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中华鲟授精过程扫描电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在扫描电镜下观察到:中华鲟的成熟卵具有一层放射膜,两层卵黄膜;卵的动物极端有9—15个受精孔,受精孔直径约为12.7—13.9μm;精子由伞状顶体、棍棒状头部、漏斗状中段及扁平细长的尾部组成;各受精孔都能接纳多个精子;卵受精5秒后,精子才开始入卵,且精子入卵速度各不相同。受精时间持续较长,可由5秒延长至5分钟;卵受梢后,受精管道内除缠绕成团的精子尾部外,未发现其他堵塞物。  相似文献   

Total cell number and number of the primary mesenchyme cells of 1/2 and 1/4 larvae were counted at several developmental stages after hatching in comparison with those of a whole larva, using Clypeaster japonicus as material. To obtain partial larvae, blastomeres were isolated at the 2- or 4-cell stage in Ca-free sea water and cultured in natural sea water at around 23°C. Isolated blastomeres cleaved as in situ, namely, as a part of an embryo. Although each partial embryo tended to spread into a plate, it acquired spherical shape prior to hatching of control whole embryo and developed normally in terms of both developmental rate and morphogenesis. Total cell number of a whole larva was about 620 just after hatching and increased almost linearly until i t reached 1850 at the pluteus stage. A half and quarter larvae contained roughly 1/2 and 1/4, respectively, of the number of cells of whole larva through all stages counted. Numbers of the primary mesenchyme cells in the partial larvae, however, tended to be slightly larger than a half or a fourth of that in whole larva. In whole larva, 35, 50, 56 and 58 was counted at the mesenchyme blastula, early gastrula, late gastrula and pluteus stage, respectively.  相似文献   

Fertilization of sea urchin eggs fails to occur at a pH lower than 6.5. Analytical studies on this problem were made with Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Anthocidaris crassispina and Pseudocentrotus depressus. If the spermatozoa have been pretreated with egg water, eggs can be fertilized even at pH 6.5 and 6.0. The acrosome reaction is inhibited at a pH lower than 6.5. Intact spermatozoa fail to adhere to the fixed eggs in acidified sea water, whereas egg-water-treated spermatozoa adhere even at pH 6.5 and 6.0. From these results we infer that the failure of fertilization at pH 6.5–6.0 is caused by non-occurrence of the acrosome reaction, and that fertilization reactions other than the acrosome reaction, such as the binding and fusion of the gametes, are not inhibited in this range of pH. At pH 5.5, the spermatozoa become inert and fertilization is inhibited or suppressed, even though egg-water-treated spermatozoa are employed.  相似文献   

皱纹盘鲍受精过程的电镜观察   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文用透射电镜观察了皱纹盘鲍的受精过程。鲍卵子的胶膜使精子活化,并诱发了顶体反应,卵黄膜使顶体反应达到高潮。精子入卵后,卵发生皮层反应并形成受精膜开 减数分裂。此外,还观察到鲍的多精入卵现象。  相似文献   

When spermatozoa are treated with egg-water and undergo the acrosome reaction, their fertilizing capacity is lost within 5 min. However, if insemination is carried out within 4 min after the egg-water treatment, there is no difference in fertilizing capacity between spermatozoa treated with egg-water and non-treated ones. With such spermatozoa, eggs can be fertilized even in the virtual absence of calcium, whereas with spermatozoa treated with Ca-free egg-water, no fertilization occurs under the same conditions. It is postulated that in normal fertilization the acrosome reaction has occurred before the attachment of the gametes. The failure of fertilization with normal spermatozoa in Ca-free sea water may be due to the failure of occurrence of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The splenic sinuses in the spleens of 5 human beings and 7 albino rats have been studied in the light microscope and electron microscope after fixation in Dalton's fluid and Palade's fluid and embedding in n-butyl methacrylate. Splenic sinuses are tortuous vascular channels of large but variable diameter which represent the first venous vessels in the spleen and make up almost the entire red pulp in man and in rats. These vessels are composed of reticulo-endothelial cells flattened to endothelial form and sheathed by a netted reticulum. The luminal surface of the endothelium is made highly irregular by delicate and variable cytoplasmic protrusions, slender corridors separating adjacent endothelial cells, anastomotic openings to other sinuses, bulgings of entire cells, and even thrusts of endothelium spanning the sinai lumen. The supporting reticulum presents a well developed latticed appearance in tangential sections of sinuses, but in most cuts is punctate or linear. The reticulum is composed of strands without limiting membranes, which, in substance, are amorphous and resemble basement membrane. Material identical in appearance to the substance of the reticulum may be present in the endothelium, suggesting that the reticulum is formed by endothelial cells. The endothelium also contains deposits of presumed ferritin and hemosiderin. The extreme luminal bulgings of endothelium suggest production of circulating monocytes or lymphocytes by detachment of endothelial cells. Sinuses are patent and collapsed to varying degrees. Patent sinuses are separated by collapsed sinuses and these collapsed sinuses appear to constitute splenic (Billroth) cords.  相似文献   

The role of the cells in the fabrication of a connective tissue matrix, and the structural modifications which accompany cytodifferentiation have been investigated in developing epiphyseal cartilage of fetal rat by means of electron microscopy. Differentiation of the prechondral mesenchymal cells to chondroblasts is marked by the acquisition of an extensive endoplasmic reticulum, enlargement and concentration of the Golgi apparatus, the appearance of membrane-bounded cytoplasmic inclusions, and the formation of specialized foci of increased density in the cell cortex. These modifications are related to the secretion of the cartilage matrix. The matrix of young hyaline cartilage consists of groups of relatively short, straight, banded collagen fibrils of 10 to 20 mµ and a dense granular component embedded in an amorphous ground substance of moderate electron density. It is postulated that the first phase of fibrillogenesis takes place at the cell cortex in dense bands or striae within the ectoplasm subjacent to the cell membrane. These can be resolved into sheaves of "primary" fibrils of about 7 to 10 mµ. They are supposedly shed (by excortication) into the matrix space between the separating chondroblasts, where they may serve as "cores" of the definitive matrix fibrils. The diameter of the fibrils may subsequently increase up to threefold, presumably by incorporation of "soluble" or tropocollagen units from the ground substance. The chondroblast also discharges into the matrix the electrondense amorphous or granular contents of vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus, and the mixed contents of large vacuoles or blebs bounded by distinctive double membranes. Small vesicles with amorphous homogeneous contents of moderate density are expelled in toto from the chondroblasts. In their subsequent evolution to chondrocytes, both nucleus and cytoplasm of the chondroblasts undergo striking condensation. Those moving toward the osteogenic plate accumulate increasingly large stores of glycogen. In the chondrocyte, the enlarged fused Golgi vesicles with dense contents, massed in the juxtanuclear zone, are the most prominent feature of the cytoplasm. Many of these make their way to the surface to discharge their contents. The hypertrophied chondrocytes of the epiphyseal plate ultimately yield up their entire contents to the matrix.  相似文献   

Sperm penetration and the formation of a fertilization cone in the micropylar canal of the egg of the common carp were examined by electron microscopy. The overwhelming majority of inseminated eggs fixed without immersion in fresh water showed that the first spermatozoon had penetrated into the ooplasm before the cortical reaction had occurred, and in many cases had formed a fertilization cone to plug the micropylar canal. At this stage the sperm head was usually located at the base of the cone, and the tail part did not participate in the formation of the cone. Inseminated eggs fixed soon after immersion in fresh water showed that the elevation of the fertilization membrane and the simultaneous recession of the fertilization cone often permitted the penetration of a few supernumerary spermatozoa into the perivitelline space near the micropylar canal, but polyspermic fertilization was never observed. The mechanism of the block to polyspermy in the egg of the common carp is discussed in connection with the fertilization cone.  相似文献   

During the past 25 years, great advances have been made in understanding the physiology, morphology and biochemistry of fertilization in invertebrate animal species. In contrast to this situation, there is a paucity of knowledge pertaining to mammalian fertilization. Major areas in which information is lacking are the nature of changes undergone by spermatozoa in preparation for fertilization, and the mechanisms involved in sperm penetration of the egg investments. The present state of knowledge of these events is outlined, and the weaknesses of some current concepts are evaluated. Fertilization of mammalian eggs in vitro seems an attractive method for studying gamete interaction, but experience has shown that numerous problems are associated with this technique. As a result, the information on mammalian fertilization that has been derived from studies conducted in vitro has fallen considerably short of expectations; some factors contributing to this discrepancy are described. Recent findings concerning the regulation of sperm motility and fertilizing ability seem to have considerable significance for mammalian fertilization in vivo and in vitro. These findings have been utilized to refine existing procedures; fertilization of hamster eggs in vitro has now been accomplished in the presence of numbers of spermatozoa comparable to those believed to be present at the site and time of fertilization in vivo. It is anticipated that this improved technique, by more closely approximating the physiological situation, will substantially assist the derivation of useful information from in vitro fertilization studies.  相似文献   

Amphibian lampbrush chromosomes and meiotic prophase chromosomes of various insects and plants consist of a bundle of microfibrils about 500 A thick. These fibrils are double, being made of two closely associated fibrils 200 A thick. Fragments of interphase nuclei contain a mass of fibrils 200 A thick. Ultrathin sections through nuclei in prophase or interphase show sections of these double or single fibrils cut at various angles. A comparison of sections with the methacrylate left in and sections that were shadowed after removing the methacrylate suggests that the OsO4 reacts only with the outer part of the fibrils either because it does not penetrate, or as a result of a chemical difference of the inner core and the outside of the fibril. It is suggested that in analogy to the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus the chromosomal microfibril may have an inner core of DNA surrounded by a shell of protein.  相似文献   

Representative viruses of the RI-APC group were observed with the electron microscope in thin sections of infected HeLa cells. The viral particles varied in density, were approximately 60 mµ in diameter and had a center to center spacing when close packed of about 65 mµ. Many of the less dense particles exhibited an internal body averaging 24 mµ in diameter. It was suggested that within the nucleus the virus differentiated from dense granular and reticular material and formed crystals. Disintegration of the crystals and disruption of the nuclear membrane with release of virus into the cytoplasm appeared to occur at any stage. No evidence to suggest development of the virus in the cytoplasm was obtained. It was possible to deduce the structure of the viral crystal from the electron micrographs. The viral particles are packed in a cubic body—centered lattice. Correlative histochemical observations in the light microscope which are now in progress revealed that the crystals and non-crystalline aggregates of virus were strongly Feulgen-positive.  相似文献   

The structure of the kidney of the Swiss albino mouse changes progressively during the first 2 weeks after birth. Cells proliferate to form new nephrons, cells differentiate by acquiring specialized membranous components, and certain cytological features which are present at birth diminish in abundance or disappear. The differentiation of the cells of the cortical tubules has been studied using the light and electron microscopes. The tubules are partially and variably differentiated at birth. During the first 2 weeks after birth the brush border develops in the proximal tubules by the accumulation of numerous microvilli on the apical cell margins. Basal striations develop in proximal and distal tubules as an alignment of mitochondria, the result of what appears to be progressive interlocking of adjacent fluted cells. The mitochondria increase in number and size, accumulate homogeneous matrix, and acquire small, very dense granules. The collecting ducts develop tight pleating of the basal cell membranes, and dark cells containing numerous small cytoplasmic vesicles and microvilli appear. At birth there are dense irregular cytoplasmic inclusions presumed to be lipide in renal cells, the cytoplasmic granules of Palade are abundant, and there are large round bodies in the cells of the proximal tubules. The lipide inclusions disappear a few days after birth, and the cytoplasmic granules of Palade diminish in abundance as the cells differentiate. The large round bodies in the proximal tubules consist of an amorphous material and contain concentrically lamellar structures and mitochondria. They resemble the cytoplasmic droplets produced in the proximal tubules of adult rats and mice by the administration of proteins. The large round bodies disappear from the proximal tubules of infant mice during the first week after birth, but the concentric lamellar structures may be found in adult mice.  相似文献   

本文研究了一类具有不同生存能力竞争效应的差分方程生态模型中的同步二点周期环现象.结果表明,当存活率为密度制约时,除始终存在唯一的一个正奇点外,还同时存在唯一的一个同步二点周期环,其稳定性正好与这一正奇点的性态相反.  相似文献   

Turdus smithi, formerly a subspecies of T. olivaceus, has been elevated to species status, resulting in a void in our knowledge on this species. Although both T. smithi and T. olivaceus are common garden birds throughout their ranges, most studies to date have focused on T. olivaceus. These studies found that T. o. olivaceus reach ages in excess of 11 years and maintain territories of 10 000–13 000 m2. The present study investigated site fidelity and longevity of an urban T. smithi population at the University of Pretoria main campus in Gauteng. Thrushes were ringed with unique colour ring combinations and identified by resighting them later. We found that T. smithi individuals have high site fidelity, with some thrushes being present in their same home ranges nearly nine years after being ringed, and suspect that they occupied these territories continuously between ringing and resighting. We found that T. smithi maintain larger home ranges than T. olivaceus individuals, and have a similar maximum longevity. We propose that adult thrushes are able to persist in a given home range because they are able to avoid resident predators, e.g. feral cats Felis sylvestris catus, by accurately predicting their hunting strategies.  相似文献   

The activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in sea urchin eggs is localized in the crude mitochondrial fraction. The activity of the enzyme complex in the intact mitochondrial fraction of unfertilized eggs is too low to be estimated and is enhanced upon fertilization with a 5-min lag period. The activity of the enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs is enhanced by Ca2+at concentrations between 5 × 10?5 M and 10?3 M. The activity in fertilized eggs is blocked after incubation with 2 mM ATP, and the block of the activity is also released by Ca2+. The blockage of the enzyme complex activity is accompanied by phosphorylation of proteins, and release of the block by Ca2+ is concomitantly followed by the dephosphorylation of proteins in the mitochondrial fraction. The enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs will be assumed to be the one inhibited by phosphorylation. The enzyme complex will be activated upon fertilization as a consequence of the dephosphorylation, that is caused by the increase in intracellular concentration of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The content of arginine phosphate was measured following fertilization of sea-urchin eggs and starfish oocytes. In sea-urchin eggs, a rise in the level of arginine phosphate occurred within 2 min after insemination: this was not accompanied by any detectable alteration in the level of ATP. On the other hand, the level of arginine phosphate in starfish oocytes did not change on fertilization.  相似文献   

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