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We analysed the polygynous mating system of the bat Saccopteryx bilineata using behaviour observations and genetic data on 11 microsatellite DNA loci. Basic social units in S. bilineata are harem groups that consist of single males and up to eight females. Colonies comprise several harem groups, and the composition of colonies and harems is often stable over several reproductive seasons. The combination of parentage exclusion and likelihood-based parentage assignment in this study produced detailed parentage information for a large colony of S. bilineata. Reproduction occurred mostly within the colony (17% extra-colony paternity), but social associations in harems within the colony did not represent reproductive units (70% extra-harem paternity). The latter finding was consistent over three reproductive seasons. Spatial association of the roosting sites of males and females could not explain parentage patterns in the colony. Even though intra-harem paternity was less frequent than expected, it contributed significantly to reproduction of harem males. On average, the number of offspring sired by a male with females in his harem territory increased significantly with harem size, which corresponds to the higher energetic investment that is related to the maintenance of large harems. However, extra-harem paternity was not correlated with a male's harem size or intra-harem reproductive success. This suggests that individual preferences of females rather than male traits associated with the ability to defend large harems are most likely to cause the detected differences between social association and genetic mating system.  相似文献   

Defense of territories in many animal species involves the advertisementof territory holder quality by acoustic signaling. In the sac-wingedbat Saccopteryx bilineata, males engage in territorial countersingingwhen reoccupying their day-roost territories in the morningand in the evening before abandoning the roost for the night.Females roost mainly in male territories, and territory holdersare reproductively more successful than nonterritorial males.In territorial songs of male S. bilineata, we distinguished6 syllable types and parameterized their acoustic properties.The analysis of 11 microsatellite loci allowed assignments ofjuveniles to their parents. Males had a higher reproductivesuccess both when they uttered more territorial songs per dayand when their long buzz syllables had a lower end frequencyof the fundamental harmonic. Long buzzes had a harsh qualitydue to a pulsation of the fundamental frequency at the syllableonset and also had the highest sound pressure level of all syllabletypes in most territorial songs. Territorial songs and especiallylong buzz syllables are thus likely to advertise territory holderquality and competitive ability.  相似文献   

The use of alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) is widespread in animals. Males of some species may change tactics depending on age, body condition and social environment. Many bat species are polygynous where a fraction of males only have access to fertile females. For polygynous bats, knowledge of the reproductive success of males using different ARTs is scarce, and it remains unclear how age of males is related to switching decisions between social statuses. We studied a large captive population of Carollia perspicillata, where males are either harem holders, bachelors or peripheral males. Using a multistate procedure, we modelled the age‐related switches in reproductive tactics and in survival probability. From the model, we calculated the reproductive success and the frequencies of males displaying different reproductive tactics. As in mammals, the switch between social statuses is often related to age, we predicted that the transition probability of bachelor and peripheral males to harem status would increase with age. We show, however, that social status transition towards a harem holding position was not related to age. Reproductive success changed with age and social status. Harem males had a significantly higher reproductive success than bachelor males except between a short period from 3.8 to 4.4 years of age where success was similar, and a significantly higher reproductive success than peripheral males between 2.6 and 4.4 years of age. Harem males showed a clear decrease in the probability of maintaining social status with age, which suggests that senescence reduces resource holding potential.  相似文献   

Studies using molecular markers have shown that some grey seal males may be gaining success through exhibiting alternative mating tactics. We estimated the probability of fertilization success of grey seal males exhibiting the primary tactic of female defence and one alternative tactic of mating with departing females on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, during the breeding seasons of 1997-2002. Although the fertilization rate of the primary tactic (27-43%) was greater than that of the alternative tactic (10-12%), these low rates indicate the potential fitness value of alternative mating tactics in this size-dimorphic pinniped species.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts competitive males and choosy females. Nevertheless, since molecular marker‐based studies, paternity outside the expected mating patterns has increasingly been described. Even in highly polygynous systems, where paternity is expected to be strongly skewed towards large, dominant males, alternative mating tactics have been suggested. We examined reproductive success in the polygynous Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki). Semiaquatic territoriality allows females to move freely and may lower the degree of polygyny otherwise suggested by both territorial behaviour and strong sexual dimorphism. We assigned paternities with 22 microsatellites and analysed how male reproductive success was related to size, dominance status, intra‐sexual agonistic behaviour, proximity to females, and attendance in the colony. Male behaviour was consistent across two seasons for all parameters under consideration. Attendance was by far the most important determinant of paternal success. Skew in reproductive success towards large, dominant males was weak and dominance status played no role. This appears to be caused by an extremely long reproductive season lasting five or more months, making it difficult for any male to monopolize receptive females. Females seem to choose displaying males that were present in the colony for a long time rather than dominance per se. Sexual dimorphism in Galápagos sea lions may thus be more influenced by selection for fasting than fighting ability. Our data provide further evidence for alternative mating tactics, as several males gained relatively high reproductive success despite short attendance and hardly any involvement in agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

Based on cross-sectional and longitudinal data collected in 1967–1988 by various observers, male reproductive success was studied in the Hanuman langurs of Jodhpur, India. The harem-structured social organization ensures a high degree of paternity certainty. Births occur throughout the year, with significant peaks and minima in March and November, respectively (n =398).The interbirth interval averages 16.7 months (n = 114).The duration of harem residencies varies between 3 days and ≥ 74.0 months, with a mean of 26.5 (n = 64). Harem holder replacements occur during all months of the year. No male achieves residency in more than one troop, suggesting that residency is associated with a distinct peak in the resource holding potential of a given male. Reproductive success among males varies considerably. Male mortality is high due to migration and intrasexual competition, leading to an adult sex ratio of 1:4.9. It is estimated that one-quarter of all adult males will never gain harem residency. Conceptions achieved outside harem residencies are so rare (4.7%) that a viable low-risk strategy, opting for longevity instead of harem residency, is unlikely. Tenure length has a stronger influence on male reproductive success than harem size because interbirth intervals are significantly shorter in small harems than in larger ones. It is assumed that females in one-male breeding structures compete for sperm and that such competition is more intense in larger harems.  相似文献   

Female age: Male preference and reproductive success in primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey of the literature on male sexual preferences according to the age of the female partner supported the hypothesis that adult males should prefer older females of higher parity. Reproductive success was also surveyed by age and parity, and younger females of lower parity were universally found to have lower success than older females of higher parity. This appears to be true for either age or parity independently, as well as in combination. These findings are discussed and applied to human societies, where similar trends would be expected.  相似文献   

Harbour seals sometimes breed along inland travel corridors where females become clustered in space and time and males establish underwater acoustic display territories similar to terrestrial arenas known as resource-based leks. Under these conditions, we predicted that higher levels of polygyny would be observed than has been previously reported for this species mating in open coast environments without travel corridors. Reproductive success (RS) of 70 males was measured using 20 microsatellite DNA loci and likelihood-based paternity analysis of 136 offspring collected over 3 years. Most males were assigned either zero or one paternity with 80% confidence. The greatest number of pups assigned to one male in a season was two. Variance in RS was higher for males than females (which are biologically limited to one offspring per year) indicating low to mild polygyny. In addition, distributions of relatedness values among pups within year classes did not differ significantly from a simulated distribution with R = 0, indicating that half-siblings were uncommon. Overall, polygyny levels were low relative to terrestrial pinniped mating systems and similar to observations from a harbour seal population along an open coast. Due to large confidence intervals associated with our results, we cannot rule out the hypothesis that a travel corridor might increase the degree of polygyny skew relative to that observed in open coast environments. Habitat appeared to influence male strategies as the most successful males in open coast environments patrolled offshore, while the most successful male in this study defended a territory along the travel corridor.  相似文献   

Sand lizard Lacerta agilis females characteristically mate with several males which, in staged mating experiments, results in multiple paternity of the offspring. In order to investigate multiple paternity in a natural population and interpret male reproductive behaviours in terms of sired young, we sampled the blood of females, potential fathers and hatchlings, and determined paternity using multilocus DNA fingerprinting as well as the variation at a single locus detected by the probe (TC) n . The paternity analyses were preceded by a laboratory experiment in which we established that the parental alleles identified by the single locus probe were inherited in a Mendelian way. Our molecular data demonstrated that 12 out of 13 males (92%) that sired offspring were correctly identified from the 56 sexually mature males in the population. Also smaller males were accepted as sexual partners by the females, but sired fewer young in competition with larger males and were less able to maintain prolonged post-copulatory mate guarding. This may result in that some sexually successful males are only observed inside a female's home range, but never in pair-association with the female.  相似文献   

Newly produced queens from monogyne (single-queen) coloniesof the ant Solenopsis invicta usually initiate reproductionindependently, that is, without worker assistance. However,some recently mated queens attempt to bypass this risky phaseof new colony foundation by entering established nests to reproduce,although it is unclear how often these queens are successfulin natural populations. We surveyed a mature monogyne populationof S. invicta in both 1995 and 1996 for colonies headed by queensincapable of independent colony founding (diploid-male-producingqueens) in order to estimate the frequency of colonies thatare headed by queens that initiated reproduction within establishednests (adopted queens). Using the frequency of diploid-male-producingqueens among the recently mated queens in this population, weestimated that the overall rate of queen replacement by adoptedqueens is about 0.7% per colony per year. Although theory suggeststhat a change to a novel queen reproductive tactic could beassociated with a fundamental change in social organization(queen number), this does not appear to be the case in monogyneS. invicta. However, the evolution of nest-infiltrating reproductivetactics by queens in a monogyne population and the evolutionof multiple-queen societies may result from similar ecologicalpressures facing newly mated queens. We therefore incorporatethis strategy into an existing theoretical framework that wasdeveloped to explain the evolution of alternative social organizationsin ants, providing testable predictions regarding the distributionand frequency of queen adoption in other single-queen ant societies.  相似文献   

The Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico contains some of the largest breeding groups of the globally distributed and critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). An improved understanding of the breeding system of this species and how its genetic variation is structured among nesting areas is required before the threats to its survival can be properly evaluated. Here, we genotype 1195 hatchlings and 41 nesting females at 12 microsatellite loci to assess levels of multiple paternity, genetic variation and whether individual levels of homozygosity are associated with reproductive success. Of the 50 clutches analyzed, only 6% have multiple paternity. The distribution of pairwise relatedness among nesting localities (rookeries) was not random with elevated within‐rookery relatedness, and declining relatedness with geographic distance indicating some natal philopatry. Although there was no strong evidence that particular rookeries had lost allelic variation via drift, younger turtles had significantly lower levels of genetic variation than older turtles, suggesting some loss of genetic variation. At present there is no indication that levels of genetic variation are associated with measures of reproductive success such as clutch size, hatching success, and frequency of infertile eggs.  相似文献   

Competition for females generally results in some males adopting alternative reproductive tactics to acquire matings. For fish, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of these tactics are not well understood because of an inability to link directly the interactions of individuals on the breeding grounds with genetic data. This study combines behavioural observations with genetic estimates of male reproductive success within an intensively studied wild population of lacustrine brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Male brook trout exhibit a conditional reproductive strategy with small males adopting a peripheral position to that of larger dominant males in their proximity to spawning females. Parentage analysis of eggs collected from wild redds confirmed the reproductive success of individual males. Males relegated to peripheral positions during spawning participated frequently in spawning events, but in most cases the first male to spawn was the sole contributor, and no more than two males contributed successfully to a single brood. While behavioural observations of salmonines suggests that reproduction is partitioned among males in a manner dependent upon body size and proximity to spawning females, the genetic evidence from this study suggests a more limited distribution of reproductive success in the field. The genetic contributions of male brook trout are highly skewed towards larger males for this population. A review of the salmonine literature suggests little difference in individual reproductive success for males exhibiting size-related tactics within a conditional mating strategy vs. precocial maturation. Collectively, these genetic studies provide new insights on the evolution of alternative life histories among salmonines.  相似文献   

Male common shrews (Sorex araneus) adopt two discrete matingtactics. The most successful males, in terms of number of offspringfathered, are those that establish large overlapping home rangesin areas of high female density early in the breeding season.An alternative, less successful mating tactic is to travel longdistances in search of mating opportunities. This study is aninvestigation of correlates of reproductive success for malesadopting these different mating tactics. Reproductive successunder natural conditions was assessed using DNA fingerprinting,and survival of offspring was monitored in the field. The numberof offspring fathered by males with overlapping home rangeswas positively correlated with the number of female ranges overlappedduring the breeding season and with testes mass. The numberof offspring fathered by males that made long-distance movementswas positively correlated with their epididymal sperm counts.It is argued that competitively superior (overlapping) malesachieve high reproductive success by competing to maximize thenumber of females inseminated, whereas those adopting an alternativemating tactic instead compete largely via sperm competition,aiming to maximize insemination success with any particularfemale. There was no significant difference in the fluctuatingasymmetry (FA) of males adopting different mating tactics (FAwas measured as the difference in length of the paired lateralscent glands). Fluctuating asymmetry was not related to thenumber of offspring fathered by males adopting either matingtactic, but was significantly correlated with the proportionof male offspring fathered that survived to sexual maturity.Although apparently not correlated with mating success in thisspecies, FA may reflect some aspect of genetic quality thataffects offspring survival. [Behav Ecol 7: 334–340 (1996)]  相似文献   

The ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua) is the only coati species in which social groups contain an adult male year round, although most males live solitarily. We compared reproductive success of group living and solitary adult male coatis to determine the degree to which sociality affects reproductive success. Coati mating is highly seasonal and groups of female coatis come into oestrus during the same 1-2 week period. During the mating season, solitary adult males followed groups and fought with the group living male. This aggression was presumably to gain access to receptive females. We expected that high reproductive synchrony would make it difficult or impossible for the one group living male to monopolize and defend the group of oestrous females. However, we found that group living males sired between 67-91% of the offspring in their groups. This reproductive monopolization is much higher than other species of mammals with comparably short mating seasons. Clearly, living in a group greatly enhanced a male's reproductive success. At the same time, at least 50% of coati litters contained offspring sired by extra-group males (usually only one offspring per litter); thus, resident males could not prevent extra-group matings. The resident male's reproductive advantage may reflect female preference for a resident male strong enough to fend off competing males.  相似文献   

Understanding causes of variation in promiscuity within populations remain a major challenge. While most studies have focused on quantifying fitness costs and benefits of promiscuous behaviour, an alternative possibility--that variation in promiscuity within populations is maintained because of linkage with other traits-has received little attention. Here, we examine whether promiscuity in male and female great tits (Parus major)--quantified as extra-pair paternity (EPP) within and between nests--is associated with variation in a well-documented personality trait: exploration behaviour in a novel environment. Exploration behaviour has been shown to correlate with activity levels, risk-taking and boldness, and these are behaviours that may plausibly influence EPP. Exploration behaviour correlated positively with paternity gained outside the social pair among males in our population, but there was also a negative correlation with paternity in the social nest. Hence, while variation in male personality predicted the relative importance of paternity gain within and outside the pair bond, total paternity gained was unrelated to exploration behaviour. We found evidence that males paired with bold females were more likely to sire extra-pair young. Our data thus demonstrate a link between personality and promiscuity, with no net effects on reproductive success, suggesting personality-dependent mating tactics, in contrast with traditional adaptive explanations for promiscuity.  相似文献   

Parentage analyses of baleen whales are rare, and although mating systems have been hypothesized for some species, little data on realized male reproductive success are available and the patterns of male reproductive success have remained elusive for most species. Here we combine over 20 years of photo-identification data with high-resolution genetic data for the majority of individual North Atlantic right whales to assess paternity in this endangered species. There was significant skew in male reproductive success compared to what would be expected if mating was random (P < 0.001). The difference was due to an excess of males assigned zero paternities, a deficiency of males assigned one paternity, and an excess of males assigned as fathers for multiple calves. The variance in male reproductive success was high relative to other aquatically mating marine mammals, but was low relative to mammals where the mating system is based on resource- and/or mate-defence polygyny. These results are consistent with previous data suggesting that the right whale mating system represents one of the most intense examples of sperm competition in mammals, but that sperm competition on its own does not allow for the same degree of polygyny as systems where males can control access to resources and/or mates. The age distribution of assigned fathers was significantly biased towards older males (P < 0.05), with males not obtaining their first paternity until approximately 15 years of age, which is almost twice the average age of first fertilization in females (8 years), suggesting that mate competition is preventing younger males from reproducing. The uneven distribution of paternities results in a lower effective population size in this species that already has one of the lowest reported levels of genetic diversity, which may further inhibit reproductive success through mate incompatibility of genetically similar individuals.  相似文献   

Male bimaturism and reproductive success in Sumatran orang-utans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although orang-utans live solitary lives most of the time, theyhave a complex social structure and are characterized by extremesexual dimorphism. However, whereas some adult male orang-utansdevelop full secondary sexual characteristics, such as cheekflanges, others may stay in an "arrested" unflanged conditionfor up to 20 years after reaching sexual maturity. The resultis a marked bimaturism among adult males. Flanged males allowfemales to overlap with their home range and often toleratethe presence of unflanged males. However, wherever possibleflanged males actively prevent unflanged males from copulatingwith females. Two competing hypotheses, previously untested,have been advanced to explain male reproductive behavior andbimaturism in orang-utans: (1) the "range-guardian" hypothesis,which asserts that the flanged males are postreproductive anddefend a range in which they tolerate sexually active, unflangedmale relatives; and (2) the "female choice" hypothesis, whichasserts that flanged males tolerate unflanged males in their range because they rely on female preference to favor flangedmales. We investigated these hypotheses and a third hypothesisthat the two male morphs represent co-existing alternativemale reproductive strategies ("sitting, calling, and waiting"for flanged males versus "going, searching, and finding" forunflanged males). Fecal samples were collected from a well-studiedpopulation in Indonesia, and eight human microsatellites wereanalyzed for 30 individuals that have been behaviorally monitoredfor up to 27 years. By carrying out paternity analysis on 11offspring born over 15 years, we found that unflanged malesfathered about half (6) of the offspring. Relatedness betweensuccessful unflanged males and resident dominant males wassignificantly lower than 0.5, and for some unflanged/flangedmale pairs, relatedness values were negative, indicating thatunflanged males are not offspring of the flanged males.  相似文献   

Male trait distribution determined alternative mating tactics in guppies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of the percentage of the body of male guppies Poecilia reticulata covered with orange coloration influenced alternative mating tactics. At 15% mean coverage, male guppies interfered with other courting males more and engaged in courtship activities longer than males with 10% mean coverage. When males were tested in a situation with a wide variety of male types, males switched among females less frequently than when the variance among males was low.  相似文献   

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