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1. Little is known about the dynamics of pathogen (microparasite) infection in wildlife populations, and less still about sources of variation in the risk of infection. Here we present the first detailed analysis of such variation. 2. Cowpox virus is an endemic sublethal pathogen circulating in populations of wild rodents. Cowpox prevalence was monitored longitudinally for 2 years, in populations of field voles exhibiting multiannual cycles of density in Kielder Forest, UK. 3. The probability that available susceptible animals seroconverted in a given trap session was significantly positively related to host density with a 3-month time lag. 4. Males were significantly more likely to seroconvert than females. 5. Despite most infection being found in young animals (because transmission rates were generally high) mature individuals were more likely to seroconvert than immature ones, suggesting that behavioural or physiological changes associated with maturity contribute to variation in infection risk. 6. Hence, these analyses confirm that there is a delayed numerical response of cowpox infection to vole density, supporting the hypothesis that endemic pathogens may play some part in shaping vole cycles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Gregarines, debilitating gut parasites, significantly reduced longevity and increased weight loss in the field cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burmeiser when adults were kept on suboptimal diets, but in G.pennsylvanicus and G.veletis (Alexander and Bigelow) fed ad libitum , weight change, longevity, and fecundity were not significantly different in infected and control individuals.
2. Adults harbouring gregarines at eclosion took significantly longer to develop from the second and third instars than did uninfected adults.
3. Longevity of nymphs kept in the laboratory without food was decreased in infected individuals compared with uninfected ones, but not significantly so.
4. The evolutionary and ecological implications of nonlethal parasites are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to obtain insight into host responses to grapevine downy mildew ( Plasmopara viticola ), we compared pathogen development on a panel of Vitis species from North America, Asia and Europe. Leaf discs from different host species were inoculated in parallel, and the colonisation of the mesophyll was visualised by aniline blue staining and quantified with respect to infection incidence and mycelial growth. In parallel, the morphology of guard cells was screened for the presence of an internal cuticular rim after staining with acridine orange and using low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. We observed three response patterns: (i) inhibition of pathogen development early after attachment of zoospores; (ii) successful colonisation of the mesophyll by the pathogen; and (iii) aberrant development, where the pathogen does not attach to guard cells, but produces hyphae on the leaf surface without formation of viable sporangiophores. Inhibition is observed in the North American and Siberian species, successful colonisation prevails in the European hosts, and surface hyphae are found on non-Siberian Asiatic species. We propose that the interaction between host and pathogen is under control of specific signals that have been subject to evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   

The comparative genetic structure of hosts and their parasites has important implications for their coevolution, but has been investigated in relatively few systems. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure and diversity of the New Zealand intertidal snail Zeacumantus subcarinatus ( n  =   330) and two of its trematode parasites, Maritrema novaezealandensis ( n  =   269) and Philophthalmus sp. ( n  =   246), using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene ( COI ) sequences. Snails and trematodes were examined from 11 collection sites representing three regions on the South Island of New Zealand. Zeacumantus subcarinatus displayed low genetic diversity per geographic locality, strong genetic structure following an isolation by distance pattern, and low migration rates at the scale of the study. In contrast, M. novaezealandensis possessed high genetic diversity, genetic homogeneity among collection sites and high migration rates. Genetic diversity and migration rates were typically lower for Philophthalmus sp. compared to M. novaezealandensis and it displayed weak to moderate genetic structure. The observed patterns likely result from the limited dispersal ability of the direct developing snail and the utilization of bird definitive hosts by the trematodes. In addition, snails may occasionally experience long-distance dispersal. Discrepancies between trematode species may result from differences in their effective population sizes and/or life history traits.  相似文献   

重庆市野生重点保护植物资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆市位于中国西南部三峡库区中心地带。境内海拔差异较大 ,北有大巴山 ,东有巫山 ,南有大娄山 ,西部为起伏和缓的丘陵。长江自西向东流贯全境 ,乌江和嘉陵江为重庆市境内长江的两大支流 ,地处热带与温带区系交错渗透的地带 ,气候温和 ,降水充沛 ,加之第四纪冰川时期没有直接受到北方大陆冰川的严重侵袭和破坏 ,为植物提供了良好的生存繁衍条件。因此 ,重庆市境内植物种类异常丰富。据调查统计 ,全市有高等植物 80 0 0余种 ,模式植物 80 0余种 ,保存着较多的珍稀濒危保护植物[1~ 3 ] 。作者对重庆市珍稀濒危植物进行了系统调查 ,旨在为其…  相似文献   

Predicting how climate change will affect disease dynamics requires an understanding of how the environment affects host–pathogen interactions. For amphibians, global declines and extinctions have been linked to a pathogenic chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Using a combination of body temperature measurements and disease assays conducted before and after the arrival of B. dendrobatidis, this study tested the hypothesis that body temperature affects the prevalence of infection in a wild population of Panamanian golden frogs (Atelopus zeteki). The timing of first detection of the fungus was consistent with that of a wave of epidemic infections spreading south and eastward through Central America. During the epidemic, many golden frogs modified their thermoregulatory behaviour, raising body temperatures above their normal set point. Odds of infection decreased with increasing body temperature, demonstrating that even slight environmental or behavioural changes have the potential to affect an individual''s vulnerability to infection. The thermal dependency of the relationship between B. dendrobatidis and its amphibian hosts demonstrates how the progression of an epidemic can be influenced by complex interactions between host and pathogen phenotypes and the environments in which they are found.  相似文献   

Identifying the processes maintaining genetic variability in wild populations is a major concern in conservation and evolutionary biology. Parasite-mediated selection may strongly affect genetic variability in wild populations. The inbreeding depression theory predicts that directional selection imposed by parasites should act against the most inbred hosts, thus favouring genetic diversity in wild populations. We have tested this prediction by evaluating the strength and shape of the relationship between the load of a harmful fin-feeder ectoparasite ( Tracheliastes polycolpus ) and the genome-wide genetic diversity (i.e. heterozygosity measured at a set of 15 microsatellites) of its fish host, the rostrum dace ( Leuciscus leuciscus ). Contrary to expectation, we found a nonlinear relationship between host genetic diversity and ectoparasite load, with hosts that were either homozygous or heterozygous harbouring significantly fewer parasites than hosts with an intermediate level of heterozygosity. This relationship suggests that parasites could increase the variance of global heterozygosity in this host population through disruptive selection on genetic diversity. Moreover, when genetic diversity was measured at each locus separately, we found two very strong positive associations between host genetic diversity and the ectoparasite load. This latter result has three main implications: (i) genome-wide effect cannot alone explain the nonlinear relationship between global heterozygosity and ectoparasite load, (ii) negative non-additive allelic interactions (i.e. underdominance) may be a mechanism for resisting ectoparasite infection, and (iii) ectoparasites may favour homozygosity at some loci in this host population.  相似文献   

Individuals are often co-infected with several parasite species, yet the consequences of drug treatment on the dynamics of parasite communities in wild populations have rarely been measured. Here, we experimentally reduced nematode infection in a wild mouse population and measured the effects on other non-target parasites. A single oral dose of the anthelmintic, ivermectin, significantly reduced nematode infection, but resulted in a reciprocal increase in other gastrointestinal parasites, specifically coccidial protozoans and cestodes. These results highlight the possibility that drug therapy may have unintended consequences for non-target parasites and that host–parasite dynamics cannot always be fully understood in the framework of single host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Western tent caterpillars hatch in the early spring when temperatures are cool and variable. They compensate for sub-optimal air temperatures by basking in the sun.
2. Tent caterpillars have cyclic population dynamics and infection by nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) often occurs in populations at high density.
3. To determine whether climatic variation might influence viral infection, the environmental determinants of larval body temperature and the effects of temperature on growth and development rates and larval susceptibility to NPV were examined.
4. In the field, larval body temperature was determined by ambient temperature, irradiance, and larval stage. The relationship between larval body temperature and ambient temperature was curvilinear, a property consistent with, but not necessarily limited to, behaviourally thermoregulating organisms.
5. Larvae were reared at seven temperatures between 18 and 36 °C. Larval growth and development increased linearly with temperature to 30 °C, increased at a lower rate to 33 °C, then decreased to 36 °C. Pupal weights were highest for larvae reared between 27 and 30 °C.
6. The pathogenicity (LD50) of NPV was not influenced by temperature, but the time to death of infected larvae declined asymptotically as temperature increased.
7. Taking into account larval growth, the theoretical yield of the virus increased significantly between 18 and 21 °C then decreased slightly as temperatures increased to 36 °C.
8. Control and infected larvae showed no difference in temperature preference on a thermal gradient. The modes of temperature preference were similar to those for optimal growth and asymptotic body temperatures measured in the field on sunny days.
9. Warmer temperatures attained by basking may increase the number of infection cycles in sunny springs but do not protect larvae from viral infection.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones (CORT) are predicted to promote adaptation to variable environments, yet little is known about the potential for CORT secretion patterns to respond to selection in free-living populations. We assessed the heritable variation underlying differences in hormonal phenotypes using a cross-foster experimental design with nestling North American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). Using a bivariate animal model, we partitioned variance in baseline and stress-induced CORT concentrations into their additive genetic and rearing environment components and estimated their genetic correlation. Both baseline and stress-induced CORT were heritable with heritability of 0.152 and 0.343, respectively. We found that the variation in baseline CORT was best explained by rearing environment, whereas the variation in stress-induced CORT was contributed to by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Further, we did not detect a genetic correlation between these two hormonal traits. Although rearing environment appears to play an important role in the secretion of both types of CORT, our results suggest that stress-induced CORT levels are underlain by greater additive genetic variance compared with baseline CORT levels. Accordingly, we infer that the glucocorticoid response to stress has a greater potential for evolutionary change in response to selection compared with baseline glucocorticoid secretion patterns.  相似文献   

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