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Tumour expression of the macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1 or MCSF) has been associated with an adverse prognosis in breast cancer, through an effect on the promotion of metastasis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical relevance of high circulating CSF-1 levels in patients with newly diagnosed breast tumours and correlate CSF-1 with clinico-pathological parameters. A secondary aim was to also measure CSF-1 in patients with other tumour types and at different stages of disease. Using a commercially available ELISA, pre-treatment plasma levels of CSF-1 were assessed, in 471 consecutive patients diagnosed with breast tumours, in 70 patients with newly diagnosed cancer of the head & neck, in 32 men with prostate cancer metastatic to bone and in 39 women with advanced metastatic breast cancer. Mean CSF-1 levels were significantly higher in patients with locally advanced (p <.015) or metastatic breast tumours (p <.048) and in a group of primary breast cancer patients (n = 26) selected for intensive chemotherapy because of multiple adverse tumour characteristics (p <.0002). Mean CSF-1 was also higher in patients younger than 35 years (p <.02) and in post-menopausal patients (p <.03). There was no significant association with tumour histologic type, grade, or other individual histopathologic parameters. No significant association was found between pre-treatment CSF-1 and overall/relapse free survival. Median CSF-1 levels were dramatically higher in patients with newly diagnosed tumours of the head & neck (604 pg/ml), in men with prostate cancer metastatic to bone (627 pg/ml) and women with advanced metastatic breast cancer (867 pg/ml) than those seen in patients with newly diagnosed breast tumours (334 pg/ml). Our data support the hypothesis that CSF-1 may play a functional role in tumour progression to metastasis as has previously been reported in animal models.  相似文献   

125I-Labeled recombinant human interleukin-3 (IL-3) was used to study the characteristics and distribution of receptors for IL-3 on human cells. Receptors were found on primary monocytes, on some strains of KG-1 cells, and on pre-B cell lines. Binding was rapid at 37 degrees C, while requiring several hours to reach equilibrium at 4 degrees C. Equilibrium binding studies indicated that IL-3 bound to a single class of high affinity receptor (less than 500 receptors/cell) with a Ka of approximately 1 x 10(10) M-1. Inhibition studies revealed that human granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor partially inhibited the binding of 125I-IL-3 to human monocytes but not JM-1 cells. Additional analysis showed that on KG-1 cells, both IL-3 and GM-CSF partially competed specific binding of heterologous radiolabeled ligand, with approximately equivalent capacities. This competition occurred at both 37 and 4 degrees C. These results suggest heterogeneity in the binding sites for IL-3 and GM-CSF in which a subset of receptors binds only IL-3, a subset only GM-CSF, and another subset can bind both, all with high affinity. Additional heterogeneity was suggested by equilibrium binding of 125I-IL-3 to KG-1 cells which revealed a biphasic Scatchard plot containing a low affinity component not observed on monocytes and JM-1 cells.  相似文献   

CSF-1 is a hemopoietic growth factor that specifically regulates the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of mononuclear phagocytic cells. A homogeneous population of mononuclear phagocytes, bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM), were used to study the regulation of protein turnover by CSF-1. Removal of CSF-1 (approximately 0.4 nM) from exponentially growing BMM cultured in 15% fetal calf serum containing medium decreases the rate of DNA synthesis by more than 100-fold. Addition of CSF-1 to these cells causes them to resume DNA synthesis within 12 h. More immediate effects of CSF-1 were observed on BMM protein metabolism. BMM cultured for 24 h in the absence of CSF-1 reduce their protein synthetic rate by 50-60%. The protein synthetic rate commences to decrease at 2-3 h after CSF-1 removal. Readdition of CSF-1 to BMM previously incubated in its absence causes a return to the protein synthetic rate of exponentially growing cells within 2 h. In the presence of CSF-1, BMM synthesize protein at a rate of approximately 8.7%/h and degrade it at a rate of approximately 0.9%/h. Removal of CSF-1 results in a decrease in the protein synthetic rate to approximately 3.4%/h and an increase in the rate of protein degradation to approximately 3.4%/h. The rate of protein synthesis by BMM increases linearly with CSF-1 concentration over the range of concentrations stimulating both survival and proliferation, while the rate of protein degradation decreases exponentially over the range of concentrations stimulating survival without proliferation. Therefore, it appears that the stimulation of the rate of protein synthesis and inhibition of the rate of protein degradation are two distinct effects of CSF-1, both part of the pleiotropic response to this growth factor. The inhibition of the rate of protein degradation by CSF-1 may be most significant for its survival inducing effect.  相似文献   

The endotoxin-resistant strain of mouse, C3H/Hej, was assessed for hematological responsiveness to multiple injections of high dosages of purified recombinant human macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhu-M-CSF). Mice were administered the rhu M-CSF i.p. at dosages of 40 micrograms per injection, 2 or 3 times per day for 4 days. This resulted in significant increases in circulating leukocytes compared to control mice given sterile pyrogen-free saline. Assessment of the marrow and spleen of these mice on the 5th day noted a significant reduction in the numbers of marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells, with no change in their cycling rates. In contrast, splenic granulocyte-macrophage and erythroid progenitor cell numbers were markedly increased and the cycling rates of these progenitors plus those of multipotential progenitors were significantly enhanced. Marrow and splenic early myeloid cells (blasts, promyelocytes, and myelocytes) and macrophages were increased, while marrow and splenic PMN were decreased. The results suggest that multiple injections of high dosages of rhu-M-CSF to previously untreated mice for a short period of time has a modest enhancing effect on blood leukocyte levels. This is associated with a shift of hematopoietic cell activity from the marrow to the spleen.  相似文献   

A cell line designated HOTHC was established from an anaplastic carcinoma (giant cell type) of the thyroid gland of 80-year-old woman. The HOTHC line grew rapidly in multilayer without contact inhibition, and more than 120 serial passages were made within 27 months. The cells were spindle or polygonal in shape and revealed neoplastic and pleomorphic features. These cells were characterized as containing coloid droplets and poorly developed rough-endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm. Doubling time was about 24 hours and plating efficiency was about 70%. The karyotype exhibits hyperploidy and marker chromosomes, and the modal chromosome number ranged between 77-90. The HOTHC cells were transplanted into the subcutis of BALB/c nude mice and produced anaplatic carcinomas (giant cell type) resembling the original tumor. The HOTHC cells produced colony stimulating factor (CSF) and caused granulocytosis in the mice.  相似文献   

Oncogenic activation of the macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) receptor (c-Fms) requires mutation or truncation of the carboxyl terminus and specific amino acid substitutions in or near the fourth immunoglobulin (Ig)-like loop in the extracellular domain. Using a murine c-Fms system, we investigated the effect of C-terminal truncation, substitutions at amino acids 301 and 374 in the fourth Ig-like loop of the extracellular domain, or the combined mutations on individual steps in receptor activation. The mutations at amino acids 301 and 374 were necessary, but not sufficient, for receptor dimerization in the absence of M-CSF. Only receptors with a truncated C-terminus as well as the extracellular domain mutations dimerized efficiently in the absence of M-CSF, suggesting that the C-terminus of c-Fms also regulates receptor oligomerization. Truncation of the C-terminus alone did not cause receptor dimerization and did not activate the kinase enzymatic activity. Thus, truncation of the C-terminus did not activate receptor monomers in cis. Receptors with both a truncated C-terminus and the extracellular domain mutations underwent ligand-independent aggregation, transphosphorylation, and phosphorylation of cellular proteins, followed by rapid internalization and degradation. These results suggest that M-CSF binding to c-Fms initiates activation by inducing conformational changes in both the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain and the fourth Ig-like loop of the extracellular domain, leading to the formation of stable receptor dimers.  相似文献   

Biosimilars offer an avenue for potential cost savings and enhanced patient access to various emerging therapies in a budget neutral way. Biosimilars of the granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) are an excellent example in this regard with as many as 18 versions of the drug being currently approved across globe for treatment of neutropenia. Here, we identified oxidation of the various methionine residues in GCSF as a key heterogeneity that adversely impact its efficacy. In agreement with earlier studies, it was found that oxidation of Met 122 and Met 127 significantly contributes toward reduction of GCSF efficacy, measured using binding affinity to the GCSF receptor. The combination of molecular dynamics simulation along with structural characterization studies established that oxidation of Met 127 and Met 122 brings about a small local conformational change around the B‐C loop in GCSF structure due to slight displacement of Asp113 and Thr117 residues. The simulation studies were validated using fluorescence quenching experiments using acrylamide as quencher and site‐directed mutagenesis by replacing Met 122 and Met 127 residues with alanine. The results of this study lead to an enhanced mechanistic understanding of the oxidation in GCSF and should be useful in protein engineering efforts to design stable, safe, and efficacious GCSF product. In addition, the structure‐function information can provide targets for protein engineering during early drug development and setting specifications of allowable limits of product variants in biosimilar products.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation is used to protect vital periodontal ligaments during the transplantation of teeth. We investigated which gene products implicated in root resorption are upregulated in human periodontal ligament cells by cryopreservation, and whether cryopreservation affects the expression of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) in human periodontal ligament cells. We used customized microarrays to compare gene expression in human periodontal ligament cells cultured from teeth immediately after extraction and from cryopreserved teeth. Based on the result of these assays, we examined M-CSF expression in periodontal ligament cells from the immediately extracted tooth and cryopreserved teeth by real-time PCR, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Western blot analysis, and immunofluorescence. We also investigated whether human bone marrow cells differentiate into tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive osteoclasts when stimulated with RANKL (Receptor Activator for Nuclear Factor κ B Ligand) together with any secreted M-CSF present in the supernatants of the periodontal ligament cells cultured from the various groups of teeth. M-CSF was twofold higher in the periodontal ligament cells from the rapid freezing teeth than in those from the immediately extracted group (p < 0.05). Cryopreservation increased M-CSF expression in the periodontal ligament cells when analyzed by real time PCR, ELISA, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence (p < 0.05). TRAP positive osteoclasts were formed in response to RANKL and the secreted M-CSF present in the supernatants of all the experimental groups except negative control. These results demonstrate that cryopreservation promotes the production of M-CSF, which plays an important role in root resorption by periodontal ligament cells.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cells regulate marrow haematopoiesis by secreting growth factors such as macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) that regulates the proliferation, differentiation and several functions of cells of the mononuclear-phagocytic lineage. By using a specific ELISA we found that their constitutive secretion of M-CSF is enhanced by tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). The lipid mediator prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) markedly reduces in a time- and dose-dependent manner the constitutive and TNF-alpha-induced M-CSF synthesis by bone marrow stromal cells. In contrast, other lipid mediators such as 12-HETE, 15-HETE, leukotriene B4, leukotriene C4 and lipoxin A4 have no effect. EP2/EP4 selective agonists (11-deoxy PGE1 and 1-OH PGE1) and EP2 agonist (19-OH PGE2) inhibit M-CSF synthesis by bone marrow stromal cells while an EP1/EP3 agonist (sulprostone) has no effect. Stimulation with PGE2 induces an increase of intracellular cAMP levels in bone marrow stromal cells. cAMP elevating agents (forskolin and cholera toxin) mimic the PGE2-induced inhibition of M-CSF production. In conclusion, PGE2 is a potent regulator of M-CSF production by human bone marrow stromal cells, its effects being mediated via cAMP and PGE receptor EP2/EP4 subtypes.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts are involved in all pathologies characterized by increased ExtraCellularMatrix synthesis, from wound healing to fibrosis. Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) is a cytokine isolated as an hemopoietic growth factor but recently indicated as a differentiative agent on endothelial cells. In this work we demonstrated the expression of the receptor for GM-CSF (GM-CSFR) on human normal skin fibroblasts from healthy subjects (NFPC) and on a human normal fibroblast cell line (NHDF) and we try to investigate the biological effects of this cytokine. Human normal fibroblasts were cultured with different doses of GM-CSF to study the effects of this factor on GM-CSFR expression, on cell proliferation and adhesion structures. In addition we studied the production of some Extra-Cellular Matrix (ECM) components such as Fibronectin, Tenascin and Collagen I. The growth rate of fibroblasts from healthy donors (NFPC) is not augmented by GM-CSF stimulation in spite of increased expression of the GM-CSFR. On the contrary, the proliferation of normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) cell line seems more influenced by high concentration of GM-CSF in the culture medium. The adhesion structures and the ECM components appear variously influenced by GM-CSF treatment as compared to fibroblasts cultured in basal condition, but newly only NHDF cells are really induced to increase their synthesis activity. We suggest that the in vitro treatment with GM-CSF can shift human normal fibroblasts towards a more differentiated state, due or accompanied by an increased expression of GM-CSFR and that such "differentiation" is an important event induced by such cytokine.  相似文献   

We performed a series of experiments using alanine-scanning mutagenesis to locate side chains within human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) that are involved in human G-CSF receptor binding. We constructed a panel of 28 alanine mutants that examined all surface exposed residues on helices A and D, as well as all charged residues on the surface of G-CSF. The G-CSF mutants were expressed in a transiently transfected mammalian cell line and quantitated by a sensitive biosensor method. We measured the activity of mutant proteins using an in vitro proliferation assay and an ELISA binding competition assay. These studies show that there is a region of five charged residues on helices A and C employed by G-CSF in binding its receptor, with the most important residue in this binding patch being Glu 19. Both wild-type G-CSF and the E19A mutant were expressed in E. coli. The re-folded proteins were found to have proliferative activities similar to the analogous proteins from mammalian cells: furthermore, biophysical analysis indicated that the E19A mutation does not cause gross structural perturbations in G-CSF. Although G-CSF is likely to signal through receptor homo-dimerization, we found no compelling evidence for a second receptor binding region. We also found no evidence of self-antagonism at high G-CSF concentrations, suggesting that, in contrast to human growth hormone (hGH) and erythropoietin (EPO), G-CSF probably does not signal via a pure 2:1 receptor ligand complex. Thus, G-CSF, while having a similar tertiary structure to hGH and EPO, uses different areas of the four helix bundle for high-affinity interaction with its receptor.  相似文献   

Involvement of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in non-lymphohematopoietic malignant tumors accompanied by leukocytosis was clinicopathologically investigated. Among 1,778 autopsy cases in the last 20 years, 485 lesions of 439 cases with non-lymphohematopoietic malignant tumors accompanied by leukocytosis with a white blood cell count of 10,000/mm3 or greater during the course were immunohistologically examined for G-CSF and GM-CSF. Three (0.7%) and two cases (0.5%) were G-CSF- and GM-CSF-positive, respectively. GM-CSF mRNA was confirmed by using non-fixed cryopreserved tumor tissues in one case positive for GM-CSF. G-CSF-positive cases were large cell carcinoma of the lung, adenocarcinoma of the colon, and adenocarcinoma of the stomach, and GM-CSF-positive cases were spindle cell carcinoma of the lung and malignant thymoma. In the case with stomach carcinoma, the primary lesion showing moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was negative, but the lung metastatic lesion showing less differentiated adenocarcinoma was G-CSF-positive. The survival period was six months or less in four out of five positive cases. The highest white blood cell count in five CSF-positive cases was markedly elevated: 29,400-103,500/mm3 (mean: 59,700/mm3). In four cases, excluding one case which may have been markedly affected by chemotherapy, the bone marrow showed hyperplasia, and the number of the granulocyte series cells significantly increased. There were three cases (0.7%) negative for both G-CSF and GM-CSF, although they showed marked leukocytosis (60,000/mm3 or higher) which were higher than the mean count of CSF-positive cases and was not observed in autopsy cases with non-tumorous diseases. Other stimulating factors may be involved in the development of leukocytosis in such cases.  相似文献   

Approximately 40 amino-terminal residues and 20 internal residues of CSF-1 purified from the media of cultured human pancreatic carcinoma (MIA PaCa) cells and of cultured murine L cells have been identified. Results indicated that the two subunits in each molecule of biologically active CSF-1 are identical in their amino-terminal portions. The twelve amino-terminal residues of MIA PaCa CSF-1 were found to be identical to those of human-urinary CSF-1, suggesting that the polypeptide portions of the two human proteins may be identical. Approximately 75% of the amino acids identified in both MIA PaCa CSF-1 and murine CSF-1 were found to be common to both. No homology to other proteins was observed. This study suggests a subunit polypeptide Mr nearer to 17K than to 26K predicted from cDNA.  相似文献   

Purified L-cell colony stimulating factor (CSF) and rabbit anti-CSF serum were used to devise a radioimmunoassay for this factor. The CSF was radiolabelled with the aid of lactoperoxidase and precipitated by a double antibody technique. Addition of unlabelled CSF caused a dose-related displacement of the labelled tracer. Similar results were noted with conditioned media and murine serum. The assay required only 4 days for completion as compared with 7 days for the conventional agar gel bioassay. Moreover, the radioimmunoassay proved more sensitive and accurate than the bioassay. This technique should allow further exploration of the role of CSF in granulopoiesis.  相似文献   

Colony Stimulating Factor-1 has been purified to apparent homogeneity from the serum-free medium conditioned by cultured human pancreatic carcinoma cells which had been induced with phorbol myristate acetate. The purification scheme consisted of sequential steps of batchwise adsorption to calcium phosphate gel, adsorption to lentil lectin-Sepharose, binding to immobilized antibodies, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The purified glycoprotein was found to have a subunit molecular weight corresponding to the smallest of four species (approximately 40,000, 33,000, 28,000 and 23,000) which were observed when less purified preparations were examined.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) has become the most effective agent supporting hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The cognate interaction between G-CSF and its specific receptor, G-CSFR, induces the mobilization of HSCs and increases their pool in the peripheral blood. G-CSFR has a highly conserved structure which may be functionally modulated by the presence of missense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this study, we asked whether the missense SNPs in G-CSFR could affect the response to G-CSF in HSCT patients and donors. Here, for the first time, G-CSFR missense SNPs were screened and minor allele frequencies were determined in a specific population with Turkish racial background. Five (rs3917991, rs3918001, rs3918018, rs3918019, and rs146617729) out of 16 missense SNPs screened were determined with minor allele frequencies lower than 0.04. Subsequent association analyses indicated potential impact of rs3918001, rs3918018, and rs3918019 minor alleles on peripheral blood CD34+ cell enrichment. Although their frequency is rather low, certain missense SNPs, especially which are placed in the conserved regions of G-CSFR may possess the capacity to influence the response to G-CSF treatment.  相似文献   

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