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By indirect immunofluorescence and microcytotoxicity it was demonstrated that different populations of murine macrophages bear different amounts of Ia antigens on their membranes. At least three subpopulations could be distinguished: those that lack Ia antigens and predominate in peritoneal exudate; cells bearing I-A antigens that are the majority of splenic macrophages and a minor population in the peritoneum; and cells bearing I-C antigens that are a minor population in both spleen and peritoneum. Internal radioisotope labeling studies confirmed that the I region molecules are synthesized by the macrophages. It is suggested that these different macrophage subpopulations may play distinct roles in the immune response.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) and their endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids) have recently emerged as novel mediators of liver diseases. Endogenous activation of CB1 receptors promotes nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and progression of liver fibrosis associated with chronic liver injury; in addition, CB1 receptors contribute to the pathogenesis of portal hypertension and cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. CB2 receptor-dependent effects are also increasingly characterized, including antifibrogenic effects and regulation of liver inflammation during ischemia-reperfusion and NAFLD. It is likely that the next few years will allow us to delineate whether molecules targeting CB1 and CB2 receptors are useful therapeutic agents for the treatment of chronic liver diseases.  相似文献   

We have isolated a galactose-specific receptor protein from rat liver macrophages by three techniques, all using EDTA extraction and subsequent affinity chromatography. The purified receptor has an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa and exhibits hemagglutinating activity. Monospecific receptor-antisera produce one precipitation line with the macrophage receptor in Ouchterlony double diffusion but show no cross-reaction with the hepatocyte receptor. Sinusoidal cells, but not hepatocytes, are stained with monoclonal antibodies to the macrophage receptor, whereas anti-hepatocyte receptor antibodies stain hepatocyte surfaces but not sinusoidal cells. We conclude that the galactose-specific receptor from liver macrophages is structurally different from the hepatocyte receptor, although the two lectins share a similar binding specificity.  相似文献   

Mouse liver cell culture. I. Hepatocyte isolation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A method for isolation of mouse liver cells by a two-step perfusion with calcium and magnesium-free Hanks' salt solution followed by a medium containing collagenase is described. Several variations of the commonly used procedure for rat liver cell isolation were quantitatively compared with respect to cell yield and viability. The optimal isolation technique involved perfusion through the hepatic portal vein and routinely produced an average of 2.3 x 10(6) viable liver cells/g body weight. Optimal perfusate collagenase concentration was found to be 100 U of enzyme activity per milliliter of perfusate. Light and electron microscopic evaluation of liver morphology after several steps of the isolation showed distinct morphologic changes in hepatocytes and other liver cells during perfusion. After perfusion with Hanks' calcium- and magnesium-free solution, many hepatocytes exhibited early reversible cell injury. These changes included vesiculation and slight swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum as well as mitochondrial matrix condensation. Subsequent to perfusion with collagenase, the majority of hepatocytes appeared connected to one another only by tight junctional complexes at the bile canaliculi. Multiple evaginations were seen on the outer membrane resembling microville and probably represented the remains of cell-to-cell interdigitations between hepatocytes and sinusoidal lining cells from the space of Disse. The cytoplasmic injury seen after Hanks' perfusion was reversed after collagenase perfusion. After mechanical dispersion, isolated mouse hepatocytes were spherical in shape and existed as individual cells; many (80 to 85%) were binucleated under hase contrast light microscopy. By electron microscopy, cells appeared morphologically similar in cytoplasmic constitution to that seen in intact nonaltered liver cells.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte differentiation and liver progenitor cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  



Hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factors are key growth factors in the process of alveolar repair. We hypothesized that excessive alveolar destruction observed in lung emphysema involves impaired expression of hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factors or their respective receptors, c-met and keratinocyte growth factor receptor. The aim of our study was to compare the expression of hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factors and their receptors in lung samples from 3 groups of patients: emphysema; smokers without emphysema and non-smokers without emphysema.


Hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factor proteins were analysed by immunoassay and western blot; mRNA expression was measured by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.


Hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factors, c-met and keratinocyte growth factor receptor mRNA levels were similar in emphysema and non-emphysema patients. Hepatocyte growth factor mRNA correlated negatively with FEV1 and the FEV1/FVC ratio both in emphysema patients and in smokers with or without emphysema. Hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factor protein concentrations were similar in all patients' groups.


The expression of hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factors and their receptors is preserved in patients with lung emphysema as compared to patients without emphysema. Hepatocyte growth factor mRNA correlates with the severity of airflow obstruction in smokers.  相似文献   

Receptor-dependent uptake mechanisms for low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were studied in rabbit liver parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells. Hybridization studies with a cDNA probe revealed that mRNA for the apo (apolipoprotein) B,E receptor was present in endothelial and Kupffer cells as well as in parenchymal cells. By ligand-blotting experiments we showed that apo B,E-receptor protein was present in both parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells. Studies of binding of homologous LDL in cultured rabbit parenchymal cells suggested that about 63% of the specific LDL binding was mediated via the apo B,E receptor. Approx. 47% of the specific LDL binding was dependent on Ca2+, suggesting that specific Ca2+-dependent as well as Ca2+-independent LDL-binding sites exist in liver parenchymal cells. Methylated LDL bound to the parenchymal cells in a saturable manner. Taken together, our results showed that apo B,E receptors are present in rabbit liver endothelial and Kupffer cells as well as in the parenchymal cells, and that an additional saturable binding activity for LDL may exist on rabbit liver parenchymal cells. This binding activity was not inhibited by EGTA or reductive methylation of lysine residues in apo B. LDL degradation in parenchymal cells was mainly mediated via the apo B,E receptor.  相似文献   

Cell culture systems have commonly been used to study mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, but the great majority of cell preparations used have been either of nonhuman retinal origin or nonretinal human origin. Because of questions of species and organ specificity in the function of cells of vascular origin, in this study, cultured microvascular endothelial cells (HREC), pericytes (HRPC), and pigment epithelial cells from the postmortem human retina, and endothelial cells from human umbilical vein (HUVEC) were evaluated with respect to cell proliferation, and secretory products potentially important in diabetic retinopathy, i.e., prostaglandins (PG) and plasminogen activators (PA), normalized to DNA content/well, under both basal (5 mM) and high (25 mM) glucose conditions. Glucose (25 mM) reduced DNA content similarly in both types of endothelial cells, had a lesser effect on HRPC, and did not significantly alter the proliferation of pigment epithelial cells. Basal secretion of PGI2 (measured as 6-keto-PGF1 alpha) was in the order HRPC much greater than HREC greater than HUVEC, whereas PGE2 secretion was in the order HREC much greater than HRPC greater than HUVEC. Glucose (25 mM) stimulated PGI2 secretion by HRPC, but not by either type of endothelial cell, and enhanced PGE2 secretion by HREC, but not by HUVEC or HRPC. Release of plasminogen activator activity differed between HUVEC and HREC under basal conditions and addition of 25 mM glucose stimulated release only from HREC. Glucose (25 mM) stimulated PA secretion by HREC, but not by HUVEC. These findings provide evidence that human retinal pericytes are an important source of prostacyclin, and that there are differences between HREC and HUVEC with respect to secretory functions and their modulation by glucose, indicating regional specificity of these functions. Extrapolation to human retinal vascular cells from experiments using cells from heterologous vascular beds to draw inferences about the pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy are not valid for these cellular functions.  相似文献   

M1 cells, which are cell line cells established from myeloid leukemia cells of the SL strain mouse, can differentiate from blast cells (M1?) to mature macrophages (M1+) within 48 hr, when they are cultured with conditioned medium (CM) obtained from murine embryonic fibroblasts. While M1? cells have no phagocytic activity nor Fc receptor (FcR), M1+ cells possess both characteristics. The appearance of FcR is temperature-dependent and inhibited by a metabolic inhibitor, cycloheximide. FcR on M1+ cells is resistant to trypsin and pronase. M1+ cells improve the viability of macrophage-depleted SL splenic lymphocytes and restore the in vitro secondary plaque forming cell response of macrophage-depleted spleen cells to particulate and soluble antigens. M1? cells lack this macrophage-substituting capacity. Mm1 cells, mutant cells from M1 cells, having FcR and higher phagocytic activity than M1+ cells, are also devoid of this capacity.  相似文献   

Mammalian Toll-like receptor (TLR) proteins are new members of the IL-1 receptor family that participate in activation of cells by bacteria and bacterial products. Several recent reports indicate that TLR proteins mediate cellular activation by bacterial LPS via a signaling pathway that is largely shared by the type I IL-1 receptor. We previously showed that Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) fibroblasts engineered to express CD14 (CHO/CD14) were responsive to LPS, but not to a distinct CD14 ligand, mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan (LAM). These CHO/CD14 cells were subsequently found to possess a frame-shift mutation within the TLR2 gene which resulted in their inability to express functional TLR2 protein. Thus, we hypothesized that TLR2, but not TLR4, was necessary for LAM signaling. In this paper we show that CHO/CD14 cells engineered to express functional TLR2 protein acquired the ability to be activated by LAM. Similarly, overexpression of TLR2 in murine macrophages conferred enhanced LAM responsiveness. Together, our data demonstrate that the distinct CD14 ligands LAM and LPS utilize different TLR proteins to initiate intracellular signals. These findings suggest a novel receptor signaling paradigm in which the binding of distinct ligands is mediated by a common receptor chain, but cellular activation is initiated via distinct signal-transducing chains that confer ligand specificity. This paradigm contrasts with many cytokine receptor complexes in which receptor specificity is conferred by a unique ligand-binding chain but cellular activation is initiated via shared signal-transducing chains.  相似文献   

To examine biochemically the effect of ischemia on cellular membranes, microsomal membrane structure and function in ischemic rat liver cells was studied. One-half hour of ischemia produced little or no evidence of histologic cell death 24 h after the reestablishment of blood flow and produced no detectable changes in five separate microsomal parameters measured in vitro. With 2 h of ischemia, histological evidence of liver cell death was quite marked 24 h after reflow had been established, and there were decreases in both microsomal calcium pump and glucose 6-phosphatase activities which could not be explained by differences in relative purity of the samples. Cytochrome P-450 content, glucuronyl transferase activity, and protein composition as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the 2-h ischemic microsomes were similar to those of 0.5-h ischemic preparations. These results indicate the presence of microsomal membrane dysfunction in ischemic rat liver cells temporally related to the onset of irreversible cellular damage. The possible molecular basis of this dyfunction is discussed.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed important progress in our understanding of how natural killer (NK) cells function. This is primarily consequent to the identification and functional characterization of MHC-specific inhibitory receptors that allow NK cells to discriminate between normal cells and potentially harmful cells that have lost or express insufficient amounts of MHC class I molecules. More recently, a number of activating receptors or coreceptors have been identified that are involved in the process of natural cytotoxicity but may also play a role in the direct recognition of pathogen-associated structures. Surprisingly, none of the triggering receptors identified in NK cells appears to be involved in the "NK-like activity" of a subset of CD8(+) cytolytic T lymphocytes. In this case, lysis of NK-susceptible tumor target cells is the result of the TCR alpha/beta-mediated recognition of HLA-E. The potent cytolytic activity of NK cells as well as their unique mode of functioning may be exploited in therapy. An important breakthrough is the recent report that "alloreactive" NK cells, generated in haploidentical bone marrow transplantation in patients with acute myeloid leukemias, may efficiently prevent leukemic relapses as well as graft rejection and graft-vs.-host disease. This may lead to a true revolution in bone marrow transplantation, based on the exploitation of appropriate HLA-Cl I mismatches that can put NK cells in action.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have demonstrated that serum would play an important role in the hepatic disposition of polystyrene microspheres (MS) and that complement C3 should be involved as the serum opsonin. In this study, we tried to identify the entity of other serum opsonins and dysopsonin for the hepatic uptake of MSs with particle sizes of 50 nm (MS-50) and 500 nm (MS-500) by isolated liver perfusion studies using a recirculation procedure in rats. Pretreatment of the liver by trypsin significantly suppressed the serum-dependent hepatic uptake of both MSs, suggesting that some protein components on the cell surface should be necessary for the serum-dependent phagocytosis of MSs. Pretreatment of the serum by the anti-fibronectin antibody resulted in a significant reduction in the hepatic disposition of MS-500 (49% of control), suggesting that fibronectin should also work as the opsonin for the hepatic uptake of MS-500. The hepatic disposition of both MSs in the presence of serum was inhibited by the addition of N-acetylgalactosamine into the perfusate, suggesting the possible involvement of lectin in the serum-dependent hepatic uptake of MSs. Furthermore, a more intensive hepatic disposition of MSs was observed in the presence of plasma compared with that in the presence of serum in the perfusate, suggesting the possible involvement of blood coagulation factors, such as fibrinogen, as the opsonin in the hepatic disposition of MSs.  相似文献   

We quantitatively determined the receptors for histamine H1, histamine H2, alpha- and beta-adrenergic, prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha in liver plasma membranes. The number of the receptors was the greatest in histamine H1 receptors (4740 +/- 750 fmol/mg protein) and the second in alpha-adrenergic receptors (965 +/- 16). Although relatively small numbers of the receptors were observed for histamine H2 (116 +/- 11) and prostaglandin E2 (38.0 +/- 8.9), we could not determine the number and affinity of beta-adrenergic and prostaglandin F2 alpha receptors. In contrast to the number of receptors, there was not significant difference in the affinities of receptors for histamine H1, histamine H2, alpha-adrenergic hormone and prostaglandin E2. These results suggest that histamine and its receptor play some role in liver function.  相似文献   

A Golgi apparatus-rich fraction and a plasma membrane-rich fraction were isolated from a common homogenate of rat liver. Their respective buovant densities, appearances in the electron microscope and 5'-nucleotidase and UDP-galactose ovalbumin galactosyltransferase activities were in accord with published data on separately isolated Golgi apparatus-rich and plasma membrane-rich fractions. Contamination by endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria was low. Gel electrophoresis of the membrane proteins of the Golgi apparatus-rich and plasma membrane-rich fractions (separately and mixed) showed a close similarity. After Neville's demonstration that electrophoretic patterns of membrane protein subunits from different subcellular fractions are easily distinguishable, the present work demonstrates an unusually close relationship between the Golgi apparatus membrane and the cell membrane. It is possible that membrane similarity may be mediated by the transfer of membrane-bound vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Starch-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages (STpMAC) plated on plastic demonstrate the adhesive properties typical for activated pMAC: attaching as round cells and, within 15 min, spreading out with marginal membrane ruffles. These attached STpMAC were labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalysed 125I surface iodination, sodium dodecyl- sulfate-lysed, and the lysates electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels which were examined by autoradiography. The STpMAC morphological phenotype correlates with the labeling of a particular protein (195,000, estimated mol wt). Normal pMAC (NpMAC), from unstimulated mice, do not spread and do not display the 195,000 band. Both pMAC band patterns, including the 195,000 band, are relatively resistant to trypsin digestion, as is pMAC adhesion itself trypsin-resistant. Neither class of pMAC exhibits fibronectin (Cell Adhesion Factor, LETS protein) which is a component in the adhesive matrix of cells forming trypsin-sensitive monolayers. When pMAC are tested against antifibronectin antibody, these cells do not give immunofluorescent staining. In summary, two functions in pMAC adhesion, enzyme resistance and the ability to spread, appear related to molecular properties distinctive for pMAC surface protein.  相似文献   

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