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A pseudo-strain energy function (pseudo-SEF) describing the biomechanical properties of large conduit arteries under the influence of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) tone is proposed. In contrast to previous models that include the effects of smooth muscle contraction through generation of an active stress, in this study we consider the vascular muscle as a structural element whose contribution to load bearing is modulated by the contraction. This novel pseudo-SEF models not only arterial mechanics at maximal VSM contraction but also the myogenic contraction of the VSM in response to local increases in stretch. The proposed pseudo-SEF was verified with experimentally obtained pressure-radius curves and zero-stress state configurations from rat carotid arteries displaying distinct differences in VSM tone: arteries from normotensive rats displaying minimal VSM tone and arteries from hypertensive rats exhibiting significant VSM tone. The pressure-radius curves were measured in three different VSM states: fully relaxed, maximally contracted, and normal VSM tone. The model fitted the experimental data very well (r2 > 0.99) in both the normo- and hypertensive groups for all three states of VSM activation. The pseudo-SEF was used to illustrate the localized reduction of circumferential stress in the arterial wall due to normal VSM tone, suggesting that the proposed pseudo-SEF can be of general utility for describing stress distribution not only under passive VSM conditions, as most SEFs proposed so far, but also under physiological and pathological conditions with varying levels of VSM tone.  相似文献   

Regulation of vascular smooth muscle tone by caldesmon.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Caldesmon is an actin-binding protein present in smooth muscle cells that also inhibits actin-activated myosin ATPase activity. To assess the possible role of caldesmon in the regulation of smooth contraction, we investigated the effects of synthetic peptides on force directly recorded from single hyperpermeable smooth muscle cells of ferret aorta and portal vein. GS17C, a peptide that contains the residues from Gly651 to Ser667 of the caldesmon sequence plus an added cysteine at the C terminus, binds calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner and also binds to F-actin but does not inhibit actomyosin ATPase activity (Zhan, Q., Wong, S.S., and Wang, C.-L.A. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 21810-21814). In cells in which Ca2+ was clamped at pCa 7.0, GS17C induced a dose-dependent contraction (EC50 = 0.92 microM) in aorta cells, whereas it evoked little or no contraction in portal vein cells. The GS17C-induced contraction in aorta cells was inhibited at higher Ca2+ concentrations (above pCa 6.6) and by pretreatment with calmodulin. Another peptide, C16AA, which contains the residues from Ala594 to Ala609 and does not bind actin or calmodulin, did not induce contraction. Our results strongly suggest that GS17C induces contraction by the displacement of the inhibitory region of endogenous caldesmon and, furthermore, that caldesmon present in these smooth muscle cells regulates contraction by providing a basal resting inhibition of vascular tone.  相似文献   

Cells of an established clonal line (RVF-SMC) derived from rat vena cava are described by light and electron microscope methods and biochemical analysis of the major proteins. The cells are flat, and they moderately elongate and form monolayers. They are characterized by prominent cables of microfilaments bundles decoratable with antibodies to actin and alpha-actinin. These bundles contain numerous densely stained bodies and are often flanked by typical rows of surface caveolae and vesicles. The cells are rich in intermediate-sized filaments of the vimentin type but do not show detectable amounts of desmin and cytokeratin filaments. Isoelectric focusing and protein chemical studies have revealed actin heterogeneity. In addition to the two cytoplasmic actins, beta and gamma, common to proliferating cells, two smooth muscle-type actins (an acidic alpha-like and a gamma-like) are found. The major (alpha-type) vascular smooth muscle actin accounts for 28% of the total cellular actin. No skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle actin has been detected. The synthesis of large amounts of actin and vimentin and the presence of at least three actins, including alpha- like actin, have also been demonstrated by in vitro translation of isolated poly(A)+ mRNAs. This is, to our knowledge, the first case of expression of smooth muscle-type actin in a permanently growing cell. We conclude that permanent cell growth and proliferation is compatible with the maintained expression of several characteristic cell features of the differentiated vascular smooth muscle cell including the formation of smooth muscle-type actin.  相似文献   

Autonomic nerves in most mammalian species mediate both contractions and relaxations of airway smooth muscle. Cholinergic-parasympathetic nerves mediate contractions, whereas adrenergic-sympathetic and/or noncholinergic parasympathetic nerves mediate relaxations. Sympathetic-adrenergic innervation of human airway smooth muscle is sparse or nonexistent based on histological analyses and plays little or no role in regulating airway caliber. Rather, in humans and in many other species, postganglionic noncholinergic parasympathetic nerves provide the only relaxant innervation of airway smooth muscle. These noncholinergic nerves are anatomically and physiologically distinct from the postganglionic cholinergic parasympathetic nerves and differentially regulated by reflexes. Although bronchopulmonary vagal afferent nerves provide the primary afferent input regulating airway autonomic nerve activity, extrapulmonary afferent nerves, both vagal and nonvagal, can also reflexively regulate autonomic tone in airway smooth muscle. Reflexes result in either an enhanced activity in one or more of the autonomic efferent pathways, or a withdrawal of baseline cholinergic tone. These parallel excitatory and inhibitory afferent and efferent pathways add complexity to autonomic control of airway caliber. Dysfunction or dysregulation of these afferent and efferent nerves likely contributes to the pathogenesis of obstructive airways diseases and may account for the pulmonary symptoms associated with extrapulmonary disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease, cardiovascular disease, and rhinosinusitis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) activates protein kinase B (also known as Akt), which phosphorylates and activates a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 3B. Increases in cyclic nucleotide concentrations inhibit agonist-induced contraction of vascular smooth muscle. Thus we hypothesized that the PI3-kinase/Akt pathway may regulate vascular smooth muscle tone. In unstimulated, intact bovine carotid artery smooth muscle, the basal phosphorylation of Akt was higher than that in cultured smooth muscle cells. The phosphorylation of Akt decreases in a time-dependent manner when incubated with the PI3-kinase inhibitor, LY-294002. Agonist (serotonin)-, phorbol ester (phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate; PDBu)-, and depolarization (KCl)-induced contractions of vascular smooth muscles were all inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by LY-294002. However, LY-294002 did not inhibit serotonin- or PDBu-induced increases in myosin light chain phosphorylation or total O(2) consumption, suggesting that inhibition of contraction was not mediated by reversal or inhibition of the pathways that lead to smooth muscle activation and contraction. Treatment of vascular smooth muscle with LY-294002 increased the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and increased the phosphorylation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase substrate heat shock protein 20 (HSP20). These data suggest that activation of the PI3-kinase/Akt pathway in unstimulated smooth muscle may modulate vascular smooth muscle tone (allow agonist-induced contraction) through inhibition of the cyclic nucleotide/HSP20 pathway and suggest that cyclic nucleotide-dependent inhibition of contraction is dissociated from the myosin light chain contractile regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

Adenosine (Ado) is a naturally occurring compound that has several important cardiovascular actions, including activation of ATP-sensitive K(+) channels in vascular smooth muscle, vasorelaxation, and an effect to alter glucose metabolism of cardiac muscle. The metabolic effects of Ado on vascular smooth muscle have not been defined and were examined in this study. Porcine carotid artery strips were incubated in the presence and absence of 0.5 mM Ado. Compared with the control, Ado had no effect on glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, or fatty acid (octanoate) oxidation. Ado suppressed glycolysis but enhanced glycogen synthesis. Relative to the rate of glycolysis, Ado increased lactate production. Ado stimulated O(2) consumption by 52 +/- 10%, altered the activities of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and malate-aspartate shuttle, and increased the content of ATP, ADP, AMP, and phosphocreatine. Alteration in the metabolic variables by Ado could not be attributed to diminished energy requirements of reduced resting muscle tone of the arterial strips. Relaxation of the arterial strips in response to Ado were abolished in arteries incubated under hypoxic conditions (95% N(2)-5% CO(2)). Hypoxia was associated with increased ADP content. It is concluded that Ado affected glucose metabolism indirectly. The metabolic and energetic effects of 0.5 mM Ado are mediated by alterations in the concentrations of AMP, ATP, and phosphorylation potential (ATP/ADP).  相似文献   

The time course of the relaxation effect induced by a single dose (3 x 10(-6) mol/L) of trans-[Ru(NH3)4L(NO)]3+ (L=nic, 4-pic, py, imN, P(OEt)3, SO(3)(2-), NH3, and pz) species and sodium nitroprusside (4 x 10(-9) mol/L) was studied in aortic rings without endothelium and pre-contracted with noradrenaline (1 x 10(-6) mol/L). All the compounds induced a relaxing effect in the aortic rings, but the intensity and time of relaxation were different. Only the species where L=py, 4-pic, and P(OEt)3 were able to induce 100% (99-100%) of the relaxing effect during the assay. trans-[Ru(NH3)4(L)(NO)]3+ (L=SO(3)(2-) and NH3) showed the lowest relaxing effect (36 and 37%, respectively) when compared with the other compounds. Relationship was observed between the time corresponding to half of the maximum relaxation intensity observed and, respectively, k-NO, E0'[Ru(NO)]3+/[Ru(NO)]2+ in trans-[Ru(NH3)4(L)(NO)]3+ species and E0'Ru(III)/Ru(II) in trans-[Ru(NH3)4(L)(H2O)]3+ ions. These relationships strongly suggested that the NO liberation from the reduced nitrosyl complexes was responsible for the observed relaxation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) is an endogenous vasodilator in mammals, but its presence and function in other vertebrates is unknown. We generated H(2)S from NaHS and examined the effects on isolated efferent branchial arteries from steelhead (stEBA) or rainbow (rtEBA) trout. H(2)S concentration was measured colorimetrically (CM) and with ion-selective electrodes (ISE) in rainbow trout plasma. NaHS produced a triphasic response consisting of a relaxation (phase 1), constriction (phase 2), and relaxation (phase 3) in both unstimulated vessels and in stEBA precontracted with carbachol (Carb). Phase 1 and phase 3 in stEBA were decreased and phase 2 increased in unstimulated vessels by K(+)(ATP) channel inhibition (glibenclamide), or a cocktail of inhibitors of cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, and cytochrome P-450 (indomethacin, esculetin, and clotrimazole). Inhibition of soluble guanylate cyclase with ODQ o NS-2028 inhibited phase 3 in stEBA, although NaHS decreased cGMP production by tEBA. stEBA phase 2 contractions were partially inhibited by the myosin light chain kinase inhibitor, ML-9, but unaffected by L-type calcium channel inhibition (methoxyverapamil), whereas contraction in tEBA was partially inhibited by nifedipine or removal of extracellular calcium. Phase 3 relaxations were more pronounced in stEBA precontracted with Carb and no epinephrine (NE) than those cont acted by KCl or K(2)SO(4). stEBA phase 2 and phase 3 responses were dose dependent (EC(50) = 1.1 +/- 1.2 x 10(-3) M and 6.7 +/- 0.9 x 10(-5) M, respectively; n = 7). NaHS was also vasoactive in steelhead bulbus arteriosus, celiac mesenteric arteries, and anterior cardinal veins. Rainbow trout plasma sulfide concentration was 4.0 +/- 0.3 x 10(-5) M, n = 4 (CM) and 3.8 +/- 0.4 x 10(-5) M, n = 9 (ISE); similar to phase 3 EC(50). Because NaHS has substantial vasoactive effects at physiological plasma concentrations, we propose that its soluble derivative, H(2)S, is a tonically active endogenous vasoregulator in trout.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin regulation of airway smooth muscle tone   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

The possibility that the corticosteroid hormone, aldosterone, might possess direct vasoconstrictor properties was examined in the isolated central ear artery of the New Zealand white rabbit. Aldosterone alone produced only minimal contractile effects in the arterial segments; but following pretreatment of the tissue with desipramine (10?7M), a blocker of neuronal uptake of norepinephrine, aldosterone concentrations of 10?6M, 10?5M, and 10?4M produced stepwise contractile responses of 0.16 ± 0.03 (SE)g, 0.48 ± .04g, and 1.31 ± 0.06g. The possible involvement of norepinephrine in this action of aldosterone was tested in a series of tissues stored for 2 days at 2°C in Krebsbicarbonate medium so as to deplete endogenous catecholamine stores. Treatment with desipramine followed by aldosterone (10?4M) now produced an average contraction of only 0.1 ± 0.06g; but if the labile neuronal tissue stores of norepinephrine in these tissues were then replenished by exposure to norepinephrine 10?7M, contractions of 1.2 ± 0.3g now occurred when desipramine and aldosterone were added. To examine whether aldosterone's action might be due to blockade of extraneuronal norepinephrine uptake (uptake-2), 3H-norepinephrine was added to ear artery tissues exposed to desipramine with or without aldosterone: a significant (P<0.005) decrease of 25% in 3H-norepinephrine uptake occurred in the tissues treated with aldosterone. In further studies, the contractile effects of aldosterone could be prevented by pretreatment with prazosin (10?7M) or phentolamine (10?7M); if added after the aldosterone, each of these alpha-blockers completely reversed the contractile responses. Although the physiological relevance of these findings is yet to be fully defined, these studies indicate that the invitro contractile effects of aldosterone are dependent upon its inhibition of extraneuronal uptake of endogenous norepinephrine; it is likely that the resulting increase in extracellular norepinephrine concentration then produces vasoconstriction by stimulation of post-synaptic alpha-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

Venous compliance is lower in older adults compared with younger adults. It is possible that alterations in venous smooth muscle tone and responsiveness may contribute to the age-related differences in venous compliance. To determine the effects of sympathetic activation [cold pressor test (cold pressor test); rhythmic ischemic handgrip (rhythmic ischemic handgrip)] and endothelium-independent decreases in smooth muscle tone [sublingual nitroglycerin (nitroglycerin)] on venous compliance in young and older adults, forearm and calf venous compliance was measured in 12 young (22 +/- 1 yr) and 12 old (65 +/- 1 yr) supine subjects using venous occlusion plethysmography. Venous compliance was assessed at baseline, during the cold pressor test and rhythmic ischemic handgrip tests, and after nitroglycerin administration. All pressure-volume relationships were modeled with a quadratic regression equation, and beta1 and beta2 were used as indexes of venous compliance. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used to determine the effect of the age and trial on venous compliance. Calf regression parameters beta1 (0.0639 +/- 0.0126 vs. 0.0503 +/- 0.0059, young vs. older; P < 0.05) and beta2 (-0.00054 +/- 0.00011 vs. -0.00041 +/- 0.00005, young vs. older; P < 0.05) were significantly less in older adults at baseline. Similarly, forearm regression parameters, beta1 and beta2 were lower in older adults at baseline. Venous compliance was not effected by the cold pressor test test, rhythmic ischemic handgrip, or sublingual nitroglycerin in either group. Data suggest that forearm and calf venous compliance is lower in older adults compared with young. However, this difference probably cannot be explained by alterations in smooth muscle tone or responsiveness.  相似文献   

Cultured vascular endothelial cells were exposed to fluid shear stress by means of a rotary-disc shear-loading device, and the physiological effects of the conditioned medium (CM) and the homogenate (HM) of the cells on migration, adhesion and growth of endothelial cells (EC) or smooth muscle cells (SMC) were studied. Effects of shear stress on the production and secretion of collagen, one of the extracellular matrices of EC, were also studied. CM stimulated the adhesion and growth of SMC, but not of EC themselves. The ability to stimulate SMC adhesion and growth was similar in CM obtained from the static and shear-loaded cells. HM of the shear-loaded EC stimulated SMC migration. Further, HM of the shear-loaded EC contained increased amounts of collagen compared with the static EC. These results suggest that: 1) EC produce and secrete accelerators for the adhesion and growth of SMC, 2) EC react to the physical stimulus of fluid shear stress to produce stimulators of SMC migration, and 3) EC produce collagen, the production of which is enhanced by fluid shear stress.  相似文献   

钾通道在大鼠支气管平滑肌张力调控中作用的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:探讨延迟整流钾通道(Kv),高电导钙激活钾通道(BKCa)和ATP敏感钾通道(KATP)在大鼠支气管平滑肌张力调控中的作用。方法:以特异性钾通道阻断剂为工具,采用体外等长张力测定观察钾通道对静息和收缩状态下支气管张力的影响。结果:(1)KV阻断剂4-aminopyridine(4-AP)诱发大鼠支气管平滑肌产生浓度依赖性收缩反应,而BKCa阻断剂tetraethylammonium(TEA)和KATP阻断剂glibenclamide(Glib)对其无影响。(2)去除上皮对4-AP诱发大鼠支气管平滑肌收缩反应无影响,而钙通道阻断剂nifedipine对其有显著抑制效应。(3)在0.1mmol/L组胺或50mmol/L KCl诱发支气管平滑肌收缩之前或之后,加入TEA(1,5mmol/L)或0.1mmol/L 4-AP均显著增强二者诱发的收缩反应;而Glib(10μmol/L)对其无明显影响。结论:Kv参与大鼠支气管平滑肌静息张力的调控,而BKCa和KATP对其无影响。Kv和BKCa的关闭增强组胺及高浓度钾离子诱发大鼠离体支气管产生的收缩张力。  相似文献   

It is clear that pH has many effects on vascular smooth muscle and the overall action of pH on force will depend on the type of vascular smooth muscle in question and the combined effects on all the potential modulatory mechanisms. The major effects of pH on force appear to be mediated via modulation of [Ca]i rather than changes in the sensitivity of the contractile machinery to Ca2+. There are still numerous gaps in our understanding of the actions of pH and as more data become available, we will be able to better understand the major mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

It is clear that pH has many effects on vascular smooth muscle and the overall action of pH on force will depend on the type of vascular smooth muscle in question and the combined effects on all the potential modulatory mechanisms. The major effects of pH on force appear to be mediated via modulation of [Ca]i rather than changes in the sensitivity of the contractile machinery to Ca2+. There are still numerous gaps in our understanding of the actions of pH and as more data become available, we will be able to better understand the major mechanisms involved. (Mol Cell Biochem 263: 163–172, 2004)  相似文献   

Sirolimus is a potent immunosuppressive agent and has an anti-atherosclerotic effect through its anti-proliferative property. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of sirolimus on intracellular cholesterol homeostasis in human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the presence of inflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta. We explored the effect of sirolimus on the lipid accumulation of VSMCs in the presence of IL-1 beta, using Oil Red O staining and quantitative measurement of intracellular cholesterol. The effect of sirolimus on the gene and protein expression of lipoprotein receptors and ATP binding cassettes (ABCA1 and ABCG1) was examined by real-time PCR and Western blotting, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of sirolimus on cholesterol efflux from VSMCs in the presence or absence of IL-1 beta was also investigated using [(3)H] cholesterol efflux. Finally, we examined the effect of sirolimus on the production of inflammatory cytokines in VSMCs using ELISA. Sirolimus reduced intracellular lipid accumulation in VSMCs mediated by IL-1 beta possibly due to the reduction of expression of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptors. Sirolimus increased cholesterol efflux from VSMCs and overrode the suppression of cholesterol efflux induced by IL-1 beta. Sirolimus also increased ABCA1 and ABCG1 genes expression, even in the presence of IL-1 beta. We further confirmed that sirolimus inhibited mRNA and protein expression of inflammatory cytokines IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-8, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. Inhibition of lipid uptake together with increasing cholesterol efflux and the inhibition of inflammatory cytokines are all important aspects of the anti-atherosclerotic effects of sirolimus on VSMCs.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is induced in vascular smooth muscle cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) where it appears to mediate a variety of vascular dysfunctions. In some cell types tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis has also been found to be induced by cytokines. Because BH4 is a cofactor for NO synthase, we investigated whether BH4 synthesis is required for LPS-induced NO production in rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMC). The total biopterin content (BH4 and more oxidized states) of untreated RASMC was below our limit of detection. However, treatment with LPS caused a significant rise in biopterin levels and an induction of NO synthesis; both effects of LPS were markedly potentiated by interferon-gamma. 2,4-Diamino-6-hydroxypyrimidine (DAHP), a selective inhibitor of GTP cyclohydrolase I, the rate-limiting enzyme for de novo BH4 synthesis, completely abolished the elevated biopterin levels induced by LPS. DAHP also caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of LPS-induced NO synthesis. Inhibition of NO synthesis by DAHP was reversed by sepiapterin, an agent which circumvents the inhibition of biopterin synthesis by DAHP by serving as a substrate for BH4 synthesis via the pterin salvage pathway. The reversal by sepiapterin was overcome by methotrexate, an inhibitor of the pterin salvage pathway. Sepiapterin, and to a lesser extent BH4, dose-dependently enhanced LPS-induced NO synthesis, indicating that BH4 concentration limits the rate of NO production by LPS-activated RASMC. Sepiapterin also caused LPS-induced NO synthesis to appear with an abbreviated lag period phase, suggesting that BH4 availability also limits the onset of NO synthesis. In contrast to the stimulation of LPS-induced NO synthesis, observed when sepiapterin was given alone, sepiapterin became a potent inhibitor of NO synthesis in the presence of methotrexate. This is attributable to a direct inhibitory action of sepiapterin on GTP cyclohydrolase I, an activity which is only revealed after blocking the metabolism of sepiapterin to BH4. Further studies with sepiapterin, methotrexate, and N-acetylserotonin (an inhibitor of the BH4 synthetic enzyme, sepiapterin reductase) indicated that the BH4 is synthesized in RASMC predominantly from GTP; however, a lesser amount may derive from pterin salvage. We demonstrate that BH4 synthesis is an absolute requirement for induction of NO synthesis by LPS in vascular smooth muscle. Our findings also suggest that pterin synthesis inhibitors may be useful for the therapy of endotoxin- and cytokine-induced shock.  相似文献   

To more clearly define the physiologic roles of thromboxane (TX)A2 and primary prostaglandins (PG) in vascular tissue we examined vascular contractility, cell signaling, and growth responses. The growth-promoting effects of (15S)-hydroxy-11 alpha,9 alpha-(epoxymethano)prosta-5Z,13E-dienoic acid (U46619; TXA2 agonist), PGF2 alpha, and PGE2 consisted of protein synthesis and proto-oncogene expression, but not DNA synthesis or cell proliferation. U46619 contracted rat aortas and increased cultured rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cell intracellular free calcium concentration [Ca2+]i, [3H]inositol monophosphate (IP) accumulation, myosin light chain phosphorylation, and protein synthesis ([3H]leucine incorporation) with EC50 values ranging from 10 to 50 nM. Each of these responses was inhibitable with the TXA2 receptor antagonist [1S]1 alpha,2 beta(5Z),3 beta,4 alpha-7-(3-[2- [(phenylamino)carbonyl]hydrazino]methyl)-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2- yl-5-heptenoic acid (SQ29548). In contrast, PGF2 alpha increased [Ca2+]i, [3H]IP, and protein synthesis with EC50 values of 30-230 nM but contracted rat aortas with an EC50 of 4800 nM. PGE2 increased [Ca2+]i, [3H]IP accumulation, protein synthesis, and contracted rat aortas with EC50 values of 2.5-3.5 microM. TXA2 receptor blockade prevented PGF2 alpha- and PGE2-induced aortic contraction and cell myosin light chain phosphorylation, but not cell signaling or protein synthesis. Binding studies to vascular smooth muscle TXA2 receptors using 1S-[1 alpha,2 beta(5Z),3 alpha(1E,3S),4 alpha]-7-(3-[3-hydroxy-4-(p- [125I]iodophenoxy)-1-butenyl]7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)-5-hepte noic acid ([125I]BOP) showed U46619, SQ29548, PGF2 alpha, and PGE2 competition for TXA2 receptor binding at concentrations similar to their EC50 values for aortic contraction, while binding competition with [3H]PGF2 alpha and [3H]PGE2 demonstrated the specificity of [125I]BOP and SQ29548 for TXA2 receptors. The results suggest that 1) PGF2 alpha- and E2-stimulated vessel contraction is due to cross-agonism at vascular TXA2 receptors; 2) PGF2 alpha stimulates TXA2 receptor-independent vascular smooth muscle protein synthesis at nanomolar concentrations, consistent with an interaction at its primary receptor; and 3) TXA2 is a potent stimulus for vascular smooth muscle contraction and protein synthesis. We suggest that the main physiologic effect of PGF2 alpha may be as a stimulus for vascular smooth muscle cell hypertrophy, not as a contractile agonist.  相似文献   

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