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In experiments on rats, the influence was studied of dalargin on the elaboration and preservation of various homogeneous and heterogeneous conditioned reflexes (CRs) elaborated in single and multiple pairings. The effect of dalargin on the processes of learning and memory was compared with the action of the peptide on the activity of hypothalamic neurones. Administration of dalargin delayed the elaboration of maze defensive CRs and practically did not affect the elaboration of two-way avoidance. The preservation of CR also deteriorated under the influence of dalargin. Administration of dalargin 10 min before the CRs testing did not prevent their reproduction. When using CRs elaborated in a single pairing, dalargin disturbed the preservation of the drinking CR and improved that of passive avoidance CR. Dalargin in this dose affected the emotional state of animals in the open field and did not significantly affect their motor activity. Dalargin suppressed impulse activity in 17 out of 22 tested neurones of the lateral hypothalamus, with maximum effect in 20-50 min after its administration. The obtained data show that the character of dalargin action on the elaboration of CR and mainly on its consolidation, depends on the character of the elaborated CR and is probably due to great extent to the effect of the peptide on the brain emotional mechanisms.  相似文献   

Content was compared of noradrenaline (NA) and serotonine (5-OT) in the right and left halves of the rats brain in norm, at elaboration of defensive conditioned reflexes of two-ways avoidance (CRTWA) and at administration of neuropeptides influencing the learning and memory--dezglycilargininvasopressin (DG-AVP), ACTH4-7 pro-gli-pro and dalargin. The conducted studies showed that in control animals the content of NA in the cortex of the right hemisphere was significantly higher than in the cortex of the left one. For the content of 5-OT in symmetric brain parts no significant differences were revealed. Under the elaboration of CRTWA the asymmetry of NA content was not eliminated. Systemic administration of DG-AVP, ACTG4-7 pro-gli-pro and dalargin practically did not change the content of 5-OT, but reduced the content of NA in the cortex and the rest of the brain, and the content of NA in the right and left cortex was equalized. The obtained data point to the asymmetric character of neuropeptides action and to greater resistance of 5-OT-ergic brain system to functional load and to administration of peptides in comparison with NA-ergic system.  相似文献   

On the basis of the idea of the important role of neurotransmitter systems in realization of neuropeptide effects, the participation was studied of the monoaminergic systems in the mechanisms of the ACTH analogue influence on the processes of learning and memory in control animals and animals with a changed functional state of the monoaminergic systems. In parallel the influence was studied of the ACTH analogue on the content of the endogenic monoamines in various brain structures of rats. It has been shown that administration of the ACTH analogue in a dose of 10 mcg affects the elaboration and preservation of conditioned reflexes (CRs) of passive avoidance, CRs of two-side avoidance and labyrinth CRs only in conditions of changed functional state of the monoaminergic systems. Amnesia, usually elicited by 5-oxytryptophane and disulfiram is prevented by administration of the ACTH analogue. Administration of the ACTH analogue is accompanied by the intensification of serotonine metabolism in the midbrain and medulla and by an increase of noradrenaline content in the hypothlamus.  相似文献   

In experiments on mice, the effect of cyclic analogue of enkephalin (CAE) on the processes of learning and memory was studied in control animals and in animals with changed functional state of monoaminergic brain systems. Administration of the peptide to intact animals significantly accelerated the acquisition of conditioned reflexes of two-way avoidance and did not significantly affect the retention of these reflexes and their subsequent reproduction. Retention and reproduction of conditioned reflexes elaborated in one combination, was disturbed. Administration of iprazid did not eliminate the "accelerating effect" of CAE on the formation of conditioned reflexes of the two-way avoidance but sharply disturbed their retention. In such conditions, the amnesing iprazid effect increased still more. Besides, under CAE effect, the activity of acetylcholinesterase in the motor and especially in the visual cortex of the mice increased. The obtained data testify to an important role of the monoaminergic and cholinergic brain mechanisms in realization of CAE effects on the processes of learning and memory.  相似文献   

In experiments on 250 Wistar female rats the influence was studied of a single maximum and submaximum physical loads on the emotional behaviour and the state of conditioned activity. It has been established, that as a result of maximum possible run of the animals depression takes place of orienting investigatory activity in conditions of the "open field" and disturbance of elaboration and reproduction of the conditioned reflex of two-way avoidance. Normalization of these parameters took place in 48 hours after the maximum load action. Analogous effect was observed in the period of aftereffect of the submaximum physical load, characterized by lowering of the level of behavioural activity in the "open field", disturbance of the elaboration of two-way avoidance as a result of presumable increase of functional tonus of the brain inhibitory systems.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the effects of neurotransplantation of cultural neural stem cells (NSC) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on the rat behaviour and brain state after acute hypoxia. It was shown that development of two-way avoidance defensive conditioning in a shuttle box improved in rats-recipients with NSC, but not MSC as compared to control. Both the transplants of NSC and transplants of MSC exert neuroprotective influence on the rat brain. NSC both in vitro (before transplantation) and in vivo (on day 27 after transplantation) gave rise to all neural cell types: stem/progenitor cells, precursors of neurons and glia, neurons and glial cells. MSC population in vitro and in vivo (on day 10 after transplantation) consisted of fibroblast-like cells which were eliminated by day 20 after transplantation and were surrounded by reactive glia. We suggest that effects of NSC may be connected with their good survival and potential to differentiate into neurons and with trophic influence on the brain of recipient, whereas MSC only have possible positive trophic effect at early stages after transplantation.  相似文献   

In experiments on 3 dogs it was shown that instrumental defensive conditioned reflex (CR) to electrical stimulation of the hippocampus is generalized within the limbic system (LS). The rate of generalization depended on the place of testing stimuli in LS. Stimulation of the medial parts of LS at the stage of stabilized initial reflex did not produce the generalized CRs, while they appeared distinctly in response to stimulation of the lateral parts of LS. In the process of elaboration of heterogeneous CRs (defensive and alimentary) to electrical stimulation of the hippocampus, generalized conditioned reactions from some brain structures appeared in both situations to the same degree while from other structures--with considerable differences. These data point to a possible participation in the genesis of the generalized CRs both of signal and reinforcing brain mechanisms.  相似文献   

In experiments on three dogs there was shown that testing electrostimulation of the lateral hypothalamus reproduced the motor reaction which is a signal stimulus at elaboration of classic alimentary conditioned reflexes (CRs) and did not reproduce it at elaboration of classic defensive CR. Testing electrostimulation of medial parts of the hypothalamus reproduced, as LH electrostimulation the "signal" motor reaction, but in less percentage of cases, during elaboration of classic alimentary CRs and did not reproduce it at elaboration of classic defensive CRs. The reproduction of the signal motor reaction at LH electrostimulation is connected with activation of backward conditioned connection from motivation structures of the hypothalamus to representation of the signal stimulus in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

The effect of 5-oxytryptophane (5-OT) and of parachlor-phenylalanine (pCPA) on the behaviouristic EEG manifestations of metrazol convulsions in electrostimulation and destruction of the striatum was studied. The effect of the preparations on the myoclonia and the spike-wave rhythm caused by metrazol did not largely depend on the functional condition of the corpus striatum. The capacity of 5-OT to facilitate, and of pCPA to aggravate the course of generalized convulsions and of the postconvulsive state became enhanced in stimulation and was eliminated after the destruction of the striatum.  相似文献   

The changes in the serotonin (5-OT) and noradrenaline (NA) content in the brain of rats taught on the emotionally-positive (food) and emotionally-negative (pain) reinforcement were compared. The process of animal learning was accompanied by increase in the biogenic amine level. But when the teaching was conducted on the emotionally-positive reinforcement there was a greater increase in the 5-OT and NA level than in the case of the emotionally negative reinforcement. The process of animal teaching on food reinforcement was accompanied by an elevation of 5-OT chiefly in the cerebral cortex which apparently reflected the active functioning of the 5-OT system. An intensification of the NA system occurred in teaching the animals in the defence situation. A conclusion was thus drawn that the character of the changes in the biogenic amine level in the brain during learning depended on the emotions experienced by the animal (the emotional reinforcement utilized).  相似文献   

Influence was studied of dalargin--synthetic analogue of enkephalin administered in early postnatal period to young rats with intrauterine ethanol injection, on their behaviour and conditioned activity. Parameters were established of spontaneous motor activity, behaviour in the open field, acquisition and preservation of conditioned reflexes of passive and active avoidance in experimental and intact rats, injected with dalargin. A reduction of sensitivity to corasol convulsive effect was observed under the influence of dalargin.  相似文献   

The influence of increasing electrodermal stimulation (EDS) on the dynamics of the somatovegetative reactions evoked by electrical stimulation of negative emotiogenic regions of the hypothalamus was studied. EDS produced a blocking effect on the somatovegetative reactions evoked by stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). Pretreatment with naloxone prevented the effects of EDS. Injection of beta-endorphine in a dose of 10 micrograms to the lateral ventricules of the animal brain also blocked the somatovegetative reactions during VMH stimulation. Injection of beta-endorphine in doses of 50-100 micrograms enhanced and prolonged the somatovegetative reactions evoked by VMH stimulation. Elevated arterial blood pressure, pronounced bradycardia, extrasystoles, muscle tremor, and pathologic respiration were recorded. These disorders were completely reversed by EDS. It is assumed that both opiate peptides and their receptors are involved in the mechanism of the somatovegetative reactions evoked by VMH stimulation, experiencing the influence of EDS.  相似文献   

The influence of scopolamine on elaboration and maintenance of conditioned reflexes of two-way avoidance was studied in rats under conditions of excess and deficit of serotonin in the brain. Administration of scopolamine to intact rats accelerated conditioning and did not prevent fixation of the reflex. Administration of scopolamine to animals with a lowered level of serotonin in the brain (by means of para-chlorophenylalanine) impaired conditioning and induced amnesia. In animals with ablated raphe nuclei, the same dose of scopolamine did not prevent elaboration and maintenance of conditioned reflexes. Accumulation of scopolamine in the brain by means of 5-oxytryptophan abolished acceleration of conditioning, which is specific for scopolamine, and affected the preservation of the reflexes. Against the background of the action of iprozid, scopolamine impaired the conditioning and tended to deteriorate the maintenance of conditioned reflexes. It is assumed that the serotoninergic system exerts a modulating influence on the activity of the brain cholinergic and cholinoreactive mechanisms.  相似文献   

With the use of "isotopic method" a study was made of the main parameters of functional activity of serotoninergic elements of hypothalamus--the specific uptake and release of 5-OT. The animals used were sexually mature rats castrated on the first postnatal day. In sexually mature intact males the specific uptake of 3H-5-OT by serotoninergic structures of the anterior hypothalamus was significantly lower than in females. Castration of animals on the first day of life resulted in the increase of specific 5-OT uptake in sexually mature males up to that observed in females. There were no differences between the sexes in the rate of spontaneous release of 5-OT. However, response to K(+)-depolarization in the anterior hypothalamus of intact males was significantly lower than that in females. In the hypothalamus of males castrated neonatally the amplitude of the response to the effect of the depolarizing agent was increase up to the level observed in females. By the results obtained it is indicated that elimination of the effect of male hormones on the first postnatal day results in the increase of 5-OT uptake and release in the hypothalamus of sexually mature rat males.  相似文献   

The influence was studied of 15-days stressing on the appearance of stable neurosis-like state of rats lines, selected by the excitability of the nervous system. Unconditioned and conditioned components of behaviour were tested: pain sensitivity, behaviour in the open field, level of "anxiety", passive and active defensive avoidance. Differential reactivity was shown of the rats lines to prolonged stressing, depending on the genetically determined level of the nervous system functional state. Interlinear differences in dynamics of the development of neurosis-like state were established.  相似文献   

The experiments on white rats with induced myocardial infarction have studied the influence of dalargin on the infarction size and peri-infarction zone ultrastructure. 24 hours later the decrease in the infarction zone size was detected in rats who had received dalargin in a dose of 50 and 100 micrograms/kg. In the peri-infarction zone the increase in glycogen quantity, the lower degree of lipid infiltration, the increase in mitochondrial number and mitochondrial energy effectiveness coefficient were noted, as compared to control animals. Sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes from the peri-infarction zone in rats on dalargin was impermeable for colloidal lanthanum. The decrease in the infarction size under the effect of dalargin is explained by its influence on the survival of cardiomyocytes in the peri-infarction zone.  相似文献   

A study was made of functional maturity of the terminal part of serotoninergic system of rat hypothalamus in perinatal period: the maturity was estimated by the ability to release serotonin. The release of specifically taken up serotonin (3H-5-OT) by the tissue of hypothalamus of 16-20-day-old rat fetuses, 8-9-day males and adult males was studied in the perfusion system. Spontaneous release of the labelled amine was recorded in the earliest studied period--on the 16th day of the prenatal period, but the response to K+ depolarization was absent at this time. For the first time the increase of the rate of 3H-5-OT release in response to depolarization was noted on the 17th day of development. In the absence of Ca2+ depolarizing stimulus produced no increase in the release of the labelled product. Similar results were obtained with perfusion of fetal hypothalamus on the 18t hand 20th days of development. In neonatal animals the release of 5-OT in response to depolarization was equal to that in adults. The data obtained point to a possible functioning of serotoninergic elements of hypothalamus in the perinatal period in rats.  相似文献   

Short-term (90 s) effects of the complex acoustic signal (CAS) with ultrasonic components on the development of defensive conditioned reflex of two-way active avoidance in a shuttle-box were studied in female Wistar rats. The learning ability of rats was measured on a scale designed in our laboratory. It was shown that CAS stimulation triggered an audiogenic seizure of different strength in 59% of animals. The CAS was extremely stressful for Wistar rats: it prevented the active avoidance learning in early terms after its application (the first training session in 4 or 6 days). This effect did not depend on the presence or intensity of audiogenic seizures during CAS. In the second training session in 9 days (the first session was in 4 days), learning was impaired as compared to control without CAS. However, during repeated training procedure 1.5 months after the CAS (the first session in 6 days), rats rapidly reached the criterion of learning (10 consecutive avoidance reactions). On the other hand, if the CAS was presented with different time lags (immediately, in 3 or in 45 days) after the first training session, the ability of animals to learn during the second session was not impaired both in early and late terms after exposure to the stressor. The results suggest that exposure to CAS prevents development of short-term memory but does not affect consolidation process and long-term memory.  相似文献   

The dynamics of using a stabilized motor defensive conditioned reflex of active avoidance in "shuttle-box" in rats after the total influence of high energy electrons and gamma-rays at a dose of 100 Gy and a modifying influence of the two most important factors forming the functional status of the central nervous system: the stage of the conditioned reflex consolidation and typological peculiarities of the higher nervous activity have been investigated. The influence of both types of ionizing radiation has been shown to cause far more profound disturbances of non consolidated conditioned reflexes in comparison with the automatized conditioned reflexes and provoke an inverted picture of disturbances in the animals with opposed peculiarities of the higher nervous activity. The qualitative picture of the dynamics of disturbances that are caused by these types of radiation is identical. In summary, the studied conditions that form the functional status of the central nervous system determine the nature of neuroradiation syndrome to a greater extent than differences in the effectiveness of these types of radiation.  相似文献   

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