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The W-chromosome of the budgerigar,Melopsittacus undulatus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The budgerigar is a representative of the parrot-like birds that, like song birds, have developed complex communication signals. This species is interesting in a psychoacoustic sense, in that it shows unusually good frequency discriminative abilities above about 1 kHz. To begin to understand whether the peripheral hearing organ plays a role in such specializations, we have carried out a quantitative study of the fine anatomy of the basilar papilla and compared it to data from other avian species. The budgerigar basilar papilla is about 2.5 mm long in the living animal and contains about 5,400 hair cells. The hair cells of the papilla show regional specializations similar to those found in other birds and are described from scanning electron microscopic and light microscopic studies. Regiona changes in the basilar papilla, and in the basilar and tectorial membranes are described from light microscopic data. As noted for other avian species, the constellation of morphologic features found in the budgerigar is unique. In general, the hair cell patterns of the budgerigar papilla showed fewer specializations than found in, e.g., a songbird, the starling, but more than seen in a primitive land bird, e.g., the pigeon. There were no features that were obviously related to the unusal psychoacoustic performance of this species. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus, belongs to a group of birds that are among the most common captive‐held avian species that are also most threatened. Budgies are also a valuable resource as model species for many important vertebrate characteristics including auditory and ageing. Several microsatellite‐enriched genomic libraries were developed using standard protocols. Twelve of 20 primer pairs developed from microsatellite‐containing sequences were codominant and polymorphic when tested on 21 birds from three different states. The number of alleles detected ranged from two to four, with the expected and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.09 to 0.61 and from 0.00 to 0.85, respectively. The genomic libraries and the primers described here will be useful in characterizing budgies.  相似文献   

We report a morphological and biochemical analysis on the presence, distribution and quantification of vasotocin in the hypothalamus and limbic region of the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus, using immunohistochemistry on serial sections and competitive enzyme linked immunoadsorbent assay measurements on tissue extracts. Analysis of the sections showed large vasotocin-immunoreactive neurons in three main regions of the diencephalon, of both male and female specimens. Vasotocinergic cell bodies were located in the ventral and lateral areas of the hypothalamus, dorsal to the lateral thalamus and medial to the nucleus geniculatus lateralis. Immunoreactive neurons were placed also periventricularly, close to the walls of the third ventricle, at the level of the magnocellular paraventricular nucleus. Well evident bundles of immunoreactive fibers were placed ventral to the anterior commissure in the same regions of the hypothalamus and thalamus where vasotocinergic perikarya are localized. Fibers were identified close to the third ventricle, and in the lateral hypothalamic area along the lateral forebrain bundle. In contrast to what reported for other oscine and non-oscine avian species, we were not able to identify immunopositive neurons in any region above the anterior commissure, or detect relevant differences on the distribution of the vasotocin immmunoreactivity between sexes. Competitive enzyme linked immunoadsorption assay and image analysis of the extension of immunoreactivity in the tissue sections were consistent with the qualitative observations and indicated that there is no statistically significant dimorphism in the content of vasotocin or in the location and distribution of vasotocinergic elements in the investigated areas of male and female parrot brains.  相似文献   

As in many parrots, the plumage of the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus reflects near-ultraviolet (UVA) wavelengths (300-400 nm) and exhibits UVA-induced fluorescence. However, there have, to our knowledge, been no tests of whether the yellow fluorescence observed under intense UVA illumination has any role in signalling. Four experiments were carried out on wild-type budgerigars, where the presence and absence of UV reflectance and fluorescence were manipulated using filters. Few studies have attempted to separate the contribution of UV reflectance to plumage hue as opposed to brightness or distinguish between a role in sexual as opposed to social preferences. However, our first experiments show that not only do females consistently prefer UV-reflecting males, but also that the observed preferences are due to removal of UV affecting the perceived hue rather than brightness. Furthermore, we found no effect of the light environment on male response to females, suggesting that the female preferences relate to plumage colour per se. Whilst UV reflectance appears important in heterosexual choice by females, it has no detectable influence on same-sex association preferences. The results from the second series of experiments suggest that enhancement of the budgerigar's yellow coloration through fluorescence has no effect on male attractiveness. However, the fluorescent plumage may play a role in signalling by virtue of the fact that it absorbs UVA and so increases contrast with nearby UV-reflecting plumage. Our study provides convincing evidence that UV reflectances can play a role in mate choice in non-passerines, but no evidence that the yellow fluorescence observed under UVA illumination is itself important as a signal.  相似文献   

Cui J  Holmes EC 《Journal of virology》2012,86(14):7688-7691
Endogenous hepadnaviruses (hepatitis B viruses [HBVs]) were recently discovered in the genomes of passerine birds. We mined six additional avian genomes and discovered multiple copies of endogenous HBVs in the budgerigar (order Psittaciformes), designated eBHBV. A phylogenetic analysis reveals that the endogenous hepadnaviruses are more diverse than their exogenous counterparts and that the endogenous and exogenous hepadnaviruses form distinct lineages even when sampled from the same avian order, indicative of multiple genomic integration events.  相似文献   

By comparing in-vivo and in-vitro investigations the transport protein of thyroxine in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) was determined. Electrophoretic and auto-radiographic methods were applied. Both investigations show the alpha-globulin to be a thyroxine-binding protein. The contradictions to other investigators are discussed. The experimental animal as an endocrinological model of the thyroid for questions of human medicine is recommended.  相似文献   

The normal microscopic and submicroscopic structure of the lower respiratory tract of the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) is described and compared with other birds and mammals. Granular (type II) pneumocytes are confined to linings of air sacs, parabronchi, and their atria; however, their secretions (surfactant) cover the surfaces of the infundibula and respiratory space. Infundibula extend from the atria and give rise to the air capillaries, which branch and anastomose freely with those of adjacent infundibula and other parabronchi (interparabronchial septa are not found). Infundibula and the respiratory labyrinth are lined by a continuous epithelium of squamous pneumocytes, whose perikarya are concentrated in the infundibula and whose peripheral cytoplasm is markedly attenuated. The squamous pneumocytes of the respiratory labyrinth share a basal lamina with the blood capillaries that they envelop.  相似文献   

Individual budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) were taught to detect narrow bands of wavelengths under ambient illumination of known spectral composition. Because the cone pigments of this species of bird have been identified and data on carotenoid absorbance present in the cone oil droplets are available, predictions of the Vorobyev-Osorio equations can be calculated with reasonable confidence. Based on more than 27,600 individual choices made by several birds at 10 wavelengths, the photopic sensitivity (i.e., color thresholds) of these birds is found to be consistent with the hypothesis that threshold discrimination of colored targets is limited by receptor noise and that high sensitivity to near-ultraviolet wavelengths is in harmony with the relatively small number of ultraviolet cones present in the retina. The pronounced fine structure of the sensitivity spectrum is caused by the absorption of cone oil droplets. Under natural sunlight, containing more energy in the near-ultraviolet than is present in artificial indoor lighting, the birds' peak of sensitivity in the ultraviolet should be much less prominent than it is in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) to graded doses of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts was studied. Sixteen budgerigars were divided into 4 groups (A-D) of 4 each. Birds in groups A-C were fed 100,000, 1,000, or 100 infective oocysts of the VEG strain of T. gondii, respectively. Budgerigars in group D were not fed oocysts and served as controls. All 4 birds in group A died (or were killed) because of acute severe enteritis 5 or 6 days after feeding oocysts (DAFO). Three of the 4 birds in group B were killed (or died) because of toxoplasmosis 9 or 14 DAFO. One budgerigar in group C and the 4 budgerigars in group D remained healthy and were killed 35 or 39 DAFO. Toxoplasma gondii was demonstrated in tissues of all budgerigars fed oocysts. The control budgerigars remained clinically normal and showed no evidence of T. gondii exposure. These results indicate that, compared to other passerines, budgerigars are relatively resistant to clinical toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

Sarcocysts in cardiac and skeletal muscles of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) were examined transmission electron microscopically 5 to 168 days after experimental infection with Sarcocystis falcatula. The ultrastructure of the primary cyst wall, amorphous substance, metrocytes and bradyzoites in developing, degenerating and mature sarcocysts is described and compared with precystic merozoites studied previously. Sufficient morphologic differences between precystic merozoites, metrocytes and bradyzoites (cystozoites) were found which seem to justify their semantic differentiation. Significant differences in immature and mature primary cyst wall morphology were encountered. If primary cyst wall morphology is to be used in determination and differentiation of species of Sarcocystis, then caution must be used to employ only mature sarcocysts.  相似文献   

Forty-four budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) were administered sporocysts of Sarcocystis falcatula orally and were examined at necropsy intervals from less than 12 hr to 168 days. Tissue were examined by touch preparations (of organ cut surfaces), light microscopy, and electron microscopy. Meront and cyst burdens were determined in various organs and correlated with duration of infection, inoculum, and the meront or cyst burdens of other organs. Host inflammatory tissue reactions were quantitated and correlated with meront and cyst burdens. Quantitation of meronts was more accurate in tissue sections than in touch preparations, but quantitation of merozoites was better in touch preparations. More than 97% of meronts were found in capillary, venular, and venous endothelial cells. Cysts were found only in cardiac and skeletal myocytes. Merogony began in the lamina propria of the small intestine less than 12 hr postinoculation (PI). Meronts were in liver and lung by the second day PI and in other organs by 3-7 days PI. Mean meront burdens were highest in lung (33 meronts/mm2), lower in liver and kidney (1-3 meronts/mm2), and infrequent in other organs (less than 0.9 meronts/mm2). Cysts were first seen in cardiac myocytes 7 days PI. They developed through the metrocyte stage and then degenerated, rarely reaching maturity. Cysts were first noted in skeletal muscle at 8 days PI. In leg, upper esophagus, and tongue, cysts matured between 44 and 77 days PI. In pectoral muscles, the majority of cysts degenerated during the late metrocyte and early intermediate stages (28-42 days PI). In addition to a previously reported and often fatal acute interstitial pneumonitis, S. falcatula-infected budgerigars also sustained a chronic active hepatitis, interstitial myocarditis, myositis, nephritis, splenitis, and encephalitis. These lesions weakly correlated with meront burdens in most sites during early infection (up to 50 days PI).  相似文献   

Summary Parakeets were tested for the ability to detect sinusoidal amplitude modulation of broad band noise. Instrumental avoidance conditioning and a psychophysical modified method of limits procedure were used to measure the threshold for detecting amplitude modulation at 10 modulation frequencies between 2 and 2,048 Hz. Below about 40 Hz, modulation threshold is independent of modulation rate and noise level. Above 40 Hz, modulation threshold decreases with modulation frequency at the rate of 3 dB/ octave. These results are somewhat different from amplitude modulation functions in humans suggesting different degrees of temporal resolving power in birds and humans. Thresholds for changes in modulation rate are 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than pure tone frequency difference limens.We thank Frank Cusimano, Ann Huessener, Susan Peters, Roberta Pickert, Bill Searcy, Ken Yasukawa and Tim DeVoogd for participating as subjects, and Dick Fay for providing critical comments. This research was supported by grant No. PHS MH31165 from the National Institute of Mental Health to the first author.  相似文献   



While considerable scientific effort has been devoted to studying how birds navigate over long distances, relatively little is known about how targets are detected, obstacles are avoided and smooth landings are orchestrated. Here we examine how visual features in the environment, such as contrasting edges, determine where a bird will land.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Landing in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) was investigated by training them to fly from a perch to a feeder, and video-filming their landings. The feeder was placed on a grey disc that produced a contrasting edge against a uniformly blue background. We found that the birds tended to land primarily at the edge of the disc and walk to the feeder, even though the feeder was in the middle of the disc. This suggests that the birds were using the visual contrast at the boundary of the disc to target their landings. When the grey level of the disc was varied systematically, whilst keeping the blue background constant, there was one intermediate grey level at which the budgerigar''s preference for the disc boundary disappeared. The budgerigars then landed randomly all over the test surface. Even though this disc is (for humans) clearly distinguishable from the blue background, it offers very little contrast against the background, in the red and green regions of the spectrum.


We conclude that budgerigars use visual edges to target and guide landings. Calculations of photoreceptor excitation reveal that edge detection in landing budgerigars is performed by a color-blind luminance channel that sums the signals from the red and green photoreceptors, or, alternatively, receives input from the red double-cones. This finding has close parallels to vision in honeybees and primates, where edge detection and motion perception are also largely color-blind.  相似文献   

Seminal plasma composition was studied in budgerigars. Semen was obtained from adult male budgerigars by applying gentle pressure to both sides of the cloaca. Pooled samples were centrifuged at 15,000 g for 2 min, and the seminal plasma separated for biochemical analysis. Osmolality, Na+, K+, Cl-, pH, glucose and fructose values were determined. The biochemical composition of budgerigar seminal plasma obtained in this study was: Osmolality 329.9 +/- 14.5 mOs/kg; Na+ 158.6 +/- 8.4 mEq/l; K+ 16.39 +/- 6.24 mEq/l; Cl- 109.2 +/- 7.4 mEq/l; pH 8.20 +/- 0.18 glucose 4.25 +/- 0.96 mmol/l; fructose 0.59 +/- 0.29 mmol/l. The results are discussed in relation to the values reported for the domestic fowl. This forms part of a reproductive biology study of non-domesticated avian species.  相似文献   

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