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色彩是评价园艺植物观赏性状的重要指标,而植物色素是影响植物色彩表型的关键因子。植物色素及其代谢产物在植物观赏器官颜色形成、植株生长发育调节及对逆境胁迫的响应等方面发挥着重要的作用,是植物研究领域长期关注的热点问题。病毒诱导基因沉默(virus-induced gene silencing,VIGS)是利用植物同源依赖性防御机制,特异性降低宿主内源性基因表达的一种重要基因组学工具,能够通过快速诱导植物基因沉默表型的产生,表征基因的功能,为缺乏遗传转化体系的植物的基因功能鉴定提供高效可行的替代方案。本文综述了VIGS技术在植物色素的生物合成、降解和调控机制上的应用现状,并探讨了VIGS技术在探究色素调控机制上的潜力和未来前景,以期进一步完善对不同植物色素的代谢过程和调控机制的理解,为改良植物色彩性状提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are key modulators of diverse cellular processes such as development and sensing the extracellular environment. FERONIA, a member of the CrRLK1L subfamily, acts as a pleiotropic regulator of plant immune responses, but little is known about how maize FERONIA-like receptors (FLRs) function in responding to the major foliar diseases of maize such as northern corn leaf blight (NLB), northern corn leaf spot (NLS), anthracnose stalk rot (ASR), and southern corn leaf blight (SLB). Here, we identified three ZmFLR homologous proteins that showed cell membrane localization. Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana proved that ZmFLRs were capable of inducing cell death. To investigate the role of ZmFLRs in maize, we used virus-induced gene silencing to knock down expression of ZmFLR1/2 and ZmFLR3 resulting in reduced reactive oxygen species production induced by flg22 and chitin. The resistance of maize to NLB, NLS, ASR, and SLB was also reduced in the ZmFLRs knockdown maize plants. These results indicate that ZmFLRs are positively involved in broad-spectrum disease resistance in maize.  相似文献   

The character of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants differs in connection with the context, triggering factors and differentiation state of the target cells. To study the interconnections between cell cycle progression and cell death induction, we treated synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells with cadmium ions that represent a general abiotic stressor influencing both dividing and differentiated cells in planta. Cadmium induced massive cell death after application in all stages of the cell cycle; however, both the progression and the forms of the cell death differed pronouncedly. Apoptosis-like PCD induced by cadmium application in the S and G2 was characterized by pronounced internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. In contrast, application of cadmium in M and G1 phases was not accompanied by DNA cleavage, indicating suppression of autolysis and non-programmed character of the death. We interpret these results in the context of the situation in planta, where the induction of apoptosis-like PCD in the S and G2 phase might be connected with a need to preserve genetic integrity of dividing meristematic cells, whereas suppression of PCD response in differentiated cells (situated in G1/G0 phase) might help to avoid death of the whole plant, and thus enable initiation of the recovery and adaptation processes.  相似文献   

Plant immune signalling activated by the perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or effector proteins is mediated by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domain-containing receptors (NLRs), which often share cellular components and downstream responses. Many PRRs are leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs), which mostly perceive proteinaceous PAMPs. The suppressor of the G2 allele of skp1 (SGT1) is a core immune regulator required for the activation of NLR-mediated immunity. In this work, we examined the requirement of SGT1 for immune responses mediated by several LRR-RLKs in both Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis. Using complementary genetic approaches, we found that SGT1 is not limiting for early PRR-dependent responses or antibacterial immunity. We therefore conclude that SGT1 does not play a significant role in bacterial PAMP-triggered immunity.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death in plants: distinguishing between different modes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Programmed cell death (PCD) in plants is a crucial componentof development and defence mechanisms. In animals, differenttypes of cell death (apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis) havebeen distinguished morphologically and discussed in these morphologicalterms. PCD is largely used to describe the processes of apoptosisand autophagy (although some use PCD and apoptosis interchangeably)while necrosis is generally described as a chaotic and uncontrolledmode of death. In plants, the term PCD is widely used to describemost instances of death observed. At present, there is a vastarray of plant cell culture models and developmental systemsbeing studied by different research groups and it is clear fromwhat is described in this mass of literature that, as with animals,there does not appear to be just one type of PCD in plants.It is fundamentally important to be able to distinguish betweendifferent types of cell death for several reasons. For example,it is clear that, in cell culture systems, the window of timein which ‘PCD’ is studied by different groups varieshugely and this can have profound effects on the interpretationof data and complicates attempts to compare different researcher'sdata. In addition, different types of PCD will probably havedifferent regulators and modes of death. For this reason, inplant cell cultures an apoptotic-like PCD (AL-PCD) has beenidentified that is fairly rapid and results in a distinct corpsemorphology which is visible 4–6 h after release of cytochromec and other apoptogenic proteins. This type of morphology, distinctfrom autophagy and from necrosis, has also been observed inexamples of plant development. In this review, our model systemand how it is used to distinguish specifically between AL-PCDand necrosis will be discussed. The different types of PCD observedin plants will also be discussed and the importance of distinguishingbetween different forms of cell death will be highlighted. Key words: Apoptosis, apoptosis-like programmed cell death (AL-PCD), Arabidopsis, autophagy, mitochondria, necrosis, programmed cell death (PCD) Received 5 June 2007; Revised 13 September 2007 Accepted 20 September 2007  相似文献   

As a destructive plant pathogen, Phytophthora infestans secretes diverse host-entering RxLR effectors to facilitate infection. One critical RxLR effector, PiAvr3b, not only induces effector-triggered immunity (ETI), which is associated with the potato resistance protein StR3b, but also suppresses pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI). To date, the molecular basis underlying such dual activities remains unknown. Based on phylogenetic analysis of global P. infestans isolates, we found two PiAvr3b isoforms that differ by three amino acids. Despite this sequence variation, the two isoforms retain the same properties in activating the StR3b-mediated hypersensitive response (HR) and inhibiting necrosis induced by three PAMPs (PiNpp, PiINF1, and PsXeg1) and an RxLR effector (Pi10232). Using a combined mutagenesis approach, we found that the dual activities of PiAvr3b were tightly linked and determined by 88 amino acids at the C-terminus. We further determined that either the W60 or the E134 residue of PiAvr3b was essential for triggering StR3b-associated HR and inhibiting PiNpp- and Pi10232-associated necrosis, while the S99 residue partially contributed to PTI suppression. Additionally, nuclear localization of PiAvr3b was required to stimulate HR and suppress PTI, but not to inhibit Pi10232-associated cell death. Our study revealed that PiAvr3b suppresses the plant immune response at different subcellular locations and provides an example in which a single amino acid of an RxLR effector links ETI induction and cell death suppression.  相似文献   

Although hybrid proline-rich proteins (HyPRPs) are ubiquitous in plants, little is known about their roles other than as cell-wall structural proteins. We identified the gene HyPRP1 in Capsicum annuum and Nicotiana benthamiana, which encodes a protein containing proline-rich domain and eight-cysteine motif (8CM) that is constitutively expressed in various organs, mostly in the root, but is down-regulated upon inoculation with either incompatible or compatible pathogens. Ectopic expression of HyPRP1 in plants accelerated cell death, showing developmental abnormality with down-regulation of ROS-scavenging genes, and enhanced pathogen susceptibility suppressing expression of defense-related genes. Conversely, silencing of HyPRP1 suppressed pathogen-induced cell death, but enhanced disease resistance, with up-regulation of defense-related genes and inhibition of in planta growth of bacterial pathogens independently of signal molecule-mediated pathways. Furthermore, the secreted 8CM was sufficient for these HyPRP1 functions. Together, our results suggest that a common plant cell-wall structural protein, HyPRP1, performs distinct dual roles in positive regulation of cell death and negative regulation of basal defense against pathogen.  相似文献   

Adenosine 5′‐triphosphate (ATP) has been regarded as an intracellular energy currency molecule for many years. In recent decades, it has been determined that ATP is released into the extracellular milieu by animal, plant and microbial cells. In animal cells, this extracellular ATP (eATP) functions as a signalling compound to mediate many cellular processes through its interaction with membrane‐associated receptor proteins. It has also been reported that eATP is a signalling molecule required for the regulation of plant growth, development and responses to environmental stimuli. Recently, the first plant receptor for eATP was identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. Interestingly, some studies have shown that eATP is of particular importance in the control of plant cell death. In this review article, we summarize and discuss the theoretical and experimental advances that have been made with regard to the roles and mechanisms of eATP in plant cell death. We also make an attempt to address some speculative aspects to help develop and expand future research in this area.  相似文献   

Apoptosis: Programmed cell death in health and disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apoptosis is a normal physiological cell death process of eliminating unwanted cells from living organisms during embryonic and adult development. Apoptotic cells are characterised by fragmentation of nuclear DNA and formation of apoptotic bodies. Genetic analysis revealed the involvement of many death and survival genes in apoptosis which are regulated by extracellular factors. There are multiple inducers and inhibitors of apoptosis which interact with target cell specific surface receptors and transduce the signal by second messengers to programme cell death. The regulation of apoptosis is elusive, but defective regulation leads to aetiology of various ailments. Understanding the molecular mechanism of apoptosis including death genes, death signals, surface receptors and signal pathways will provide new insights in developing strategies to regulate the cell survival/death. The current knowledge on the molecular events of apoptotic cell death and their significance in health and disease is reviewed.  相似文献   

植物体细胞胚发生中抗氧化系统代谢动态和程序性细胞死亡   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在胚性细胞分化过程中SOD活性明显高于对照,同时SOD活性与胚性细胞分化密切相关,表明胚性细胞具有较强的抗氧化能力。低浓度的H2O2对胚性细胞的分化有促进作用,并认为H2O2可能是作为一种细胞信号物,通过细胞信号系统调节相关基因表达,或通过提高细胞内Ca^2+浓度而促进细胞分化。在胚性细胞分化和发育过程中存在程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)。活性氧在诱发植物PC  相似文献   

动物细胞培养过程中的细胞自然凋亡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞培养过程中的细胞自然凋亡是细胞受环境压力的影响而发生的现象。随着细胞自然凋亡的分子生物学和生物化学研究的深入,对以动物细胞产品生产为目的的细胞培养产业将产生极有价值的影响。采用DNA重组技术把预防细胞自然凋亡的基因导入细胞和在培基中加入具有抗细胞自然凋亡的化合物等手段已用于预防或减缓细胞培养过程中的细胞自然凋亡。这些技术将大大延长细胞达到饱和密度后的培养时间,从而使细胞培养系统的生产效率得以显著提高。  相似文献   

光周期对西葫芦185品系顶芽和叶片衰老的调控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在短日照下 ,西葫芦 (CucurbitapepoLinn .) 185品系的植株发生衰老。结构学、基因表达与系列生化分析证实 :短日照启动了顶端分生组织由营养生长锥向花芽的转化 ,进而其组成细胞发生编程性死亡 (PCD) ,导致顶端生长势的丧失 ;与长日照处理相比 ,短日照处理在发育晚期也引起大量叶肉细胞发生PCD ,进而叶片出现衰老。核酸酶活性的高度表达是PCD过程中一个非常重要的分子事件。实验证实 ,西葫芦 185品系植株衰老进程的发生与顶端分生组织和叶肉细胞中发生PCD密切相关。  相似文献   

李兆英  余红梅  孙艳  孙婧 《昆虫学报》2016,(10):1079-1085
【目的】咽下腺(hypopharyngeal gland)是蜜蜂重要的外分泌腺,是工蜂合成和分泌蜂王浆的主要腺体。本研究的目的在于了解中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana工蜂咽下腺的胚后发育特点。【方法】通过组织形态学、Brd U免疫组织化学和TUNEL细胞凋亡检测等技术,对中华蜜蜂工蜂咽下腺的胚后发育过程及组织结构特点进行了比较研究。【结果】中华蜜蜂工蜂的咽下腺起源自预蛹阶段口器内壁的陷入,细胞分裂活动的高峰期集中在蛹发育的前3 d,随后分裂细胞数减少,并一直持续到蛹发育的第7天左右结束;分泌腺泡的出现大约在蛹发育的第5天。到蛹发育的末期,咽下腺已基本形成,但是没有发育完全;哺育蜂的咽下腺高度发育,分泌活动旺盛;采集蜂的咽下腺中有许多分泌细胞凋亡。【结论】本研究揭示了中蜂工蜂咽下腺胚后发育过程中细胞增殖和凋亡的模式,为昆虫咽下腺的发育和功能研究提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

在短日照下,西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo Linn.)185品系的植株发生衰老.结构学、基因表达与系列生化分析证实:短日照启动了顶端分生组织由营养生长锥向花芽的转化,进而其组成细胞发生编程性死亡(PCD),导致顶端生长势的丧失;与长日照处理相比,短日照处理在发育晚期也引起大量叶肉细胞发生PCD,进而叶片出现衰老.核酸酶活性的高度表达是PCD过程中一个非常重要的分子事件.实验证实,西葫芦185品系植株衰老进程的发生与顶端分生组织和叶肉细胞中发生PCD密切相关.  相似文献   

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