of candidate parents was 6-8, and most of them had been sampled and correctly genotyped. Genetic data indicate that colonizing Alpine wolves originate exclusively from the Italian source population and retain a high proportion of its genetic diversity. Spatial and temporal locations of individual genotypes, and kinship analyses, suggest that two distinct packs of closely related wolves, plus some unrelated individuals, ranged in the study areas. This is in agreement with field observations.  相似文献   

The kelp Laminaria hyperborea forms large forests and houses a numerous and diverse fauna, especially in the kelp holdfast and stipe epiphytes. Kelp harvesting creates cleared areas and fragmentizes the kelp forest. We investigated the dispersal ability of kelp fauna to cleared, harvested areas by studying their colonization pattern to artificial substrata (kelp mimics) exposed for a short (3 days) and longer time period (35 days) at different sites within the kelp forest (one site) and at a cleared area (two sites). Most of the kelp fauna (111 species) showed a rapid dispersal and colonized the artificial substrata within the cleared area. The similarity of the faunal community in the mimics with the natural kelp holdfast community increased with the length of the exposure period. During the experiments, 87% of the mobile species in the kelp plants were found in the kelp mimics, indicating good dispersal for slow-moving animals like gastropods, polychaetes and tube-building crustaceans. Relating the frequency of the different faunal groups in the untrawled kelp forest to their frequency in the kelp mimics, showed gastropods, amphipods and decapods to have relatively high dispersal rates, whereas isopods, bivalves, polychaetes and tanaids showed a lower dispersal rate than expected. Amphipods dispersed as juveniles and adults. No significant differences were found between the faunal composition and number of species in the mimics placed inside the kelp forest and in the cleared area. Remaining holdfasts and pebbles were identified as refuges/alternative habitats in the harvested area, and may together with the nearest kelp vegetation, serve as sources for colonization to new substrata. The high dispersal ability of most of the kelp fauna provides maintenance of the faunal composition of disturbed habitats and ensures colonization of recovering algal habitats regardless of reproduction strategy.  相似文献   

北方沙漠化地区生态移民中的关键问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张力小  刘杰 《生态学杂志》2009,28(7):1394-1398
对生态移民概念的内涵和外延进行了重新界定和梳理,认为生态移民是指为了保护某个地区特殊的生态或让某个地区的生态得到修复而进行的非自愿性移民,往往由政府组织实施。在此基础上,从沙漠化治理的逻辑悖论与危险人口阈值理论2个方面,探讨了我国北方地区生态移民与沙漠化正逆过程之间深层次的互动关系,指出生态移民在解决区域人地冲突的过程中存在有效的协调机制。最后,通过对内蒙古的巴林右旗“玛拉沁新村”和阿拉善左旗“孪井滩”2个移民项目的比较,对我国北方沙漠化地区生态移民的现实基础、特点与存在的问题进行了总结,并提出当前最紧迫的任务是做好生态移民项目的评估与监控工作,降低生态移民的经济、生态甚至社会风险。  相似文献   

Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis (Sasaki) is an insect of world-wide distribution that damages irrigated rice. From September, 2004 to February, 2005, nymphs and adults of this aphid were collected in several host weeds of rice farms in Alegrete, Quaraí and Uruguaiana, located in Western of State of Rio Grande do Sul, and Restinga Seca, in Central region of this State, Brazil. The insect was found in the root of Andropogon bicornis (West Indian foxtail), Echinochloa colona (jungle rice), Oryza sativa (volunteer rice and red-rice), Paspalum sp. (paspalum) and Soliva pterosperma (lawn burweed).  相似文献   

Abstract  Previously existing sources of data regarding mosquitoes in inland areas of south-west Western Australia are few and qualitative in nature. This is the first attempt to quantitatively investigate mosquito fauna in this region. The existing data are reviewed and compared with the results of the quantitative surveys presented in this paper. Temporal comparisons appear to indicate that mosquito community structure in the region may have changed since the initial surveys in the 1950s from a combination of freshwater-breeding species towards a strong dominance of Aedes camptorhynchus (Thomson), a major vector of Ross River virus in southern Australia. It is speculated that this shift may have been brought about by the increasing area and severity of dryland salinity in the region over the last century, and also may increase the potential for Ross River virus disease transmission.  相似文献   

罗万云  周杨  王福博 《生态学报》2023,43(10):3971-3983
国家重点生态功能区财政转移支付虽覆盖全部地区,但其补偿资金主要用于生态修复成本与基本公共服务开支,缺少对外围农户受偿意愿的关注。基于阿尔泰山地森林草原生态功能区的553份农户调查数据,利用CVM法、Heckman两阶段选择模型对农户生态补偿参与意愿和受偿水平以及影响因素进行分析,为国家重点生态功能区面向农户出台生态补偿政策提供参考依据。研究结果表明:(1)调查区域85.53%的农户具有较强受偿需求,这一意愿具有生计方式、收入层次以及流域差异,经Heckman期望值估计方法调整后,农户受偿水平为1250.5元户-1 a-1。(2)自然资本中人均耕地面积对补偿参与意愿和受偿水平都具有正向影响,人均草场面积显著正向影响农户受偿水平;人力资本中劳动力比重对农户受偿水平具有正向影响;物质资本中,牲畜存栏量与受偿水平呈显著的负相关,生产性工具对补偿参与意愿和受偿水平都具有正向影响;金融资本中家庭总收入显著负向影响农户受偿水平,是否为脱贫巩固户身份对农户补偿参与意愿有正向影响;社会资本中汉语水平与农户参与意愿呈显著正相关,是否常去村级文化中心正向影响农户受...  相似文献   

Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) are known to be associated with fungi, especially species of Ophiostoma sensu lato and Ceratocystis. However, very little is known about these fungi in Spain. In this study, we examined the fungi associated with 13 bark beetle species and one weevil (Coleoptera: Entiminae) infesting Pinus radiata in the Basque Country of northern Spain. This study included an examination of 1323 bark beetles or their galleries in P. radiata. Isolations yielded a total of 920 cultures, which included 16 species of Ophiostoma sensu lato or their asexual states. These 16 species included 69 associations between fungi and bark beetles and weevils that have not previously been recorded. The most commonly encountered fungal associates of the bark beetles were Ophiostoma ips, Leptographium guttulatum, Ophiostoma stenoceras, and Ophiostoma piceae. In most cases, the niche of colonization had a significant effect on the abundance and composition of colonizing fungi. This confirms that resource overlap between species is reduced by partial spatial segregation. Interaction between niche and time seldom had a significant effect, which suggests that spatial colonization patterns are rarely flexible throughout timber degradation. The differences in common associates among the bark beetle species could be linked to the different niches that these beetles occupy.  相似文献   

刘兴元  龙瑞军 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3404-3414
根据藏北那曲高寒草地的生产力、季节放牧重要性、生态服务价值、生态环境敏感性,构建了基于草地亚类的功能分区模型,从空间上将高寒草地划分为适度生产功能区、减畜恢复功能区和禁牧封育功能区,据此构建了基于高寒草地功能分区的分级生态补偿模式,设计了高寒草地生态补偿的组织管理体系及流程、生态补偿的损益评估机制和约束奖惩机制;提出了针对不同功能区的生态补偿方案.根据藏北那曲高寒草地功能分区结果和不同功能区生态补偿内容和目标,确定生态补偿周期为5a,核算出适度生产功能区、减畜恢复功能区和禁牧封育保护功能区分别需要补偿资金19.4亿元、15.77亿元和0.6亿元,每年分别需补偿资金3.88亿元、3.16亿元和0.12亿元,5a全区共需补偿资金35.77亿元,年需7.16亿元.通过对高寒草地的功能分区分级生态补偿,对提高高寒草地的生态保护能力,增加牧民的经济收入,促进藏北高寒草地生态系统的可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

Sedimentary records provide important information for understanding changes in the history of eutrophication in Lake Taihu. In addition, the catchment nutrient model SWAT provides a powerful tool to examine eutrophic changes in a long-term context. Since it is difficult to evaluate impacts of natural eutrophic development and anthropogenic changes in catchment discharge and land use, simulation of past changes provides a mirror on processes and dynamics. Boundaries in the simulations are set to a pre-industrial time to evaluate natural-agricultural nutrient changes in Taihu Basin a 100 years ago. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the main channel flowing into the lake are simulated in four sub-basins for 200 model years. Results show that modeling can capture basic features of basin nutrient development, where mean TN concentration (0.12 mg l−1) can be compared in broad scale to mean TN concentration (0.17 mg kg−1) from Lake Taihu sedimentary cores dating back about 100 years. Spatial nutrient simulations suggest that the two major nutrient sources are from the southwestern sub-basin (48% TN and 68% TP of the basin total) and the northwestern sub-basin (18% TN and 17% TP). There are differences of +7.3 × 104 kg TN and +2.0 × 105 kg TP between total input and output values, simulating mean annual amounts of nutrient deposited into the lake. TN and TP concentration differences between input and output sub-basins become smaller in the second 100 years than the first 100 years, suggesting a 100 year period to reach a balance of net nutrients. Catchment nutrient modeling provides a basis to evaluate how nutrient production and balance responded to environmental changes over 200 years in Taihu Basin.  相似文献   

区域生态补偿额度的确定和空间选择是横向转移支付生态补偿机制研究的关键问题。本研究以福州市12区县为基本研究单元,通过核算2015和2018年福州市各区县森林、草地、湿地、农田和海洋五大生态系统的生态功能价值,结合当地经济发展状况,构建生态补偿模型,确定了福州市各区县不同生态系统的生态补偿额度及空间分布。结果表明: 2015—2018年间,生态支付额度最大的地区为鼓楼区(363.84亿元),其次为马尾区、仓山区和晋安区,分别为78.09、69.74和66.69亿元,罗源县和台江区的支付额度较小,分别为29.42和19.03亿元。需要生态补偿的区域中,连江县和长乐区的补偿额度较高,分别为251.20和202.61亿元,其次为永泰县(125.70亿元),再次为闽侯县、福清市和闽清县,补偿额度在100亿元以下。不同生态系统类型的生态补偿区域分布不同,其中,永泰县、闽清县、闽侯县、连江县和罗源县是森林、草地、湿地和农田生态系统的主要生态补偿区,森林、草地、湿地和农田的补偿额分别在24.24~313.79、11.81~207.08、10.15~454.93和57.80~239.54亿元;海洋生态系统的补偿区主要在连江县、长乐区和福清市,补偿额在82.16~478.54亿元。该结果较好地反映区域生态与经济协调发展状况,可为福州市生态补偿机制的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

The relationships between female attractiveness, cuticular hydrocarbons, and levels of juvenile hormone and ecdysteroids were studied in Calliphora vomitoria. The experiments were conducted at 48 and 72 h post-emergence, according to attractiveness appearance and increase. The 48-h-old allatectomized females were less attractive than the control females, whereas no changes occurred either in cuticular hydrocarbons total mass production or in the different hydrocarbon families. However, the 72-h-old allatectomized females were more attractive than the control females, and, in relative proportions, allatectomy led to an increase in monomethylalkanes and a decrease in n-alkanes. Only at 48 h were the ovariectomized females less attractive than the control females and did ovariectomy increase the relative proportions of monomethylalkanes. At 72 h, ovariectomy did not influence female attractiveness, but it decreased the total cuticular hydrocarbon production. Allatectomy and ovariectomy significantly decreased ecdysteroids levels at 48 and 72 h. Ovariectomy did not affect juvenile hormone production. These results suggest that attractiveness and cuticular hydrocarbon synthesis could be under the direct control of ecdysteroids and the indirect influence of juvenile hormone. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

围绕海洋工程项目建设中渔业资源损害补偿这一关键要素至今尚缺乏一致认可的统一标准这一核心问题,根据2015年11月、2016年5月在舟山近岸海域(29°20′—31°00′N、121°40′—123°00′E)开展80个站位的渔业资源拖网调查数据,结合历史资料和渔民访谈交流等,分别以是否为生产渔场、是否为鱼卵仔稚鱼聚集区以及渔业资源量数量分布状况,赋予不同海域的权重系数,将直接经济损害补偿与渔业生态服务价值补偿结合起来,提出渔业生态损害补偿标准核算思路,建立了围填海工程项目渔业生态损害的补偿补偿模型,并计算得出不同县(区)、乡镇的渔业生态损害补偿金标准。可在舟山近岸不同海域的渔业生态损害补偿金收缴实践中推广应用,也为建立我国海洋生态损害补偿机制提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Ten free-living superb lyrebirds (Menura novaehollandiae) from forest habitat in southern Victoria, Australia were examined at necropsy over a 10 yr period. The acanthocephalan Plagiorhynchus menurae was identified in two lyrebirds from forest habitat in southern Victoria, Australia. There was necrotic enteritis in the duodenum associated with the acanthocephalans, with secondary bacterial involvement. The lesions probably resulted in the observed emaciation and debilitation of the birds. Probably the forest-floor habitat and insect diet of lyrebirds exposes them to these infections.  相似文献   

The mangrove forest along the northern Brazilian coast is not inundated during low tide. However, many fish species stay in the mangrove forest during this time. Tidal behaviour strategies are described for fish species that linger in the mangrove forest during low tide. The samples were taken at the end of the dry season (December 1996) and at the end of the rainy season (July 1997). Fish were captured using an ichthyotoxic plant extract (Ichthyotere cunabi). Spatial and temporal fish density and biomass were analyzed statistically. Thirty-six samples were taken with a total density of 2.8 ind m-2 and a total biomass of 17.4 g m-2 distributed among seven families and 14 species. Myrophis punctatus was the most important species in number (1.66 ind m-2) and weight (12.68 g m-2) of all catches. The total fish densities were not significantly different among areas and between months, although, total biomass differed significantly in time and space. The densities and biomass for the three most dominant species (M. punctatus, Poecilia spp. and Gobionellus smaragdus) differed significantly among species. Only the biomass of these species showed significant monthly differences. The only significant main effect on variance in the densities and biomass of M. punctatus were encountered between months. In addition, the factor area was significantly different for the variable number of species.  相似文献   

山西典型生态区植被指数(NDVI)对气候变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1982—2006年8 km的NSASA/GIMMS半月合成的月植被指数(NDVI)和同期气候数据,根据山西地形地貌结合土地利用及植被调查资料,将山西划分为9个区域,分析了这9个典型生态区的NDVI年际、年代际以及月季的变化规律,同时分析了NDVI对降水、气温以及干旱指数PDSI等气候要素的响应特征。结果表明:近25年来山西植被指数呈起伏上升趋势,并存在明显的年际变化;NDVI在空间变化上表现为南部好于北部、东部好于西部,不同生态区中林区>农业区>农牧区;林区春季植被指数显著上升,除晋南农业区月变化为双峰型外,其他生态区均表现为单峰型;林区NDVI与气温存在一致相关,PDSI与NDVI的相关好于降水、气温单一因子;植被指数对气候年际变化响应有明显的滞后性,降水的年际变化对植被指数影响最大,尤其是降水的累积效应。  相似文献   

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