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Abstract The objective of this study was to identify attributes of the understorey vegetation, soil root biomass, soil chemistry and microbial community that may be associated with tree decline in high altitude eucalypt forests in Tasmania. The sites studied were in healthy eucalypt forest, forest in decline and forest containing dead eucalypts dominated by rainforest, in north‐east (Eucalyptus delegatensis forest) and in north‐west (Eucalyptus coccifera forest) Tasmania. In both regions bare ground, rock and shrubby species were associated with healthy sites whereas decline sites were associated with moss and a tall understorey with a high percentage cover of rainforest species. Healthy sites had low root biomass in the top 10 cm of the soil profile relative to decline and rainforest sites. Seedlings of high altitude species were grown in rainforest soil (0.314% N and 0.060% P) and healthy eucalypt soil (0.253% N and 0.018% P). The four eucalypt species studied had similar root to shoot ratio in the two soils, but the rainforest species, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Leptospermum lanigerum, had higher root to shoot ratio in the healthy eucalypt than in the rainforest soil. We produced three soil filtrates: (i) fungi and bacteria present; (ii) bacteria only present and; and (iii) sterile, from healthy, decline and rainforest sites in north‐east and in north‐west Tasmania and used linseed as a germination bioassay. Filtrates from the north‐east decline and rainforest sites induced a significantly greater dysplastic germination response than healthy sites in (i) and (ii) filtrates, but this was not found in filtrates from sites in the north‐west. We conclude that while the development of a rainforest understorey and elevated soil root biomass in the long absence of fire is generally associated with high altitude eucalypt decline, altered bacterial and/or chemical attributes of soil are not always associated with high altitude eucalypt decline.  相似文献   

The concentrations and quantities of eleven essential plant nutrients in a 15 m tall Eucalyptus signata dominated forest have been determined. This forest of 180 habiomass is supported on one of the most phosphorus-deficient forest soils yet reported. The ecosystem is also particularly low in calcium, and relatively abundant in nitrogen. The nutrient stocks in the sclerophyllous heath understorey are only slightly more than half the quantity expected on the basis of their proportion of the total forest biomass occupied by this stratum. This lends some confirmatory evidence to the idea that the heath understorey of eucalypt forests is a separately evolved synusia adapted to soils of low fertility. Partitioning of nutrients among plant parts on this forest differs in a number of respects from other forests studied. This suggests the lack of strong selective pressure towards convergence of strategy between formations in the manner of partitioning of nutrients among forest components.  相似文献   

Abstract Coarse woody debris (CWD) is the standing and fallen dead wood in a forest and serves an important role in ecosystem functioning. There have been several studies that include estimates of CWD in Australian forests but little synthesis of these results. This paper presents findings from a literature review of CWD and fine litter quantities. Estimates of forest‐floor CWD, snags and litter from the literature are presented for woodland, rainforest, open forest and tall open forest, pine plantation and native hardwood plantation. Mean mass of forest floor CWD in Australian native forests ranged from 19 t ha?1 in woodland to 134 t ha?1 in tall open forest. These values were generally within the range of those observed for similar ecosystems in other parts of the world. Quantities in tall open forests were found to be considerably higher than those observed for hardwood forests in North America, and more similar to the amounts reported for coniferous forests with large sized trees on the west coast of the USA and Canada. Mean proportion of total above‐ground biomass as forest floor CWD was approximately 18% in open forests, 16% in tall open forests, 13% in rainforests, and 4% in eucalypt plantations. CWD can be high in exotic pine plantations when there are considerable quantities of residue from previous native forest stands. Mean snag biomass in Australian forests was generally lower than the US mean for snags in conifer forests and higher than hardwood forest. These results are of value for studies of carbon and nutrient stocks and dynamics, habitat values and fire hazards.  相似文献   


Uncertainty in past and future anthropogenic carbon emissions obscures climate change modelling. Available allometrics are insufficient for regional-level accounting of old-growth, pre-logging carbon stocks. The project goal was to determine the aboveground carbon (biomass and necromass) for a typical old-growth Eucalyptus delegatensis-dominated mixed-forest in Tasmania. Allometrics were developed for aboveground biomass of Eucalyptus delegatensis and generic rainforest understorey species. A total of 207 eucalypts with DBH 0.21–4.5 m, and 897 rainforest understorey trees with DBH 0.01–2.52 m were measured across 7.7 ha. DBH frequency distribution of E. delegatensis showed at least two age cohorts and distinct positive skew, whereas its DBH carbon distribution showed distinct negative skew. Half of the eucalypt biomass was from trees with DBH > 2.4(0.1) m, and 16% with DBH ≥ 3.5 m (from ~1.1 trees ha?1) – indicating the importance of allometrics for high DBH. Aboveground carbon was 622(180) Mg ha?1, with ~20% from understorey and ~25% from necromass. The carbon in aboveground biomass was above the median value for temperate forests. The long-term aboveground-carbon emissions from clearfelling the same forest type from 1999 to 2009 is likely to be 2.9(±1.3) Tg, depending on the growth and seral stages of the forest logged.  相似文献   

Abstract The eucalypt plantation industry in Western Australia provides a unique opportunity to study the movement of pathogens between closely related host taxa. Eucalyptus globulus, a native to Tasmania and south‐eastern Australia, is the predominant species in Western Australian plantations, often being planted adjacent to native forest containing Eucalyptus marginata and Eucalyptus diversicolor. Since the commencement of the plantation industry 20 years ago, several fungal species, previously known only to eastern Australia or overseas, have been reported on E. globulus in Western Australia. Botryosphaeria australis is a newly described species, recently found causing cankers on Acacia spp. in eastern Australia. However, during a routine survey, B. australis was found to be the predominant species associated with E. globulus plantations and native Eucalyptus spp. in Western Australia. In this study, six short simple repeat markers were used to evaluate genetic diversity and gene flow between collections of B. australis from native eucalypt forest and E. globulus plantations at two locations in south‐western Australia. In both cases, there was no restriction to gene flow between the plantations and the adjacent native forest. Botryosphaeria australis has now been isolated from a wide range of hosts across south‐western Australia and was not isolated from E. globulus in Tasmania or South Australia. This extensive distribution and host range suggests B. australis is native to Western Australia. This study demonstrates the ability of a pathogen to move between plantation and forests.  相似文献   

The standard rehabilitation objective for open‐cut mines in Queensland is to establish a self‐sustaining native forest ecosystem. Consequently, mine regulators and managers need tools to project whether sites are likely or not to meet agreed completion criteria and to ensure timely remedial interventions. The Ecosystem Dynamics Simulator (EDS) is such a tool capable of modelling forest dynamics and projecting long‐term growth of woody species only. Here, the model was applied to rehabilitation sites aged between 5 and 22 years in Meandu open‐cut coal mine in southeast Queensland. EDS projected structural characteristics for trees (height, diameter, basal area, foliage projective cover and stem density) and tree species composition as a function of rehabilitation age. Projected stand growth attributes were assessed against BioCondition benchmarks developed from eucalypt (Eucalyptus/Corymbia) remnant forests adjacent to the mine. Growth trajectories indicated that sites with >30% eucalypt basal area composition were more likely to develop into eucalypt‐dominated self‐sustaining ecosystems compared with sites that were initially dominated by acacias (Acacia spp.). Projections suggested that some benchmark attributes such as number of large eucalypt trees would take more than 70 years to be met. The application of EDS provided a framework to support decisions on early remedial intervention and assess the risk associated with lease relinquishment.  相似文献   

Australia is unique in having two highly diverse plant genera, Eucalyptus and Acacia, that dominate the vegetation on a continent‐wide scale. The recent shift in plantation forestry away from exotic Pinus radiata to native Eucalyptus species has resulted in much more extensive exchange of biota between native forest and plantation ecosystems than exchange in the past with plantations of exotic species. Growing numbers of hectares are being planted to Eucalyptus globulus across Australia, and plantations are providing resources and corridors for native biota. The present paper focuses on both the benefits and risks of having large‐scale forestry plantations of native species that are closely related to dominant native taxa in local forests. At least 85 species of insects have been recorded as pests of Eucalyptus plantations around Australia; the vast majority of these have been insects using the same host species, or closely related taxa, in native forests. Plantations of native species may also benefit from closely related local forests through the presence of: (i) the diverse array of ectomycorrhizal fungi favourable for tree growth; (ii) natural enemies harboured in native habitats; and (iii) recruitment of other important mutualists, such as pollinators. Exchanges work in two directions: plantations are also likely to influence native forests through the large amount of insect biomass production that occurs in outbreak situations, or through the introduction or facilitation of movements for insects that are not native to all parts of Australia. Finally, older plantations in which trees flower may exchange genes with surrounding forest species, given the high degree of hybridization exhibited by many Eucalyptus species. This is an aspect of exchange for which few data have been recorded. In summary, because of Australia’s unique biogeography, plantation forestry using eucalypt species entails exchanges with natural habitats that are unparalleled in scale and diversity in any other part of the world. More exchanges are likely as plantations occupy greater area, and as the time under cultivation increases.  相似文献   

Decomposition of fine roots is a fundamental ecosystem process that relates to carbon (C) and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. However, this important ecosystem process has been hardly studied in Patagonian ecosystems. The aim of this work was to study root decomposition and nutrient release from fine roots of grasses and trees (Nothofagus antarctica) across a range of Patagonian ecosystems that included steppe, primary forest and silvopastoral forests. After 2.2 years of decomposition in the field all roots retained 70–90% of their original mass, and decomposition rates were 0.09 and 0.15 year?1 for grass roots in steppe and primary forest, respectively. For N. antarctica roots, no significant differences were found in rates of decay between primary and silvopastoral forests (k = 0.07 year?1). Possibly low temperatures of these southern sites restricted decomposition by microorganisms. Nutrient release differed between sites and root types. Across all ecosystem categories, nitrogen (N) retention in decomposing biomass followed the order: tree roots > roots of forest grasses > roots of steppe grasses. Phosphorus (P) was retained in grass roots in forest plots but was released during decomposition of tree and steppe grass roots. Calcium (Ca) dynamics also was different between root types, since trees showed retention during the initial phase, whereas grass roots showed a slow and consistent Ca release during decomposition. Potassium (K) was the only nutrient that was rapidly released from both grass and tree roots in both grasslands and woodlands. We found that silvopastoral use of N. antarctica forests does not affect grass or tree root decomposition and/or nutrient release, since no significant differences were found for any nutrient according to ecosystem type. Information about tree and grass root decomposition found in this work could be useful to understand C and nutrient cycling in these southern ecosystems, which are characterized by extreme climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Nutrient pools in litter and soil and the major nutrient transfers and additions in rainfall, throughfall and litterfall were measured in eight mature, undisturbed eucalypt forests covering a range of species, climate, productivity and soil type. Litterfall is the major pathway for the return of N, P, Ca and usually Mg, to the soil. The forests covered almost the range of litterfall reported for eucalypt forests and, in conjunction with published data, litterfall was strongly related to climatic variables. Extractable P in the soil and P concentrations in litter and litterfall were significantly higher in two sub-alpine forests (Eucalyptus pauciflora andE. delegatensis) than in all other forests. In general, nutrient turnover, particularly N turnover, was related to the rate of organic matter turnover. Rates of organic matter turnover in these forests and in other studies of eucalypts were correlated with climatic conditions using the simple climatic scalar developed by Vitousek. Nitrogen turnover, especially that proportion cycling via leaf litterfall is primarily a function of organic matter turnover, but litter quality appears also to have an influence.  相似文献   

Intensive sampling of tree canopies for phytophagous insects was carried out in three contrasting eucalypt forest types comprised of species widely distributed in sub-alpine forests in Victoria and New South Wales (Eucalyptus delegatensis, E. dives, and E. pauciflora). The number of phytophagous insects present in the canopies of these forest types was low, with a seasonal average of 20 individuals per kg of foliage (dry weight). Numbers were much lower than expected from past literature reporting‘chronically high’levels of defoliation in eucalypt forests. Microlepidoptera, Geometridae, Chrysomelidae, and Curculionidae were the major leaf-chewing groups recorded. Most sap-feeders were either leafhoppers (Cercopidae and Cicadellidae) or in the superfamily Fulgoroidea. Psyllidae and gall-making species were rare. Leafhoppers made up a very large portion of the phytophagous insect communities in each forest type, particularly in the E. dives forest. Microlepidoptera was the most commonly encountered defoliator group in all three forest types making up 33-44% of the total count. Non-phytophagous arthropods accounted for 44-48% of all individuals encountered. The density of insect defoliators was greater in the lower crown than upper crown. The E. dives canopy supported many more phytophagous insects per unit weight of foliage, as well as more per hectare, than the other two forest types. The greatest number of phytophagous species was also encountered in E. dives canopy. The E. delegatensis canopy supported the lowest number of phytophagous insects per unit weight of foliage as Well as numbers per hectare. Abundance of insect defoliators in the eucalypt forest types in this study was similar to published figures of insect defoliators in northern temperate forests.  相似文献   

The decline of riparian Eucalyptus camphora/E. ovata stands is examined in relation to an increase in nitrogen availability and to rising salinity in low-lying areas. There are several indications that declining stands are abnormally rich in N: (i) Nitrogen availability in declining stands was greater than that recorded in other Australian forests, was dominated by nitrification and was extremely variable. (ii) Nitrate concentrations in free soil water from declining forest on a dry site were many times those in the corresponding healthy forest. (iii) N/Mg ratios in foliage of declining trees on drier sites were at the extreme end of the recorded range and similar to those found in eucalypt plantations on agricultural soils. In addition, sites where the overstorey eucalypts are declining have been invaded by a variety of herbaceous weeds, most of which display characteristics of nitrophilous plants, e.g. nitrate reductase activity was greater in herbaceous weeds than in native overstorey or understory species in declining stands of E. camphora/E. ovata and was directly related to the concentration of nitrogen in foliage. These observations are consistent with recent suggestions that forest ecosystems may become N-saturated.  相似文献   

广西马山岩溶次生林群落生物量和碳储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶植被在岩溶生态系统碳循环和全球碳平衡中具有重要的作用。通过对马山县岩溶次生林年龄序列(幼龄林、中龄林和老龄林)3个演替阶段9个样地(20 m×50 m)的系统取样调查,研究了停止人为干扰后岩溶次生林生物量和碳储量的变化。结果表明:沿幼林、中林和老林群落的顺向演替发展,群落生物量显著增加(P0.05),从幼林群落的48.17 t/hm2、到中林群落113.47 t/hm2,再到老林群落242.59 t/hm2。老林生态系统的碳储量较高,平均为236.69 t/hm2,中林和幼林较低且非常相近,分别为225.17 t/hm2和224.76 t/hm2,各次生林生态系统的碳储量差异不显著(P0.05)。土壤碳储量的大小顺序为幼林(198.44 t/hm2)中林(167.39 t/hm2)老林(113.43 t/hm2)。沿群落正向演替,各次生林生态系统中植物碳储量和土壤碳储量的比例发生明显的变化。幼林的土壤碳储量占生态系统碳储量的88.29%,植物碳储量只占11.71%;中林相应为74.34%和25.66%;而老林为47.92%和52.08%。可见,随着岩溶植被的正向演替,土壤碳转变为植物碳的趋势十分明显,这是岩溶森林不同于酸性土森林的一个显著特征。  相似文献   

March WA  Watson DM 《Oecologia》2007,154(2):339-347
The importance of litter in regulating ecosystem processes has long been recognised, with a growing appreciation of the differential contribution of various functional plant groups. Despite the ubiquity of mistletoes in terrestrial ecosystems and their prominence in ecological studies, they are one group that have been overlooked in litter research. This study evaluated the litter contribution from a hemiparasitic mistletoe, Amyema miquelii (Lehm. ex Miq.) Tiegh., in an open eucalypt forest (Eucalyptus blakelyi, E. dwyeri and E. dealbata), at three scales; the forest stand, single trees and individual mistletoes. Litter from mistletoes significantly increased overall litterfall by up to 189%, the amount of mistletoe litter being proportional to the mistletoe biomass in the canopy. The high litter input was due to a much higher rate of mistletoe leaf turnover than that of host trees; the host litterfall and rate of leaf turnover was not significantly affected by mistletoe presence. The additional litter from mistletoes also affected the spatial and temporal distribution of litterfall due to the patchy distribution of mistletoes and their prolonged period of high litterfall. Associated with these changes in litterfall was an increase in ground litter mass and plant productivity, which reflects similar findings with root-parasitic plants. These findings represent novel mechanisms underlying the role of mistletoes as keystone resources and provide further evidence of the importance of parasites in affecting trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizae are important in the functioning of forest ecosystems worldwide, and play a critical role in water uptake, nutrient acquisition, and prevention of feeder root disease. The majority of mycorrhizal research has been conducted on upland sites, especially in coniferous ecosystems and in commercial agricultural production. However, the maintenance and restoration of bottomland hardwood (BLH) forest ecosystems in the southern United States is of increasing concern. Both ectomycorrhizae and endomycorrhizae are present in BLH forests, although the dominance of one or the other type depends primarily on both the tree species and the hydrologic regime. Ectomycorrhizae tend to be more sensitive to flooding, while endomycorrhizal infection can be present even in permanently flooded soils. The mycorrhizae of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and the oaks (Quercus spp.) have been studied most due to their economic importance.Considerable work is still needed to better understand mycorrhizal relationships in BLH ecosystems and associated trees, both with respect to infectivity and nutrient cycling. Such information may be necessary for restoration of BLH forests on old agricultural fields, or to maintain the productivity of BLH forests after harvest. This paper summarizes studies on mycorrhizae relationships in BLH forests and suggests future work necessary for understanding the role mycorrhizae can have in managing these ecosystems.  相似文献   

The relocation of nutrients among dominant plant species, along with hydrological functions and soil chemistry in five plant communities, including Eucalyptus plantation, Pinus plantation, shrubland, semi-natural, and natural secondary forests were investigated in central Yunnan, China. The nutrient P, N, and K accumulation in above-ground biomass of Eucalyptus smithii (stems, barks, branches, and leaves) were the highest, followed by Pinus yunnanensis of both the Pinus plantation and the semi-natural forest. The nutrient retranslocation efficiency (NRE) of E. smithii was the highest for nutrient P, N, and K with values of 56, 66, and 67%, respectively, among the dominant plant species of the five plant communities, while the NRE of P. yunnanensis in Pinus plantation had the second highest value of NRE for nutrient N. The nutrient content (available P, N, and soil organic matter) in the upper two soil layers under Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations was correspondingly found to be lower than that of the other forests. Moreover, under the Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations, surface runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient loss were more serious, and the water storage of litterfall and canopy interception were significantly lower than that in the other plant communities. Accordingly, we suggest that single-species plantations cannot present the same ecological benefits as natural forests, because of their simple, uniform structures, and the characteristics of the dominant plant species.  相似文献   

Abstract The late Quaternary vegetation communities of the south-central highlands of Victoria are reconstructed from analyses of pollen and charcoal, and associated environmental conditions derived from the record of Nothofagus cunninghamii and alpine and sclerophyll taxa preserved in four subalpine Sphagnum bogs. The highest site occurs amid Eucalyptus paudflora woodland, the two intermediate sites are surrounded by Eucalyptus delegatensis forest and the lowest by a mixed forest of E. delegatensis/Eucalyptus regnans. Small pockets of N. cunninghamii occur within the eucalypt forests, and in close proximity to all four sites. Around 32 000 BP the vegetation consisted of a mosaic of alpine feldmark and herbfield, with small scattered groves of Nothofagus and Eucalyptus well below 1100m. Summer temperatures were probably 5°C lower than present with lowest values, probably 7° to 8°C below present, possibly between 17 000 and 13 500 BP, at which time alpine communities reached their greatest extent and much of the Central Highlands was treeless. After ca 13 500 BP herbaceous alpine taxa disappeared and there was an associated movement upslope of Nothofagus and tall open forest taxa to their maximum post-glacial extent, as temperatures and effective precipitation increased, ca 6000 BP. The retraction of cool temperate rainforest and wet sclerophyll or tall open forest towards present day values indicates lower effective precipitation, generally rising temperatures and increased fire hazard. More recently, European activities have increased the stress on the remaining forests. The study of four sites has demonstrated die importance of analysing a number of sites within a given area in order to overcome the limitations imposed by sites which were sub-optimal due to one or more factors including poor preservation, problems of dating, variable sedimentation rates, and the influence of streams which flow close to all sites. While die local environment varies between sites, and some vegetation changes are successional, this study shows that the local records complement one another, to some extent reinforcing die regional picture of vegetation and environmental change.  相似文献   

The contribution of vertebrate animals to nutrient cycling has proven to be important in various ecosystems. However, the role of large bodied primates in nutrient transport in neotropical forests is not well documented. Here, we assess the role of a population of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha lugens) as vectors of nutrient movement through seed dispersal. We estimated total seed biomass transported by the population within and between two habitats (terra firme and flooded forests) at Tinigua Park, Colombia, and quantified potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) content in seeds of 20 plant species from both forests. Overall, the population transported an estimated minimum of 11.5 (±1.2 SD) g of potassium, 13.2 (±0.7) g of phosphorus and 34.3 (±0.1) g nitrogen, within 22.4 (±2.0) kg of seeds ha?1 y?1. Approximately 84% of all nutrients were deposited in the terra firme forest mostly through recycling processes, and also through translocation from the flooded forest. This type of translocation represents an important and high‐quality route of transport since abiotic mechanisms do not usually move nutrients upwards, and since chemical tests show that seeds from flooded forests have comparatively higher nutrient contents. The overall contribution to nutrient movement by the population of woolly monkeys is significant because of the large amount of biomass transported, and the high phosphorus content of seeds. As a result, the phosphorus input generated by these monkeys is of the same order of magnitude as other abiotic mechanisms of nutrient transport such as atmospheric deposition and some weathering processes. Our results suggest that via seed dispersal processes, woolly monkey populations can contribute to nutrient movement in tropical forests, and may act as important nutrient input vectors in terra firme forests. Am. J. Primatol. 72:992–1003, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In many highland forests of Eucalyptus delegatensis in Tasmania the establishment and healthy growth of eucalypts is promoted and maintained by fire. In the absence of fire, secondary succession from eucalypt forest to rainforest occurs, during which the eucalypts decline and die prematurely. On sites that are prone to radiation frost severe reduction or removal of a tree canopy allows a sward of tussock grasses to develop, in competition with which seedlings of eucalypts decline in growth and a high proportion dies.Factors of the soil that could contribute to these phenomena were investigated by means of pot experiments that used soils from:o  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi drive the cycling of plant litter in forests, but little is known about their role in tropical rain forest nutrient cycling, despite the high rates of litter decay observed in these ecosystems. However, litter decay rates are not uniform across tropical rain forests. For example, decomposition can differ dramatically over small spatial scales between low-diversity, monodominant rain forests, and species-rich, mixed forests. Because the climatic patterns and soil parent material are identical in co-occurring mixed and monodominant forests, differences in forest floor accumulation, litter production, and decomposition between these forests may be biotically mediated. To test this hypothesis, we conducted field and laboratory studies in a monodominant rain forest in which the ectomycorrhizal tree Dicymbe corymbosa forms >80% of the canopy, and a diverse, mixed forest dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizal trees. After 2 years, decomposition was significantly slower in the monodominant forest (P < 0.001), but litter production was significantly greater in the mixed forest (P < 0.001). In the laboratory, we found microbial community biomass was greater in the mixed forest (P = 0.02), and the composition of fungal communities was distinct between the two rain forest types (P = 0.001). Sequencing of fungal rDNA revealed a significantly lower richness of saprotrophic fungi in the monodominant forest (19 species) relative to the species-rich forest (84 species); moreover, only 4% percent of fungal sequences occurred in both forests. These results show that nutrient cycling patterns in tropical forests can vary dramatically over small spatial scales, and that changes in microbial community structure likely drive the observed differences in decomposition.  相似文献   



We estimate organic carbon (C): total nitrogen (N): total phosphorus (P) ratios in soils under Australia’s major native vegetation groups.


We use digital datasets for climate, soils, and vegetation created for the National Land and Water Resources Audit in 2001. Analysis-of-variance is used to investigate differences in nutrient ratios between ecosystems. Linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression are used to investigate the relative importance of climatic variables and soil nutrients in vegetation patterns.


We find that the N:P and C:P ratios have a greater range of values than the C:N ratio, although major vegetation groups tend to show similar trends across all three ratios. Some apparently homeostatic groupings emerge: those with very low, low, medium, or high N:P and C:P. Tussock grasslands have very low soil N, N:P, and C:P, probably due to frequent burning. Eucalypt woodlands have low soil N:P and C:P ratios, although their total P level varies. Rainforests and Melaleuca forests have medium soil N:P and C:P ratios, although their total P level is different. Heathlands, tall open eucalypt forests, and shrublands occur on soils with low levels of total P, and high N:P and C:P ratios that reflect foliar nutrient ratios and recalcitrant litter.


Certain plant communities have typical soil nutrient stoichiometries but there is no single Redfield-like ratio. Vegetation patterns largely reflect soil moisture but for several plant communities, eucalypt communities in particular, soil N and P (or N:P) also play a significant role. Soil N:P and the presence of Proteaceae appear indicative of nutrient constraints in ecosystems.  相似文献   

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