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Sumner  A. T. 《Chromosoma》1985,91(2):145-150
The distribution of quinacrine and protein sulphur has been compared with that of DNA in euchromatic and heterochromatic regions of mouse chromosomes stained with the fluorescent dye quinacrine, using X-ray microanalysis. Heterochromatin tends to bind relatively more quinacrine than euchromatin, and contains a greater concentration of sulphur. Measurements of quinacrine fluorescence, when compared with quinacrine binding, show that the excitation of fluorescence is more efficient when the dye is bound to euchromatin than when it is bound to heterochromatin. Although this observation is consistent with the hypothesis that the dull quinacrine fluorescence of mouse centromeres is due to quenching by guanine residues, two other factors should also be considered: the lower absolute amount of dye bound to the centromeres, and a concentration-dependent quenching of fluorescence.  相似文献   

Summary In egg vesicles ofGalleria mellonella (Lepidoptera) electron microprobe analysis reveals calcium in concentrations of 9 and 3 mmoles per 1,000 g tissue wet weight in oocytes and accompanying trophic cells, respectively. This high average level of calcium characterizes both pre- and postvitellogenic oocytes, but the distribution of calcium is not uniform. In postvitellogenic vesicles the central area of the ooplasm shows a higher content of Ca than peripheral one, what may be correlated with the distribution of mature yolk platelets within the ooplasm.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of 298 radiation-induced breakpoints in human chromosomes by quinacrine fluorescence. Very little damage was discovered which would not have been detectable with simple staining methods. The data suggest an excessive number of breaks in chromosomes 3 and a deficit in No. 16. The participation of chromosomes in rearrangements appears to be proportional to chromosome length. Within chromosome arms, breakpoints are selectively placed in telomeric regions.  相似文献   

The ion composition of cell compartments in the intertidal red alga Porphyra umbilicalis adapted for two weeks in 3.5 x artificial seawater was determined by X-ray microanalysis of unfixed, frozen, bulk specimens. A procedure is described for the calculation of ion concentrations in the main cell compartment, cytoplasm, vacuoles and plastid. The results indicate high K+ and low Na+ concentrations in cytoplasm and plastid. Sodium ions are preferentially localized in vacuoles. Both, vacuoles and plastid contain high Cl- concentrations.  相似文献   

The microlocalisation of cadmium (Cd) at the tissue-cellular level in Lupinus albus L. cv. Multolupa was determined by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXMA). Experimental plants were grown on Cd-treated (0 and 150 microM) perlite for 35 days. In leaves, Cd was found inside cells (cytoplasm or vacuoles), especially in the vascular bundle cells. Cd-induced damage of the chloroplast structure was also detected. EDXMA of the roots showed the cell wall to be the main area of Cd binding at the cellular level; only a small amount of Cd was found in the vacuoles. At the tissue level, a decreasing Cd gradient was seen from the outer to the inner root cortical parenchyma. Cd and S were found co-localised in the vascular cylinder.  相似文献   

Summary Sections of neurosecretory cells fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide were studied by means of an EMMA-4 analytical microscope. Secretory granules in neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum and of the brain, both in the desert locust Schistocerca and in the blowfly Calliphora, as well as neurosecretory granules in posterior pituitaries of the frog Rana and of the albino rat all contain a high concentration of calcium. A distinct sulphur peak was also a constant feature.In neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum of Schistocerca the chromatin contained a high concentration of calcium. The mitochondria also contained much calcium, but part of this disappeared during preparation except when fixative and wash contained calcium chloride. By block staining with uranyl acetate most calcium is displaced from the mitochondria, whereas most of the calcium remains in the neurosecretory granules. Since the calcium peaks in spectra from neurosecretory granules appear of similar size, regardless of variations in the preparative procedure, this calcium must be firmly bound. The possible role of the calcium bound to the neurosecretory substance is discussed.The presence of sulphur in insect neurosecretory granules indicates the presence of a protein besides the hormone, i.e., an insect neurophysin.We wish to thank Dennis Greer for the operation of the analytical microscope. This work was supported by a Wellcome-Carlsberg Travelling Research Fellowship awarded to T.N. The EMMA-4 facility is supported by a grant from the British Science Research Council  相似文献   

F. J. Smith  J. L. Oud 《Genetica》1972,43(4):589-596
A karyotype analysis of a diploid inbred line of Petunia hybrida stained with aceto-orcein is given. Five of the seven pairs of chromosomes can be identified by their relative lengths and arm ratios. The two remaining pairs stained with quinacrine show different fluorescence patterns.  相似文献   

We used X-ray microanalysis to study the changes induced in mouse metaphase chromosomes as a result of digestion with the restriction endonuclease HaeIII. The phosphorus X-ray signal was used as a marker for DNA and the sulfur signal for protein. Calcium, iron, copper, and zinc were also detected. HaeIII induced a loss of phosphorus from both the centromeres and chromosome arms, but the losses in the arms were much greater. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the electron density of the centromeres and a reduction in that of the arms. No reduction in the sulfur signal in either arms or centromeres occurred as a result of HaeIII digestion. Except for calcium, which showed only a moderate reduction, the inorganic ions exhibited very large losses as a result of HaeIII digestion. The differentiation of chromosome arms and centromeres as a result of HaeIII digestion is therefore not simply due to differential loss of DNA but also involves structural reorganization of the chromatin, as shown by electron microscopy. This reorganization does not involve loss of proteins but may be correlated with changes in the amounts of inorganic ions known to be involved in chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

The distributions of K, Na, Mg and Ca within frog ovarian and oviductal oocytes were studied by electron probe wavelength dispersive X-ray microanalysis. An important heterogeneity could be found both in nuclear and jelly coated oocytes. The highest K, Mg and, to a lesser extent, Na concentrations were found in the pigmented area of the peripheral cytoplasm. There is a certain correlation between the distribution of K and Mg. The concentration of K (but not of Na) in the nucleus was higher than that in the non-pigmented cytoplasm. The distribution of Ca was rather uniform. The high amounts of K, Na and S determined in the oocyte jelly coat seem to have become accumulated by ion-exchange mechanism. Oocyte pigment granules are believed to be the site of ion compartmentalization and to play a role in regulation of intracellular ionic composition.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for producing fluorescent bands on human chromosomes by staining with quinacrine after hybridisation in situ. The advantages of the method include the elimination of artefacts arising from staining before hybridisation, the fact that there is no reduction in sample number between staining and autoradiography, the ease with which autoradiographic grains can be identified and counted, and the reduction in exposure time.Offprint requests to: S.S. Lawrie  相似文献   

Extensive X-ray absorption fine structure measurements and analysis have been made on azidomet- and methemerythrin and on the native forms of oxy- and deoxyhemerythrin. Due to the availability of models that have been synthesized to mimic the active site of hemerythrin, it was possible to make a thorough assessment of the various errors in the structural parameters determined by the analysis. It is found that the largest source of error is the lack of complete transferability of amplitude and phase between the standards and hemerythrin. This is of particular importance in distinguishing the contributions of the second-shell low-Z atoms and, thus, has a substantial influence on the determination of the iron-iron distance. The internal consistencies of the various checks and a new formulation of error analysis for the structural parameters give us confidence in the structure determined for the active site. The main result is that as O2 is released from oxyhemerythrin, the mu-oxo bridge between the two iron atoms in the active site with an Fe-O distance of 1.8 A converts to a mu-hydroxo bridge in deoxyhemerythrin, expanding the Fe-O distance to 2.0 A. The Fe-Fe distance expands proportionally from 3.24 A in oxyhemerythrin to 3.57 A in deoxyhemerythrin so as to keep the Fe-O-Fe bridging angle approximately constant. These conclusions provide experimental support for the structures of oxy- and deoxyhemerythrin proposed previously on the basis of spectroscopic and preliminary X-ray crystallographic data.  相似文献   

Summary Filipin a polyene antibiotic, fluoresces and forms 15–25 nm aggregates when combined with -hydroxysterols, rendering sterols detectable by fluorescence microscopy and by electron microscopy of thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas. We applied filipin in a glutaraldehyde fixative to tissue-cultured cells ofDrosophila melanogaster larvae, in which sterol concentration can be regulated. Since the number of filipin-sterol aggregates observed in membranes was found to be preportional to the amount of sterol experimentally inserted, utilizing filipin is a valid method for quantifying, as well as for mapping, sterol distribution in biological membranes. Other antibiotics may be similarly used for localizing some species of negatively charged phospholipids.In addition to cytochemical identification of specific lipids, rapid freezing and deep etching of unfixed, non-cryoprotected cells may permit us to examine membrane lipids in different physical states liquid-crystalline and gel. Combining these several techniques has resulted in new data concerning the disposition of lipids during the intimate juxtaposition of membranes preceding fusion. For example, in guinea-pig sperm, foci of closely apposed membranes are bereft of -hydroxysterols and intramembranous particles. Such regions of membrane sometimes exist in a crystalline state and may be rimmed by negatively charged phospholipids. As previously noted in other areas of cytochemistry, thein situ localization of specific substances provides information unobtainable by morphological or biochemical techniques alone.  相似文献   

Thin films of metalloprotein, deposited directly onto carbon-formvar-coated electron microscope grids, provide a potentially useful, but little developed, type of standard for biological transmission X-ray microanalysis. The possibility of using various metalloproteins was investigated in terms of their suitability as standards, and compared with an evaporated film of gelatin-salt mixture. The metalloproteins that were selected comprised conalbumin (containing detectable S, Fe), hemocyanin (S, K, Ca, Fe and Cu), insulin (S, Zn), phosvitin (P, Ca, Fe, and Zn) and alpha-lactalbumin (S, Ca). In each case, the metalloprotein preparation was homogeneous at the microlevel (unlike evaporated gelatin-salt mixtures), and was stable in the electron beam up to a current of 120 nA, over a lifetime of 200 s.  相似文献   

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