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Three methods for the immobilization of the epoxide hydrolase from the fungus Aspergillus niger were tested. The highest immobilization yield (90%) and retention of activity (65%) were obtained by adsorption onto DEAE-cellulose compared to adsorption onto hydrophobic porous polypropylene and covalent linkage using Eupergit resin. The enzymatic properties of the immobilized enzyme were similar to those of the free enzyme with respect to the effect of temperature and pH on both activity and stability as well as the effect of solvent (DMF) on activity. The kinetic parameters were affected leading to lower K M(app) and higher Vm (app).  相似文献   

The asymmetric biohydrolysis is described of o-nitrostyrene oxide with high selectivity by whole cells of Aspergillus niger CGMCC 0496. Both the epoxide and diol could be obtained in a high state of optical purity (over 98%). Product inhibition was found when using a high ratio of substrate to cells.  相似文献   

Purification of a novel enantioselective epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus niger M200 has been achieved using ammonium sulphate precipitation, ionic exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and size-exclusion chromatography, in conjunction with two additional chromatographic steps employing hydroxylapatite, and Mimetic Green. The enzyme was purified 186-fold with a yield of 15%. The apparent molecular mass of the enzyme was determined to be 77 kDa under native conditions and 40 kDa under denaturing conditions, implying a dimeric structure of the native enzyme. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was estimated to be 4.0 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. The enzyme has a broad substrate specificity with highest specificities towards tert-butyl glycidyl ether, para-nitrostyrene oxide, benzyl glycidyl ether, and styrene oxide. Enantiomeric ratios of 30 to more than 100 were determined for the hydrolysis reactions of 4 epoxidic substrates using the purified enzyme at a reaction temperature of 10 degrees C. Product inhibition studies suggest that the enzyme is able to differentiate to a high degree between the (R)-diol and (S)-diol product of the hydrolysis reaction with tert-butyl glycidyl ether as the substrate. The highest activity of the enzyme was at 42 degrees C and a pH of 6.8. Six peptide sequences, which were obtained by cleavage of the purified enzyme with trypsin and mass spectrometry analysis of the tryptic peptides, show high similarity with corresponding sequences originated from the epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus niger LCP 521.  相似文献   

Yukioka, M. (University of Hawaii, Honolulu), and T. Winnick. Synthesis of malformin by an enzyme preparation from Aspergillus niger. J. Bacteriol. 91:2237-2244. 1966.-An enzyme fraction derived from disrupted Aspergillus cells was able to utilize each of the component labeled amino acids of malformin for the synthesis of this cyclic pentapeptide. The process was stimulated by adenosine triphosphate, K(+), and Mg(++), and was optimal at approximately pH 8.5. It was not affected by inhibitors of protein synthesis (ribonuclease, chloramphenicol, puromycin). There is evidence that cysteine, rather than cystine, was incorporated into peptide linkage, so that the disulfide bridge of malformin was formed subsequently. Although only the d isomers of cysteine and leucine occur in the malformin molecule, the l, as well as the d form of these amino acids, was readily utilized by the enzyme preparation. As in the case of several other microbial peptide systems, it appears that the d enantiomorph can arise from the l isomer at an intermediate stage of polypeptide synthesis.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger was investigated in relation to its ability to produce a soluble epoxide hydrolase (EH) (E.C. belonging to the microsomal EH family. This EH is a highly useful biocatalyst for kinetic resolution of racemic epoxides to give enantiopure building blocks. The production of EH on an industrial scale is still a major challenge and is linked to various optimization processes. In this work, production of protein and organic acids as a function of pH and cultivation time was investigated. The production of EH was highest (1000 U/L for p-nitrostyrene oxide) under acidic fermentation conditions (pH value of about 3). The metabolic flux toward production of organic acids and thereby acidification of the environment increased with an increasing pH value. At pH 7, nearly 50% of total carbon of the substrate was incorporated into organic acids, mainly gluconic and oxalic acid. Finally, the addition of protease inhibitors, antioxidants and cryoprotectants was investigated in relation to the stability of the EH during the downstream process. The determination of the pH dependence during fermentation and understanding of the parameters influencing the stability of the enzyme has allowed us to optimize intracellular expression. The EH has been easily isolated from the biomass with high activity (1.67 U/mg lyophilisate) in a robust process.  相似文献   

A microorganism with the ability to catalyze the resolution of racemic phenyloxirane was isolated and identified as Aspergillus niger SQ-6. Chiral capillary electrophoresis was successfully applied to separate both phenyloxirane and phenylethanediol. The epoxide hydrolase (EH) involved in this resolution process was (R)-stereospecific and constitutively expressed. When whole cells were used during the biotransformation process, the optimum temperature and pH for stereospecific vicinal diol production were 35°C and 7.0, respectively. After a 24-h conversion, the enantiomer excess of (R)-phenylethanediol produced was found to be >99%, with a conversion rate of 56%. In fed-batch fermentations at 30°C for 44 h, glycerol (20 g L−1) and corn steep liquor (CSL) (30 g L−1) were chosen as the best initial carbon and nitrogen sources, and EH production was markedly improved by pulsed feeding of sucrose (2 g L−1 h−1) and continuous feeding of CSL (1 g L−1 h−1) at a fermentation time of 28 h. After optimization, the maximum dry cell weight achieved was 24.5±0.8 g L−1; maximum EH production was 351.2±13.1 U L−1 with a specific activity of 14.3±0.5 U g−1. Partially purified EH exhibited a temperature optimum at 37°C and pH optimum at 7.5 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. This study presents the first evidence for the existence of a predicted epoxide racemase, which might be important in the synthesis of epoxide intermediates.  相似文献   

Two native epoxide hydrolases (EHs) were previously discovered from mung bean powder (Vigna radiata), both of which can catalyze the enantioconvergent hydrolysis of p-nitrostyrene oxide (pNSO). In this study, the encoding gene of VrEH1 was successfully cloned from the cDNA of V. radiata by RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technologies. High homologies were found to two putative EHs originated from Glycine max (80 %) and Medicago truncatula (79 %). The vreh1 gene constructed in pET28a(+) vector was then heterologously overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), and the encoded protein was purified to homogeneity by nickel affinity chromatography. It was shown that VrEH1 has an optimum activity at 45 °C and is very thermostable with an inactivation energy of 468 kJ mol-1. The enzyme has no apparent requirement of metal ions for activity, and its activity was strongly inhibited by 1 mM of Ni2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, or Co2+. By adding 0.1 % Triton X-100, the enzyme activity could be significantly increased up to 340 %. VrEH1 shows an unusual ability of enantioconvergent catalysis for the hydrolysis of racemic pNSO, affording (R)-p-nitrophenyl glycol (pNPG). It displays opposite regioselectivity toward (S)-pNSO (83 % to Cα) in contrast to (R)-pNSO (87 % to Cβ). The K M and k cat of VrEH1 were determined to be 1.4 mM and 0.42 s-1 for (R)-pNSO and 5.5 mM and 6.2 s-1 for (S)-pNSO. This thermostable recombinant VrEH1 with enantioconvergency is considered to be a promising biocatalyst for the highly productive preparation of enantiopure vicinal diols and also a good model for understanding the mechanism of EH stereoselectivity.  相似文献   

The highly enantioselective epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus niger is well utilized as biocatalysts for the preparation of enantiopure chiral epoxides and diols. Both growth of the fungus and EH activity production were found greatly affected by changing the carbon or the nitrogen source with fructose and corn steep liquor being the best. Their concentrations were optimized (10 g.l–1 of fructose and 15 g.l–1 of corn steep) which resulted in an increase of both the biomass produced (31%) and the epoxide hydrolase specific activity (38%). The results obtained suggested a complex regulation of the EH production. On the whole, a two times increase of the total EH activity was obtained. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

A novel epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus niger SQ-6 has now been cloned by inverse PCR. Its gene shows eight exons including a non-coding exon at its 5'-terminal (GenBank Accession No. AY966486). Phylogenetic analysis using deduced amino acid sequence (395 aa) confirms it as an epoxide hydrolase and shares 58.3% identity with that of A. niger LCP521 (GenBank Accession No. AF238460). The predicted catalytic triad is composed of Asp(191), His(369) and Glu(343). Active recombinant epoxide hydrolase has been successfully expressed in Escherichia coli as protein fusions with a poly-His tail. Scale-up fermentation can yield 2.5g/L of recombinant protein. The electrophoretic pure recombinant protein, which shows similar characterization as natural enzyme purified from A. niger SQ-6, can be easily purified by Ni(2+)-chelated affinity and gel-filtration chromatography. Optimal pH and temperature for purified enzyme are pH 7.5 and 37 degrees C, respectively. The K(m), k(cat) and maximal velocity (V(max)) for p-nitrostyrene oxide are determined to be 1.02mM, 172s(-1) and 231micromol min(-1)mg(-1), respectively. The enzyme can be inhibited by oxidant (H(2)O(2)), solvent (Tetrahydrofuran) and several metal ions including Hg(2+), Fe(2+) and Co(2+). This (R)-stereospecific epoxide hydrolase exhibits high enantioselectivity (enantiomeric excess value, 99%) for the less hindered carbon atom of epoxide. It may be an industrial biocatalyst for the preparation of enantiopure epoxides or vicinal diols.  相似文献   

Among 15 Aspergillus strains, Aspergillus niger BRFM 131 was selected for its high chlorogenic acid hydrolase activity. The enzyme was purified and characterized with respect to its physico-chemical and kinetic properties. Four chromatographic steps were necessary to purify the protein to homogeneity with a recovery of 2%. Km of the chlorogenic acid hydrolase was estimated to be 10 microM against chlorogenic acid as substrate. Under native conditions, the protein presented a molecular mass of 170 kDa, and SDS-PAGE analysis suggested the presence of two identical 80 kDa subunits. Isoelectric point was 6.0; pH optimum for activity was determined to be 6.0 and temperature optima to be 55 degrees C. The N-terminal sequence did not present any homology with other cinnamoyl ester hydrolases previously described suggesting the purification of a new protein. The chlorogenic acid hydrolase was used successfully for the production of caffeic acid, which possesses strong antioxidant properties, from natural substrates specially rich in chlorogenic acid like apple marc and coffee pulp.  相似文献   

(S)-Styrene oxide, (S)-2-chlorostyrene oxide (CSO), (S)-3-CSO and (S)-4-CSO with 99.9 %ee were obtained with a yield of 20.6, 39.3, 28.7 and 26.8 % from 4 mM corresponding racemic substrates using 10 mg cells of a newly-isolated Sphingopyxis sp. at pH 8.0 and 25 °C in 1 ml 100 mM Tris/HCl buffer after 420, 100, 120 and 55 min, respectively. For racemic 2CSO, well-known for one of the racemates that is difficult to obtained in enantiomerically pure form, (S)-2-CSO with 99.9 %ee, 39.3 % yield (theoretical yield 50 %) and enantiomeric ratio of 42.1 was obtained. The newly-isolated strain can thus be used as whole-cell biocatalyst in the production of various (S)-CSO with a chlorine group at different positions.  相似文献   

The enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic epichlorohydrin for the production of enantiopure (S)-epichlorohydrin using whole cells of Aspergillus niger ZJB-09173 in organic solvents was investigated. Cyclohexane was used as the reaction medium based on the excellent enantioselectivity of epoxide hydrolase from A. niger ZJB- 09173 in cyclohexane. However, cyclohexane had a negative effect on the stability of epoxide hydrolase from A. niger ZJB-09173. In the cyclohexane medium, substrate inhibition, rather than product inhibition of catalysis, was observed in the hydrolysis of racemic epichlorohydrin using A. niger ZJB-09173. The racemic epichlorohydrin concentration was markedly increased by continuous feeding of substrate without significant decline of the yield. Ultimately, 18.5% of (S)-epichlorohydrin with 98 percent enantiomeric excess from 153.6 mM of racemic epichlorohydrin was obtained by the dry cells of A. niger ZJB-09173, which was the highest substrate concentration in the production of enantiopure (S)-epichlorohydrin by epoxide hydrolases using an organic solvent medium among the known reports.  相似文献   

Enantioselective hydrolysis for the production of chiral styrene oxide was investigated using the epoxide hydrolase activity of a newly isolatedRhodosporidium kratochvilovae SYU-08. The effects of reaction prameters—buffer type, pH, temperature, initial substrate concentrations, phenyl-1,2-ethanediol concentrations on hydrolysis rate, and enantioselectivity—were analyzed. Optically active (S)-styrene oxide with an enantiomeric excess higher than 99 % was obtained from its racemate with a yield of 38 % (theoretically 50% maximum yield) from an initial concentration of 80 mM.  相似文献   

The epoxide hydrolase from Rhodotorula glutinis was isolated and initially characterized. The enzyme was membrane associated and could be solubilized by Triton X-100. Purification yielded an enzyme with sp. act. of 66 mol 1,2-epoxyhexane hydrolyzed min–1 mg–1 protein. The enzyme was not completely purified to homogeneity but, nevertheless, a major protein was isolated by SDS-PAGE for subsequential amino acid determination of peptide fragments. From sequence alignments to related enzymes, a high homology towards the active site sequences of other microsomal epoxide hydrolases was found. Molecular mass determinations indicated that the native enzyme exists as a homodimer, with a subunit molecular mass of about 45 kDa. Based upon these, this epoxide hydrolase is structurally related to other microsomal epoxide hydrolases.  相似文献   

A rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase gene of Aspergillus aculeatus was used as a probe for the cloning of two rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase genes of Aspergillus niger. The corresponding proteins, rhamnogalacturonan hydrolases A and B, are 78 and 72% identical, respectively, with the A. aculeatus enzyme. In A. niger cultures which were shifted from growth on sucrose to growth on apple pectin as a carbon source, the expression of the rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase A gene (rhgA) was transiently induced after 3 h of growth on apple pectin. The rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase B gene was not induced by apple pectin, but the rhgB gene was derepressed after 18 h of growth on either apple pectin or sucrose. Gene fusions of the A. niger rhgA and rhgB coding regions with the strong and inducible Aspergillus awamori exlA promoter were used to obtain high-producing A. awamori transformants which were then used for the purification of the two A. niger rhamnogalacturonan hydrolases. High-performance anion-exchange chromatography of oligomeric degradation products showed that optimal degradation of an isolated highly branched pectin fraction by A. niger rhamnogalacturonan hydrolases A and B occurred at pH 3.6 and 4.1, respectively. The specific activities of rhamnogalacturonan hydrolases A and B were then 0.9 and 0.4 U/mg, respectively, which is significantly lower than the specific activity of A. aculeatus rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase (2.5 U/mg at an optimal pH of 4.5). Compared to the A enzymes, the A. niger B enzyme appears to have a different substrate specificity, since additional oligomers are formed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of glucose liberation from lactose by means of the beta-glactosidase from Aspergillus niger has been studied in a wide range of the main variables. The analysis shows that the kinetic models proposed so far are not adequate. The main finding is that the reaction rate is not linearly correlated to the enzyme concentration-it increase more than proportionally. This nonlinear relationship results because this lactase can distinguish between alpha-and beta-galactose alpha-Galactose acts as competitive and anticompetitive inhibitor while beta-galactose is a competitive one. The competitive inhibition of the alpha-anomer is approximately 12 times more sever than that of the beta-anomer. The kinetics, including a simplified model for the mutarotation of galactose is given for a temperature of 50 degrees C at a pH of 3.5-the most likely conditions for the application of this lactase in acid whey treatment.  相似文献   

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