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Summary The ACTH-interrenal axis of the freshwater stickleback has been examined with the fish in a variety of physiological conditions. A morphometric analysis of ACTH cell ultrastructure in spring animals revealed that the only change from the winter condition was a significant decrease in the amount of perinuclear RER. The interrenal gland responded to metopirone treatment by an increase in both nuclear and cell size, although only a high dose of metopirone could degranulate the ACTH cells. Morphometry of the ACTH cells from metopirone-treated animals showed a significant increase in the amount of RER and a significant decrease in the number of free ribosomes and secretory granules, compared with control animals maintained in freshwater. Such ultrastructural changes may be expected of a cell that is stimulated to increase its secretion of polypeptide hormone. The ACTH-interrenal axis also responded to 70% seawater, as this treatment increased the interrenal cell and nuclear sizes.  相似文献   

Methyltestosterone (MT) (35 μg/l aquarium water) suppresses steroid production in the testes of sham-operated fish, as studied enzyme histochemically. This treatment also diminishes the volume of the proximal pars distalis, as well as the area of the gonadotropic (GTH) cell nuclei. Such effects were not found in MT-treated castrated fish. Castration alone led to a partial degranulation of the GTH-cells as compared with sham-operated controls. Extensively dilated granulated endoplasmic reticulum was found in the GTH-cells of some of the castrated animals and also in GTH-cells of some castrated fish that had been treated with MT. The possibility of a non-steroidal feedback mechanism from testes to pituitary is discussed. No effects of the treatments were observed on prolactin cells and on the second basophilic cell type (GTH II?, TSH?).  相似文献   

Summary The relative volume of the RPD region of the pituitary gland of Gasterosteus aculeatus form leiurus was greater in animals collected in the spring than in winter. A morphometric analysis of the prolactin cells from spring animals showed only slight changes in cell ultrastructure compared with winter animals. However, in spring the prolactin cells apparently formed and released more secretory granules. Three distinct sites for the release of secretory granules are described. A preliminary study of the response of prolactin cells from spring animals to 70% sea water did not reveal any large scale changes in cell ultrastructure. The significance of this finding is discussed. It is concluded that although the freshwater stickleback cannot be regarded as physiologically hypophysectomised: with regard to prolactin secretion in the winter, it still shows a seasonal change in prolactin cell ultrastructure.This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1973 and for which the author was in receipt of an S.R.C. studentship. My thanks are due to Dr. M.P. Ireland for his support and supervision throughout the course of the work.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal complex of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) was investigated by light and electron microscopy, as well as fluorescence histochemistry for demonstration of catecholamines and indolamines. The pineal complex of the stickleback consists of a pineal organ and a small parapineal organ situated on the left side of the pineal stalk. The pineal organ, including the entire stalk, is comprised mainly of ependymal-type interstitial cells and photoreceptor cells with well-developed outer segments. Both unmyelinated and myelinated nerve fibres are present in the pineal organ. Nerve tracts from the stalk enter the habenular and posterior commissures. A small bundle of nerve fibres connects the parapineal organ and the left habenular body. The presence of indolamines (5-HTP, 5-HT) was demonstrated in cell bodies of both the pineal body and the pineal stalk, and catecholaminergic nerve fibres surround the pineal complex.  相似文献   

Abstract Prolactin (LTH) and growth hormone (GH) containing cells in A. güldenstaedti have been localized by means of anti-ovine prolactin and anti-bovine growth hormone respectively, coupled indirectly to peroxidase, and localized histochemically with hydrogen peroxide as substrate and 3,3′-diaminobenzidine as capturing agent. The distribution of the anti-prolactin positive cells has been demonstrated and correlated histologically with the acidophilic cells both in the rostral and proximal pars distalis. This cell type is elongated and arranged in follicles in the rostral pars distalis; in the proximal pars distalis they are smaller and oval, without any special orientation. Neither of the other cell types which are scattered among these acidophils contain prolactin. The anti-bovine growth hormone positive cells are evenly distributed in the proximal pars distalis above the hypophysial cleft, and some are also found in the pars intermedia. The anti-GH positive cells have been correlated histologically with the amphiphilic cells in the proximal pars distalis. These cells are arranged in cell cords in close contact with the secondary capillary plexus, near its origin from the primary capillary plexus covering the median eminence.  相似文献   

Isolation from predators can lead to the reduction or loss of ancestral behavioral defenses in prey, but does not always do so. Predators introduced to populations that have experienced relaxed selection from some ancestral predators can favor the evolution of antipredator behavior that has been lost. We examined these possibilities by eliciting antipredator behavior in three populations of threespine stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus : an oceanic population thought to resemble the ancestral form, and two populations historically (up to 20 000 yr) devoid of piscine predators (relaxed selection), one of which has been stocked with salmonids for nearly 25 yr (reversed selection). We used three kinds of predator models: a sculpin (ambush predator), a rainbow trout (chasing predator), and an overhead silhouette of an arctic tern. Stickleback reacted differently to the three models, indicating that they distinguished among them. Individuals from all populations responded similarly to the tern model. The ancestral population showed the weakest response to the sculpin model despite being the only population that encounters these predators naturally. Stickleback from the trout-free population displayed slightly reduced responses to the trout model, and recovery times like those in the ancestral population providing only weak evidence for loss of the ancestral antipredator repertoire. Fish from the reverse-selected population exhibited fascinating, elevated responses to both the trout and sculpin models relative to the other two populations. These findings offer initial evidence of (1) a partial alteration of the ancestral behavioral repertoire during a long period of relaxed selection from piscine predators, and (2) rapid acquisition of extreme responses to piscine predators under reverse selection.  相似文献   

The toxicity of cadmium to sticklebacks was determined over a wide range of concentrations. The 96 h LC50 was found to be 6.5 mg Cd I−1. The shape of the time-concentration curve suggests that cadmium may have two toxic mechanisms. The median period of survival for fish infected with the plerocercoids of the cestode, Schistocephalus solidus , was found to be considerably shorter than for non-parasitized fish. This observation is considered in the light of the known effects of 5. solidus on its host.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on the thrce-spined stickleback provided predictive equations for the relationships between food consumption, faecal production and growth, and between respiration rate and body weight. These equations were used to estimate the energy income and expenditure at monthly intervals during the annual reproductive cycle of females of mean length from two populations. In winter only a small percentage of the energy income was invested in ovarian or somatic growth, and the latter was negative in some cases. Routine respiration and faecal losses accounted for a high proportion of the energy income. In spring a higher proportion of the energy income was partitioned into somatic and ovarian growth while routine respiration accounted for a smaller proportion of the energy income.  相似文献   

Summary Whole pituitary glands were autotransplanted into the tail musculature of intact sticklebacks similar in size to the donors. The structure of the grafted pituitaries and of the in situ glands in the recipient and sham-operated fish was examined. The prolactin-secreting cells, thyrotrophs and possibly the gonadotrophs showed signs of being under inhibitory hypothalamic control whereas the somatotrophs appeared to be more autonomous of hypothalamic influence. The pars intermedia and corticotrophs appeared to be dependent upon the hypothalamus for maintenance of functional acitvity.I am indebted to Drs. W. S. Hoar and T. J. Lam for their help during the period of this investigation and to Mr. L. Sharman for his technical assistance.The work was supported by a grant in aid of research from the National Research Council of Canada to Dr. W. S. Hoar.  相似文献   

Cadmium was found to be lethal to sticklebacks at all concentrations from 100.0 to 0.001 mg Cd 1–1, in water of 103–111 mg 1–1 hardness as CaCO3. The pattern of mortality as shown by the time-concentration curve suggests that toxicity is not due to a single mechanism but changes with concentration. Fish were found to accumulate cadmium, the whole body levels increasing from 0.90 μg/g fresh weight at 0.001 mg Cd 1–1 exposure concentration to 51.0 μg/g at 100 mg Cd 1–1. The concentration factor was shown to decrease with increasing exposure concentration from 0.51 at 100 mg Cd 1–1 to 511 at 0.001 mg Cd 1–1. The plerocercoid parasite Schistocephalus solidus in the host's perivisceral cavity contained less cadmium than the tissues of its host.  相似文献   

Daily increment formation was demonstrated in the sagittae of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosieus aculeatus L., under both laboratory and field conditions. The onset of daily increment formation coincided with the day of hatching. The main sources of inaccuracy in age determination resulted from difficulties in resolving narrow increments in the sagittae of fish held at low temperatures and the increasing incidence of checks with age. The advantage of daily increments for investigating growth in this species was demonstrated from a comparison between increment-derived age-at-length data and length-at-capture data, since the latter significantly under-estimated early growth rate within a population.  相似文献   

Serum growth hormone levels were measured during insulin tolerance tests in 36 patients after yttrium-90 pituitary implantation for diabetic retinopathy. The response of the new blood vessels was more clearly related to loss of growth hormone function than was the improvement of retinal haemorrhages and microaneurysms. The overall response of the retinopathy was greatest when growth hormone function was lost.Since the loss of growth hormone function was related to the loss of other aspects of anterior pituitary function, a unique role of growth hormone in the response of diabetic retinopathy to pituitary ablation could not be established.  相似文献   

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