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The effects of aminopyridines on ionic conductances of the squid giant axon membrane were examined using voltage clamp and internal perfusion techniques. 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP) reduced potassium currents, but had no effect upon transient sodium currents. The block of potassium channels by 4-AP was substantially less with (a) strong depolarization to positive membrane potentials, (b) increasing the duration of a given depolarizing step, and (c) increasing the frequency of step depolarizations. Experiments with high external potassium concentrations revealed that the effect of 4-AP was independent of the direction of potassium ion movement. Both 3- and 2-aminopyridine were indistinguishable from 4-AP except in potency. It is concluded that aminopyrimidines may be used as tools to block the potassium conductance in excitable membranes, but only within certain specific voltage and frequency limits.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Na channels has been studied in voltage-clamped, internally perfused squid giant axons during changes in the ionic composition of the intracellular solution. Peak Na currents are reduced when tetramethylammonium ions (TMA+) are substituted for Cs ions internally. The reduction reflects a rapid, voltage-dependent block of a site in the channel by TMA+. The estimated fractional electrical distance for the site is 10% of the channel length from the internal surface. Na tail currents are slowed by TMA+ and exhibit kinetics similar to those seen during certain drug treatments. Steady state INa is simultaneously increased by TMA+, resulting in a "cross-over" of current traces with those in Cs+ and in greatly diminished inactivation at positive membrane potentials. Despite the effect on steady state inactivation, the time constants for entry into and exit from the inactivated state are not significantly different in TMA+ and Cs+. Increasing intracellular Na also reduces steady state inactivation in a dose-dependent manner. Ratios of steady state INa to peak INa vary from approximately 0.14 in Cs+- or K+-perfused axons to approximately 0.4 in TMA+- or Na+-perfused axons. These results are consistent with a scheme in which TMA+ or Na+ can interact with a binding site near the inner channel surface that may also be a binding or coordinating site for a natural inactivation particle. A simple competition between the ions and an inactivation particle is, however, not sufficient to account for the increase in steady state INa, and changes in the inactivation process itself must accompany the interaction of TMA+ and Na+ with the channel.  相似文献   

The time-, frequency-, and voltage-dependent blocking actions of several cationic drug molecules on open Na channels were investigated in voltage-clamped, internally perfused squid giant axons. The relative potencies and time courses of block by the agents (pancuronium [PC], octylguanidinium [C8G], QX-314, and 9-aminoacridine [9-AA]) were compared in different intracellular ionic solutions; specifically, the influences of internal Cs, tetramethylammonium (TMA), and Na ions on block were examined. TMA+ was found to inhibit the steady state block of open Na channels by all of the compounds. The time-dependent, inactivation-like decay of Na currents in pronase-treated axons perfused with either PC, 9-AA, or C8G was retarded by internal TMA+. The apparent dissociation constants (at zero voltage) for interaction between PC and 9-AA with their binding sites were increased when TMA+ was substituted for Cs+ in the internal solution. The steepness of the voltage dependence of 9-AA or PC block found with internal Cs+ solutions was greatly reduced by TMA+, resulting in estimates for the fractional electrical distance of the 9-AA binding site of 0.56 and 0.22 in Cs+ and TMA+, respectively. This change may reflect a shift from predominantly 9-AA block in the presence of Cs+ to predominantly TMA+ block. The depth, but not the rate, of frequency-dependent block by QX-314 and 9-AA is reduced by internal TMA+. In addition, recovery from frequency-dependent block is not altered. Elevation of internal Na produces effects on 9-AA block qualitatively similar to those seen with TMA+. The results are consistent with a scheme in which the open channel blocking drugs, TMA (and Na) ions, and the inactivation gate all compete for a site or for access to a site in the channel from the intracellular surface. In addition, TMA ions decrease the apparent blocking rates of other drugs in a manner analogous to their inhibition of the inactivation process. Multiple occupancy of Na channels and mutual exclusion of drug molecules may play a role in the complex gating behaviors seen under these conditions.  相似文献   

The interaction of pancuronium with sodium channels was investigated in squid axons. Sodium current turns on normally but turns off more quickly than the control with pancuronium 0.1-1mM present internally; The sodium tail current associated with repolarization exhibits an initial hook and then decays more slowly than the control. Pancuronium induces inactivation after the sodium inactivation has been removed by internal perfusion of pronase. Such pancuronium-induced sodium inactivation follows a single exponential time course, suggesting first order kinetics which represents the interaction of the pancuronium molecule with the open sodium channel. The rate constant of association k with the binding site is independent of the membrane potential ranging from 0 to 80 mV, but increases with increasing internal concentration of pancuronium. However, the rate constant of dissociation l is independent of internal concentration of pancuronium but decreases with increasing the membrane potential. The voltage dependence of l is not affected by changine external sodium concentration, suggesting a current-independent conductance block, The steady-state block depends on the membrane potential, being more pronounced with increasing depolarization, and is accounted for in terms of the voltage dependence of l. A kinetic model, based on the experimental observations and the assumption on binding kinetics of pancuronium with the open sodium channel, successfully simulates many features of sodium current in the presence of pancuronium.  相似文献   

Summary Permeabilities of squid axon membranes to various cations at rest and during activity have been measured by voltage clamp before and during internal perfusion of 4×10–5 m grayanotoxin I. The resting sodium and potassium permeabilities were estimated to be 6.85×10–8 cm/sec and 2.84×10–6 cm/sec, respectively. Grayanotoxin I increased the resting sodium permeability to 7.38×10–7 cm/sec representing an 11-fold increase. The potassium permeability was increased only by a factor of 1.24. The resting permeability ratios as estimated by the voltage clamp method before application of grayanotoxin I were Na (1): Li (0.83): formamidine (1.34): guanidine (1.49): Cs (0.87): methylguanidine (0.86): methylamine (0.78). Grayanotoxin I did not drastically change the resting permeability ratios with a result of Na (1): Li (0.95): formamidine (1.27): guanidine (1.16): Cs (0.47): methylguanidine (0.72): methylamine (0.46). The membrane potential method gave essentially the same resting permeability ratios before and during application of grayanotoxin I if corrections were made for permeability to choline as the cation substitute and for changes in potassium permeability caused by test cations. The permeability ratio choline/Na was estimated to be 0.72 by the voltage clamp method and 0.65 by the membrane potential method. Grayanotoxin I decreased the ratio to 0.43. The permeability ratios during peak transient current were estimated to be Na (1): Li (1.12): formamidine (0.20): guanidine (0.20): Cs (0.085): methylguanidine (0.061): methylamine (0.036). Thus the sodium channels for the peak current are much more selective to cations than the resting sodium channels. It appears that the resting sodium channels in normal and grayanotoxin I-treated axons are operationally different from the sodium channels that undergo a conductance increase upon stimulation.  相似文献   

Single sodium channels from the squid giant axon   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Since the work of A. L. Hodgkin and A. F. Huxley (1952. J. Physiol. [Lond.].117:500-544) the squid giant axon has been considered the classical preparation for the study of voltage-dependent sodium and potassium channels. In this preparation much data have been gathered on macroscopic and gating currents but no single sodium channel data have been available. This paper reports patch clamp recording of single sodium channel events from the cut-open squid axon. It is shown that the single channel conductance in the absence of external divalent ions is approximately 14 pS, similar to sodium channels recorded from other preparations, and that their kinetic properties are consistent with previous results on gating and macroscopic currents obtained from the perfused squid axon preparation.  相似文献   

The effects of n-alkylguanidine derivatives on sodium channel conductance were measured in voltage clamped, internally perfused squid giant axons. After destruction of the sodium inactivation mechanism by internal pronase treatment, internal application of n-amylguanidine (0.5 mM) or n-octylguanidine (0.03 mM) caused a time-dependent block of sodium channels. No time-dependent block was observed with shorter chain derivatives. No change in the rising phase of sodium current was seen and the block of steady-state sodium current was independent of the membrane potential. In axons with intact sodium inactivation, an apparent facilitation of inactivation was observed after application of either n-amylguanidine or n-octylguanidine. These results can be explained by a model in which alkylguanidines enter and occlude open sodium channels from inside the membrane with voltage-independent rate constants. Alkylguanidine block bears a close resemblance to natural sodium inactivation. This might be explained by the fact that alkylguanidines are related to arginine, which has a guanidino group and is thought to be an essential amino acid in the molecular mechanism of sodium inactivation. A strong correlation between alkyl chain length and blocking potency was found, suggesting that a hydrophobic binding site exists near the inner mouth of the sodium channel.  相似文献   

Deoxycholate can react with sodium channels with a high potency. The apparent dissociation constant for the saturable binding reaction is 2 microM at 8 degrees C, and the heat of reaction is approximately -7 kcal/mol. Four independent test with Na-free media, K-free media, tetrodotoxin, and pancuronium unequivocally indicate that it is the sodium channel that is affected by deoxycholate. Upon depolarization of the membrane, the drug modified channel exhibits a slowly activating and noninactivating sodium conductance. The kinetic pattern of the modified channel was studied by increasing deoxycholate concentration, lowering the temperature, chemical elimination of sodium inactivation, or conditioning depolarization. The slow activation of the modified channel can be represented by a single exponential function with the time constant of 1--5 ms. The modified channel is inactivated only partially with a time constant of 1 S. The reversal potential is unchanged by the drug. Observations in tail currents and the voltage dependence of activation suggest that the activation gate is actually unaffected. The apparently slow activation may reflect an interaction betweem deoxycholate and the sodium channel in resting state.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of spin-labeled local anesthetics on sodium currents of internally perfused squid axons were studied using the voltage-clamp technique. Internal application (10 m) of the most potent spin-labeled local anesthetic used in this study produced a small initial block of sodium currents. However, after sixty repetitive pulses (to +80 mV) given at 1 Hz, the sodium currents were drastically reduced. In addition to this frequency-dependent phenomenon, the anesthetic effect on the sodium currents was also sensitive to the voltage of the pulses. Both the frequency- and voltage-dependent properties remained intact after removal of sodium inactivation with pronase. The recovery of sodium currents from this frequency-dependent anesthetic effect followed a single exponential curve with a surprisingly long time constant of about 10 min. Such a long recovery time, which is longer than any known sodium inactivation process, led us to suggest that the recovery process represents the dissociation of drug molecules from their binding sites. We have also found that increasing hydrophobic character of the homologues series of spin-labeled local anesthetics enhances the frequency- and voltage-dependent block of sodium currents. This effect strongly suggests that hydrophobic interaction is an integral component of the binding site. These probes with their selective effects on the sodium currents, are expected to be highly useful in studying the molecular structure of the sodium channels.  相似文献   

The effects of spin-labeled local anesthetics on sodium currents of internally perfused squid axons were studied using the voltage-clamp technique. Internal application (10 mum) of the most potent spin-labeled local anesthetic used in this study produced a small initial block of sodium currents. However, after sixty repetitive pulses (to + 80 mV) given at 1 Hz, the sodium currents were drastically reduced. In addition to this frequency-dependent phenomenon, the anesthetic effect on the sodium currents was also sensitive to the voltage of the pulses. Both the frequency- and voltage-dependent properties remained intact after removal of sodium inactivation with pronase. The recovery of sodium currents from this frequency-dependent anesthetic effect followed a single exponential curve with a surprisingly long time constant of about 10 min. Such a long recovery time, which is longer than any known sodium inactivation process, led us to suggest that the recovery process represents the dissociation of drug molecules from their binding sites. We have also found that increasing hydrophobic character of the homologues series of spin-labeled local anesthetics enhances the frequency- and voltage-dependent block of sodium currents. This effect strongly suggests that hydrophobic interaction is an integral component of the binding site. These probes with their selective effects on the sodium currents, are expected to be highly useful in studying the molecular structure of the sodium channels.  相似文献   

Associated with the opening and closing of the sodium channels of nerve membrane is a small component of capacitative current, the gating current. After termination of a depolarizing step the gating current and sodium current decay with similar time courses. Both currents decay more rapidly at relatively negative membrane voltages than at positive ones. The gating current that flows during a depolarizing step is diminished by a pre-pulse that inactivates the sodium permeability. A pre-pulse has no effect after inactivation has been destroyed by internal perfusion with the proteolytic enzyme pronase. Gating charge (considered as positive charge) moves outward during a positive voltage step, with voltage dependent kinetics. The time constant of the outward gating current is a maximum at about minus 10 mV, and has a smaller value at voltages either more positive or negative than this value.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanical calculations of transmission coefficients for some permeant molecules across the human red cell and resting axolemma squid axon membranes are carried out. The calculations depend on (i) the molecular weight of the molecule and (ii) the depth and width of the potential well of the membrane. In most cases good agreement between calculated and experimental values is found.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanical calculations of transmission coefficients for some permeant molecules across the human red cell and resting axolemma squid axon membranes are carried out. The calculations depend on (i) the molecular weight of the molecule and (ii) the depth and width of the potential well of the membrane. In most cases good agreement between calculated and experimental values is found.  相似文献   

Ion channels in cell membranes are targets for a multitude of ligands including naturally occurring toxins, illicit drugs, and medications used to manage pain and treat cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune, and other health disorders. In the past decade, the x-ray crystallography revealed 3D structures of several ion channels in their open, closed, and inactivated states, shedding light on mechanisms of channel gating, ion permeation and selectivity. However, atomistic mechanisms of the channel modulation by ligands are poorly understood. Increasing evidence suggest that cationophilic groups in ion channels and in some ligands may simultaneously coordinate permeant cations, which form indispensible (but underappreciated) components of respective receptors. This review describes ternary ligand-metal-channel complexes predicted by means of computer-based molecular modeling. The models rationalize a large body of experimental data including paradoxes in structure-activity relationships, effects of mutations on the ligand action, sensitivity of the ligand action to the nature of current-carrying cations, and action of ligands that bind in the ion-permeation pathway but increase rather than decrease the current. Recent mutational and ligand-binding experiments designed to test the models have confirmed the ternary-complex concept providing new knowledge on physiological roles of metal ions and atomistic mechanisms of action of ion channel ligands.  相似文献   

We have investigated the actions of internal and external Zn2+ on squid axon K channel ionic and gating currents. As has been noted previously, application of Zn2+ to either membrane surface substantially slowed the activation of these channels with little or no change in deactivation. Internal Zn2+ (near 200-300 nM) slowed channel activation by up to sixfold over the range of membrane voltages from -30 to +50 mV. External Zn2+ (10 mM) produced an approximate twofold slowing of activation from -40 to +40 mV. We found that the changes in ionic current activation kinetics were accompanied by less than a twofold slowing of channel-gating currents in a narrow range of potentials near -30 mV. There was, at most, only a few percent reduction of charge movement associated with Zn2+ application. We conclude that these ions interact with channel components involved in weakly voltage-dependent conformational changes. Although there are some differences in detail, the general similarity of the actions of both internal and external Zn2+ on channel function suggests that the modified channel-gating step involves amino acids accessible to both the internal and external membrane surface.  相似文献   

Activation of potassium conductance in squid axons with membrane depolarization is delayed by conditioning hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. The delayed kinetics superpose with the control kinetics almost, but not quite, exactly following time translation, as demonstrated previously in perfused axons by Clay and Shlesinger (1982). Similar results were obtained in this study from nonperfused axons. The lack of complete superposition argues against the Hodgkin and Huxley (1952) model of potassium conductance. The addition of a single kinetic state to their model, accessible only by membrane hyperpolarization, is sufficient to describe this effect (Young and Moore, 1981).  相似文献   

Single-channel, macroscopic ionic, and macroscopic gating currents were recorded from the voltage-dependent sodium channel using patch-clamp techniques on the cut-open squid giant axon. To obtain a complete set of physiological measurements of sodium channel gating under identical conditions, and to facilitate comparison with previous work, comparison was made between currents recorded in the absence of extracellular divalent cations and in the presence of physiological concentrations of extracellular Ca2+ (10 mM) and Mg2+ (50 mM). The single-channel currents were well resolved when divalent cations were not included in the extracellular solution, but were decreased in amplitude in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship obtained from macroscopic tail current measurements similarly was depressed by divalents, and showed a negative slope-conductance region for inward current at negative potentials. Voltage dependent parameters of channel gating were shifted 9-13 mV towards depolarized potentials by external divalent cations, including the peak fraction of channels open versus voltage, the time constant of tail current decline, the prepulse inactivation versus voltage relationship, and the charge-voltage relationship for gating currents. The effects of divalent cations are consistent with open channel block by Ca2+ and Mg2+ together with divalent screening of membrane charges.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of temperature changes on Na currents in squid giant axons. Decreases in temperature in the 15-1 degrees C range decrease peak Na current with a Q10 of 2.2. Steady state currents, which are tetrodotoxin sensitive and have the same reversal potential as peak currents, are almost unaffected by temperature changes. After removal of inactivation by pronase treatment, steady state current amplitude has a Q10 of 2.3. Na currents generated at large positive voltages sometimes exhibit a biphasic activation pattern. The first phase activates rapidly and partially inactivates and is followed by a secondary slow current increase that lasts several milliseconds. Peak Na current amplitude can be increased by delivering large positive prepulses, an effect that is more pronounced at low temperatures. The slow activation phase is eliminated after a positive prepulse. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that there are two forms of the Na channel: (a) rapidly activating channels that completely inactivate, and (b) slowly activating "sleepy" channels that inactivate slowly if at all. Some fast channels are assumed to be converted to sleepy channels by cooling, possibly because of a phase transition in the membrane. The existence of sleepy channels complicates the determination of the Q10 of gating parameters and single-channel conductance.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between families of ion currents recorded in voltage-clamped squid axons dialysed with 20 mM NaF and 330 mM CsF or TMAF, and bathed in a solution in which four fifths of the Na was replaced by Tris. The permeability coefficient PNa,fast for the fast-inactivating current in the initial open state was calculated as a function of test potential from the size of the initial peak of INa. The permeability coefficient PNa,non for the non-inactivating open state was calculated from the steady-state INa that persisted until the end of the test pulse. Dialysis with TMA had no direct effect on the QV curve for gating charge. The reversal potential for INa,non was always lower than that for INa,fast, the mean difference being about -9 mV when dialysing with Cs, but only about -1 mV with TMA. Except close to threshold, PNa,fast was roughly halved by dialysis with TMA as compared with Cs, but PNa,non was substantially increased. The time constant tau h inactivation of the sodium system was slightly increased during dialysis with TMA in place of Cs, and there were small shifts in the steady-state inactivation curve, but the rate of recovery from inactivation was not measurably altered. The flattening off of the tau h curve at increasingly positive test potentials corresponded to a steady reduction of the apparent inactivation charge until a value of about 0.2e was reached for pulses to 100 mV. The instantaneous I-V relationship in the steady state was also investigated. The results have a useful bearing on the effects of dialysis with TMA, on the differences between the initial and steady open states of the sodium channel, and on the relative voltage-dependences of the transitions in each direction between the resting and inactivated states.  相似文献   

Perfused squid axons in which K-conductance is blocked show, under voltage clamp, incomplete inactivation of the sodium conductance. The presence of this phenomenon in nonperfused axons was found by comparing membrane current records before and after tetrodotoxin addition to the bathing solution. Sodium currents in nonperfused axons are comparable in behavior at positive potentials to those seen in Cs-perfused axons.  相似文献   

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