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The differentiation of skeletal muscle is characterized by recognition, alignment, and subsequent fusion of myoblast cells at their surfaces to form large, multinucleated myotubes. Monoclonal antibodies were used to investigate anti-genie changes in the cell surface membrane specific for various stages of myogenesis. Chick embryonic skeletal muscle cells were cultured in vitro to the desired stage of differentiation and then injected into BALB/c mice. Spleen cells from the immunized mice were hybridized with NS-1 or P3 8653 mouse myeloma cells. Hybrid cell clones were selected in HAT medium and screened using an indirect radioimmunoassay for the production of monoclonal antibodies specific to myogenic cell surfaces. Target cells for the radioimmunoassay included three stages of myogenesis (myoblasts, midfusion myoblasts, and myotubes) and chick lung cells as a control for polymorphic antigens. Sixty-one clones were obtained which produced antibodies specific for myogenic cells. Thirty-five of these clones were generated from mice immunized with midfusion myoblast stages of myogenesis and 26 were obtained from mice immunized with the later myotube stage of myogenesis. Quantitative measurements by RIA of myogenic determinants per cell surface area on each target cell type revealed that most of the determinants decrease during myogenesis when midfusion myoblasts are used as the immunogen. When myotube stages are used as the immunogen, more determinants increase with cell differentiation. Therefore, the most common pattern of determinant change is for them to be present at all stages of myogenesis but to vary quantitively through development. There are determinants unique to each stage of myogenesis and marked quantitative differences within a cell stage for each determinant.  相似文献   

Summary A tissue culture system has been developed which can mechanically stimulate cells growing on a highly elastic plastic substratum in a 24-well cell growth chamber. The collagen-coated substratum to which the cells attach and grow in the Mechanical Cell Stimulator (Model I) can be repetitively stretched and relaxed by stepper motor with linear accuracy of 30 μm. The activity controlling unit is an Apple IIe computer interfaced with the cell growth chamber via optical data links and is capable of simulating many of the mechanical activity patterns that cells are subjected to in vivo. Primary avian skeletal myoblasts proliferate and fuse into multinucleated myotubes in this set-up in a manner similar to normal tissue culture dishes. Under static culture conditions, the muscle cells differentiate into networks of myotubes which show little orientation. Growing the proliferating muscle cells on a unidirectional stretching substratum causes the developing myotubes to orient parallel to the direction of movement. In contrast, growing the cells on a substratum undergoing continuous stretch-relaxation cycling orients the developing myotubes perpendicular to the direction of movement. Neither type of mechanical activity significantly affects the rate of cell proliferation of the rate of myoblast fusion into myotubes. These results indicate that during in vivo skeletal muscle organogenesis, when substantial mechanical stresses are placed on skeletal muscle cells by both continuous bone elongation and by spontaneous contractions, only bone elongation plays a significant role in proper fiber orientation for subsequent functional work. Supported by grants NS16753, AR36266, and RR05818 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

The implantation of decellularized tissue has shown effectiveness as a strategy for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss (VML) injuries. The preparation of decellularized tissue typically relies on the diffusion driven removal of cellular debris. For bulky tissues like muscle, the process can be lengthy, which introduces opportunities for both tissue contamination and degradation of key ECM molecules. In this study we report on the accelerated preparation of decellularized skeletal muscle (DSM) scaffolds using a infusion system and examine scaffold performance for the repair of VML injuries. The preparation of DSM scaffolds using infusion was dramatically accelerated. As the infusion rate (1% SDS) was increased from 0.1 to 1 and 10ml/hr, the time needed to remove intracellular myoglobin and actin decreased from a maximum of 140 ± 3hrs to 45 ± 3hrs and 10 ± 2hrs respectively. Although infusion appeared to remove cellular debris more aggressively, it did not significantly decrease the collagen or glycosaminoglycan composition of DSM samples when compared to un‐infused controls. Infusion prepared DSM samples retained the aligned network structure and mechanical integrity of control samples. Infusion prepared DSM samples supported the attachment and in‐vitro proliferation of myoblast cells and was well tolerated by the host when examined in‐vivo. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:745–755, 2016  相似文献   

Cellular responses in exertion-induced skeletal muscle injury   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Muscle injury is a common result of muscle exertion caused by overload and over-activity. In this presentation, an attempt was made to discuss models of muscle injury which involve exertion but not excessive strain, although most functional activities of the extremities require some eccentric muscle actions. Muscle injury is characterized by cellular and extracellular matrix responses which appear to be common to all types of muscle trauma - even in the absence of bleeding. Using tenotomy and functional over-load of the rat hindlimb muscles as examples, illustrations of several of these responses are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The regulation of glycosphingolipid (GSL) synthesis in culture by fusion-competent (E63) myoblasts and fusion-defective (fu-1) cells was examined. Upon reaching confluency E63 cells fused to form multinucleated myotubes and demonstrated many characteristics of developing skeletal muscle including induction of creatine kinase activity and a shift in creatine kinase isozymes to the MM isoform. The fu-1 cells displayed none of these characteristics, despite the fact that both cells were cloned from the same parental myoblast line (rat L8). There was a transient increase in the synthesis of total neutral GSLs by E63 cells at the time of membrane fusion. In contrast, neutral GSL synthesis by fu-1 cells gradually decreased with time in culture. The major GSLs synthesized by both cell types were lactosylceramide and ganghoside GM3, with more complex structures being observed with prolonged time in culture. Several glycosyltransferase activities were assayed at varying times in culture. Generally, the changes in activities fell into three groups. One group was maximally activated at the end of the culture period (GalT-3, GalNAcT-1 and GalT-6). Another group was maximally activated during the time of active membrane fusion (GlcT and SAT-1). A third group was maximally activated at the time of cell contact and the beginning of membrane fusion (GlcNAcT-1 and GalT-2). In terms of the times of maximal activation there were few differences between E63 and fu-1 cells, with one notable exception. The activity of GalT-2 (lactosylceramide synthase) in E63 cells increased dramatically upon contact and the beginning of membrane fusion, whereas there were no changes in GalT-2 activity in fu-1 cells during time in culture. These results support our hypothesis that membrane glycosphingolipids play an important role in the differentiation of skeletal muscle cells.Abbreviations GSL glycosphingolipid - CK creatine kinase - HPTLC high performance thin layer chromatography - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - CTH ceramide trihexoside (GbOse3Cer) - GlcCer glycosylceramide - LacC N-acetylglucosamine - NeuNAc N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid)  相似文献   

瘦肉率对生猪产业来说是一个极其重要的经济指标,而这一指标完全取决于骨骼肌的生长发育。因此,猪骨骼肌生长发育机理的研究是十分必要的。然而,在早期由于各种因素的限制,猪骨骼肌单个基因的研究一直进展缓慢;相反,以小鼠为模型,其骨骼肌单基因的功能研究却取得了较大进展。在这一时期,影响肌决定和肌分化的基因,如MRFs家族和MEF2家族相继被发现,这些基因在猪的肌肉发育中也发挥着同样的作用。然而,这些结果并不能很好地揭示骨骼肌发育过程中复杂的基因间互作关系。随着近年来芯片和测序技术的不断发展,更多人试图从整个转录谱的水平来阐述猪肌肉发育的分子机理,并且也取得了较大的进展。为了对猪骨骼肌生长发育有一个更为清晰的认识,该文将以目前猪骨骼肌生长发育研究结果为基础,同时结合模式动物小鼠骨骼肌单基因的研究成果,对猪的骨骼肌生长发育分子调控机理进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   

The heparan sulfate proteoglycan, glypican-1, is a low affinity receptor for fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2). Fibroblast growth factor 2 is a potent stimulator of skeletal muscle cell proliferation and an inhibitor of differentiation. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans like glypican-1 are required for FGF2 to transduce an intracellular signal. Understanding the role of glypican-1 in the regulation of FGF2-mediated signaling is important in furthering the understanding of the biological processes involved in muscle development and growth. In the current study, a turkey glypican-1 expression vector construct was transfected into turkey myogenic satellite cells resulting in the overexpression of glypican-1. The proliferation, differentiation, and responsiveness to FGF2 were measured in control and transfected cell cultures. The overexpression of glypican-1 in turkey myogenic satellite cells increased both satellite cell proliferation and FGF2 responsiveness, but decreased the rate of differentiation. The current data support glypican-1 modulation of both proliferation and differentiation through an FGF2-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle differentiation is marked by enhanced myotube formation and increased cytoskeletal rearrangement. Actin, a cytoskeletal protein is involved in various cellular functions such as glucose transport, intracellular trafficking, cell shape, and coordinated cell movement in response to various extracellular signals. The present study reveals an association between actin and p38 MAPK only in differentiated myotubes, not in proliferating myoblasts. Actin filament disassembly caused by cytochalasinD can be reversed using the potent activator of p38 MAPK, anisomycin. Pretreatment of myotubes with anisomycin partially resisted the effect of cytochalasinD. However, inhibition of p38 MAPK completely abolished the anisomycin-mediated actin remodeling. Data suggests that p38 MAPK interacts with actin and modulates actin filament rearrangement in differentiated L6E9 skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle fiber construction for tissue-engineered grafts requires assembly of unidirectionally aligned juxtaposed myotubes. To construct such a tissue, a polymer microchip with linearly aligned microgrooves was fabricated that could direct myoblast adaptation under stringent conditions. The closely spaced microgrooves fabricated by a modified replica molding process guided linear cellular alignment. Examination of the myoblasts by immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that the microgrooves with subcellular widths and appropriate height-to-width ratios were required for practically complete linear alignment of myoblasts. The topology-dependent cell alignment encouraged differentiation of myoblasts into multinucleate, myosin heavy chain positive myotubes. The monolayer of myotubes formed on the microstructured chips allowed attachment, growth and differentiation of subsequent layers of linearly arranged myoblasts, parallel to the primary monolayer of myotubes. The consequent deposition of additional myoblasts on the previous layer of myotubes resulted in three-dimensional multi-layered structures of myotubes, typical of differentiated skeletal muscle tissue. The findings demonstrate that the on-chip device holds promise for providing an efficient means for guided muscle tissue construction.  相似文献   

N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is one of the most widespread and highly conserved chemical modifications in cellular RNAs of eukaryotic genomes. Owing to the development of high-throughput m6A sequencing, the functions and mechanisms of m6A modification in development and diseases have been revealed. Recent studies have shown that RNA m6A methylation plays a critical role in skeletal muscle development, which regulates myoblast proliferation and differentiation, and muscle regeneration. Exploration of the functions of m6A modification and its regulators provides a deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle development. In the present review, we aim to summarize recent breakthroughs concerning the global landscape of m6A modification in mammals and examine the biological functions and mechanisms of enzymes regulating m6A RNA methylation. We describe the interplay between m6A and other epigenetic modifications and highlight the regulatory roles of m6A in development, especially that of skeletal muscle. m6A and its regulators are expected to be targets for the treatment of human muscle-related diseases and novel epigenetic markers for animal breeding in meat production.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) hydrogels are used as scaffolds to facilitate the repair and reconstruction of tissues. This study aimed to optimize the decellularization process of porcine skeletal muscle ECM and to formulate a matrix hydrogel scaffold. Five multi‐step methods (methods A–E) were used to generate acellular ECM from porcine skeletal muscle [rinsing in SDS, trypsin, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Triton X‐100 and/or sodium deoxycholate at 4–37°C]. The resulting ECM was evaluated using haematoxylin and eosin, 4‐6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole (DAPI) staining, and DNA quantification. Acellular matrix was dissolved in pepsin and gelled at 37°C. Hydrogel response to temperature was observed in vivo and in vitro. ECM components were assessed by Masson, Sirius red, and alcian blue staining, and total protein content. Acellular porcine skeletal muscle exhibited a uniform translucent white appearance. No intact nuclear residue was detected by haematoxylin and eosin staining, while DAPI staining showed a few nuclei in the matrixes produced by methods B, C, and D. Method A generated a gel that was too thin for gelation. However, the matrix obtained by rinsing in 0.2% trypsin/0.1% EDTA, 0.5% Triton X‐100, and 1% Triton X‐100/0.2% sodium deoxycholate was nuclei‐free and produced a viscous solution that formed a structurally stable white jelly‐like hydrogel. The residual DNA content of this solution was 49.37 ± 0.72 ng/mg, significantly less than in fresh skeletal muscle, and decreased to 19.22 ± 0.85 ng/mg after gelation (P < 0.05). The acellular matrix was rich in collagen and glycosaminoglycan, with a total protein concentration of 64.8 ± 6.9%. An acellular ECM hydrogel from porcine skeletal muscle was efficiently produced.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle regeneration implies the coordination of myogenesis with the recruitment of myeloid cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling. Currently, there are no specific biomarkers to diagnose the severity and prognosis of muscle lesions. In order to investigate the gene expression profile of extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules, as premises of homo‐ or heterocellular cooperation and milestones for skeletal muscle regeneration, we performed a gene expression analysis for genes involved in cellular cooperation, migration and ECM remodelling in a mouse model of acute crush injury. The results obtained at two early time‐points post‐injury were compared to a GSE5413 data set from two other trauma models. Third day post‐injury, when inflammatory cells invaded, genes associated with cell‐matrix interactions and migration were up‐regulated. After day 5, as myoblast migration and differentiation started, genes for basement membrane constituents were found down‐regulated, whereas genes for ECM molecules, macrophage, myoblast adhesion, and migration receptors were up‐regulated. However, the profile and the induction time varied according to the experimental model, with only few genes being constantly up‐regulated. Gene up‐regulation was higher, delayed and more diverse following more severe trauma. Moreover, one of the most up‐regulated genes was periostin, suggestive for severe muscle damage and unfavourable architecture restoration.  相似文献   

A basement membrane-associated glycoprotein from skeletal muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have isolated a major glycoprotein that appears to be associated with rat skeletal muscle basement membrane. We determined that the glycoprotein was part of the muscle cell surface complex when we found it to be enriched in preparations of muscle ghosts. We isolate the glycoprotein from homogenized muscle preextracted with 4 M and 8 M urea. It elutes as a major component in the presence of 8 M urea/50 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. Its apparent molecular weight on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels is 130,000. Amino acid analysis indicates that it is not a collagen but that it does contain small amounts of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. There may be collagenous domains in the glycoprotein molecule, for it is cleaved into three fragments by purified bacterial collagenase. Immunoperoxidase staining confirms that the 130,000-dalton protein is localized at the surface of adult skeletal muscle cells. It is probably a general basement membrane-associated glycoprotein because we found material immunologically cross-reactive with the muscle glycoprotein in basement membrane regions of kidney, liver, brain, and small intestine. We have shown the glycoprotein to be distinct from fibronectin, laminin, and types I, III, IV, and V collagens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.  相似文献   

Lateral transmission of force from myofibers laterally to the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM) via the transmembrane proteins between them is impaired in old muscles. Changes in geometrical and mechanical properties of ECM of skeletal muscle do not fully explain the impaired lateral transmission with aging. The objective of this study was to determine the role of transmembrane proteins on force transmission in skeletal muscle. In this study, a 2D finite element model of single muscle fiber composed of myofiber, ECM, and the transmembrane proteins between them was developed to determine how changes in spatial density and mechanical properties of transmembrane proteins affect the force transmission in skeletal muscle. We found that force transmission and stress distribution are not affected by mechanical stiffness of the transmembrane proteins due to its non-linear stress–strain relationship. Results also showed that the muscle fiber with insufficient transmembrane proteins near the end of muscle fiber transmitted less force than that with more proteins does. Higher stress was observed in myofiber, ECM, and proteins in the muscle fiber with fewer proteins.  相似文献   

Role of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) in skeletal muscle differentiation is not fully understood. We investigated subtype-specific functions and their interactions, if any, in the regulation of myogenic differentiation in L6E9 skeletal muscle cells. We show inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2 (ERK-1/-2) and activation of p38 MAP kinase during the differentiation of L6E9 rat skeletal muscle cells under low serum condition. Inhibition of ERK-1/-2 activity dramatically enhanced differentiation as was evident from cellular morphology, expression of muscle differentiation specific marker proteins, suggesting that ERK-1/-2 activation may be inhibitory to initiation and progression of differentiation. In contrast, inhibition of p38 MAP kinase completely prevented differentiation; meaning p38 activation is required from the initiation till terminal differentiation of L6E9 cells. Moreover, inhibition of ERK-1/-2 activities enhanced the activation of p38 MAP kinase that resulted in enhancement of differentiation; whereas inhibition of p38 MAP kinase activity enhanced the ERK-1/-2 activities culminating in abrogation of differentiation. We conclude that ERK-1/-2 and p38 MAP kinase cascades oppositely regulate each other's function(s) thereby regulating L6E9 skeletal muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

During limb skeletal muscle formation, committed muscle cells proliferate and differentiate in the presence of extracellular signals that stimulate or repress each process. Proteoglycans are extracellular matrix organizers and modulators of growth factor activities, regulating muscle differentiation in vitro. Previously, we characterized proteoglycan expression during early limb muscle formation and showed a spatiotemporal relation between the onset of myogenesis and the expression of decorin, an important muscle extracellular matrix component and potent regulator of TGF-beta activity. To evaluate decorin's role during in vivo differentiation in committed muscle cells, we grafted wild type and decorin-null myoblasts onto chick limb buds. The absence of decorin enhanced the migration and distribution of myoblasts in the limb, correlating with the inhibition of skeletal muscle differentiation. Both phenotypes were reverted by de novo decorin expression. In vitro, we determined that both decorin core protein and its glycosaminoglycan chain were required to reverse the migration phenotype. Results presented here suggest that the enhanced migration observed in decorin-null myoblasts may not be dependent on chemotactic growth factor signaling nor the differentiation status of the cells. Decorin may be involved in the establishment and/or coordination of a critical myoblast density, through inhibition of migration, that permits normal muscle differentiation during embryonic myogenesis.  相似文献   

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