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Berg  Gertrud  Esselink  Peter  Groeneweg  Menko  Kiehl  Kathrin 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):1-14
Micropatterns induced by sheep grazing, were studied in three consecutive years in a Festuca rubra-dominated salt marsh in a grazing trial with five different stocking rates (0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 10 sheep ha-1). The micropatterns were formed by a mosaic of short and tall F. rubra stands on a scale of square decimeters. Permanent transects of 2 m × 10 m were used to study the stability of these patterns, and to analyze interactions between the vegetation, the marsh elevation and the sheep. Micropatterns occurred only in the lightly to moderately grazed paddocks (1.5–4.5 sheep ha-1) with the highest spatial diversity in the 3 sheep ha-1 transect. When grazing was excluded, micropatterns did not develop; nor did they develop in the traditionally and most intensively grazed paddock (10 sheep ha-1). Detailed observations in one year showed that crude-protein content did not differ between green leaves from the short and tall stands, whereas in vitro digestibility was slightly higher in the short stands. In the same year, tiller density and length of full-grown leaves increased substantially in both stands from May to September. At the same time, sheep preference shifted from tall to short stands, which suggests an interplay between intake rate and digestibility in the sheep selectivity.Seven years after establishment of the grazing trial, the 10 sheep ha-1 transect still showed a smooth relief typical of the starting point of the other transects. These transects developed a more hummocky topography, with the highest spatial diversity occurring on the 1.5 sheep ha-1 transect. Marsh elevations were on average up to 3 cm lower in the short than in the tall stands, which indicates that the somewhat lower-elevated patches were grazed more intensively than the higher-elevated patches.In most cases, micropatterns changed from one year to the other, probably due to weather fluctuations. The incidence of tall stands was influenced by the rainfall balance. If the incidences of both the short and the tall stands were around 50%, however, the micropatterns showed a clear correlation with the marsh elevation. The rainfall balance seemed therefore a decisive factor for a possible correspondence between micropatterns in two consecutive years. Elevation differences were so subtle that greater than average sedimentation during a winter season could change the elevation pattern. Hence both rainfall balance and winter sedimentation counteracted the stability of the micropatterns. During our three-year study period, micropatterns were only stable in one out of six possible paired comparisons. This low micropattern stability contrasts with other studies in inland environments, which shows that in more dynamic environments, abiotic processes are likely to overrule summer grazing in determining vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Heathlands are characteristic semi-natural ecosystems of western Europe. Nowadays they are threatened because of their lack of agricultural value. Management of the remaining heathland areas necessitates precise knowledge about different management tools that can be used, including grazing. The effects of sheep grazing on dry and mesophilous heathlands of Brittany were studied in relation to grazing season and duration. Management aims were to control shrubs and to maintain the dominance of heathers. The grazing pressures applied here were quite high, about 10–15 sheep ha−1 yr−1. Erica ciliaris appeared to be very sensitive to grazing at the end of summer. This implicates special care in the management of mesophilous heathland. In dry heathland, Erica cinerea did not show this sensitivity. Control of shrubs was achieved by most grazing regimes which led to a decrease of 11–22 cm in gorse height, except summer grazing which seemed to stimulate their growth.This study underlined the relevance of the use of sheep grazing as a heathland management tool but also the necessity of prior experiments to adapt these operations mainly in terms of grazing period to the type of heathland and the objectives put forward.  相似文献   

J. P. Bakker 《Plant Ecology》1985,62(1-3):391-398
Grazing an abandoned salt marsh causes retrogressive succession, since mid salt-marsh communities change into lower salt-marsh communities. Grazing and mowing are compared in detail. Both management practices enhance species diversity in an abandoned salt marsh. This can be attributed to the removal of litter. The finding that lower salt-marsh species appear more with grazing than with mowing or abandoning is not related to a higher soil salinity as compared to mowing or abandoning, but probably to locally baring of the soil by grazing animals. Only species of pioneer or unstable environments seem to have a persistent seed bank, for other species seed dispersal seems to be a limiting factor for their establishment.Nomenclature follows Heukels & van Ooststroom (1977) for species; Westhoff & den Held (1969) for syntaxa.Mrs R. Rusthoven analyzed the soil samples, Mr E. Leeuwinga drawed the figures, and Mrs J. O'Brien corrected the English text.  相似文献   

Odd Vevle 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):55-63
In the proposed nature reserve Vinjekile the vegetation types have been studied by means of transects and vegetation samples. The transects have been levelled, their altitudes related to the National Zero Altitude, NN54. The study area, ca 5 ha, constitutes a bay where a small brook built a delta. Puccinellia maritima was found dominating in different zones from-8 to 40 cm NN54. On gently sloping marshes the Puccinellietum maritimae forms a pioneer vegetation in the lower geolittoral zone, descending towards the hydrolittoral mud flats. At higher altitudes, 30–40 cm NN54, Puccinellia was found in local depressions and associated with Juncus gerardii. The mean lower limit of the Puccinellietum corresponds with the mean annual water level, and forms a zero altitude. The 6 transects also show the horizontal and vertical distribution of Zosteretum marinae, Ruppietum maritimae, Salicornietum strictae, Bolboschoenetum maritimi, Bolboschoeno-Caricetum pa paleaceae, Juncetum gerardii and some other communities which have been described in a synoptic table.Nomenclature follows Lid (1974). The phytosociological classification follows mainly Beeftink (1965). The terms geolittoral, hydrolittoral and sublittoral are used according to Gillner (1960) and Borg (1980).Acknowledgements: I thank the following persons for information and assistance invarious ways; Sigmund Tvermyr, Skien; Per Skjøthaug, Norges geografiske oppmåling; Per Wiik, Bamble Oppmålingsvesen; Kristoffer Hvalvik and Ingrid Hagen. Vinjekilen.  相似文献   

Freshwater sphaeriid bivalves are poorly known ecologically, particularly uncommon species such as Pisidium pseudosphaerium (UK RDB (Red Data Book) staus = ‘rare’). In the UK, this species occupies grazing marsh where conservation opportunities might be shared with other threatened molluscs. We surveyed sphaeriids including P. pseudosphaerium and snails in 106 drainage ditches in SE England in 1999. P. pseudosphaerium occupied over half the ditches surveyed, at slightly elevated BOD (6 ± 7 mg l−1 sd) but reduced calcium (64 ± 31 mg l−1) and nitrate (0.5 ± 1.2 mg l−1). As part of a sphaeriid assemblage comprising Sphaerium corneum, Musculium lacustre and Pisidium obtusale (=Assemblage 1), P. pseudosphaerium occurred in ditches with floating vegetation and abundant snails of conservation importance, co-occurring significantly with either Valvata macrostoma (RDB ‘vulnerable’) or Anisus vorticulus (RDB: ‘vulnerable’). A more diverse sphaeriid assemblage (=Assemblage 2) included species common in wider, deeper ditches with open water. We suggest that traditional ditch management can support both rare and representative snails and bivalves on grazing marsh. Quasi-traditional and rotational ditch clearance will favour common sphaeriids and pioneer snails during early succession; P. pseudosphaerium, V. macrostoma, A. vorticulus during mid-succession; and the snail Segmentina nitida (RDB: ‘Endangered’) in late successional ditches. In common with threatened snails, P. pseudosphaerium will also benefit from reduced eutrophication. We recommend that P. pseudosphaerium retain RDB status to ensure protection and to emphasise the need for improved ecological information.  相似文献   

Summary Part of a salt-marsh (32 ha), ungrazed from 1958 until 1971, was grazed again from 1972 onwards with young cattle (1.3–1.7 per ha, May–October). In five vegetation types management experiments, including doing nothing (control). June mowing, August mowing, June and August mowing, all in combination or not in combination with grazing have been started with the objective to compare annually their effects on the vegetational structure and composition by means of permanent plots (2×2 m).Thirteen years (1958–1971) after the grazing had ceased the vegetation types of Festuca rubra/Armeria maritima, Artemisia maritima, Juncus maritimus and Elytrigia pungens hardly changed anymore. The vegetation type of Festuca rubra/Limonium vulgare, changed considerably. The experiments showed rather specific effects during the period 1971–1975 for each type of vegetation. Changes in the Festuca rubra/Armeria maritima vegetation were small and gradually under all treatments. Changes in The Artemisia maritima, Festuca rubra/Limonium vulgare and Juncus maritimus vegetation types were rather great under the different grazing treatments, the changes being abrupt and especially taking place in the third and fourth year of the experiments. The Elytrigia pungens vegetation showed large changes under all treatments, except the control plot, whereas these changes were abrupt, particularly occurring in the first and second year of the experiments. The study is continued.Nomenclature of taxa follows Heukels & van Ooststroom (1970), that of syntaxa Westhoff & den Held (1969).Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group for Succession research on permanent plots of the International Society for Vegetation Science, held at Yerseke, the Netherlands, October 1975.Thanks are due to Prof. Dr. D. Bakker for his interest in the present study and his critical reading of the text, and to Drs D.C.P. Thalen for critical reading and correction of the English text. Thanks are also due to the students who analyzed the permanent plots: M. van der Duim and F. Prins (1971), M. van der Duim (1972), R. Schwab and T. Schwab-Vos (1973), and G. Allersma (1974, 1975).  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of sheep and insect grazing on the generation of natural gaps in turf and the establishment of seedlings therein. The site is on an old field on limestone. There were five sheep grazing treatments: ungrazed, and grazed briefly in spring, briefly in autumn, in autumn or in summer and autumn. The first three of these treatments also contained plots in which insecticide was applied regularly during the growing season. Pins of increasing size (1.6 mm–12.8 mm diameter) were lowered at grid intersections in permanent quadrats to record gap type and the occurrence of seedlings on seven dates over 15 months.Heavily-grazed plots had more bare ground in spring and more herb seedlings established in them. Seedlings of annual species of Bromus were able to establish in gaps (bare ground and litter) of smaller size than was required by herb seedlings (which had much smaller seeds). The use of an insecticide increased seedling establishment in October in ungrazed and in spring-grazed paddocks but decreased it in autumn-grazed paddocks. This may indicate the greater importance of insect herbivory in making gaps in the matted sward of autumn-grazed plots.Seedlings which established in October 1986 and March 1987 were more likely to die than those establishing earlier in 1986. This may be because of winter-kill and especially vigorous spring vegetation growth respectively. Seedling mortality was not affected by gap size or grazing treatment (unless such effects operated before we detected the seedlings).  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of plant cover and species composition in arctic salt marsh and salt affected tundra near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska reflect gradients in elevation, soil conductivity, and soil concentrations of the ions prevalent in seawater. Soil conductivity and soil concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 = and Cl were significantly related to site elevation, decreasing as elevation increased. Vascular plant species richness increased significantly as soil conductivity and soil ion concentrations decreased, and site elevation increased. Puccinellia phryganodes was the only species present in low elevation sites with low plant cover, high soil conductivity and high soil concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 = and Cl. Mid-gradient sites were dominated by Carex subspathaceae. Plant cover at these sites was greater than at lower elevation sites, but bare ground was still present. Higher elevation sites had the lowest concentrations of soil ions and the lowest soil conductivities. These sites had little bare ground, contained as many as 16 species, and were dominated by Dupontia fischeri and Eriophorum angustifolium. Ordinations indicated that a complex topographic gradient related most closely to elevation and site distance from the coast best explains variation in the vegetation cover. Irregular deposition along the coastline partially or completely buried three sites in peat or sand up to 20 cm deep. Such rapid changes in plant cover and species composition contributes to the community patch mosaic typical of these marshes. Results suggest an individualistic response of plant species to the environmental gradients in salt marsh and salt affected tundra and are indicative of successional models developed in other marginal arctic environments.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing is a common management practise in semi-natural grasslands in Central Europe. Different types of livestock (horses, cattle, sheep) and grazing intensity are known to affect the richness and composition of plant species. However, knowledge of grazing-dependent effects on invertebrates is limited. We examined the influence of horse, cattle and sheep grazing on the richness, abundance and composition of land snail species in 21 calcareous nutrient-poor grassland areas in the northwestern Jura Mountains, Switzerland. Grazing by different livestock species did not affect the species richness, abundance and species composition of land snails. Furthermore, the number of open-land species and the ratio of large- to small-sized snail species or individuals did not differ among the three pasture types. However, independent of livestock species, grazing intensity negatively influenced the snail fauna. Snail species richness, abundance and number of Red list species decreased with increasing grazing intensity. Grazing intensity also affected the occurrence of individual snail species (Truncatellina cylindrica, Cecilioides acicula, Candidula unifasciata and Trichia plebeia). To preserve the snail fauna in nutrient-poor grasslands, pastures can be stocked with horses, cattle or sheep. However, both maximum stocking rate (number of livestock units per hectare) and grazing duration (number of grazing days per year) must be carefully defined for the proper management of the pastures.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of tree canopy, understory, herbivores, and litter depth on seedling establishment, survival, and reproduction of the alien grass, Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), was examined in a series of experiments in four forest habitat types in western North America. Higher recruitment, survival, and reproduction on clearcuts, which would be expected if the overstory alone is limiting the distribution of cheatgrass in forests, were not observed. Removing the understory in an otherwise undisturbed Pinus ponderosa forest did, however, increase the emergence of B. tectorum, but plants in these experimentally-created openings were more vulnerable to grazing by small mammals. In contrast, removing the sparse understory in an Abies forest neither enhanced recruitment nor increased the incidence of grazing of B. tectorum seedlings. Regardless of the forest habitat, most grazed plants died before maturity; even fewer grazed plants produced seeds. Litter depth influenced both recruitment and biomass production: both the rate of germination and the size of resultant seedlings were lower on thick litter (6 cm) compared to results on thin litter (1.5 cm). In the more open Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga menziesii forests, cheatgrass colonization may often occur in openings in the understory alone. Colonization in the more shady A. grandis and Thuja plicata forests is unlikely, however, unless the opening extends through both the understory and the overstory. As a result, cheatgrass is unlikely to increase in any of these forests unless the scale and incidence of disturbance increases substantially.  相似文献   

The effect ofAphodius sphacelatus andA. ater activity in cattle faeces andSphaeridium bipustulatum in sheep and horse faeces on the discharge ofPilobolus sporangia was investigated under laboratory conditions. In five trials, the median number of sporangia produced was significantly less (P<0.01) in experimental chambers (with 1 or 2 beetles/g faeces) than in control chambers (without beetles). In addition, median percentage reduction of sporangia was significantly higher (P<0.01) forA. sphacelatus (80.9%) than forA. ater (56.9%) at 1 beetle/g cattle faeces.
Résumé L'effet de l'activité d'Aphodius spacelatus et deA. ater dans les bouses de vaches et deSphaeridium bipustulatum dans les fèces de moutons et de chevaux, sur la libération de sporanges parPilobolus a été étudié en conditions de laboratoire. Sur 5 essais le nombre médian de sporanges libérés dans des cellules expérimentales (avec 1 ou 2 bousiers/g fèces) était significativement inférieur (P<0.01) à celui obtenu dans des cellules témoins (sans bousier). De plus, le pourcentage médian de réduction des sporanges est significativement plus élevé (P<0,01) pourA. sphacelatus (80,9%) que pourA. ater (56,9%) à la densité de 1 bousier/g de bouse.

This article seeks to contribute some new insights to the discussion about the colonisation of the North-Netherlands coastal area in the Iron Age. The aim of the study presented here was to investigate whether archaeobotanical research can demonstrate the absence or presence of grazing and the changes in vegetation that follow the development of the salt marsh and that may be related to activities connected with human occupation. The material studied was sampled in the terp of Peins in the Dutch province of Friesland during the 1999 excavation. The beginnings of this terp can be dated in the first century A.D., although a small dike and two parallel ditches preceded it. The macroremains from these ditches proved useful in describing the changes in the salt marsh vegetation. It was shown that the salt marsh was not used for grazing cattle prior to habitation. Grazing only started at the time the first terp podium was raised.  相似文献   

W. Joenje 《Plant Ecology》1985,62(1-3):399-406
In the annual stage of a primary plant succession on desalinating sandflats of the Lauwerszeepolder, N Netherlands, grazing by waterfowl is a dominant factor, as is illustrated by exclosures. It is concluded from population dynamical data, that both the removal of biomass and the predation of seeds sustain the annual species and retard succession to wards the next stage of a perennial grassland by several years. Yearly mowing in September slightly enhances succession by selectively affecting the dominant annual Salicornia species. The recurrence of high salinities in the upper soil layer of bare, c.q. grazed surfaces is expected to limit the invasion of grass species and other perennials.Nomenclature of plant taxa follows Heukels/van der Meijden (1983), Flora van Nederland, 20th ed. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen.This article would not have been written without the contributions of many students and colleagues, equally aware of the rare opportunity we had to study a genuine primary succession. I wish to thank them all. The help in the moving experiment of J. Franke, S. Nijdam, the late M. Robertus, H. Vrieling and J. D. D. Hofman is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are due to the State Authority of the IJssellake Polders, for permitting access to and use of the experimental areas.  相似文献   

We studied long-term (50 years) and short-term (4 years) effects of summer grazing of reindeer on subarctic tundra wetland vegetation. The long-term effects of summer grazing were studied by comparing vegetation on Finnish and Norwegian sides of the fence line separating reindeer grazing regimes. The Finnish side was intensively grazed and trampled throughout the year, whereas the Norwegian side was grazed in winter. Experimental fences were erected to examine short-term effects of grazing exclusion. Both in the long- and short-term, summer grazing decreased the height of Salix lapponum whereas the short-term effects on willow cover were less clear than the long-term effects. In contrast, Carex spp. benefited from grazing. Long-term grazing had little effect on total bryophyte cover. Grazing had negligible effects on the nutrient content of leaves of S. lapponum and Eriophorum angustifolium. We conclude that tundra wetlands can withstand moderately high grazing pressure sustained over several decades.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mainland salt marshes in Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany) have been grazed intensively by sheep for several decades. In 1988 experimental sites were established in the lower and middle salt marsh of Sönke-Nissen-Koog and subjected to different grazing intensities. From 1989 to 1993 the impact of sheep grazing on the composition and structure of the salt marsh vegetation was studied through the yearly analysis of permanent plots, vegetation mapping and measurements of the vegetation height. The intensively grazed site (10 sheep/ha) is covered by a short monotonous Puccinellia maritima sward with Salicornia europaea and Suaeda maritima. Halimione portulacoides and Aster tripolium, especially flowering plants, are rare. On the sites with 1.5 and 3 sheep/ha Puccinellia maritima remained dominant. The population density of Salicornia europaea decreases after reduction of the grazing intensity, whereas Suaeda maritima finds optimal growing conditions. Stands of Halimione portulacoides and flowering Aster tripolium plants are rare near the sea dike but their cover and size increases further away from the dike. In the plot with 1.5 sheep/ha the height of the vegetation increases along the gradient from the dike towards the tidal flats, due to local differences in actual grazing intensity. When grazing is stopped, Puccinellia maritima is successively replaced by Festuca rubra, Halimione portulacoides and Aster tripolium. High variability of vegetation height indicates structural diversity. Patches of higher and lower vegetation correspond with the distribution pattern of different plant species. In terms of nature conservation cessation of grazing is recommended.  相似文献   

K.Z. Cai  J.L. Bai   《Small Ruminant Research》2009,85(2-3):111-115
By using faecal egg counting, larvae culturing, coccidian oocysts identifying, the present study was conducted to determine infection intensity of nematodosis and coccidosis of young sheep (6–12 months) raised under three types of feeding and management regims namely, confinement system (2 farms, n = 30), semiconfinement system (2 farms, n = 30) and grazing system (2 farms, n = 30) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) in China. The mean egg counts of gastrointestinal nematodes were zero in confinement system, 63 EPG in semiconfinement system and 263 EPG in grazing system, while the mean coccidian oocyst counts (oocysts per gram of faeces, OPG) of each regim were 3784, 1713 and 687, respectively. Gastrointestinal parasite loads of sheep were attributed to low EPG (zero EPG) in confinement, moderate EPG in semiconfinement and high EPG in grazing regim, respectively, which in turn resulted in high OPG in confinement, moderate OPG in semiconfinement and low OPG in grazing regim, respectively. The infection rate of nematodes of sheep was zero in confinement, 43.33% in semiconfinement and 96.67% in grazing regim, while the infection rate of coccidia was 100%, 96.67% and 86.67%, respectively. The nematodes of sheep in grazing regim were, in the order of prevalence: Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) (80.00%), Marshallagia (66.67%), Nematodirus (63.33%), Trichostrongylus (43.33%), Haemonchus contortus (43.33%), and Chabertia (16.67%), while in semiconfinement regim were, in the same order of prevalence: 43.33%, 10.00%, 40.00%, 20%, 20% and 0%, respectively. Seven species of Eimeria were recognized in the three management regims. Their prevalence rates were E. parva (85.56%), E. ahsata (70.00%), E. ovinoidalis (34.44%), E. intricata (21.11%), E. crandallis (20.00%), E. granulosa (18.89%), and E. faurei (5.56%). These results may provide a further understanding of the factors associated with parasite epizootiology under different feeding and management regims.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction between grazing by Gastrophysa viridula and interspecific plant competition was investigated for Rumex obtusifolius growing in the field. During an eight-month growing season non-competing R. obtusifolius grew larger than competing plants although herbivore loads (beetle productivity per unit leaf area) were similar for competing and non-competing plants. However, grazing significantly reduced the growth of R. obtusifolius only in competing plants thus demonstrating a synergism between plant competition and invertebrate herbivory. The relevance of these findings for the distribution of plant species is discussed.  相似文献   

Olof Pehrsson 《Plant Ecology》1988,74(2-3):113-124
During a six-year period, changes in the composition of dominant plant species of importance to foraging birds in a salt marsh on the Swedish west coast were followed inside and outside exclosures to document effects of grazing on herbage quality and seed production. Since marshes provide an important habitat for foraging geese and ducks, it was of interest to determine how cattle grazing would affect herbage production inAgrostis stolonifera andPuccinellia maritima and seed and root-tuber production inScirpus maritimus. Measurements of cover and height in permanent plots revealed that a wetter weather type favouredAgrostis, probably through reduced salinity, at the expense ofPuccinellia, which was the most favoured food of both cattle and birds.Agrostis out-competedPuccinellia when grazing pressure was low. Seed production inScirpus maritimus was reduced by cattle grazing, particularly whenPhragmites australis formed part of the vegetation. In the absence of cattle grazing, both herbage- and seed producing plants were gradually reduced, andPhragmites increased. Since high herbage consumption and high seed production are mutually exclusive, grazing rotation in combination with mowing is suggested as a management strategy.  相似文献   

Six management regimes were tested during 5 years in 18 abandoned ricefields in the Rh^one delta, France: two artificial floodings for 6 months (winter and summer flooding, 10 cm deep) and a control only flooded by rain, each flooding treatment either with or without grazing by cattle and horses. In the absence of artificial flooding and in presence of grazing by domestic herbivores (i.e., maintaining the initial management since the abandonment) no significant change in plant communities was recorded after 5 years. The vegetation was mainly composed of halophytes (Salicornia fruticosa and Inula crithmoides). The removal of grazing led to the dominance of a salt tolerant grass: Aeluropus littoralis. Flooding favoured the dominance of clonal plants and led to a decrease in the number of species. In the ungrazed fields, changes in plant communities were related to the height of species with Bolboschoenus maritimus and Phragmites australis becoming dominant. When grazing was combined with summer flooding, B. maritimus dominated the first two years of the experiment, but with a low cover, and was replaced in the 3rd year by Typha angustifolia. When grazing was combined with winter and early spring flooding the competitive exclusion of B. maritimus by Juncus gerardii slowed the establishment of the former. The management of former ricefields led to the establishment and dominance of emergent species common to Mediterranean wetlands. Although it is subordinate to the maintenance of artificial flooding, the project may be considered a restoration (or a rehabilitation) of seasonally flooded marshes as original functions existing before the land was put under cultivation are re-established.  相似文献   

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