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Humped African cattle, which are differentiated into zebu and sanga types, have traditionally been classified as Bos indicus . This paper discusses existing evidence and presents new evidence supporting the classification of southern African sangas as Bos taurus and East African zebus as ' taurindicus '. Classification is based on karyotype, frequencies of DNA markers and protein polymorphisms. The Boran, an East African zebu, has an acrocentric Y chromosome typical of Bos indicus . The southern African sanga breeds have a submetacentric Y chromosome typical of Bos taurus . Frequencies of four DNA markers support the hypothesis that the Tuli, a southern African sanga, had taurine ancestors and the Boran had both taurine and indicine ancestors. Frequencies for several protein polymorphisms strongly suggest that southern African sangas have more in common with taurine than with indicine breeds, while East African zebus are an admixture of African taurine and Asian indicine breeds.  相似文献   

The preparation of anti-X' and the non-linear relation of X, and X' are described. The C system phenogroups as determined by means of 12 internationally recognized antisera in populations of three Danish cattle breeds are given together with gene frequency estimates.  相似文献   

Four additional cattle blood group antigenic factors, provisionally termed Fl, F6, F10 and F15, were shown to belong to the C system. Factor Fl appears to be a linear subtype of C"(initially designated F2, or P1B1). It is suggested that future international nomenclature should adopt C", and C"2 in place of Fl and C . No phenogroup was found to include C" together with C2 or C1, but a few phenogroups lack the three factors. Thus C1, C2 and C"do not form a closed system within the C system as concluded by Duniec et al. (1973). The effectiveness of the additional factors to uncover the genetic variability of the C system, and to translate phenotypes into genotypes is exemplified in the Charolais breed.  相似文献   

The gene frequencies were calculated to investigate genetic variation apparent in blood group and serum protein systems in Asian native pigs. The results revealed that gene frequencies were generally similar in the nine pig populations, except in some systems. Differences of gene frequencies were recognized in HpY and Cpc detected on Taoyuan pigs of Taiwan and Ohmini pigs of Japan, respectively. TfC and AmC alleles were found in eight pig populations except Ohmini pigs.
The overall genetic distances were calculated by gene frequencies of 13 loci and it was observed that Taoyuan pigs are closer to Ohmini pigs than to Short-ear pigs of Taiwan and other East Asian native pigs. However, the genetic distances between Asian native pigs and European or American breeds were larger than those among East Asian native pig populations.  相似文献   

40 cases of irregular inheritance of phenogroups in the B system of cattle blood groups, that were presumed to have arisen from single crossing-over, have been used to establish a partial genetic map of this system. In addition, the relative positions in the map of several antigenic factors were inferred from relationships observed between particular phenogroups occurring in French breeds.
The tentative map thus obtained shows an overall similarity to that established by Ruiterkamp et al. (1977) in Dutch Friesian cattle. This result, in addition to other arguments, supports the hypothesis that the genetic structure of the B system of cattle blood groups is basically the same in all taurine breeds.
Evidence is given, for the first time, for the occurrence in the B system of genetic events other than single crossing-over (double crossing-over or gene conversion, and possibly deletion).
The rate of recombination between the genetic determinants of the terminal factors of the system, Q and I', was calculated in the progeny of some Normande bulls heterozygous for these two determinants (447 gametes); a value of 1.34 centimor-gan1 was obtained. However complementary data indicate that 0.7 centimorgan would be a better estimate.  相似文献   

20 cases of irregular inheritance of phenogroups in the C system of cattle blood groups were used to deduce a partial genetic map of this system, taking into consideration the 11 internationally recognized antigenic factors and the 4 additional factors recently described by Grosclaude et al. (1980). This partial map bears resemblance to that established by Bouw et al. (1974) in Dutch cattle.
The operational length of the DNA sequence coding for the C system was estimated to be 0.3 centimorgan, a value which is approximately half of that obtained for the B system by Grosclaude et al. (1979). It is concluded that the phenogroups of the C system, like those of the B system, are controlled by a cluster of loci.  相似文献   

An account is given of the serologically defined class I specificities encoded by the bovine MHC (expressed as the BoLA system) in two populations of African cattle and in European breeds. The BoLA typing was performed using alloantisera raised against tissue antigens of both European and African breeds of cattle. All of the specificities agreed in the first two international BoLA workshops were found in the African cattle, although there were significant differences in the frequency of some specificities between the African and European animals. Many of the European antisera, which are operationally monospecific in Bos taurus cattle, were multispecific in the African animals. Subgroups of two specificities (w8 and w10) were demonstrated. Five new BoLA-A locus alleles were detected by means of antisera raised against alloantigens of African cattle. Two of these occurred at an extremely high frequency in the African populations; one being unique to these cattle. Monoclonal antibodies proved to be useful typing reagents, particularly in the elucidation of subgroups.  相似文献   

A morphological and osteological study on a large number of specimens, together with zoogeographical data, indicate that the genus Bathyclarias , previously synonymized with the genus Dinotopterus , is a valid genus. It is rehabilitated in this paper. Bathyclarias is endemic to Lake Malawi, while Dinotopterus is confined to Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection acting in different habitats may build up barriers to gene flow and initiate speciation. This speciation continuum can range from weak or no divergence to strong genetic differentiation between populations. Here, we focus on the early phases of adaptive divergence in the East African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, which occurs in both Lake Tanganyika (LT) and inflowing rivers. We first assessed the population structure and morphological differences in A. burtoni from southern LT. We then focused on four lake–stream systems and quantified body shape, ecologically relevant traits (gill raker and lower pharyngeal jaw) as well as stomach contents. Our study revealed the presence of several divergent lake–stream populations that rest at different stages of the speciation continuum, but show the same morphological and ecological trajectories along the lake–stream gradient. Lake fish have higher bodies, a more superior mouth position, longer gill rakers and more slender pharyngeal jaws, and they show a plant/algae and zooplankton‐biased diet, whereas stream fish feed more on snails, insects and plant seeds. A test for reproductive isolation between closely related lake and stream populations did not detect population‐assortative mating. Analyses of F1 offspring reared under common garden conditions indicate that the detected differences in body shape and gill raker length do not constitute pure plastic responses to different environmental conditions, but also have a genetic basis. Taken together, the A. burtoni lake–stream system constitutes a new model to study the factors that enhance and constrain progress towards speciation in cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

Eighty-one black-handed tamarins from the Tucurui region were tested for human type ABO blood groups by salivary inhibition tests. Eleven belonged to the A group, 45 to B, and 25 to AB. The serum samples were tested for the presence of agglutinins having specificities like those of humans. The ABO system appeared to be polymorphic, with three alleles occurring at the following frequencies: A = 0.26, B = 0.66, and O = 0.08. The observed distribution fitted the expected on the basis of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.  相似文献   

Affinity between blood groups of man and those of anthropoid apes is reflected not only in similarities or identities of reactions of the red cells with many specific typing reagents, but also in overall structures of some of the main blood group systems defined in man and in apes.Besides specificities of human-type, such as A-B-O, M-N, Rh-Hr, I-i, etc. known to be present on the red cells of various species of apes, specific reagents were produced by iso- or cross-immunization of chimpanzees that detect red cell specificities characteristic for apes only. Some of those specificities were found to be shared by several ape species and to fall into separate blood group systems that are counterparts of the human blood group systems. Recently obtained serological, as well as population data, indicate that the chimpanzee R-C-E-F blood group system is the counterpart of the human Rh-Hr system. Similarly to the Rh-Hr system, it is built around a main antigen, the Rc antigen, to which secondary specificities are attached by means of multiple allelic genes. The Rc is not only the principal factor of the chimpanzee R-C-E-F group system, but also constitutes a direct link with the human Rh-Hr blood group system, since anti-Rc reagents also detect Rh0 specificity on the human red cells. Another chimpanzee blood group system, the V-A-B-D system, is counterpart of the M-N-S-s system, and is built around the central antigen Vc. the Vc is not only the principal specificity of the chimpanzee V-A-B-D system, but it also constitutes the direct link with the human M-N-S-s system since anti-Vc reagent gives with chimpanzee red cells reactions parralleling those obtained with anti-N lectin (Nv) while in tests with human red cells it detects specificity identical or closely related to the Mia specificity.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The recent literature on the physical, chemical and biological characterization of antigens from the African trypanosomes is reviewed. The antigens are divided into three major groups: a) variant-specific antigens, b) common antigens, and c) host-like antigens. The variant-specific antigen(s) are relatively small molecular weight proteins located on the surface of the trypanosome, and are involved in protection and agglutination. It is suggested that there is more than a single variant-specific antigen on the cell surface. In contrast, the common antigens are internal or somatic antigens which are believed to have structural or enzymatic functions but are not involved in either protection or agglutination. In addition, evidence is also presented which suggests that there are host-like antigens within the surface coat and/or membranes of the trypanosomes. The importance of these three groups of antigens, and the mechanis(s) of antigenic variation are discussed in relationship to the immune response of the host to the African trypanosomes. Several possible approaches for future investigations are described.  相似文献   

通过检测东湖的细菌总数、大肠杆菌与纤维素分解菌数目 ,发现东湖的细菌总数与大肠杆菌数目仍严重超标 ,前者为《生活饮用水卫生标准》GB5 74 9- 85的 2~ 99倍 ,后者为此标准的 1 0 0~ 1 0 0 0倍 ,但与一期截污工程完成初期相比已有很大改善 ,说明对东湖的污染治理取得初步成效。各湖区的细菌数目高度异质性 ,其规律与各湖区的有机碎屑数量呈正相关性  相似文献   

T C Nguyen 《Animal genetics》1990,21(3):233-245
Evidence is presented for six genetic systems of goat red cell blood groups. The A system presently consists of one specificity, two alleles, two phenotypes (A1 and no-A1) and appears to be homologous to the A system of sheep. The B system, like its homologue in sheep, is very complex. Fourteen of 21 specificities detected in the present study, i.e. B2, B3, B4, B5, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B14, B15, B16, B17 and B20, belong to the B system which involves a large number of phenogroups (31 different B phenogroups identified in 26 sires). Because of their homology with sheep C and R systems, two other genetic systems of goat blood groups are named C and R respectively. Each of the two goat systems is presently a one blood group specificity, two phenotype (C12 and no-C12; R and no-R detectable on the red cells) two allele system. Two specificities, namely E6 and E18, belong to a genetic system called E in which four phenotypes are under the control of two alleles codominant and one recessive at a single locus. The F system involves but a single pair of alleles and two phenotypes (F19 and no-F19). Because of its low frequency in the goats tested, the X13 specificity remains unassigned.  相似文献   

The late Cenozoic climate of East Africa is punctuated by episodes of short, alternating periods of extreme wetness and aridity, superimposed on a regime of subdued moisture availability exhibiting a long-term drying trend. These periods of extreme climate variability appear to correlate with maxima in the 400-thousand-year (kyr) component of the Earth's eccentricity cycle. Prior to 2.7 Ma the wet phases appear every 400 kyrs, whereas after 2.7 Ma, the wet phases appear every 800 kyrs, with periods of precessional-forced extreme climate variability at 2.7-2.5 Ma, 1.9-1.7 Ma, and 1.1-0.9 Ma before present. The last three major lake phases occur at the times of major global climatic transitions, such as the onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (2.7-2.5 Ma), intensification of the Walker Circulation (1.9-1.7 Ma), and the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (1.0-0.7 Ma). High-latitude forcing is required to compress the Intertropical Convergence Zone so that East Africa becomes locally sensitive to precessional forcing, resulting in rapid shifts from wet to dry conditions. These periods of extreme climate variability may have provided a catalyst for evolutionary change and driven key speciation and dispersal events amongst mammals and hominins in East Africa.  相似文献   

Indirect measurements of arterial blood pressure were made in African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) employing a Doppler ultrasound stethoscope and standard cuff and an Infrasonde automatic blood pressure recorder. Measurements were obtained from anesthetized (10 mg/kg ketamine (HCI) and unanesthetized (1.5 mg/kg ketamine HCI) animals. Ketamine had no significant effect on blood pressure. Indirect measurements from the brachial artery were compared with direct femoral artery measurements and with each other. Systolic blood pressures measured by the Doppler (r = .948) and Infrasonde (r = .920) methods correlated closely with direct measurements but were significantly lower than systolic blood pressures measured by the direct method. Diastolic blood pressures measured by the Infrasonde method agreed closely with direct measurements (r = .947). Systolic blood pressures measured by the indirect methods correlated closely in both anesthetized (r = .973) and unanesthetized (r = .834) animals and were not significantly different. Mean blood pressures calculated from direct and Infrasonde measurements also correlated closely (r = .963), with direct measurements being 4 mmHg higher on the average. Mean blood pressures are less influenced by methodology and are more reproducible than other pressures. These noninvasive methods can be used to obtain simple and accurate measurements of blood pressure from anesthetized and unanesthetized monkeys and are of value in long-term studies in monkeys.  相似文献   

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