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根据第101期双清论坛"神经功能成像及其在重大脑疾病中的应用"的报告内容,简述了功能神经成像技术与方法的现状与发展趋势,介绍了近年来基于成像技术的重要脑科学研究成果和临床转化研究面临的挑战,并提出了神经功能成像及其在重大脑疾病应用中的主要研究方向和科学问题的设想.  相似文献   

人脑功能连通性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对人脑结构和功能的深入研究,已经要求脑成像技术不能仅仅局限于研究简单的脑功能定位问题,即寻找和定位与特定认知任务相关的某一块或者一组大脑皮层功能区,而必须研究分析各功能区间的动态功能连通和整合问题,即描述特定脑功能区域间的交互作用以及这些交互作用如何受认知任务的影响.已有几种非常规的脑成像技术和数据分析方法,包括时间相关性分析、心理生理交互作用(PPI)、结构方程模型(SEM)、动态因果模型(DCM)、弥散张量成像(DTI)等等,被成功用于人脑功能连通性和有效连通性的研究.脑功能连通性研究的发展,有利于深入理解人脑在系统水平上的动态运作方式,是今后认知神经科学发展的一个重要方向.  相似文献   

脑科学是理解人和自然的“终极疆域”,现已成为重要的科学和技术前沿领域之一。该文主要从研究计划、研究进展、产品研发与产业发展的视角分析2022年脑科学与类脑智能领域的进展,并对未来发展趋势加以展望。2022年,美国、中国等国家/地区的脑计划取得较大进展;在脑图谱绘制、脑发育与脑认知功能解析、脑疾病机制探索及类脑智能技术与产品开发方面取得重要研究突破;脑疾病药物研发管线丰富,将推动相关产业快速发展。未来,借助各类新技术,研究人员将在多尺度解析脑认知功能,识别其中的功能障碍,开发出多种有效的脑疾病治疗药物;脑科学与人工智能等领域相互借鉴,推动类脑智能领域快速发展并广泛应用;数据治理和伦理安全的突破有助于脑科学与类脑智能研究的良性发展。  相似文献   

人类大脑是自然界最复杂的系统之一.大脑结构与功能之谜是人类认识自身的终极疆域,对于推动科技创新发展与人类文明进步具有极其重要的意义.载人航天是现代科技革命的重要领域之一,美国、俄罗斯等航天大国已利用空间资源开展脑科学研究.我国空间站的建设,将提供空间脑科学研究的系统创新平台,极大地推进中国空间脑科学计划进程.本文综述了在空间环境或模拟空间环境下,脑发育及生物学机制、认知规律与机制、生物节律和睡眠对脑功能的影响、群脑协同等方面的空间脑科学研究进展,并简述和展望了我国空间脑科学研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

基于fMRI的脑功能整合数据分析方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑功能成像在人脑信息处理和认知活动的神经关联中发挥了不可轻视的作用.从大脑功能整合出发,可以将脑功能成像数据分析方法分为探测大脑功能整合的功能连接和有效连接两方面,功能连接探究空间远离的两个脑区之间的连接,有效连接研究一个脑区对另一个脑区作用的大小.根据这两个概念,相应地可以将功能磁共振数据分析方法分为两大类.本文着重...  相似文献   

在全脑水平研究哺乳动物复杂的脑神经网络是现代脑科学的重要研究目标之一,但由于缺乏合适的研究方法,已有的研究还局限于高等动物的局部脑回路或低等动物的脑网络.为了实现大范围的高分辨三维成像,近10年来,发展出了一些光学显微成像新方法,已经或有希望应用于哺乳动物全脑的神经元网络成像研究中.本文对上述方法进行了归纳和比较,综述了各种成像技术在空间分辨率、探测范围、数据配准和成像速度等方面的性能表现及面临的挑战.  相似文献   

付玲 《生物物理学报》2007,23(4):314-322
大脑功能的成像检测在认知神经科学领域具有极其重要的意义。现代光子学技术的发展为认知脑成像提供了新的研究手段,在神经系统信息处理机制研究中发挥重要作用。文章介绍了在神经元、神经元网络、特定脑皮层功能构筑以及系统与行为等不同层次开展神经系统信息处理机制研究的各种光学成像技术,包括多光子激发荧光显微成像、内源信号光学成像、激光散斑成像和近红外光学成像等,并评述了这些有特色的光学成像技术在多层次获取和分析神经信息中的研究进展。  相似文献   

随着对神经机制问题阐述水平的迅速提高,所应用的神经成像技术、方法及各种工具的复杂程度也在不断提高.一方面是神经成像技术本身的不断发展,另一方面则是大脑直接刺激与神经成像技术同步记录方法的发展.经颅磁刺激-功能磁共振成像同步技术(TMS-fMRI)和经颅磁刺激-脑电技术(TMS-EEG)能为研究大脑网络的功能和有效连通性提供技术手段,该技术在多种认知领域的发展和应用,为神经科学、认知心理学、神经信息学等学科的研究者对人脑的研究开启了多条通道,更加有利于深入地理解人类大脑的工作机制.  相似文献   

揭示脑的奥秘是人类面临的最大挑战之一。神经元是构成神经系统结构与功能的基本单位。神经元与神经元之间通过突触实现信息交互,并构成神经环路或神经网络。神经环路有局部的,也有跨脑区或长程的,甚至全脑尺度的。神经环路则是脑实现神经信息处理的基本单元。若干神经环路构成脑网络。脑网络研究已经成为脑功能与脑疾病研究领域的热点。 在国家自然科学基金委员会和科技部“973计划”等项目的支持下,我国科学家在这一领域已经开展了卓有成效的工作。2011年第393次香山科学会议“脑网络组及其临床应用的前沿科学问题”曾对此进行过比较深入的研讨。为促进对该领域现状及发展的了解,本期汇集了2篇述评和2篇研究论文,作为脑成像与脑网络专题发表,以飨读者。 利用9.4T功能磁共振成像(fMRI)获得轻度麻醉状态下大鼠静息状态及刺激激活的数据,通过互相关分析构建节点之间的相关系数矩阵并计算相应的网络参数,赖永秀等人报道了大鼠感觉运动系统静息态脑网络的研究成果,发现感觉运动系统在静息态时的脑网络具有小世界属性。 扩散磁共振成像(dMRI)的出现为大脑结构与功能研究提供了全新的检测手段,雷皓等报道了小动物高分辨扩散磁共振成像数据分析方法,为小动物脑dMRI研究提供了统一图像模板与完善的计算方法,对于检测神经纤维微观结构的变化,以及临床诊断,将具有极其重要的意义。 神经环路功能变化的实时在体监测是研究脑网络不可或缺的手段,曾绍群等评述了基于声光偏转器的快速无惯性随机扫描双光子显微成像技术的研究进展及发展趋势,指出该技术的进一步发展将为神经活动观测提供一种全新的方法,从而极大地推动脑科学研究的发展。 针对哺乳动物全脑的神经元网络成像,龚辉等从空间分辨率、探测范围、数据配准和成像速度等方面评述了光学显微水平全脑成像方法的研究进展,并讨论所面临的挑战。他们指出,要在全脑尺度获取突起水平分辨率的结构与功能数据,光学成像方法最为成熟。华中科技大学研制的MOST系统,率先获得了一系列高分辨率的完整大脑解剖数据集,该成果将在神经元网络的构建和脑功能与疾病研究中发挥重要作用。 我们期待更多、更好的有关脑成像与脑网络的论文发表,以更广泛和深入地促进我国脑科学研究领域的学术交流。  相似文献   

随着认知神经科学的发展,人们逐渐认识到脑代谢的改变可能是受特定精神状态或疾病的影响,脑功能图像能够表达一定的病理学信息.对脑功能图像进行定量分析研究的方法迅速发展.文章综述了脑功能图像处理中的各种形态测量学方法及其优缺点,并对其应用前景和存在的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

The concept of reserve arose from the mismatch between the extent of brain changes or pathology and the clinical manifestations of these brain changes. The cognitive reserve hypothesis posits that individual differences in the flexibility and adaptability of brain networks underlying cognitive function may allow some people to cope better with brain changes than others. Although there is ample epidemiologic evidence for cognitive reserve, the neural substrate of reserve is still a topic of ongoing research. Here we review some representative studies from our group that exemplify possibilities for the neural substrate of reserve including neural reserve, neural compensation, and generalized cognitive reserve networks. We also present a schematic overview of our ongoing research in this area. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

A challenging goal for cognitive neuroscience researchers is to determine how mental representations are mapped onto the patterns of neural activity. To address this problem, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) researchers have developed a large number of encoding and decoding methods. However, previous studies typically used rather limited stimuli representation, like semantic labels and Wavelet Gabor filters, and largely focused on voxel-based brain patterns. Here, we present a new fMRI encoding model to predict the human brain’s responses to free viewing of video clips which aims to deal with this limitation. In this model, we represent the stimuli using a variety of representative visual features in the computer vision community, which can describe the global color distribution, local shape and spatial information and motion information contained in videos, and apply the functional connectivity to model the brain’s activity pattern evoked by these video clips. Our experimental results demonstrate that brain network responses during free viewing of videos can be robustly and accurately predicted across subjects by using visual features. Our study suggests the feasibility of exploring cognitive neuroscience studies by computational image/video analysis and provides a novel concept of using the brain encoding as a test-bed for evaluating visual feature extraction.  相似文献   

Cognitive research has long been aware of the relationship between individual differences in personality and performance on behavioural tasks. However, within the field of cognitive neuroscience, the way in which such differences manifest at a neural level has received relatively little attention. We review recent research addressing the relationship between personality traits and the neural response to viewing facial signals of emotion. In one section, we discuss work demonstrating the relationship between anxiety and the amygdala response to facial signals of threat. A second section considers research showing that individual differences in reward drive (behavioural activation system), a trait linked to aggression, influence the neural responsivity and connectivity between brain regions implicated in aggression when viewing facial signals of anger. Finally, we address recent criticisms of the correlational approach to fMRI analyses and conclude that when used appropriately, analyses examining the relationship between personality and brain activity provide a useful tool for understanding the neural basis of facial expression processing and emotion processing in general.  相似文献   

Li S 《生理学报》2011,63(5):472-476
利用非侵入式的功能性脑成像记录大脑活动极大地提升了我们对人类认知功能的理解.与此同时,分析成像数据的手段也逐渐从传统的一元方式向更加有效的多元分析转变.在本综述中,特别针对在认知神经科学领域占主导地位的功能性磁共振成像技术,介绍其多元数据分析方法的发展以及这种分析方法的生理学基础和未来发展方向.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that menopause is associated with changes in cognition in some older women. However, how estrogen loss and subsequent estrogen treatment affects cognition and particularly the underlying brain processes responsible for any cognitive changes is less well understood. We examined the ability of estradiol to modulate the manipulation of information in working memory and related brain activation in postmenopausal women. Twenty healthy postmenopausal women (mean age (SD) = 59.13 (5.5)) were randomly assigned to three months of 1 mg oral 17-β estradiol or placebo. At baseline and three months later each woman completed a visual verbal N-back sequential letter test of working memory during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The fMRI data showed that women who were treated with estradiol for three months had increased frontal activation during the more difficult working memory load conditions compared to women treated with placebo. Performance on the verbal working memory task showed no difference between estradiol and placebo treated subjects. These data are consistent with prior work showing increases in frontal activation on memory tasks after estrogen treatment. However, this is the first study to show that estrogen-induced increases in brain activity were tied to cognitive load during a verbal working memory task. These data suggest that estradiol treatment effects on cognition may be in part produced through modulation of frontal lobe functioning under difficult task conditions.  相似文献   

利用功能磁共振成像(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging,fMRI)进行脑功能研究是目前的一个热点。现以逻辑计算为认知任务,利用fMRI进行数据采集。采用低频振荡振幅(amplitude of low frequency fluctuation,ALFF)算法分别对14例正常人的计算和无任务静息状态的功能磁共振数据进行处理,并做对比分析。观察振幅增强或减弱情况,发现计算任务下相关激活脑区存在低频振荡,逻辑认知的负载也导致了默认(default mode)网络改变;同时针对相关的改变做出了初步探索。  相似文献   

Human memory is not a unitary function; it consists of multiple memory systems, with different characteristics and specialisations that are implemented in the brain. The cognitive neuroscience of human memory tries to comprehend how we encode, store, and retrieve memory items within and across those systems. The emergence of functional neuroimaging techniques offered the unprecedented opportunity to directly observe the brain regions engaged in memory functions. Brain imaging techniques can roughly be divided into those measuring the electric or magnetic fields generated by neuronal activity (EEG, magnetencephalography [MEG]) and those measuring the haemodynamic or metabolic sequelae of neuronal activity (positron emission tomography [PET], functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]). Out of these techniques, the following two will be discussed in detail: fMRI and PET. Although functional neuroimaging is able to acquire images of the brain engaged in consolidating or retrieving memories, these processes are not clearly visible in the data. Statistical techniques are needed to reduce the complexity of the data and to extract the processes of interest. This article outlines the experimental and analytical procedures of neuroimaging studies with PET and fMRI. We will use a PET-study on episodic memory in human volunteers to illustrate design, analysis, and interpretation of functional imaging studies on memory.  相似文献   

Little is known about the brain mechanisms involved in word learning during infancy and in second language acquisition and about the way these new words become stable representations that sustain language processing. In several studies we have adopted the human simulation perspective, studying the effects of brain-lesions and combining different neuroimaging techniques such as event-related potentials and functional magnetic resonance imaging in order to examine the language learning (LL) process. In the present article, we review this evidence focusing on how different brain signatures relate to (i) the extraction of words from speech, (ii) the discovery of their embedded grammatical structure, and (iii) how meaning derived from verbal contexts can inform us about the cognitive mechanisms underlying the learning process. We compile these findings and frame them into an integrative neurophysiological model that tries to delineate the major neural networks that might be involved in the initial stages of LL. Finally, we propose that LL simulations can help us to understand natural language processing and how the recovery from language disorders in infants and adults can be accomplished.  相似文献   

Although robots are becoming an ever-growing presence in society, we do not hold the same expectations for robots as we do for humans, nor do we treat them the same. As such, the ability to recognize cues to human animacy is fundamental for guiding social interactions. We review literature that demonstrates cortical networks associated with person perception, action observation and mentalizing are sensitive to human animacy information. In addition, we show that most prior research has explored stimulus properties of artificial agents (humanness of appearance or motion), with less investigation into knowledge cues (whether an agent is believed to have human or artificial origins). Therefore, currently little is known about the relationship between stimulus and knowledge cues to human animacy in terms of cognitive and brain mechanisms. Using fMRI, an elaborate belief manipulation, and human and robot avatars, we found that knowledge cues to human animacy modulate engagement of person perception and mentalizing networks, while stimulus cues to human animacy had less impact on social brain networks. These findings demonstrate that self–other similarities are not only grounded in physical features but are also shaped by prior knowledge. More broadly, as artificial agents fulfil increasingly social roles, a challenge for roboticists will be to manage the impact of pre-conceived beliefs while optimizing human-like design.  相似文献   

Studies have elucidated the various modulatory effects of chronotype and time-of-day on task-dependent brain activity, but it is unclear how chronotype and time-of-day regulate brain activity in response inhibition tasks. To address this question, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the effects of chronotype and time-of-day on response inhibition in normal day-night conditions. Morning-type (MT) and evening-type (ET) participants conducted the stop-signal task in morning (08:00–12:00 hours) and evening (19:00–23:00 hours) sessions. The results showed that inhibition-related cerebral responses in the medial frontal gyrus (MFG), middle cingulate cortex (MCC), thalamus and other typical regions for the execution of response inhibition significantly decreased from morning to evening in MT participants, whereas activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)/insula, MFG, MCC and thalamus remained stable or increased in ET participants. The chronotypical differences in homeostatic sleep pressure may explain the observed individual differences in maintaining cognition-related cortical activation. These results suggest the importance of considering chronotype and time-of-day in the design and analysis of cognitive neuroscience studies.  相似文献   

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