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Acanthostomum macroclemidis n. sp. is described from specimens found in the intestine of an alligator snapping turtle Macroclemys temmincki from southern Mississippi. The most important diagnostic features of the new species are the general shape and proportions of the body, the position of the pharynx (relative length of the prepharynx and esophagus), the egg size, the relative length and position of the vitelline fields, and the number, shape, and size of the circumoral spines. The new species has a very elongated body (length-width ratio, 8.9-13.0:1), 26 circumoral spines, which are almost oval in shape, a long prepharynx and a very short (shorter than the pharynx) esophagus, a seminal receptacle situated between the ovary and the anterior testis, a uterus not extending posterior to the anterior margin of the ovary, a long-stemmed and short-armed excretory vesicle, and 2 anal openings. Some features of the external morphology, such as the suckers, circumoral spines, sensory papillae, tegumental spines, and morphology of the posterior end, are examined using scanning electron microscopy. A diagnosis differentiating A. macroclemidis n. sp. from some other acanthostomine digeneans is provided. Acanthostomum macroclemidis n. sp. is the first digenean reported from an alligator snapping turtle and represents the northernmost record of an acanthostomine from turtles.  相似文献   

Proctocaecum gairhei n. sp. is described from the gharial Gavialis gangeticus (Gmelin) in Nepal. The new taxon can be distinguished from all other species of Proctocaecum Baugh, 1957 by the combination of the following morphological characters: a single row of 23 cephalic spines, lateral anal pores opening at uneven levels, a forebody accounting for 16% of the total body length (TBL), an oral to ventral sucker width ratio of 1:0.7, an oral sucker to pharynx width ratio of 1:0.6 and uterine loops that occupy 59-67% of the TBL. While sharing some morphological characteristics with Acanthostomum slusarskii Kalyankar, 1977 from Crocodylus palustris (Lesson) in India, P. gairhei n. sp. is distinguished from the latter by possessing the solid muscular gonotyl diagnostic for Proctocaecum, by the number of cephalic spines, position of the anal pores and egg size. The existing cladogram for Proctocaecum was expanded using the character information of P. gairhei n. sp. The host range of Proctocaecum is now known to include all three families of the order Crocodylia.  相似文献   

The species recently described as Acanthostomum macroclemidis possesses the gonotyl in the form of a solid muscular pad uniquely diagnostic for species of Proctocaecum and is accordingly transferred to that genus. An artificial key to the 5 acanthostomine genera, as well as an updated phylogenetic hypothesis for the 10 known species of Proctocaecum, based on 11 characters and including 2 species described since the last phylogenetic analysis, are presented. The single most parsimonious phylogenetic tree with a consistency index of 87.5% suggests that Proctocaecum originated in Africa and spread to North America and South America before the breakup of Pangaea. As a result, the 2 North American and 1 South American species are most closely related to different African members of the genus. African and Indo-Pacific species inhabit crocodylids; hence, the occurrence of North American species in alligatorids and chelonians and a South American species in alligatorids are the result of host switches.  相似文献   

The morphology of juvenile and adult stages of Acanthostomum spiniceps and A. absconditum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt, was studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy. In early juveniles, circumoral spines are absent and the entire body surface is covered with tegumental spines. Late juveniles show gradual differentiation of the circumoral tegument into a collar of spines associated with a reduction in density of tegumental spines at the posterior extremity of the body. Genital primordia appear when juveniles are about 1.75 mm long. The distributions of tegumental spines on adult A. spiniceps and A. absconditum are similar. Spines are denser on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the anterior and middle parts of the body and less dense towards the posterior end. The tegumental fold surrounding the ventral sucker of A. absconditum has spines while the fold of A. spiniceps lacks them. The most important morphological features differentiating both species are the number of circumoral spines, body shape, ratio of body length to width, sucker sizes, and the presence or absence of spines on the ventral sucker.  相似文献   

A Heterophyes species from the small intestine of the water rat, Hydromys chrysogaster, in Australia is described in detail. The specimens are assigned to H. nocens, a species which many authors believed to be a synonym of H. heterophyes. From this study, H. nocens is considered a valid species as it differs from H. heterophyes in the number of sclerites on the gonotyl, the course of the uterus, coefficients of allometric growth of the suckers and the presence of genital sinus spines.  相似文献   

The genus Forticulcita was established solely for F. glabra sp. n. from Valamugil seheli (Forsskål) in the Gulf of Aqaba. Most closely related to Haploporus , it is diagnosed primarily by having a species with an acetabulum being conspicuously robust, prepharynx measuring shorter than the pharynx, ceca terminating at the testicular level, muscular hermaphroditic ejaculatory organ lacking accessory structures, and vitellarium consisting of a single mass.  相似文献   

Two associated partial skeletons, one from the McCarty ranch (MOTTU site 0690) near Kalgary, Texas, Tecovas Formation, and the other from the Petrified Forest Member of the Chinle Formation, outside the Petrified Forest, Arizona, represent the most complete specimens ofPoposaurus gracilis found to date, and increase our understanding of the osteology of this rare pseudosuchian archosaur. The cervical centrum of TTUP-10419 possesses an accessory dorsal parapophyseal rib facet, as in “Lythrosuchus”. The ilia of these new fossils are the first ofPoposaurus to preserve the complete preacetabular blade, which is long and “blade-like” rather than “paddle-shaped” as previously thought. These specimens also confirm that isolated elements previously referred toPoposaurus (fused sacral vertebrae, the pubes and the ischia), but not present in the holotype indeed belong to that taxon. The morphology of the cervical centrum and the preacetabular blade of the ilium are identical to the much larger type of“Lythrosuchus” langstoni, suggesting that “Lythrosuchus” is a junior synonym ofPoposaurus. However, we retain the speciesPoposaurus langstoni nov. comb. on the basis of larger size, absence of a distinct ridge on the lateral surface of the ilium, and the lack of a pit on the proximal end of the ischium. A phylogenetic analysis suggests a monophyletic Poposauroidea and a paraphyletic “Rauisuchia”.  相似文献   

Summary The name Deurithitrema gingae n. g., n. sp. is proposed for worms from the kidneys of one Crocodylus porosus from Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. The following combination of characters distinguishes the new genus from all others: prepharynx very short; oesophagus absent; caeca reaching to posterior end of body; testes tandem in middle third of body, contiguous or amost so; cirrus-sac large, over-reaches ventral sucker, contains bipartite seminal vesicle, prostatic regions and ejaculatory duct with spines around its opening into genital atrium; genital pore immediately in front of ventral sucker; uterus coiled to posterior end of body; vitellaria lateral from ventral sucker to slightly behind testes; excretory vesicle small, receiving a single ventro-lateral duct from each side behind end of uterine loops. Deurithitrema belongs to the superfamily Plagiorchioidea Dollfus, 1930. It superficially resembles a number of genera, but its relationships within the superfamily are obscure.  相似文献   

The bathyal genus Penopus (Ophidiidae) is revised based on 23 specimens. One specimen from the Ryukyu Trench represents a new species, Penopus japonicus. The remaining 22 specimens were found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and neither 28 meristic and morphometric characters nor several morphological characters show any differences between the two populations. This supports Séret (1988), who considered Penopus macdonaldi Goode and Bean 1896 a junior synonym of Penopus microphthalmus (Vaillant 1888). The new Japanese species can be separated from the Atlantic species by having fewer rays in the dorsal (117 vs. 135–158) and anal (89 vs. 106–122) fins, the squamation of the head restricted to the middle part of the preopercle versus the squamation covering the dorsum, preopercle and the opercle in part, a distinct spine behind the posterior nostril versus the spine hardly visible and 9 spines on the hind margin of the preopercle versus 4–7 spines.  相似文献   

A poorly known acropomatid, Rhomboserranus gracilispinis Fowler, 1943, was originally described on the basis of specimens from the Philippines. Since the recognition of Rhomboserranus as a junior synonym of Doederleinia, R. gracilispinis had been considered a valid species of Doederleinia. Examination of the holotype of R. gracilispinis and other type series of nominal species of Doederleinia showed them to be included in the single species D. berycoides (Hilgendorf, 1879). The sole representative of Doederleinia is distributed from Japan to northwestern Australia. This species is distinguishable from other acropomatids by the following combination of characters: head and body red; nine dorsal-fin spines; three anal-fin spines; no luminous organ; a row of conical teeth with a large canine tooth medially on lower jaw; large conical teeth on anterior part of outer margin with two or three large canine teeth on inner margin on upper jaw; and anus situated just anterior to origin of anal fin.  相似文献   

The foregut and associated glands of a digenetic trematode, Paragonimus miyazakii, were examined in the forebody by transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as by light microscopy, and their functional roles were discussed. The foregut is lined with a general tegument without spines and sensory receptors throughout its length, although it consists of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus. This foregut tegument is regionally and intraregionally modified in appearance, suggesting the performance of auxiliary functions in digestion. This appearance is characterized by long, frequent cytoplasmic extensions of the apical tegument around the middle portion of the mouth and the anterior esophagus. Electron-dense granules and multimembranous and multilamellar bodies are developed in the tegument to various degrees, and elaborately in the apical layer of the prepharynx. A single type of unicellular gland is embedded in the antero-middle part of the worm in small groups. The gland cells synthesize clear secretory granules as a chief product, each granule with a pleomorphic, dense, core-like inclusion. Mature granules are elliptical in shape, approximately 500 nm in diameter, and are subsequently discharged into the prepharyngeal foregut lumen after passing through the elongated cytoplasm of the gland cell. In the prepharynx and pharynx, host blood cells are apparently processed for digestion. In the wide lumen of the esophagus, foodstuff could undergo sufficient digestion prior to absorption by the cecal epithelium. J. Morphol. 237:43–52, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on sensitive immunohistochemical methods, the ceca of three owl species (Tyto alba, Strix aluco, Asio otus) were studied for the presence of important Ca-transport proteins [Ca-channel (α2-subunit), calbindin D-28K, vitamin D3 receptor) and one mitochondrial energy marker (succinate dehydrogenase (subunit A)]. Additionally, some information is given on basic ceca morphology, general histology, and goblet cells. The results obtained demonstrated that the enterocytes of the ceca are regularly involved in calcium transport and that this phenomenon is generally associated with high energy demands. The positive reactions for Ca-transport proteins were normally located in the apical cell membrane and/or cytoplasm but sometimes also in the basal cell membrane of the enterocytes. In the crypts, this cell type generally reacted weaker for the Ca-transport markers than in the epithelial layer of the intestinal villi; however, there were no differences between the cecal localizations (basis, corpus, apex) studied.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Lepidapedon are divided into various groups and subgroups based on vitelline distribution relative to the acetabulum and anterior extent of the excretory vesicle. Members of this genus predominantly parasitise gadiform fishes and are commonly collected from relatively deep waters. A recent study of deep-sea helminths from macrourids of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea revealed six new species of this genus. L. mexicanensis n. sp., of the elongatum group, elongatum subgroup, differs from other species in this subgroup in proportions (as % of body length), lacking confluent vitelline fields between both the ovary and anterior testis and the testes, and in having a smaller egg and body size. L. nezumiatis n. sp., of the elongatum group, desclersae subgroup, differs from both L. filiformis and L. desclersae in having intermediate egg and body sizes, and a longer oesophagus than prepharynx. L. caribbaei n. sp. and L. longivesicula n. sp., of the garrardi group, congeri subgroup, differ from L. congeri in having a sucker-ratio of 1:<1. L. caribbaei n. sp. and L. longivesicula n. sp. differ from each other in that L. caribbaei n. sp. has numerous long, barb-like, deeply imbedded spines, a less elongate body, an infundibuliform oral sucker, a similar-sized oesophagus and prepharynx, and a caecal bifurcation which is closer to the acetabulum than oral sucker, while L. longivesicula n. sp. has shorter, serrate or plate-like, lightly imbedded, widely to sporadically spaced spines, a more elongate body, a spherical to subspherical oral sucker, a longer oesophagus than prepharynx, and a caecal bifurcation which is closer to the oral sucker than acetabulum. L. desotoensis n. sp., of the rachion group, rachion subgroup, is distinct from both L. luteum and L. abyssensis in having a smaller size, lacking cervical glands or pharyngeal gland cells, and possessing dark-staining particles in the mesenchyme, while it differs from L. abyssensis specifically in having a much longer oesophagus than prepharynx, lateral vitelline fields that are not confluent intertesticularly, and wider eggs. L. zaniophori n. sp., also of the rachion subgroup, differs from both L. cascadensis and L. genge in having a smaller egg size, a shorter prepharynx and oesophagus than pharynx, and vitelline fields that are intertesticular but only slightly encroach between the ovary and anterior testis. L. sammari and L. spiniferi are designated as incertae sedis, and L. quiloni and L. stromateusi are designated as species inquirendae. New parasite keys and host records for Coelorinchus coelorhincus, C. caribbaeus and Nezumia cyrano are offered. Support is given to Lepidapedon probably being the dominant digenean genus in deep water.  相似文献   

A new species of benthic marine dinoflagellate, Pyramidodinium spinulosum Horiguchi, Moriya, Pinto & Terada is described from the deep (36 m) seafloor off Mageshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan in the subtropical region of the northwest Pacific. The life cycle of the dinoflagellate consists of a dominant, attached, dome‐shaped, vegetative form and short‐lasting, motile cell. Asexual reproduction takes place by the formation of two motile cells within each non‐motile cell. The released motile cells swim only for a short period and transform directly into the dome‐shaped vegetative form. The duration of the cell cycle varies and can be extremely long, ranging 5–38 days under culture conditions. The non‐motile cell is enclosed by a cell wall and its surface is covered with many (80 – 130) spines of various length. The dinoflagellate is photosynthetic and contains many (more than 50) discoidal chloroplasts. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the dinoflagellate is closely related to the type species of the genus Pyramidodinium, P. atrofuscum which also possesses a dominant, attached, non‐motile form. However, P. spinulosum can be clearly distinguished from P. atrofuscum by the cell shape (dome‐shaped vs. pyramid‐shaped) and surface ornamentation (spines vs. wart‐like processes) of the non‐motile form. Based on these morphological differences together with molecular evidence, it was concluded that this organism from a deep water sand sample should be described as a second species of the genus Pyramidodinium, P. spinulosum.  相似文献   


A new species of stonefish, Synanceia quinque (Synanceiidae) is described on the basis of two specimens (61.5–84.4 mm standard length) collected off Sabah (Borneo), Malaysia and Flores, Indonesia. The new species is characterized by 12 pectoral-fin rays, and is most similar to Synanceia alula Eschmeyer and Rama-Rao 1973 (11 pectoral-fin rays in the latter vs. 14 or more in other congeners). Other characters distinguishing S. quinque from S. alula include numbers of pelvic-fin rays [I, 5 in the former vs. I, 3 or 4 (usually I, 4) in the latter], gill rakers (0 + 4 or 5 vs. 0 or 1 + 7), and five preopercular spines/skin flaps (upper three spines relatively well developed, lower two rudimentary) (vs. four preopercle spines, fifth spine or skin flap absent). An updated key to species of Synanceia is provided.


Chlorophthalmus corniger is redescribed on the basis of recently collected specimens. The species is redefined as a species of Chlorophthalmus with the lower jaw terminating in a distinctly projecting horizontal plate with strong, spine‐like processes directed forward from the plate's corners; body silvery grey, with numerous minute black spots and traces of broad darker crossbars; base of anterior dorsal fin spines and distal parts of dorsal fins black; adipose fin tiny with numerous black spots; caudal fin black; 3·5 scales above lateral line; three rows of cheek scales; head very large, 34·3–40·1% standard length (LS); eye large, 29·8–40·8% head length (LH); pectoral fin long, extending to beyond dorsal fin base, 21·7–26·2% LS. Chlorophthalmus bicornis is a junior synonym of C. corniger based on the examination of the type series of both species. It is confined to the northern half of the Indian Ocean, reliably recorded from Somalia and the Gulf of Aden to southern Java, Indonesia, at depths between 200 and 500 m. A lectotype and three paralectotypes were designated for C. corniger. DNA barcodes for Indian species of Chlorophthalmus were generated.  相似文献   

Littorellicola billhawkinsi n. gen., n. sp. infects the myocardial lacunae of the ventricle and atrium of Florida pompano, Trachinotus carolinus in the northern Gulf of Mexico. It differs from other aporocotylid genera by the combination of having a body 10–30× longer than wide, a posterolateral body protuberance, lateral spine rows, an aspinous anterior sucker comprising a slightly muscular rim circumscribing the mouth, asymmetrical posterior ceca 14–20× length of the anterior ceca and lacking diverticula or secondary rami, tens of testes distributing in a cobblestone-like field anterior and posterior to the distal ends of the posterior ceca, an oviducal seminal receptacle comprising the distal portion of the oviduct, and a post-cecal ovary plus by lacking rosethorn-shaped spines, a pharynx, and a Laurer's canal. The new species appears host specific to Florida pompano because no conspecific infection was detected in 134 carangids of 8 species in 4 genera captured nearby the type locality. Psettarium sebastodorum Holmes, 1971 is transferred to the new genus, as Littorellicola sebastodorum (Holmes, 1971) n. comb., because it and the new species differ from species of Psettarium by the combination of having multiple testes plus 8 other features detailed herein. This report brings the number of nominal Gulf of Mexico aporocotylids to 12 species of 8 genera, represents only the second record of an aporocotylid from a carangid there, and supports the notion that elongated, “thread-like” aporocotylids with lateral spine rows are seemingly well-adapted for infecting myocardial lacunae or embedding in the myocardium of their definitive fish hosts.  相似文献   

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