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Characterization and metabolism of heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans (HSPGs) synthesized by primary cultures of mouse uterine epithelial cells are reported. HSPGs were detected in both the medium and in the cell-associated fraction, whereas glycosaminoglycans containing little or no protein (free glycosaminoglycans) were found primarily in the cell-associated fraction. The cell-associated HSPGs were relatively large (Kav = 0.1 on Superose 12), had a buoyant density in cesium chloride gradients of 1.45-1.55 g/ml, and contained heparan sulfate chains that fell into two size classes, exhibiting Kav values on Superose 12 of 0.2-0.5 and 0.7-0.8, respectively. The free glycosaminoglycan chains displayed a Kav on Superose 12 of 0.6-0.7. The secreted HSPGs were smaller (median Kav on Superose 12 of 0.28) than the cell-associated HSPGs. More than 90% of the cell-associated HSPGs contained hydrophobic portions, as evidenced by their ability to bind to octyl-Sepharose. In contrast, only 10-15% of the secreted HSPGs bound to octyl-Sepharose. HSPGs were detected at both apical and basal cell surfaces/extracellular matrices by indirect immunofluorescence in vitro and in utero and by accessibility to external proteases in vitro. It was estimated that 60-70% of the total cell-associated HSPGs were exposed at the cell surface. The HSPGs released from the cell surface by proteases were slightly smaller than the intact HSPGs and lacked the hydrophobic properties of the latter. These observations suggested that the cell surface HSPGs contain a small, hydrophobic domain that functions in the attachment of HSPGs to cells. The free glycosaminoglycans appeared to be primarily intracellular and were not secreted. The cell-associated HSPGs turned over rapidly (t1/2 = 1.5 h) and appeared to be the precursors to the free glycosaminoglycans. Metabolic turnover of the free glycosaminoglycan pool was a relatively slow process (t1/2 = 10-12 h).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The plasma membrane defines the border of living cells and provides a barrier to extracellular components. Advances in molecular biology have resulted in the development of novel therapeutic strategies (e.g. gene therapy and cellular protein delivery) which rely on the entry of charged macromolecules into the intracellular compartment. Recent reports demonstrate an intriguing role for heparan sulfate proteoglycans in cellular internalization of viruses, basic peptides and polycation-nucleic-acid complexes and the possibility that they have important implications for gene transfer and protein delivery to mammalian cells. This review focuses on heparan sulfate proteoglycan as a plasma membrane carrier.  相似文献   

How various macromolecules are exchanged between cells and how they gain entry into recipient cells are fundamental questions in cell biology with important implications e.g. non-viral drug delivery, infectious disease, metabolic disorders, and cancer. The role of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as a cell-surface receptor of diverse macromolecular cargo has recently been manifested. Exosomes, cell penetrating peptides, polycation–nucleic acid complexes, viruses, lipoproteins, growth factors and morphogens among other ligands enter cells through HSPG-mediated endocytosis. Key questions that partially have been unraveled over recent years include the respective roles of HSPG core protein and HS chain structure specificity for macromolecular cargo endocytosis, the down-stream intracellular signaling events involved in HSPG-dependent membrane invagination and vesicle formation, and the biological significance of the HSPG transport pathway. Here, we discuss the intriguing role of HSPGs as a major entry pathway of macromolecules in mammalian cells with emphasis on recent in vitro and in vivo data that provide compelling evidence of HSPG as an autonomous endocytosis receptor.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate chains have markedly heterogeneous structures in which distinct patterns of sulfation determine the binding specificity for ligand proteins. These "fine structures" of heparan sulfate are mainly produced by the regulated introduction of sulfate groups at the N-, 2-O-, 6-O-, and 3-O-positions of the sugar chain. Recent biochemical, histochemical, and genetic studies have demonstrated that different fine structures mediate distinct molecular recognition events to regulate a variety of cellular functions. In this review, we focus on the molecular basis of growth factor control by the sulfation status of heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG's) are cell surface proteins to which long, unbranched chains of modified sugars called heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycans have been covalently attached. Cell culture studies have demonstrated that HSPG's are required for optimal signal transduction by many secreted cell signaling molecules. Now, genetic studies in both Drosophila and vertebrates have illustrated that HSPG's play important roles in signal transduction in vivo and have also begun to reveal new roles for HSPG's in signaling events. In particular, HSPG's have been shown to be important in ligand sequestration of wingless, for the transport of the Hedgehog ligand, and for modulation of the Dpp morphogenetic gradient.  相似文献   

For the controlled production of recombinant proteinsin mammalian cells by transient transfection, it maybe desirable not only to manipulate, but also todiagnose the expression success early. Here, weapplied laser scanning confocal microscopy to monitortransfection induced intracellular Ca2+responses. We compared Chinese hamster ovary (CHO K1)versus human embryo kidney (HEK) 293 cell lines, whichdiffer largely in their transfectability. An improvedcalcium phosphate transfection method was used for itssimplicity and its demonstrated upscale potential.Cytosolic Ca2+ signaling appeared to inverselyreflect the cellular transfection fate. Virtually allCHO cells exhibited asynchronous, cytosolicCa2+ oscillations, which peaked 4 h afteraddition of the transfecting solution. Yet, most ofthe HEK cells displayed a slow and continuousCa2+ increase over the time of transfection. CHOcells, when exposed to a transfection-enhancingglycerol shock, strongly downregulated their Ca2+response, including its oscillations. When treatedwith thapsigargin, a Ca2+ store depleting drug,the number of successfully transfected CHO cells was significantly reduced. Our result points tointracellular store release as a critical componentfor the transfection fate of CHO cells, and its early detection before product visualization.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycan from human and equine glomeruli and tubules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Proteoglycans were isolated from human and equine glomeruli or tubules by guanidine extraction and anion exchange chromatography. 2. These proteoglycan preparations contained about equal amounts of heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfates. 3. During the preparation of glomerular or tubular basement membranes the main part of proteoglycans (greater than 50%) was extracted in the salt extract. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan was mainly found in the water and salt extracts of glomeruli and tubules, heparan sulfate proteoglycan in the deoxycholate extracts and the basement membranes. 4. The glomerular basement membrane (GBM) contains about 12% (human) or 20% (equine) of the proteoglycans of the total glomerulus. They consist of greater than 70% (equine) or 80% (human) of heparan sulfate. 5. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan was isolated from the proteoglycan preparations of human or equine glomeruli and tubules by additional treatment with nucleases and chondroitinase ABC followed by CsCl gradient centrifugation. 6. Protein accounts for about 40% (dry weight) of the heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Their amino acid composition is characterized by a high content of glycine, but 3-hydroxyproline, 4-hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine are lacking. 7. The biochemical characteristics of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan of human or equine glomeruli or tubules differ from that isolated from rat glomeruli by their higher protein content and their amino acid composition. The significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

APRIL, a proliferation-inducing ligand, is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family that is expressed by various types of tumors and influences their growth in vitro and in vivo. Two receptors, transmembrane activator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) and B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA), bind APRIL, but neither is essential for the tumor-promoting effects, suggesting that a third receptor exists. Here, we report that APRIL specifically binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) on the surface of tumor cells. This binding is mediated by the heparin sulfate side chains and can be inhibited by heparin. Importantly, BCMA and HSPG do not compete, but can bind APRIL simultaneously, suggesting that different regions in APRIL are critical for either interaction. In agreement, mutation of three lysines in a putative heparin sulfate-binding motif, which is not part of the TNF fold, destroys interaction with HSPG, while binding to BCMA is unaffected. Finally, whereas interaction of APRIL with HSPG does not influence APRIL-induced proliferation of T cells, it is crucial for its tumor growth-promoting activities. We therefore conclude that either HSPG serve as a receptor for APRIL or that HSPG binding allows APRIL to interact with a receptor that promotes tumor growth.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) are macromolecular glyco-conjugates expressed ubiquitously on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix where they interact with a wide range of ligands to regulate many aspects of cellular function. The capacity of the side glycosaminoglycan chain heparan sulfate (HS) being able to interact with diverse protein ligands relies on its complex structure that is generated by a controlled biosynthesis process, involving the actions of glycosyl-transferases, sulfotransferases and the glucuronyl C5-epimerase. It is believed that activities of the modification enzymes control the HS structures that are designed to serve the biological functions in a given cell or biological status. In this review, we briefly discuss recent understandings on the roles of HSPG in cytokine stimulated cellular signaling, focusing on FGF, TGF-β, Wnt, Hh, HGF and VEGF.  相似文献   

Standard culture systems of eukaryotic cells generally failed to deliver sufficient amounts of recombinant proteins without increasing the costs of production. We here showed that membrane-based bioreactors, initially developed for the production of monoclonal antibodies, can be very useful for the production using engineered HEK293 cells, of a recombinant proteoglycan called endocan, with achievement of high level expression and efficient long-term production. When compared to standard procedures, the growth in suspension and at high density of these cells in one bioreactor promoted a 60-fold increase of the concentration of the soluble recombinant endocan. These culture conditions did not affect cell viability, stable expression, recognition by specific monoclonal antibodies or electrophoretic profile of the recombinant endocan. Such an easy to scale up system to produce recombinant protein should open soon new opportunities to study structure and functions of endocan or any other glycosylated cell products newly investigated.  相似文献   

Lithium chloride (LiCl), which induces cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase, is known as a specific production rate (q p)-enhancing additive in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell culture. To determine the potential of LiCl as a chemical additive that enhances transient gene expression (TGE), LiCl was added to the CHO-NK and human embryonic kidney 293E (HEK293E) cell cultures before and/or after transfection with polyethylenimine as a transfection reagent. The effect of this addition on transfection efficiency (pre-treatment) and q p enhancement during TGE (post-treatment) was examined. For the TGE of monoclonal antibody (mAb) in CHO-NK cells, pretreatment alone with 10 mM LiCl and post-treatment alone with 5 mM LiCl resulted in 1.2- and 3.4-fold increase of maximum mAb concentration (MMC), respectively, compared with the TGE without LiCl treatment. Furthermore, combinatorial treatment with LiCl (10 mM for pre-treatment and 5 mM for post-treatment) synergistically increased the TGE of mAb (5.3-fold increase in MMC). Likewise, combinatorial treatment with LiCl (10 mM for pre-treatment and 15 mM for post-treatment) in HEK293E cells synergistically increased the TGE of mAb (4.9-fold increase in MMC). Taken together, the data obtained here demonstrate that combinatorial treatment with LiCl is a useful means to improve TGE in CHO as well as HEK293 cells.  相似文献   

It has been shown that shear stress plays a critical role in promoting endothelial cell (EC) differentiation from embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived ECs. However, the underlying mechanisms mediating shear stress effects in this process have yet to be investigated. It has been reported that the glycocalyx component heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) mediates shear stress mechanotransduction in mature EC. In this study, we investigated whether cell surface HSPG plays a role in shear stress modulation of EC phenotype. ESC-derived EC were subjected to shear stress (5 dyn/cm(2)) for 8 h with or without heparinase III (Hep III) that digests heparan sulfate. Immunostaining showed that ESC-derived EC surfaces contain abundant HSPG, which could be cleaved by Hep III. We observed that shear stress significantly increased the expression of vascular EC-specific marker genes (vWF, VE-cadherin, PECAM-1). The effect of shear stress on expression of tight junction protein genes (ZO-1, OCLD, CLD5) was also evaluated. Shear stress increased the expression of ZO-1 and CLD5, while it did not alter the expression of OCLD. Shear stress increased expression of vasodilatory genes (eNOS, COX-2), while it decreased the expression of the vasoconstrictive gene ET1. After reduction of HSPG with Hep III, the shear stress-induced expression of vWF, VE-cadherin, ZO-1, eNOS, and COX-2, were abolished, suggesting that shear stress-induced expression of these genes depends on HSPG. These findings indicate for the first time that HSPG is a mechanosensor mediating shear stress-induced EC differentiation from ESC-derived EC cells.  相似文献   

Basement membranes contain 4.5-nm wide sets of two parallel lines, along which short prongs called "spikes" occur at regular intervals. The nature of this structure, referred to as "double tracks," was investigated in Lowicryl sections of mouse kidney and rat Reichert's membrane immunolabeled for basement membrane components using secondary antibodies conjugated to 5-nm gold particles. When the mouse glomerular basement membrane and rat Reichert's membrane were exposed to antibodies directed to the core protein of heparan sulfate proteoglycan, 95% or more of the gold particles were over double tracks, whereas after exposure of Reichert's membrane to antisera against laminin, collagen IV, or entactin, labeling of the double tracks remained at the random level. When heparan sulfate proteoglycan was incubated in Tris buffer, pH 7.4, at 35 degrees C for 1 hr, a precipitate resulted which, on electron microscopic examination, was found to consist of 5- to 6-nm wide sets of two parallel lines along which densities were observed. Immunolabeling confirmed the presence of the proteoglycan's core protein in the sets. Since double tracks were closely similar to this structure and were labeled with the same antibodies, they were likely to be also composed of heparan sulfate proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Axon guidance is influenced by the presence of heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans (HSPGs) on the surface of axons and growth cones (Hu, [2001]: Nat Neurosci 4:695-701; Irie et al. [2002]: Development 129:61-70; Inatani et al. [2003]: Science 302:1044-1046; Johnson et al. [2004]: Curr Biol 14:499-504; Steigemann et al. [2004]: Curr Biol 14:225-230). Multiple HSPGs, including Syndecans, Glypicans and Perlecans, carry the same carbohydrate polymer backbones, raising the question of how these molecules display functional specificity during nervous system development. Here we use the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS) as a model to compare the impact of eliminating Syndecan (Sdc) and/or the Glypican Dally-like (Dlp). We show that Dlp and Sdc share a role in promoting accurate patterns of axon fasciculation in the lateral longitudinal neuropil; however, unlike mutations in sdc, which disrupt the ability of the secreted repellent Slit to prevent inappropriate passage of axons across the midline, mutations in dlp show neither midline defects nor genetic interactions with Slit and its Roundabout (Robo) receptors at the midline. Dlp mutants do show genetic interactions with Slit and Robo in lateral fascicle formation. In addition, simultaneous loss of Dlp and Sdc demonstrates an important role for Dlp in midline repulsion, reminiscent of the functional overlap between Robo receptors. A comparison of HSPG distribution reveals a pattern that leaves midline proximal axons with relatively little Dlp. Finally, the loss of Dlp alters Slit distribution distal but not proximal to the midline, suggesting that distinct yet overlapping pattern of HSPG expression provides a spatial system that regulates axon guidance decisions.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is essential for the regulation of cellular homeostasis in the placenta and is also involved in the pathophysiology of pregnancy-related diseases such as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Syncytin-1, a fusiogenic glycoprotein of endogenous-retroviral origin expressed in human trophoblasts, facilitates placental syncytium formation and is found reduced in pre-eclamptic placentas. We focus here on the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and investigate whether the overexpression of syncytin-1 in HEK293-52 (human embryonic kidney cells) and CHO-52 cells influences the apoptotic response to the mitochondrial inhibitor antimycin A (AA). After the induction of apoptosis by 5 microM AA and incubation for up to 36 h in the absence of serum, the mean apoptotic rate was reduced by 15-30% in syncytin-1 transfected cells compared with mock-transfectants. After 12 h of challenge with AA we found lower cytochrome c levels in the cytoplasmic protein fraction and higher amounts in the mitochondrial fraction in syncytin-1 transfectants compared with mock-transfectants. We observed a decreased Mitotracker Red staining of mitochondria following AA challenge for 24 h in mock-treated CHO cells, in particular, compared with syncytin-1 transfectants. Moreover, we found a reduced activation of caspase 9 in syncytin-1 transfected HEK293-52 cells after 48 h of apoptotic challenge compared to mock-transfectants. However, a high expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-x(L) was found in both cell types. Using syncytin-1 transfected HEK293-52 cells and CHO-52 cells, we provide initial evidence that syncytin-1 may exert its anti-apoptotic function at the mitochondrial level. A reduced release of cytochrome c followed by a diminished activation of caspase 9 is a possible mechanism.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate represents approximately 15% of the 35SO4-labeled glycosaminoglycans carried by the proteoglycans of the cell surface and of the basolateral secretions of normal mouse mammary epithelial cells in culture. Evidence is provided that these chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans are hybrid proteoglycans, carrying both chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate chains. Complete N-desulfation but limited O-desulfation, by treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide, of the proteoglycans decreased the anionic charge of the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans to a greater extent than it decreased the charge of their constituent chondroitin sulfate chains. Partial depolymerization of the heparan sulfate residues of the proteoglycans with nitrous acid or with heparin lyase also reduced the effective molecular radius of the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans. The effect of heparin lyase on the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans was prevented by treating the proteoglycan fractions with dimethyl sulfoxide, while the effect of nitrous acid on the dimethyl sulfoxide-treated proteoglycans was prevented by acetylation. This occurrence of heparan sulfate-chondroitin sulfate hybrid proteoglycans suggests that the substitution of core proteins by heparan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate chains may not solely be determined by the specific routing of these proteins through distinct chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate synthesizing mechanisms. Moreover, regional and temporal changes in pericellular glycosaminoglycan compositions might be due to variable postsynthetic modification of a single gene product.  相似文献   

Prior analyses of recombinant CD44 fusion proteins have indicated that combinatorial splicing of variant exons exerts distal effects on chondroitin sulfate content and structure, which may regulate the biological properties of the respective CD44 isoforms. The consequences of splicing of variant exons V4-7 on the heparan sulfate moieties were therefore examined, utilizing recombinant chimeras containing exons V3 and V8-10, engineered with or without exons V4-7 and expressed as Ig fusion proteins in COS cells. Splicing of exons V4-7, though they contain no consensus motifs for glycosaminoglycan assembly, resulted in markedly increased polymer sulfation levels of the heparan sulfates. The sulfate groups of both the CD44 V3-10 and V3,8-10 isoforms occurred as di- and tri-sulfated dissacharide units and were restricted to one N-sulfated block domain within the polymers. Compared to native human keratinocyte CD44, the recombinant heparan sulfates were relatively low in sulfate content. Our data indicate that variant exon V4-7 splicing exerts distal effects on the composition of this glycosaminoglycan. These effects may regulate those functions that are mediated through the heparan sulfate moieties, such as the binding of growth factors.  相似文献   

The remarkable hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity in mammals is attributed to cochlear amplifier in the outer hair cells (OHCs). Prestin, a membrane protein in the lateral wall of OHC plasma membrane, is required for OHC electromotility and cochlear amplifier. In addition, GLUT5, a fructose transporter, is reported to be abundant in the plasma membrane of the OHC lateral wall and has been originally proposed as the OHC motor protein. Here we provide evidence of interactions between prestin/prestin and prestin/GLUT5 in transiently transfected HEK293T cells. We used a combination of techniques: (1) membrane colocalization by confocal microscopy, (2) fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), (3) FRET by acceptor photobleaching, (4) FRET by fluorescence lifetime imaging (FRET-FLIM), and (5) coimmunoprecipitation. Our results suggest that homomeric and heteromeric prestin interactions occur in native OHCs to facilitate its electromotile function and that GLUT5 interacts with prestin for its elusive function.  相似文献   

The dihydrofolate reductase-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line DG44 is the dominant mammalian host for recombinant protein manufacturing, in large part because of the availability of a well-characterized genetic selection and amplification system. However, this cell line has not been studied at the cytogenetic level. Here, the first detailed karyotype analysis of DG44 and several recombinant derivative cell lines is described. In contrast to the 22 chromosomes in diploid Chinese hamster cells, DG44 has 20 chromosomes, only seven of which are normal. In addition, four Z group chromosomes, seven derivative chromosomes, and 2 marker chromosomes were identified. For all but one of the 16 DG44-derived recombinant cell lines analyzed, a single integration site was detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization regardless of the gene delivery method (calcium phosphate-DNA coprecipitation or microinjection), the topology of the DNA (circular or linear), or the integrated plasmid copy number (between 1 and 51). Chromosomal aberrations, observed in more than half of the cell lines studied, were mostly unbalanced with examples of aneuploidy, deletions, and complex rearrangements. The results demonstrate that chromosomal aberrations are frequently associated with the establishment of recombinant CHO DG44 cell lines. Noteworthy, there was no direct correlation between the stability of the genome and the stability of recombinant protein expression.  相似文献   

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