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Summary The variant thyroxine-binding globulin in a family from Montreal (TBG-M) has a reduced affinity for thyroxine, shows a slight cathodal shift on isoelectric focusing, and has an increased susceptibility to inactivation by heat and acid. We present the molecular basis for TBG-M, deduced by sequencing the entire 1245-bp coding regions and intron/exon junctions of the TBG gene of an affected hemizygous male. A single nucleotide substitution in the codon for amino acid 113 of the mature protein (GCC to CCC) was found, resulting in the replacement of alanine by proline. The mutation was confirmed by allele-specific amplification of genomic DNA from the propositus and three other affected family members. Since point mutations throughout the molecule have been shown to alter the properties of variant TBGS, and because amino acid substitutions with proline are known to impair stability and function of proteins, the replacement of alanine 113 by proline provides a logical explanation for the observed properties of TBG-M.Presented in part at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society in Atlanta, Georgia, 1990  相似文献   

Prior to performance of linkage analysis, elimination of all Mendelian inconsistencies in the pedigree data is essential. Often, identification of erroneous genotypes by visual inspection can be very difficult and time consuming. In fact, sometimes the errors are not recognized until the stage of running linkage-analysis software. The effort then required to find the erroneous genotypes and to cross-reference pedigree and marker data that may have been recoded and renumbered can be not only tedious but also quite daunting, in the case of very large pedigrees. We have implemented four error-checking algorithms in a new computer program, PedCheck, which will assist researchers in identifying all Mendelian inconsistencies in pedigree data and will provide them with useful and detailed diagnostic information to help resolve the errors. Our program, which uses many of the algorithms implemented in VITESSE, handles large data sets quickly and efficiently, accepts a variety of input formats, and offers various error-checking algorithms that match the subtlety of the pedigree error. These algorithms range from simple parent-offspring-compatibility checks to a single-locus likelihood-based statistic that identifies and ranks the individuals most likely to be in error. We use various real data sets to illustrate the power and effectiveness of our program.  相似文献   

Traditional identification of species has been based on phenotypic traits, although it is clear that, theoretically, genotype-based classification is more accurate. This is especially the case for microorganisms which possess less identifiable traits and are more easily influenced by environment. Therefore, technology that allows identification of species based on genotype is highly desirable. Whole genome sequencing can provide a sufficient amount of information and can be determinative for this purpose but is very impractical for routine use. Thus, a competent technology is needed that allows a reproducible reduction in the amount of information required about a whole genome, while still providing sufficiently accurate identification. It is almost imperative for such a technology to be of a high cost-performance and of easy handling. Universality and portability are also strongly desired. Based on these criteria, the current state of genome analysis technologies are reviewed. Among various methodologies discussed here, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), genome profiling (GP) and microarrays are the subject of particular attention. As species identification is a base for most fields of biology including microbiology, ecology, epidemiology and for various biotechnologies, it is of paramount importance to establish a more efficient, easily handled and more objective methodology, in parallel with conventional phenotype-based methodologies. GP is currently considered to have the most optimal nature for identification of species since it can reproducibly reduce a huge amount of genome information to a manageable size by way of random polymerase chain reaction and can extract a sufficient amount of information for species identification from the DNA fragments thus profiled by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis. The potential ability of DNA microarrays for this purpose is also discussed and promises much for the future.  相似文献   

Diseases associated with point mutations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are maternally inherited. We evaluated whether pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, based on polar body mutation load detection could be used to distinguish healthy from affected oocytes. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used and validated, to determine A3243G tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation load in metaphase II oocytes and their respective first polar bodies. The results of this study show for the first time that the mutation load measured in the polar bodies correlates well with the mutation load in the respective oocytes. Therefore, human polar body analysis can be used as diagnostic tool to prevent transmission of mitochondrial disorders.  相似文献   

Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) is a liver glycoprotein that transports thyroid hormone in serum. In 1987 a variant TBG was discovered in an infant born in Quebec, following an investigation prompted by the finding of low blood thyroxine (T4) level on screening for neonatal hypothyroidism. This variant, TBG-Quebec, has cathodal shift on isoelectric focusing, reduced affinity for thyroxine, and markedly reduced stability. The latter property of the variant molecule is probably responsible for the partial TBG deficiency. We now report the results of sequencing of the entire coding region and exon-intron junctions of TBG-Quebec, which revealed two nucleotide substitutions; one, located in exon 3, changes the normal codon 283 of TTG (leucine) to that of TTT (phenylalanine), and the other, in exon 4, results in the replacement of the normal histidine-331 (CAT) by tyrosine (TAT). Allele-specific amplification (ASA) confirmed the cosegregation of the two nucleotide substitutions with the TBG-Quebec phenotype in individual members of this family. The substitution in codon 283, but not that in codon 331, has been previously described and, when occurring alone, does not alter the properties of the gene product. Thus, it appears that the replacement of histidine-331 by tyrosine is responsible for the observed altered properties of TBG-Quebec. However, the question of whether substitution of both amino acids is necessary for expression of the variant phenotype has yet to be answered.  相似文献   

A novel DNA sequence belonging to a new genotype of TT virus (TTV) was detected by long-distance PCR in the serum of a chronically HCV-infected patient. The isolate was designated KAV according to the patient's initials. Extending the sequence to full length revealed a 3705-nt viral genome, which is about 100 nucleotides shorter than the other TT-viruses. KAV showed common features with the TTV family, such as the organization of open reading frames and conserved noncoding regions. The largest open reading frame of KAV (ORF 1) was about 40 aa shorter than that of other TT-viruses. Overall sequence homology with known TTV isolates was less than 66%. Phylogenetic analysis poses KAV in one major group with three recently published TTV sequences. So KAV can be considered as a new genotype of the TTV family (provisionally designated genotype 28).  相似文献   

Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) is a liver glycoprotein that transports thyroid hormone in serum. In 1989, a variant TBG was reported with reduced binding affinity for thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) which results in low serum T4 and T3 levels. This variant, TBG-San Diego (TBG-SD), also displays reduced heat stability but has a normal isoelectric focusing pattern. We now report the sequence of the entire coding region of TBG-San Diego. It reveals two nucleotide substitutions: one located in exon 1 which results in the replacement of the normal Ser-23 (TCA) with threonine (ACA) and the other, located in exon 3, changes the normal codon 283 of TTG (leucine) with that of TTT, (phenylalanine). Allele specific amplification was used to search for both nucleotide substitutions in four affected members of the family. Results confirmed the co-segregation of these nucleotide substitutions with the TBG-SD phenotype. The substitution in codon 283 has been previously described and exists as a polymorphism in some ethnic groups or in combination with other TBG variants with different physical characteristics. Thus, it appears that the replacement of Ser-23 with threonine is responsible for the observed alterations in physical properties of TBG-San Diego.  相似文献   

Membrane bound O-acyl transferase (MBOAT) family is composed of gene members encoding a variety of acyltransferase enzymes, which play important roles in plant acyl lipid metabolism. Here, we present the first genome-enabled identification and analysis of MBOAT gene models in plants. In total, we identified 136 plant MBOAT sequences from 14 plant species with complete genomes. Phylogenetic relationship analyses suggested the plant MBOAT gene models fell into four major groups, two of which likely encode enzymes of diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) and lysophospholipid acyltransferase (LPLAT), respectively, with one–three copies of paralogs present in each of the most plant species. A group of gene sequences, which are homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycerol uptake proteins (GUP), was identified in plants; copy numbers were conserved, with only one copy represented in each of the most plant species; analyses showed that residues essential for acyltransferases were more prone to be conserved than vertebrate orthologs. Among four groups, one was inferred to emerge in land plants and experience a rapid expansion in genomes of angiosperms, which suggested their important roles in adaptation of plants in lands. Sequence and phylogeny analyses indicated that genes in all four groups encode enzymes with acyltransferases. Comprehensive sequence identification of MBOAT family members and investigation into classification provide a complete picture of the MBOAT gene family in plants, and could shed light into enzymatic functions of different MBOAT genes in plants.  相似文献   

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) is a premalignant disease of the gastrointestinal tract inherited as an autosomal dominant trait assigned to chromosome 5q21. The 15 exons of the APC gene responsible for the defect were amplified from the DNA of one FAP patient. SSCP analysis of the amplified DNA revealed a variant conformer of exon 10. The sequencing of the cloned PCR product showed a 1 base insertion at position 1370, creating a stop codon four nucleotides downstream. SSCP analysis of 20 family members and nucleotide sequencing of exon 10 in three affected members confirmed the Mendelian inheritance of the mutant allele.  相似文献   

糖外排转运蛋白(Sugars will eventually be exported transporters, SWEETs)在植物生理活动和发育过程中起重要作用。为探究SWEET基因家族在毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)的生长发育过程中起的作用,基于毛竹基因组数据,通过生物信息学方法对SWEET基因家族成员进行鉴定,并对其编码的蛋白质理化性质、系统进化及共线性关系、基因结构、启动子元件及表达模式、蛋白互作网路分析、GO注释等进行细致分析。研究结果表明:该家族基因结构、基序和结构域相对保守,所有成员均含有MtN3_slv结构域。上游启动子序列中含有多个同非生物胁迫以及生长发育相关元件,结合转录组表达量分析显示,多个家族成员在毛竹不同组织器官均有表达。共线性分析揭示毛竹SWEET家族在演化过程中存在全基因组多倍化事件。蛋白互作网路分析挖掘出2个重要核心家族成员,GO注释分析进一步证实毛竹SWEET主要负责体内糖类物质的转运。以上结果为毛竹SWEET基因功能鉴定提供了重要参考,对于毛竹快速生长分子机制研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

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