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Bacterial and archaeal communities in sediments obtained from three geographically-distant mud volcanoes, a control site and a microbial mat in the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea were characterized using direct 16S rRNA gene analyses. The data were thus in relation to the chemical characteristics of the (stratified) habitats to infer community structure-habitat relationships. The bacterial sequences in the different habitats were related to those of Actinobacteria, Bacilli, Chloroflexi, Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-, Delta- and Epsilonproteobacteria and unclassified bacteria, including the JS1 group. The archaeal sequences found were affiliated with those of the Methanosarcinales, Thermoplasmales, Halobacteriales and Crenarchaea belonging to marine benthic group I and B, as well as MCG group archaea. In each sample, the communities were diverse and unique at the phylotype level. However, at higher taxonomic levels, similar groups were found in different sediments, and similar depth layers tended to contain similar communities. The sequences that dominated in all top layers (as well as in the mat) probably represented organisms involved in aerobic heterotrophy, sulfide-based chemoautotrophy and methanotrophy and/or methylotrophy. Sequences of organisms most likely involved in anaerobic methane oxidation, sulfate reduction and anaerobic heterotrophy were predominantly found in deeper layers. The data supported the notion of (1) uniqueness of each habitat at fine taxonomic levels, (2) stratification in depth and (3) conservation of function in the sediments.  相似文献   



The deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basins (DHABs) of the Mediterranean (water depth ~3500 m) are some of the most extreme oceanic habitats known. Brines of DHABs are nearly saturated with salt, leading many to suspect they are uninhabitable for eukaryotes. While diverse bacterial and protistan communities are reported from some DHAB haloclines and brines, loriciferans are the only metazoan reported to inhabit the anoxic DHAB brines. Our goal was to further investigate metazoan communities in DHAB haloclines and brines.


We report observations from sediments of three DHAB (Urania, Discovery, L’Atalante) haloclines, comparing these to observations from sediments underlying normoxic waters of typical Mediterranean salinity. Due to technical difficulties, sampling of the brines was not possible. Morphotype analysis indicates nematodes are the most abundant taxon; crustaceans, loriciferans and bryozoans were also noted. Among nematodes, Daptonema was the most abundant genus; three morphotypes were noted with a degree of endemicity. The majority of rRNA sequences were from planktonic taxa, suggesting that at least some individual metazoans were preserved and inactive. Nematode abundance data, in some cases determined from direct counts of sediments incubated in situ with CellTrackerTM Green, was patchy but generally indicates the highest abundances in either normoxic control samples or in upper halocline samples; nematodes were absent or very rare in lower halocline samples. Ultrastructural analysis indicates the nematodes in L’Atalante normoxic control sediments were fit, while specimens from L’Atalante upper halocline were healthy or had only recently died and those from the lower halocline had no identifiable organelles. Loriciferans, which were only rarely encountered, were found in both normoxic control samples as well as in Discovery and L’Atalante haloclines. It is not clear how a metazoan taxon could remain viable under this wide range of conditions.


We document a community of living nematodes in normoxic, normal saline deep-sea Mediterranean sediments and in the upper halocline portions of the DHABs. Occurrences of nematodes in mid-halocline and lower halocline samples did not provide compelling evidence of a living community in those zones. The possibility of a viable metazoan community in brines of DHABs is not supported by our data at this time.

Viruses are now recognized as a key component in pelagic systems, but their role in marine sediment has yet to be assessed. In this study bacterial and viral densities were determined at nine deep-sea stations selected from three main sites (i.e., the Sporades Basin, the Cretan Sea, and the Ierapetra Trench at depths of 1,232, 1,840, and 4,235 m, respectively) of the Eastern Mediterranean. The three areas were characterized by different phytopigment and biopolymeric carbon concentrations and by changes in the protein and carbohydrate pools. A gradient of increasing trophic conditions was observed from the Sporades Basin (North Aegean) to the Ierapetra Trench (South Aegean). Viral densities (ranging from 1 × 109 to 2 × 109 viruses ml of sediment−1) were significantly correlated to bacterial densities (n = 9, r2 = 0.647) and reached values up to 3 orders of magnitude higher than those generally reported for the water column. However, the virus-to-bacterium density ratio in deep-sea sediments was about 1 order of magnitude lower (range of 2 to 5, with a modal value of 2.6) than in pelagic environments. Virus density decreased vertically with depth in sediment cores at all stations and was below detection limits at the 10-cm depth of the abyssal sediments of the Ierapetra Trench. Virus density in the sediment apparently reflected a gradient of particle fluxes and trophic conditions, displaying the highest values in the Sporades Basin. The low virus-to-bacterium ratios and their inverse relationship with station depth suggest that the role played by viruses in controlling deep-sea benthic bacterial assemblages and biogeochemical cycles is less relevant than in pelagic systems.  相似文献   

Downward fluxes of nucleic acids adsorbed onto settling particles play a key role in the supply of organic phosphorus and genetic material to the ocean interior. However, information on pelagic-benthic coupling, diagenesis, and processes controlling nucleic acid preservation in deep-sea sediments is practically nonexistent. In this study, we compared nucleic acid fluxes, sedimentary DNA and RNA concentrations, and the enzymatically hydrolyzable fraction of DNA in a bathyal continental margin (North Aegean Sea) and an open-sea system (South Aegean Sea) of the Eastern Mediterranean. The two systems displayed contrasting patterns of nucleic acid fluxes, which increased significantly with depth in the North Aegean Sea and decreased with depth in the South Aegean Sea. These results suggest that in continental margin and open-ocean systems different processes control the nucleic acid supply to the sea floor. Differences in nucleic acid fluxes were reflected by nucleic acid concentrations in the sediments, which reached extremely high values in the North Aegean Sea. In this system, a large fraction of DNA may be buried, as suggested by the large fraction of DNA resistant to nuclease degradation and by estimates of burial efficiency (ca. eight times higher in the North than in the South Aegean Sea). Overall, the results reported here suggest that the preservation of DNA in deeper sediment layers may be favored in benthic systems characterized by high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

Rates of methanogenesis and methanotrophy in deep-sea sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use the carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of pore fluids from Leg 175 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) along the West African Margin to quantify rates of methane production (methanogenesis) and destruction via oxidation (methanotrophy) in deep‐sea sediments. Results from a model of diffusion and reaction in the sedimentary column show that anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) occurs in the transition zone between the presence of sulfate and methane, and methanogenesis occurs below these depths in a narrow confined zone that ends at about 250 m below the sea‐sediments surface in all sediment profiles. Our model suggests that the rates of methanogenesis and AOM range between 6 · 10−8 and 1 · 10−10 mol cm−3 year−1 at all sites, with higher rates at sites where sulfate is depleted in shallower depths. Our AOM rates agree with those based solely on sulfate concentration profiles, but are much lower than those calculated from experiments of sulfate reduction through AOM done under laboratory conditions. At sites where the total organic carbon (TOC) is less than 5% of the total sediment, we calculate that AOM is the main pathway for sulfate reduction. We calculate that higher rates of AOM are associated with increased recrystallization rates of carbonate minerals. We do not find a correlation between methanogenesis rates and the content of carbonate or TOC in the sediments, porosity, sedimentation rate, or the C:N ratio, and the cause of lack of methanogenesis below a certain depth is not clear. There does, however, appear to be an association between the rates of methanogenesis and the location of the site in the upwelling system, suggesting that some variable such as the type of the organic matter or the nature of the microbiological community may be important.  相似文献   

Hydrolytic enzymatic activity in deep-sea sediments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract Hydrolytic activities of five enzymes were measured in deep-sea sediment cores at three stations under in situ temperature and pressure in the NE-Atlantic in March/April and July/August 1992. Generally, activity profiles declined vertically in the upper 10 cm of the cores. Experiments under in situ pressure were not significantly different from measurements under surface conditions. The ranking of potential activity rates in the top sediment horizon was: aminopeptidase > esterase > chitobiase > β-glucosidase > α-glucosidase with ratios of 687/174/11/3/1. This is similar to ratios obtained in marine aggregates from the upper mixed layer, thus supporting the idea of pelagic-benthic coupling in the open ocean. The vertical activity profiles show that the biochemical composition, and thereby the nutritive quality of the degradable material, changed with depth in the sediment cores. About 518 mg carbon was potentially mobilized in the 0–1 cm sediment horizon per square meter per day. This contrasts with the input of particulate organic carbon to the sea floor in this area of only 2.74 mg C m2 d−1, determined by sediment traps, which indicates that the deep-sea benthic community can rapidly utilize sedimenting particulate organic material and highlights the importance of extracellular enzyme activity in the sediment biogeochemical loop.  相似文献   

Submarine mud volcanoes are a significant source of methane to the atmosphere. The Napoli mud volcano, situated in the brine-impacted Olimpi Area of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, emits mainly biogenic methane particularly at the centre of the mud volcano. Temperature gradients support the suggestion that Napoli is a cold mud volcano with moderate fluid flow rates. Biogeochemical and molecular genetic analyses were carried out to assess the methanogenic activity rates, pathways and diversity in the hypersaline sediments of the centre of the Napoli mud volcano. Methylotrophic methanogenesis was the only significant methanogenic pathway in the shallow sediments (0-40 cm) but was also measured throughout the sediment core, confirming that methylotrophic methanogens could be well adapted to hypersaline environments. Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis was the dominant pathway below 50 cm; however, low rates of acetoclastic methanogenesis were also present, even in sediment layers with the highest salinity, showing that these methanogens can thrive in this extreme environment. PCR-DGGE and methyl coenzyme M reductase gene libraries detected sequences affiliated with anaerobic methanotrophs (mainly ANME-1) as well as Methanococcoides methanogens. Results show that the hypersaline conditions in the centre of the Napoli mud volcano influence active biogenic methane fluxes and methanogenic/methylotrophic diversity.  相似文献   

The potential hydrolysis rates of five different hydrolytic enzymes were determined in deep-sea sediments from the northeast Atlantic (BIOTRANS area) in March 1992. Fluorogenic substrates were used to assay extracellular α- and β-glucosidase, chitobiase, lipase and aminopeptidase. The potential activity of most of the enzymes investigated decreased to a minimum within the upper two centimetre range, whereas aminopeptidase was high over the upper five centimetre range. Exceptions were found when macrofaunal burrows occurred in the cores, always increasing the activities of some hydrolases, and therefore indicating the impact of bioturbation on degradation rates. The most striking feature of the investigated enzyme spectrum was the 50–2000 times higher specific activity of the aminopeptidase, compared with the other hydrolases. The activity of hydrolytic enzymes most likely reflects the availability of their respective substrates and is not a function of bacterial biomass.  相似文献   

A white, filamentous microbial mat at the Milano mud volcano in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea was sampled during the Medinaut cruise of the R/V Nadir in 1998. The composition of the mat community was characterized using a combination of phylogenetic and lipid biomarker methods. The mat sample was filtered through 0.2 and 5-microm filters to coarsely separate unicellular and filamentous bacteria. Analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from the total community DNA from these fractions showed that similar archaeal populations were present in both fractions. However, the bacterial populations in the fractions differed from one another, and were more diverse than the archaeal ones. Lipid analysis showed that bacteria were the dominant members of the mat microbial community and the relatively low delta(13)C carbon isotope values of bulk bacterial lipids suggested the occurrence of methane- and sulfide-based chemo(auto)trophy. Consistent with this, the bacterial populations in the fractions were related to Alpha-, Gamma- and Epsilonproteobacteria, most of which were chemoautotrophic bacteria that utilize hydrogen sulfide (or reduced sulfur compounds) and/or methane. The most common archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences were related to those of previously identified Archaea capable of anaerobic methane oxidation. Although the filamentous organisms observed in the mat were not conclusively identified, our results indicated that the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea microbial mat community might be sustained on a combination of methane- and sulfide-driven chemotrophy.  相似文献   

南海深海沉积物放线菌多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】免培养和纯培养相结合分析南海深海沉积物放线菌多样性。【方法】免培养方法通过提取沉积物宏基因组DNA,利用放线菌门特异性引物扩增放线菌16S r RNA基因序列,构建放线菌16S r RNA基因克隆文库,文库经RFLP(Restriction fragment length polymorphism)分析后挑选代表序列测序并进行多样性指数分析和系统发育分析。可培养方法利用8种培养基进行菌株分离,对排重后的菌株进行16S r RNA基因序列多样性分析。【结果】构建的两个深海位点的16S r RNA基因克隆文库在放线菌门的放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)、酸微菌纲(Acidimicrobiia)、腈基降解菌纲(Nitriliruptoria)和嗜热油菌纲(Thermoleophilia)4个纲中均有分布;两个位点中的种群结构有差异,N40-4位点的优势种群是放线菌纲的链霉菌目(Streptomycetales);N63-4位点的优势种群是腈基降解菌纲的腈基降解菌目(Nitriliruptorales)。8种培养基共分离出41株放线菌,根据形态特征排重后得到的19株菌分布于10个不同的属,12个不同的种,其中稀有放线菌属比例较高,菌株OAct400为潜在的微杆菌属(Microbacterium)新种。【结论】南海深海沉积物蕴含着丰富的放线菌物种资源及大量未知种群,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediments from different depths   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Seven sediment samples have been examined, taken from different depths of the deep-sea in the range of 1159m to 6482m. A total of 75 different 16S rDNA sequences (149 clones) analyzed clustered into the Proteobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, Cytophaga, Planctomyces, and Actinomycetes and many sequences were from microorganisms that showed no phylogenetic affiliation with known bacteria. Clones identical to 16S rDNA sequences of members of the genus Pseudomonas were observed in all of the sediments examined. The second group of common sequences cloned from six sediment samples was related to the 16S rDNA sequence of a chemoautotrophic bacterium, the Solemya velum symbiont. Five 16S rDNA sequences from three sediments were related to those of the Alvinella pompejana epibiont which is a member of the -Proteobacteria. Only one sequence was obtained that was closely related to the 16S rDNA of the barophilic bacterium, Shewanella benthica, which might be a minor population in the deeper sediments. -Proteobacteria-related sequences were cloned from sediments obtained from sites near man-made garbage deposits and a Calyptogena community. These environments obviously would be richer in nutrients than other sites, and might be expected to show more types of bacteria than other deep-sea sediments. A large number of cloned sequences in this study showed very low identity to known sequences. These sequences may represent communities of as-yet-uncultivated microorganisms in the sediments.  相似文献   

Ostracod faunas from 18 gravity offshore cores taken from S-SW of Mersin–Ta?ucu harbour in Turkey (Eastern Mediterranean) at water depths comprised between 285 and 665 m were studied. Thirty-two (32) species have been identified. Argilloecia acuminata s.l. and Polycope cf. tholiformis are the dominant species in the studied area. The fauna corresponds very well to the “Argilloecia acuminata community, C11” from the Pleistocene to Holocene established by Sissingh (Sissingh, W., 1982. Ecostratigraphical outline history of the Late Cenozoic ostracode fauna of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Basin. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wettenschappen B 85, 299–322), and indicates circalittoral to upper bathyal environment in the Mediterranean. The ostracod fauna of the Mersin offshore sediments also shows great similarities to those from the Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, G., Ciampo, G., Masoli, M., 1975. Distribution of ostracoda in the Adriatic Sea. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 40 Suppl., 1–304), Sicily (Aiello, G., Barra, D., Bonaduce, G., 2000. Systematics and biostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene Monte S. Nicola section (Gela, Sicily). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 39, 83–112) and Bay of Naples (Müller, G.W., 1894. Die Ostracoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Monographie 31, 1–404). Only a few species are common with the Aegean Sea and Sea of Marmara.  相似文献   

Detailed micropaleontological investigation has established the distribution of major radiolarian assemblages in the Early to Middle Pliocene deep-sea sediments of the Antarctic region, with particular emphasis on the Gilbert Reversed Magnetic Epoch (t = 5.18 to 3.32 m.y. B.P.). Inter-core correlations, based on paleomagnetic stratigraphy and detailed radiolarian biostratigraphy, has provided a chronological framework for a detailed paleoclimatic investigation of the Gilbert Epoch. Early Gilbert sediments (t = 5.18 to 4.6 m.y. B.P.) contain a warm-Subantarctic assemblage marked by the presence of Anthocyrtidium ehrenbergi, “Eucyrtidium” spp., Carpocanium sp., Stylatractus universus and several collosphaerid species. Sediments of middle Gilbert age (t = 4.6 to 3.7 m.y. B.P.) contain a cool-Subantarctic assemblage marked by the presence of Stylodicta validispina, Cenosphaera cristata, Antarctissa longa, Triceraspyris pacifica and Lychnocanium grande rugosum. The late Gilbert—early Gauss sediments (t = 3.7 to 3.0 m.y. B.P.) contain an Antarctic assemblage marked by the presence of Antarctissa strelkovi, Antarctissa denticulata, Helotholus vema, Demospyris spongiosa and Eucyrtidium calvertense. The transition from a warm to a cold assemblage suggests a climatic deterioration occurring over a period of 1.6 m.y., significantly longer than the rapid climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene. Factor curves, produced by subjecting total faunal data to multivariate statistical analysis, have been interpreted in terms of paleoclimatic controls, resulting in a relative paleotemperature curve for the entire Gilbert Epoch. The maximum abundances of the Antarctic assemblage in the Gilbert and Gauss occurs between 3.7 and 3.2 m.y. ago coinciding closely with the 3.5 m.y. age of the first reported Patagonian glaciation in southernmost South America.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments cover ∼70% of Earth''s surface and represent the largest interface between the biological and geological cycles of carbon. Diatoms and zooplankton faecal pellets naturally transport organic material from the upper ocean down to the deep seabed, but how these qualitatively different substrates affect the fate of carbon in this permanently cold environment remains unknown. We added equal quantities of 13C-labelled diatoms and faecal pellets to a cold water (−0.7 °C) sediment community retrieved from 1080 m in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, Northeast Atlantic, and quantified carbon mineralization and uptake by the resident bacteria and macrofauna over a 6-day period. High-quality, diatom-derived carbon was mineralized >300% faster than that from low-quality faecal pellets, demonstrating that qualitative differences in organic matter drive major changes in the residence time of carbon at the deep seabed. Benthic bacteria dominated biological carbon processing in our experiments, yet showed no evidence of resource quality-limited growth; they displayed lower growth efficiencies when respiring diatoms. These effects were consistent in contrasting months. We contend that respiration and growth in the resident sediment microbial communities were substrate and temperature limited, respectively. Our study has important implications for how future changes in the biochemical makeup of exported organic matter will affect the balance between mineralization and sequestration of organic carbon in the largest ecosystem on Earth.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that in the deep-sea, under psychrophilic, barophilic and oligotrophic conditions, microbial community of Central Indian Basin (CIB) sediments could be chemosynthetic. In the dark, at near ambient temperature, 4 ± 2°C, 500 atm pressure, pelagic red clay could fix carbon at rates ranging from 100 to 500 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1. These clays accumulate in the deepest and the most remote areas of the ocean and contain <30% biogenic material. These clays with volcanic signatures fixed 230–9,401 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1 while siliceous radiolarian oozes of the basin fixed only 5–45 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1. These rates are comparable to those of white smoker waters and are 1–4 orders of magnitude less than those of bacterial mats and active vents recorded at other localities worldwide. The experimental ratios of carbon fixation to metal oxidation in the sediments were 0–1 order of magnitude higher than the corresponding average theoretical ratio of 0.0215 (0.0218, 0.0222, 0.0207 and 0.0211 for Fe, Mn, Co and Ni, respectively) in the siliceous ooze. In case of pelagic red clay it was 0–2 orders higher than theoretical ratio. Thus, chemosynthetic activity could be more widespread, albeit at low rates, than previously considered for abyssal basins. These environments may be dependent partially or even wholly on in situ microbial primary production for their carbon requirements rather than on photosynthetically derived detritus from surface waters.  相似文献   

Deep-sea subsurface sediments are the most important archives of marine biodiversity. Until now, these archives were studied mainly using the microfossil record, disregarding large amounts of DNA accumulated on the deep-sea floor. Accessing ancient DNA (aDNA) molecules preserved down-core would offer unique insights into the history of marine biodiversity, including both fossilized and non-fossilized taxa. Here, we recover aDNA of eukaryotic origin across four cores collected at abyssal depths in the South Atlantic, in up to 32.5 thousand-year-old sediment layers. Our study focuses on Foraminifera and Radiolaria, two major groups of marine microfossils also comprising diverse non-fossilized taxa. We describe their assemblages in down-core sediment layers applying both micropalaeontological and environmental DNA sequencing approaches. Short fragments of the foraminiferal and radiolarian small subunit rRNA gene recovered from sedimentary DNA extracts provide evidence that eukaryotic aDNA is preserved in deep-sea sediments encompassing the last glacial maximum. Most aDNA were assigned to non-fossilized taxa that also dominate in molecular studies of modern environments. Our study reveals the potential of aDNA to better document the evolution of past marine ecosystems and opens new horizons for the development of deep-sea palaeogenomics.  相似文献   

Stomach content analysis of four-spotted megrim Lepidorhombus boscii in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea revealed that specimens with fully filled stomachs were rarely encountered. The overall dietary breadth of the species appeared to increase in winter and spring, when stomachs fullness was reduced. The species exhibited a relatively high trophic diversity and could be considered a euryphagous carnivore preying mainly upon crustaceans. Decapod natants, namely Processa canaliculata and Alpheus glaber , dominated in terms of per cent mass, while mysids, represented mainly by Lophogaster typicus , were the most important dietary component in terms of per cent number. Isopods, amphipods and decapod brachyurans were also frequently encountered among stomach contents. Fishes were only ingested by larger specimens (>180 mm total length, L T); mouth gape dimensions increasing in larger specimens, enabled them to consume larger organisms. Discriminant function analysis showed that size and then sex of predators had the highest weight in discriminating the dietary groups produced by cluster analysis. Resource partitioning along the trophic dimension seemed to exist among smaller males and females (<110 mm L T), which also presented significant differences in their mouth gape dimensions. The study of the diel feeding pattern of the species demonstrated that foraging activity took place day and night, while observed qualitative differences might partly reflect variations in prey availability on a 24 h basis.  相似文献   

An increasing number of deep-sea studies have highlighted the importance of deep-sea biofouling, especially in relation to the protection of deep-sea instruments. In this study, the microbial communities developed on different substrata (titanium, aluminum, limestone, shale and neutrino telescope glass) exposed for 155 days at different depths (1500?m, 2500?m, 3500?m and 4500 m) and positions (vertical and horizontal) in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Sea were compared. Replicated biofilm samples were analyzed using a Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (T-RFLP) method. The restriction enzymes CfoI and RsaI produced similar total numbers (94, 93) of different T-RFLP peaks (T-RFs) along the vertical transect. In contrast, the mean total T-RF number between each sample according to substratum type and depth was higher in more samples when CfoI was used. The total species richness (S) of the bacterial communities differed significantly between the substrata, and depended on the orientation of each substratum within one depth and throughout the water column (ANOVA). T-RFLP analyses using the Jaccard similarity index showed that within one depth layer, the composition of microbial communities on different substrata was different and highly altered among communities developed on the same substratum but exposed to fouling at different depths. Based on Multidimensional Scaling Analyses (MDS), the study suggests that depth plays an important role in the composition of deep-sea biofouling communities, while substratum type and orientation of substrata throughout the water column are less important. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study of biofilm development in deep waters, in relation to the effects of substratum type, orientation and depth.  相似文献   

An increasing number of deep-sea studies have highlighted the importance of deep-sea biofouling, especially in relation to the protection of deep-sea instruments. In this study, the microbial communities developed on different substrata (titanium, aluminum, limestone, shale and neutrino telescope glass) exposed for 155 days at different depths (1500 m, 2500 m, 3500 m and 4500 m) and positions (vertical and horizontal) in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Sea were compared. Replicated biofilm samples were analyzed using a Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (T-RFLP) method. The restriction enzymes CfoI and RsaI produced similar total numbers (94, 93) of different T-RFLP peaks (T-RFs) along the vertical transect. In contrast, the mean total T-RF number between each sample according to substratum type and depth was higher in more samples when CfoI was used. The total species richness (S) of the bacterial communities differed significantly between the substrata, and depended on the orientation of each substratum within one depth and throughout the water column (ANOVA). T-RFLP analyses using the Jaccard similarity index showed that within one depth layer, the composition of microbial communities on different substrata was different and highly altered among communities developed on the same substratum but exposed to fouling at different depths. Based on Multidimensional Scaling Analyses (MDS), the study suggests that depth plays an important role in the composition of deep-sea biofouling communities, while substratum type and orientation of substrata throughout the water column are less important. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study of biofilm development in deep waters, in relation to the effects of substratum type, orientation and depth.  相似文献   

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