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稻曲病菌在PD 液体培养基中生长良好,并能产生对植物细胞具有高度生物抑制活性的毒素。生物学活性测定袁明,用100%的甲醇能提取稻曲病菌液体培养物中的粗毒素。粗毒素对小麦胚根胚芽的生长有强烈的抑制作用。把毒素主要成分Ustiloxin A 和BSA 偶联后,制备了抗血清,ELISA 检测表明用两种偶联剂偶联所制备的抗体效价分别为1∶20000和1∶6000。进一步的免疫胶体金标记分析表明,所制备的抗体能与茼丝中分泌的毒素特异性结合,说明所获得的抗体是特异性的。  相似文献   

【目的】为探明细胞壁和细胞内脂肪酸成分及含量与细胞抗逆性的关系,【方法】采用酸热法、索氏提取法、有机溶剂法对稻曲病菌的厚垣孢子壁进行脂肪酸提取,并采用气相色谱检测其脂肪酸的组成和含量。【结果】采用酸热法提取脂肪酸效果最好,以该方法提取测定稻曲病菌黄色、黄绿色、黑色厚垣孢子壁饱和脂肪酸相对含量分别为26.92%、17.23%、23.71%,其不饱和脂肪酸相对含量分别为60.46%、61.52%、70.64%;厚垣孢子总(沉淀孢子壁和上清液)饱和脂肪酸相对含量分别为28.87%、21.00%、24.04%,厚垣孢子总不饱和脂肪酸相对含量分别为55.43%、55.87%、63.89%。硬脂酸在厚垣孢子壁中的含量:黄色>黄绿色>黑色;不饱和脂肪酸中顺式-5,8,11,14,17二十碳五烯酸(EPA)在厚垣孢子壁的含量:黑色>黄绿色>黄色。【结论】在3种颜色厚垣孢子中,黑色休眠型厚垣孢子在孢子壁、总不饱和脂肪酸含量均最高,表明不饱和脂肪酸的含量提高,有利于厚垣孢子的休眠越冬。  相似文献   

稻曲病菌AFLP反应体系的建立及其初步应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过一系列梯度试验建立了最佳的稻曲病菌AFLP(Amplifiedfragmentlengthpolymor-phism)反应体系,并从256对EcoRⅠ和MseⅠ引物组合中选择30对条带清晰、多态性好的引物组合分析了2003年北京昌平基地的40个稻曲病菌株的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

为了探究稻曲病菌[Ustiloginoidea virens(Cooke)Takahashi]厚垣孢子的最佳破壁方法,研究采用4种破壁法对该病菌黄色和黑色厚垣孢子进行破壁,血球计数板计算破壁效果,并用考马斯亮蓝法测定不同破壁方法中厚垣孢子壁内可溶性蛋白含量。结果表明,在普通光学显微镜下观察,破壁后厚垣孢子多数为碎片,少数为孢壁内空圆球。4种破壁方法中液氮研磨-超声破碎法破壁效果最好,黄色和黑色厚垣孢子的破壁率均可达98%以上,用该法破壁测得的黄色和黑色厚垣孢子壁内可溶性蛋白质含量也最高。由此可见,液氮研磨-超声波破碎法是一种稻曲病菌厚垣孢子破壁的有效、简便、适宜在实验室应用的方法。  相似文献   

探究稻曲病菌Ustiloginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahashi厚垣孢子壁多糖的最佳提取方法,为孢壁多糖含量和组成的研究提供基础.采用5种方法提取该病菌黑色厚垣孢子壁多糖,用苯酚-硫酸法测定多糖含量.经研究比较,最佳提取方法为复合酶-热水浸提-sevag法,最佳提取条件是复合酶量4%,pH 4,浸提温度70℃,浸提时间120 min,物料比1:75(V/V);在优选的方法和条件下,测定稻曲病菌黑色厚垣孢子壁粗多糖相对得率21.2%,多糖含量72 3%;黄色厚垣孢子壁粗多糖相对得率17.5%,多糖含量66.7%,前者明显高于后者.研究表明复合酶-热水浸提-sevag法的工艺简单、可行,适宜稻曲病菌厚垣孢子壁多糖的测定.  相似文献   

人工接种后稻曲病菌在水稻穗部增殖状况的观察和检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡洪生  周永力 《菌物研究》2009,7(3):164-166
采用显微观察和PCR检测分析了人工接种后稻曲病菌在水稻穗部的增殖状况。结果表明:分生孢子萌发后产生的菌丝首先附着在花粉上或花丝上,柱头上未发现有菌丝附着;后期(接种后8d)在柱头上有附着菌丝的花粉粒。显微观察和PCR检测结果表明:在不同的小穗内菌丝增殖的速度不同,该结果为进一步研究该病的发生规律提供了信息。  相似文献   

本文报道艰难梭菌A毒素对4种培养细胞的细胞致死活性的探讨。4种培养细胞为Vero(非洲绿猴肾细胞)细胞、TPC─1(人甲状腺肿瘤细胞)细胞、NIH3T3细胞(小鼠成纤维细胞)及将ras癌基因转基因于NIH3T3细胞的NIH3T3ras细胞。应用台酚蓝排除能试验、噻唑蓝(MTS)比色、细胞膜损害测定试验、荧光显微术观察细胞核的形态变化等测定A毒素细胞致死活性。实验表明:4种培养细胞系对A毒素细胞圆缩化作用的敏感性依次为NIH3T3ras,TPC─1,Vero,NIH3T3细胞。而对A毒素细胞致死活性的敏感性依次为TPC─1,NIH3T3,Vero,NIH3T3ras细胞。从而得知A毒素的细胞致死活性不但依细胞种类不同而不同,而且也不一定与A毒素的细胞圆缩化作用有关。肿瘤细胞TPC─1细胞对A毒素致死活性有特殊敏感性。以上结果对探索抗癌新药的研制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对不同抗病性的大麦近等基因系受白粉病菌侵染诱导后的钙调素(CaM)变化进行了免疫细胞化学研究。结果表明,钙调素普遍存在于各种不同类型的细胞中,代谢活跃的细胞中CaM标记密度相对较高;CaM分布于细胞核、细胞壁、叶绿体等细胞器中,其中细胞核标记密度最高。在健康叶片中,感病品系Ingrid伴胞中CaM的标记密度明显高于抗病品系mlo—3,而其他细胞中CaM标记密度没有明显差别。病原菌接种后,各种细胞的CaM标记密度均呈现一定程度的上升,但Ingrid上升幅度相对较大。在叶肉细胞中,mlo-3细胞核中CaM增加最明显。并对叶肉细胞和伴胞中CaM的变化进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为了筛选带有自然标记的稻曲病菌菌株,2010年从浙江省象山县和陕西省勉县采集和分离到2个稻曲病白化菌株,ZJa0201和SXa0101。它们在PSA培养基上的生长速度约为其他稻曲病菌株的3倍,未见产生厚垣孢子;在PS培养基上只能产生少量分生孢子。rDNA-ITS和rDNA-IGS序列分析表明,两个白化菌株也与稻曲病菌已知所有菌株的ITS序列同源性高于99.6%;rDNA-IGS序列也属于最为常见的类型,含有2个77bp的重复单元序列。由此推断,这两个白化菌株属于稻曲病菌产孢退化的突变体。白化菌株在PSA上  相似文献   

为了探明稻曲病菌选择性侵染水稻花丝组织和浆片的细胞生物学机制,该研究以高度感病的‘甬优12号’水稻品种为材料,于孕穗期开始每间隔2d取样,同时在旗叶与倒二叶叶枕距离1~2cm时进行人工接种并在接种后5、10和15d时分别取样,对开花前后水稻不同花器官细胞的超微结构以及稻曲病菌侵染位点进行比较分析。结果显示:(1)在开花过程中,水稻花丝可伸长4~6倍,水稻花丝的所有组织细胞均能够均匀纵向伸长,且未发现细胞断裂出现的空腔;水稻浆片细胞在开花时吸水,横向膨胀约1倍,但浆片维管束的环纹导管环纹间距离没有明显变化;超微结构观察发现,大部分浆片细胞呈现细胞膨胀过程,只有浆片上部外围细胞具有一定伸长能力;水稻子房及柱头等在开花过程中其长度及体积未发现明显变化。(2)水稻花丝细胞壁的微纤丝排列比较疏松,透射电镜下单个微纤丝束清晰可辨,而子房和花药等器官的细胞壁结构致密,无法分辨单个微纤丝束。(3)稻曲病菌可在花丝中沿细胞间隙和细胞壁中层生长,但在浆片中菌丝主要被限制在细胞间隙中生长,说明花丝与浆片的细胞中层组分与结构存在差异。(4)细胞化学分析显示,花丝细胞壁纤维素含量较少,且不含有β-1,3-葡聚糖。研究表明,水稻花器细胞壁结构相对疏松及其细胞壁中层的结构特性和组分与稻曲病菌的选择性侵染具有密切相关关系。  相似文献   

Five 11-week-old rabbits, fed a commercial granulated feed, were slaughtered and cecal starch-degrading bacteria enumerated; total concentration of cultivable bacteria utilizing starch averaged 5.5 x 10(10) CFU/g. The activity and cellular localization of amylases was determined in 9 bacteria identified as Actinomyces israeli (strains AA2 and AD4), Bacteroides spp. (strain AA3), Dichelobacter nodosus (strain AA4), Mitsuokella multiacidus (strain AA6), Eubacterium spp. (strains AA7 and AB2), Clostridium spp. (strains AD1 and AA5). Four strains (AA3, AA4, AA5, AD4) produced extracellular amylases with an activity of 26-35 micromol of reducing sugars per h per mg of protein; in five strains (AA2, AA6, AA7, AB2, AD1) amylases were membrane-bound with an activity of 14-18 micromol of reducing sugars per h per mg of protein. All strains exhibited a low intracellular amylolytic activity. The pH optimum of amylases was 6.8-7.0. In strains producing extracellular amylases a substantial loss of viscosity was observed during incubations of cultivation supernatant with starch, similar to viscosity reduction in starch solutions treated with alpha-amylase; this indicates an endo-type (random cleavage) of extracellular amylase reaction in the bacteria under study. No strain possessed glucoamylase activity.  相似文献   

拟南芥MnSOD的原核表达、纯化及抗体制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PCR扩增拟南芥MnSOD cDNA的保守区段,构建pET-SOD重组质粒,转化大肠杆菌JM109(DE3),IPTG诱导融合蛋白高效表达;经检测表达产物占菌体总蛋白的69%,且以不溶的包涵体形式存在;表达产物变性后经Ni—NTA Superflow亲和柱分离纯化,得到相对分子质量约为29000的PAGE纯蛋白。融合蛋白经还原复性处理后,比活达到200U/mg;免疫家兔制备MnSOD融合蛋白抗体,抗体效价为1:10000。以上结果为进一步大规模制备MnSOD及其功能研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

The preparation and characterization of prostaglandin E1 antiserum   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

A direct, radioisotopic assay is described for the uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid (UDPGA): p-aminophenol glucuronyltransferase. The assay uses solid phase p-aminophenol-Sephadex as the glucuronyl acceptor and UDP-[14C]GA as the glucuronyl donor. After incubation with the enzyme, the derivatized Sephadex beads are washed in SDS-urea or with high salt concentrations to remove all labeled material except for that covalently attached to the beads. Sonicated livers from chick embryos exposed to phenobarbital for at least 5 days transfer more than ten times the glucuronic acid to derivatized beads than do uninduced livers of the same developmental age. Glucuronyl-transferase activity can be detected on intact, living cells after 5 days of phenobarbital induction, whereas sonicate activity is detectable within 3 days of induction. Suspensions of living cells can show 25% the activity found in the same suspension after all the cells are lysed by sonication.  相似文献   

Potato virus X (PVX) isolated from the potato leaf and tuber samples which were collected from various fields in Damavand and Ardabil. The initial isolations of the virus were made from potato by mechanical inoculation on Gomphrena globosa L. and Chenopodium spp. that produce local lesion, and then it causes mosaic on Nicotiana spp. and Datura stramonium L. An isolate of the virus inoculated to Nicotiana glutinosa L. and it was maintained throughout the work. Sap from infected N. glutinosa was ineffective after dilution to 10-6, 10 minutes at 70 degrees and 10 weeks at room temperature. The virus was readily purified from infected leaves and the best protocol was Moreira & Jones 1980 than the other 2 methods of Fribourg 1975 and Shepard & Shalla 1972. Antisera were prepared against native, degraded proteins and micro precipitin test showed that both antisera had a 1/512 titer. Precipitin lines with D - Protein antiserum was better of the native protein antiserum in agar double diffusion test than treated with SDS. The isolate of the virus was not transmitted by none of 2 species of Cuscuta but transmitted from infected leaves to healthy plants with sap inoculation without using Carburandum. This isolate showed positive reaction with gamaglubulin in kate received from CIP centre.  相似文献   

The consequences of spatial localization on the dynamic behavior of catalytic components whose outputs control one another's activities but are not the substrates of those activities are explored. For some simple model systems we naturally find limit cycle oscillations, multiple asymptotic states, dependence of the dynamic states upon spatial configuration of the components, and complex switching between dynamic states as a function of external perturbation to the system.  相似文献   

兔抗人NESTIN抗血清的制备与鉴定(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nestin belongs to the class VI intermediate filament family and it is a marker for neural progenitor cells. In this work, the 3'-terminal coding sequence(396 bp) of human nestin gene was cloned into pGEX-3X plasmid and introduced into BL21 E. coli cells. The GST-nestin protein was purified with an affinity column. Anti-human nestin antiserum was raised by immunizing a rabbit with the fusion protein. The high specificity of the antibody against human nestin was confirmed by western-blot and immunocytochemistry analysis.  相似文献   

Mouse alpha1-fetoprotein (AFP) was isolated from amniotic fluid by immunoadsorbent columns and preparative electrophoresis. Specific antibodies were isolated from monospecific hyperimmunsera by use of immunoadsorbents, and subsequently coupled with horseradish peroxidase. At the light microscopical level, purified antibody-peroxidase conjugates were used for the cellular localization of AFP in fetal liver by direct and indirect staining methods. Fixatives containing ethanol or aldehydes were tried for antigen staining. Prior to immunocytological reactions, endogenous peroxidases were inhibited by hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

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