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A Teramoto  T Norisuye 《Biopolymers》1972,11(8):1693-1700
For helix-coil transitions of polypeptide in binary mixtures consisting of helix-forming solvent and coil solvent, the transition enthalpy ΔH(T,x) has been found to depend significantly on temperature (T) and solvent composition (x). For such systems, calorimetric measurements may yield some averages of ΔH(T,x) which are no longer amenable to direct comparison with ΔH itself. Theoretical equations relating calorimetric data to ΔH(T,x) are derived and tested favorably with experimental data. It is demonstrated that the transition enthaply from heat capacity measurements is approximately equal to ΔHcfm, while those from heat of dilution and heat of solution measurements are equal to ΔHc. Here ΔHc denotes the value of ΔH at the transition point and fm represents the maximum helical content attained in a thermally induced transition. The discrepancies among calorimetric data are also discussed.  相似文献   

The interactions between tetravalent plutonium and horse serum proteins were studied in vitro by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate and by gel filtration. The results show that in horse serum, as in other mammalian sera, the plutonium is associated principally with the transferrin component of the beta1-globulins. The formation of the plutonium-transferrin complex requires the presence of HCO3-, and plutonium is displaced from the complex by excess iron, thus indicating that similar binding sites may be involved in the complexing of iron and plutonium. The plutonium complex is considered to be less stable than the iron-transferrin complex, but plutonium can only be released from the transferrin complex by citrate or stronger chelating agents.  相似文献   

Using synthetic analogs of an alpha-helical winter flounder antifreeze polypeptide (AFP) we investigated some important molecular details of the mechanism of action of this AFP. Of the seven peptides synthesized, all but one were amino-terminal deletions of the native AFP. Three of the seven synthetic analogs possessed the same antifreeze activity as the native polypeptide; the other analogs were devoid of antifreeze activity. The growth rates along the a and c axes of ice in solutions of varying concentrations of the three active AFP analogs were examined. The a axis growth rates of ice were inversely proportional to the concentration of the active peptides. The c-axis growth rates of ice were also dependent on peptide concentration. The active peptides enhanced c-axis growth at lower concentrations, while at higher concentrations they inhibited c axis growth. The ability of the peptides to develop antifreeze activity and to alter the a and c axis growth rates of ice depended on the presence of appropriately positioned amino acid residues with hydrogen bonding side chains. From these observations we propose that at low concentrations the AFP, through dipolar interactions and hydrogen bonding, interact with the prism faces of ice retarding a axis growth. At these concentrations, the electrical field of the AFP helix-dipole, like an externally applied field (Bartlett, J.T., van der Heuval, A.P., and Mason, B.J. (1963) Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 14, 599-610), can enhance ice c axis growth. At higher concentrations, the AFP interact with all ice crystal planes and retard both a and c axis growth.  相似文献   

Using X-ray diffraction we have studied fibres obtained from complexes of DNA with lysine-rich polypeptides and with proteins that have different conformations, to ascertain whether the conformations of the polypeptides and the DNA are maintained upon interaction. Substances investigated include N-acetyl-Lys-Ala-Tyr-Ala-Lys-ethylamide, random poly(Leu50, Lys50), sequential poly(Leu-Lys), poly(Val-Lys), poly(Ala-Lys), poly(Lys-Ala-Ala-Lys), poly(Lys-Ala-Ala), poly(Lys-Leu-Ala), poly(Lys-Ala-Gly), protein phi 0 from sea cucumber spermatozoa, histone H1 and two fragments of this protein obtained by chemical cleavage. In general, the B form of DNA with ten base-pairs per helical turn is maintained upon interaction at high levels of humidity. The A form is never observed; it appears to be forbidden in a protein environment. No evidence for transition into any novel DNA conformation has been observed, although the B form is altered in some cases, in particular upon dehydration. Such alteration occurs always in the sense of tightening the double helix, so that the number of base-pairs per helical turn diminishes. The polypeptides may interact with DNA in both the alpha and beta conformations. We have found different types of complexes in which either a monolayer or a double layer of beta-pleated sheets is intercalated between layers of DNA molecules. Alternatively, the polypeptide chain may be wrapped around the DNA, following one of the grooves. The polypeptide conformation may be either maintained or changed upon interaction. The charge density of the polypeptide is an important parameter of the interaction. When it matches the charge density of the DNA, the polypeptide conformation is maintained in most cases; otherwise it is modified. The globular part of histone H1 gives a unique X-ray pattern upon interaction, indicative of a loss of order of DNA in the complex. On the other hand, the C-terminal part of histone H1 gives a very well-ordered complex, similar to a nucleoprotamine, in spite of its lower charge density.  相似文献   

The non-specific binding of a drug to plasma proteins is an important determinant of its biological efficacy since it modulates the availability of the drug to its intended target. In the case of HIV-1 protease inhibitors, binding to human serum albumin (HSA) and alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein (AAG) appears to be an important modulator of drug bioavailability. From a thermodynamic point of view, the issue of drug availability to the desired target can be formulated as a multiple equilibrium problem in which a ligand is able to bind to different proteins or other macromolecules with different binding affinities. Previously, we have measured the binding thermodynamics of HIV-1 protease inhibitors to their target. In this article, the binding energetics of four inhibitors currently in clinical use (saquinavir, indinavir, ritonavir and nelfinavir) and a second-generation inhibitor (KNI-764) to human HSA and AAG has been studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. All inhibitors exhibited a significant affinity for AAG (K(a) approximately 0.5-10 x 10(5) M(-1)) and a relatively low affinity for HSA (K(a) approximately 5-15 x 10(3) M(-1)). It is shown that under conditions that simulate in vivo concentrations of serum proteins, the inhibitor concentrations required to achieve 95% protease inhibition can be up to 10 times higher than those required in the absence of serum proteins. The effect is compounded in patients infected with drug resistant HIV-1 strains that exhibit a lower affinity for protease inhibitors. In these cases the required inhibitor concentrations can be up to 2000 times higher and beyond the solubility limits of the inhibitors.  相似文献   

Equilibria and kinetics of the interactions of Mg2+ and Ni2+ with poly(U), poly(C) and poly(I) have been investigated at 25 degrees C, an ionic strength of 0.1 M, and pH 7.0 or 6.0. Analogous studies involving poly(A) were reported earlier. All binding equilibria were studied by means of the (usually small) absorbance changes in the ultraviolet range. This technique yields apparent binding constants which are fairly large for the interaction of Ni2+ with poly(A) (K = 0.9 X 10(4) M-1) and poly(I) (K approximately equal to 2 X 10(4) M-1) but considerably lower for the corresponding Mg2+ systems, Mg2+-poly(A) (K = 2 X 10(3) M-1) and Mg2+-poly(I) (K = 280 M-1). Each of the two pyrimidine nucleotides binds both metal ions with about the same strength (K approximately equal to 65 M-1 for poly(U) and K near 600 M-1 for poly(C]. In the case of poly(C) the spectral changes deviate from those expected for a simple binding equilibrium. In addition, the binding of Ni2+ to the four polynucleotides was measured by using murexide as an indicator of the concentration of free Ni2+. The results obtained by this technique agree or are at least consistent with those derived from the ultraviolet spectra. Complications are encountered in the binding studies involving poly(I), particularly at higher metal ion concentrations, obviously due to the formation of aggregated poly(I) species. Kinetic studies of the binding processes were carried out by the temperature-jump relaxation technique. Measurable relaxation effects of time constants greater than 5 microseconds were observed only in the systems Ni2+-poly(A) and Ni2+-poly(I). Such not-too-fast reaction effects are expected for processes which include inner-sphere substitution steps at Mg2+ or Ni2+. The relaxation process in Ni2+-poly(I) is characterized by (at least) four time constants. Obviously, the complicated kinetics again include reactions of aggregated poly(I). The absence of detectable relaxation effects in all other systems (except Mg2+-poly(I), the kinetics of which was not investigated) indicates that inner-sphere coordination of the metal ions to specific sites of the polynucleotides (site binding) does not occur to a significant extent. Rather, the metal ions are bound in these systems mainly by electrostatic forces, forming a mobile cloud. The differences in binding strength which are nevertheless observed are attributed to differences in the conformation of the polynucleotides which result in different charge densities.  相似文献   

The up-to-date problems, concerning the structure and properties of two types of inhibitors are reviewed. It is particularly considered properties of low-molecular weight thrombin inhibitors that have electrophilic groups capable to react with Ser-195 of thrombin (peptidyl-chloromethyl ketones, aldehydes, ketomethylene derivatives and derivatives of boric and phosphoric acids) and the competitive reversible thrombin inhibitors. The review focuses on methods of modification of the structure in the natural inhibitors and design of new peptidomimetics. The prospects for prophylaxis and treatment of diverse thromboembolic diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

We report here the identification on rat liver plasma membranes and microsomes of proteins that bind pancreatic polypeptide (PP) with high affinity and specificity (plasma membranes: KD = 4.6 nM, Bmax = 3.28 pmol/mg protein; microsomes: KD = 3.45 nM, Bmax = 18.7 pmol/mg protein). These binding proteins appeared coupled to a G-protein, since 0.1 mM guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) decreased the affinity by half. When 125I-labeled PP-binding protein complexes covalently cross-linked with disuccinimido suberate were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, two radioactive bands with M(r) values of 52,000 and 38,000 were demonstrated. Both bands were inhibited by unlabeled PP with an IC50 of approximately 5 nM (but not by neuropeptide Y or peptide YY). After the cross-linked complexes were solubilized from liver microsomes with 0.2% Triton X-100 and gel-filtered, they did not interact with the lectins wheat germ agglutinin, Ulex europaeus agglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin, and soy bean agglutinin. That these binding proteins may not be glycosylated was further supported by the failure of either peptide N-glycosidase F and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F to alter the size of the PP-binding protein complexes on gel electrophoresis. These PP-binding proteins may serve as receptors and mediate a hepatic effect of PP.  相似文献   

Ligand blotting analysis of serum from the horse using radiolabelled IGF-I revealed a protein at 96 kDa which was not present in serum from goat, cow, sheep, deer or donkey. These latter species all displayed five labelled bands in the range 24 to 41 kDa. Conversely, these were only weakly labelled in serum from the horse. Size exclusion chromatography of horse serum pre-incubated with radiolabelled IGF-I revealed reduced binding in the 130-kDa peak compared with goat plasma, and ligand blotting analysis indicated the 96-kDa protein was present in this peak. The 96-kDa protein from horse serum binds IGF-I and IGF-II specifically and appears to be unique to this species. The nature of this protein is at present unknown.  相似文献   

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