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We cloned two beta subunits of large-conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels, hKCNMB3 (BKbeta1) and hKCNMB4 (BKbeta4). Profiling mRNA expression showed that hKCNMB3 expression is enriched in testis and hKCNMB4 expression is very prominent in brain. We coexpressed BK channel alpha (BKalpha) and BKbeta4 subunits in vitro in CHO cells. We compared BKalpha/beta4 mediated currents with those of smooth muscle BKalpha/beta1 channels. BKbeta4 slowed activation kinetics more significantly, led to a steeper apparent calcium sensitivity, and shifted the voltage range of BK current activation to more negative potentials than BKbeta1. BKalpha/beta4 channels were not blocked by 100 nM charybdotoxin or iberiotoxin, and were activated by 17beta-estradiol.  相似文献   

We report here a characterization of two families of calcium-activated K(+) channel beta-subunits, beta2 and beta3, which are encoded by distinct genes that map to 3q26.2-27. A single beta2 family member and four alternatively spliced variants of beta3 were investigated. These subunits have predicted molecular masses of 27. 1-31.6 kDa, share approximately 30-44% amino acid identity with beta1, and exhibit distinct but overlapping expression patterns. Coexpression of the beta2 or beta3a-c subunits with a BK alpha-subunit altered the functional properties of the current expressed by the alpha-subunit alone. The beta2 subunit rapidly and completely inactivated the current and shifted the voltage dependence for activation to more polarized membrane potentials. In contrast, coexpression of the beta3a-c subunits resulted in only partial inactivation of the current, and the beta3b subunit conferred an apparent inward rectification. Furthermore, unlike the beta1 and beta2 subunits, none of the beta3 subunits increased channel sensitivity to calcium or voltage. The tissue-specific expression of these beta-subunits may allow for the assembly of a large number of distinct BK channels in vivo, contributing to the functional diversity of native BK currents.  相似文献   

We have recently compared the biophysical and pharmacological properties of native Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) currents in murine portal vein with mCLCA1 channels cloned from murine portal vein myocytes (Britton, F. C., Ohya, S., Horowitz, B., and Greenwood, I. A. (2002) J. Physiol. (Lond.) 539, 107-117). These channels shared a similar relative permeability to various anions, but the expressed channel current lacked the marked time dependence of the native current. In addition, the expressed channel showed a lower Ca(2+) sensitivity than the native channel. As non-pore-forming regulatory beta-subunits alter the kinetics and increase the Ca(2+) sensitivity of Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels (BK channels) we investigated whether co-expression of beta-subunits with CLCA1 would alter the kinetics/Ca(2+) sensitivity of mCLCA1. Internal dialysis of human embryonic kidney cells stably expressing CLCA1 with 500 nM Ca(2+) evoked a significantly larger current when the beta-subunit KCNMB1 was co-expressed. In a small number of co-transfected cells marked time dependence to the activation kinetics was observed. Interaction studies using the mammalian two-hybrid technique demonstrated a physical association between CLCA1 and KCNMB1 when co-expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. These data suggest that activation of CLCA1 can be modified by accessory subunits.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen/nitrogen species are readily generated in vivo, playing roles in many physiological and pathological conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, by oxidatively modifying various proteins. Previous studies indicate that large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (BK(Ca) or Slo) are subject to redox regulation. However, conflicting results exist whether oxidation increases or decreases the channel activity. We used chloramine-T, which preferentially oxidizes methionine, to examine the functional consequences of methionine oxidation in the cloned human Slo (hSlo) channel expressed in mammalian cells. In the virtual absence of Ca(2+), the oxidant shifted the steady-state macroscopic conductance to a more negative direction and slowed deactivation. The results obtained suggest that oxidation enhances specific voltage-dependent opening transitions and slows the rate-limiting closing transition. Enhancement of the hSlo activity was partially reversed by the enzyme peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase, suggesting that the upregulation is mediated by methionine oxidation. In contrast, hydrogen peroxide and cysteine-specific reagents, DTNB, MTSEA, and PCMB, decreased the channel activity. Chloramine-T was much less effective when concurrently applied with the K(+) channel blocker TEA, which is consistent with the possibility that the target methionine lies within the channel pore. Regulation of the Slo channel by methionine oxidation may represent an important link between cellular electrical excitability and metabolism.  相似文献   

Auxiliary beta1 subunits of voltage-gated sodium channels have been shown to be cell adhesion molecules of the Ig superfamily. Co-expression of alpha and beta1 subunits modulates channel gating as well as plasma membrane expression levels. We have cloned, sequenced, and expressed a splice variant of beta1, termed beta1A, that results from an apparent intron retention event. beta1 and beta1A are structurally homologous proteins with type I membrane topology; however, they contain little to no amino acid homology beyond the shared Ig loop region. beta1A mRNA expression is developmentally regulated in rat brain such that it is complementary to beta1. beta1A mRNA is expressed during embryonic development, and then its expression becomes undetectable after birth, concomitant with the onset of beta1 expression. In contrast, beta1A mRNA is expressed in adult adrenal gland and heart. Western blot analysis revealed beta1A protein expression in heart, skeletal muscle, and adrenal gland but not in adult brain or spinal cord. Immunocytochemical analysis of beta1A expression revealed selective expression in brain and spinal cord neurons, with high expression in heart and all dorsal root ganglia neurons. Co-expression of alphaIIA and beta1A subunits in Chinese hamster lung 1610 cells results in a 2.5-fold increase in sodium current density compared with cells expressing alphaIIA alone. This increase in current density reflected two effects of beta1A: 1) an increase in the proportion of cells expressing detectable sodium currents and 2) an increase in the level of functional sodium channels in expressing cells. [(3)H]Saxitoxin binding analysis revealed a 4-fold increase in B(max) with no change in K(D) in cells coexpressing alphaIIA and beta1A compared with cells expressing alphaIIA alone. beta1A-expressing cell lines also revealed subtle differences in sodium channel activation and inactivation. These effects of beta1A subunits on sodium channel function may be physiologically important events in the development of excitable cells.  相似文献   

Protein palmitoylation is a major dynamic posttranslational regulator of protein function. However, mechanisms that control palmitoylation are poorly understood. In many proteins, palmitoylation occurs at cysteine residues juxtaposed to membrane-anchoring domains such as transmembrane helices, sites of irreversible lipid modification, or hydrophobic and/or polybasic domains. In particular, polybasic domains represent an attractive mechanism to dynamically control protein palmitoylation, as the function of these domains can be dramatically influenced by protein phosphorylation. Here we demonstrate that a polybasic domain immediately upstream of palmitoylated cysteine residues within an alternatively spliced insert in the C terminus of the large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium channel is an important determinant of channel palmitoylation and function. Mutation of basic amino acids to acidic residues within the polybasic domain results in inhibition of channel palmitoylation and a significant right-shift in channel half maximal voltage for activation. Importantly, protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of a single serine residue within the core of the polybasic domain, which results in channel inhibition, also reduces channel palmitoylation. These data demonstrate the key role of the polybasic domain in controlling stress-regulated exon palmitoylation and suggests that phosphorylation controls the domain by acting as an electrostatic switch.  相似文献   

An important step to understanding ion channels is identifying the structural components that act as the gates to ion movement. Here we describe a new channel gating mechanism, produced by the beta3 auxiliary subunits of Ca2+-activated, large-conductance BK-type K+ channels when expressed with their pore-forming alpha subunits. BK beta subunits have a cysteine-rich extracellular segment connecting two transmembrane segments, with small cytosolic N and C termini. The extracellular segments of the beta3 subunits form gates to block ion permeation, providing a mechanism by which current can be rapidly diminished upon cellular repolarization. Furthermore, this gating mechanism is abolished by reduction of extracellular disulfide linkages, suggesting that endogenous mechanisms may regulate this gating behavior. The results indicate that auxiliary beta subunits of BK channels reside sufficiently close to the ion permeation pathway defined by the alpha subunits to influence or block access of small molecules to the permeation pathway.  相似文献   

A series of partial structures of ketoconazole has been synthesized and tested for activity on the large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (BK) in bovine smooth muscle cells. This has provided openers and blockers of the channel. The results suggest that the phenyl and phenoxy moieties are important for interaction with BK, whereas the imidazole group is unimportant. The properties of the phenoxy moiety seem to determine whether the compounds act to open or block the channel.  相似文献   

Sleep apnea associated with chronic intermittent hypoxia (IH) impairs hippocampal functions but the pathogenic mechanisms involving dysfunction of nitric oxide (NO) and ionic channels remain unclear. We examined the hypothesis that hippocampal NO deficit impairs the activity of large conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels in rats with chronic IH, mimicking conditions in patients with sleep apnea. A patch-clamp study was performed on hippocampal CA1 neurons acutely dissociated from IH and control rats. The levels of endogenous NO and intracellular calcium in the CA1 region of the hippocampal slices were measured respectively by electrochemical microsensors and spectrofluorometry. We found that the open probability of BK channels remarkably decreased in the CA1 pyramidal neurons in a time-dependent manner with the IH treatment, without changes in the unitary conductance and reversal potential. NO donors, SNP or DETA/NO, significantly restored the activity of BK channels in the IH neurons, which was prevented by blockade of S-nitrosylation with NEM or MTSES but not by inhibition of the cGMP pathway with ODQ or 8-bromo-cGMP. Endogenous NO levels were substantially lowered in the IH hippocampus during resting and hypoxia. Also, the level of protein expression of neuronal NO synthase was markedly lessened in the IH neurons with decreased intracellular calcium response to hypoxia. Collectively, the results suggest that the IH-induced NO deficit mediated by a down-regulation of the expression of neuronal NO synthase plays a causative role in the impaired activity of BK channels, which could account for the hippocampal injury in patients with sleep apnea.  相似文献   

Large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels assemble as macromolecular signaling complexes and are potently regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation. However, although numerous studies have revealed regulation of BK channels through changes in direct phosphorylation of the pore-forming alpha-subunits the functional role of changes in phosphorylation of defined adapter/signaling proteins within the complex on channel function are essentially not known. Here, we demonstrate that mammalian BK channels are potently regulated by endogenous protein-tyrosine kinase and protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity closely associated with the channel. BK channel regulation was not dependent upon direct phosphorylation of the BK alpha-subunit, rather channel function was controlled by the tyrosine phosphorylation status of the adapter protein cortactin that assembles directly with the BK channel. Our data thus reveal a novel mode for BK channel regulation by reversible tyrosine phosphorylation and strongly support the hypothesis that phosphorylation-dependent regulation of accessory proteins within the BK channel signaling complex represents an important target for control of BK channel function.  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK(Ca)) channels are activated by membrane depolarization and modulated by intracellular Ca2+. Here, we report the direct interaction of cereblon (CRBN) with the cytosolic carboxy-terminus of the BK(Ca) channel alpha subunit (Slo). Rat CRBN contained the N-terminal domain of the Lon protease, a 'regulators of G protein-signaling' (RGS)-like domain, a leucine zipper (LZ) motif, and four putative protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation sites. RNA messages of rat cereblon (rCRBN) were widely distributed in different tissues with especially high-levels of expression in the brain. Direct association of rCRBN with the BK(Ca) channel was confirmed by immunoprecipitation in brain lysate, and the two proteins were co-localized in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Ionic currents evoked by the rSlo channel were dramatically suppressed upon coexpression of rCRBN. rCRBN decreased the formation of the tetrameric rSlo complex thus reducing the surface expression of functional channels. Therefore, we suggest that CRBN may play an important role in assembly and surface expression of functional BK(Ca) channels by direct interaction with the cytosolic C-terminus of its alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

目的:研究氧化还原药物对三叉神经节细胞离子通道的调节作用。方法:采用全细胞膜片钳电生理方法,记录氧化还原药物对三叉神经节细胞大电导钙激活钾通道(BKca)的影响。结果:蛋氨酸特异性氧化剂chloramine-T(Ch—T)1mmol/L可轻微增加通道电流幅值,但该作用不能被半胱氨酸还原剂1,4-dithio-DL-threitol(DTT)所逆转。相反,半胱氨酸特异性氧化剂5,5’-dithio-bis(2-nitribenzoic acid)(DTNB)500μmol/L降低BKCa的电流幅值,此作用可被DTT 2mmol/L所逆转。结论:ROS通过氧化调节BKCa通道而参与三叉神经节细胞的功能调节,BKCa通道在氧化应激相关性生理、病理状态下起重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

Wu Y  Cao Z  Yi H  Jiang D  Mao X  Liu H  Li W 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(1):105-112
Computational methods are employed to simulate interaction of scorpion toxin ScyTx in complex with the small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel rsk2. All of available 25 structures of ScyTx in the Protein Data Bank determined by NMR were considered for improving performance of rigid protein docking of ZDOCK. Four main binding modes were found among a large number of predicted complexes by using clustering analysis, screening with expert knowledge, energy minimization, and molecular dynamics simulations. The quality and validity of the resulting complexes were further evaluated by molecular dynamics simulations with the generalized Born solvation model and by calculation of relative binding free energies with the molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) in the AMBER 7 suit of programs. The complex formed by the 22nd structure of the ScyTx and rsk2 channel was identified as the most favorable complex by using a combination of computational methods, which contain further introduction of flexibility without restraining residue side chain. From the resulted spatial structure of the ScyTx and rsk2 channel, ScyTx associates the mouth of the rsk2 channel with alpha-helix rather than beta-sheet. Structural analysis first revealed that Arg(13) played a novel and vital role of blocking the pore of the rsk2 channel, whose role is remarkably different from that of highly homologous scorpion toxin P05. Between the interfaces in the ScyTx-rsk2 complex, strong electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bonds exist between Arg(13) of ScyTx and Gly-Tyr-Gly-Asp sequential residues located in the four symmetrical chains of the pore region. Simultaneously, five hydrogen bonds between Arg(6) of ScyTx and Asp(341)(C), Val(366)(C), and Pro(367)(C), and electrostatic interaction between Arg(6) of ScyTx and Asp(364)(B) and Asp(341)(C) are also found by structural analysis. In addition, His(31) located at the C-terminal of ScyTx is surrounded by Val(342)(A), Asp(364)(A), Met(365)(A), Pro(367)(B), and Asn(366)(B) within a contact distance of 4.0 A. These simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data and can effectively explain the binding phenomena between ScyTx and the potassium channel at the level of molecular spatial structure. The consistency between results of molecular modeling and experimental data strongly suggests that our spatial structure model of the ScyTx-rsk2 complex is reasonable. Therefore, molecular docking combined with molecular dynamics simulations followed by molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area analysis is an attractive approach for modeling scorpion toxin-potassium channel complexes a priori for further biological studies.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,206(1):87-92
The patch-clamp technique was employed to record single channel currents in patches of basolateral membrane from enterocytes isolated from rat small intestine. We demonstrate the presence of a large conductance (250 pS), voltage- and calcium-activated, the maxi. K+ channel in this membrane. Currents in this K+ channel were blocked by the application of barium (5 mM) to the extracellular membrane face.  相似文献   



Large conductance calcium- and voltage activated potassium (BK) channels are important determinants of neuronal excitability through effects on action potential duration, frequency and synaptic efficacy. The pore- forming subunits are encoded by a single gene, KCNMA1, which undergoes extensive alternative pre mRNA splicing. Different splice variants can confer distinct properties on BK channels. For example, insertion of the 58 amino acid stress-regulated exon (STREX) insert, that is conserved throughout vertebrate evolution, encodes channels with distinct calcium sensitivity and regulation by diverse signalling pathways compared to the insertless (ZERO) variant. Thus, expression of distinct splice variants may allow cells to differentially shape their electrical properties during development. However, whether differential splicing of BK channel variants occurs during development of the mammalian CNS has not been examined.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that nitric oxide (NO) directly activates the Maxi-K channels. In the present study, we have investigated whether NO has prolonged effects on the Maxi-K channels reconstituted in lipid bilayer. Application of S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D, L-penicillamine (SNAP), a NO donor, induced an immediate increase of open probability (Po) of Maxi-K channel in a dose-dependent manner.When SNAP was removed from the cytosolic solution, the Po did not simply returned to, but irreversibly decreased to a level lower than that of the control Po. At 0.2 mM, (Z)-[N-(3-Ammoniopropyl)-N-(n-propyl)amino] diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (PAPA-NO), another NO donor, produced a similar increase of Po and decrease of Po upon washout.The increasing effects of SNAP on Po were not blocked by either 50 U/ml superoxide dismutase (SOD) or 2 mM Nethylmaleimide (NEM) pre-treatments. However, NEM appears to be ineffective when applied after SNAP. These results suggest that NO can modulate Maxi-K channel via direct interaction and chemical modification, such as Snitrosylation in the brain.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of the high conductance, Ca2(+)-activated K+ channel (PK,Ca) has been purified to homogeneity from venom of the scorpion Buthus tamulus by a combination of ion exchange and reversed-phase chromatography. This peptide, which has been named iberiotoxin (IbTX), is one of two minor components of the crude venom which blocks PK,Ca. IbTX consists of a single 4.3-kDa polypeptide chain, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, analysis of amino acid composition, and Edman degradation. Its complete amino acid sequence has been defined. IbTX displays 68% sequence homology with charybdotoxin (ChTX), another scorpion-derived peptidyl inhibitor of PK,Ca, and, like this latter toxin, its amino terminus contains a pyroglutamic acid residue. However, IbTX possesses 4 more acidic and 1 less basic amino acid residue than does ChTX, making this toxin much less positively charged than the other peptide. In single channel recordings, IbTX reversibly blocks PK,Ca in excised membrane patches from bovine aortic smooth muscle. It acts exclusively at the outer face of the channel and functions with an IC50 of about 250 pM. Block of channel activity appears distinct from that of ChTX since IbTX decreases both the probability of channel opening as well as the channel mean open time. IbTX is a selective inhibitor of PK,Ca; it does not block other types of voltage-dependent ion channels, especially other types of K+ channels that are sensitive to inhibition by ChTX. IbTX is a partial inhibitor of 125I-ChTX binding in bovine aortic sarcolemmal membrane vesicles (Ki = 250 pM). The maximal extent of inhibition that occurs is modulated by K+, decreasing as K+ concentration is raised, but K+ does not affect the absolute inhibitory potency of IbTX. A Scatchard analysis indicates that IbTX functions as a noncompetitive inhibitor of ChTX binding. Taken together, these data suggest that IbTX interacts at a distinct site on the channel and modulates ChTX binding by an allosteric mechanism. Therefore, IbTX defines a new class of peptidyl inhibitor of PK,Ca with unique properties that make it useful for investigating the characteristics of this channel in target tissues.  相似文献   

We report here that large conductance K(+) selective channel in adrenal chromaffin granules is controlled by pH. We measured electrogenic influx of (86)Rb(+) into chromaffin granules prepared from bovine adrenal gland medulla. The (86)Rb(+) influx was inhibited by acidic pH. Purified chromaffin granule membranes were also fused with planar lipid bilayer. A potassium channel with conductance of 432+/-9 pS in symmetric 450 mM KCl was observed after reconstitution into lipid bilayer. The channel activity was unaffected by charybdotoxin, a blocker of the Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel of large conductance. It was observed that acidification to pH 6.4 cis side of the membrane lowered the channel open probability and single channel conductance. Whereas only weak influence on the single channel current amplitude and open probability were observed upon lowering of the pH at the trans side. We conclude that a pH-sensitive large conductance potassium channel operates in the chromaffin granule membrane.  相似文献   

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