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The effect of mutations indnaK anddnaJ genes on the expression of two operons that are part of cysteine regulon was determined usingEscherichia coli strains harboringcysPTWA::lacZ andcysJIH::lacZ fusions. NulldnaJ, anddnaKdnaJ mutants were impaired in β-galactosidase expression from both fusions. Effecient complementation of this defect by wild-type alleles present on a low-copy number plasmid was achieved. The presence of the pMH224 plasmid coding for CysB* protein defective in DNA binding lowered β-galactosidase expression fromcysPTWA::lacZ fusion strain harboring wild-typednaKdnaJ alleles but did not diminish enzyme expression in ΔdnaJ and ΔdnaKdnaJ strains.  相似文献   

The dnaK operon of Bacillus subtilis is heptacistronic.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Biology of Haemophilus ducreyi.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文

Characterization of a Haemophilus ducreyi mobilizing plasmid.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The OriV site of Haemophilus ducreyi mobilizing plasmid pHD147, determined by replication in Escherichia coli polA, is located close to the OriT site. The OriT site, located by recombination-proficient and -deficient cells, and the OriV site map in a region of pHD147 homologous to the beta-lactamase-specifying plasmids of H. ducreyi and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   

The major lipooligosaccharides of the sexually transmitted pathogen Haemophilus ducreyi 35000 have been previously found to terminate in N-acetyllactosamine and sialyl-N-acetyllactosamine, Neu5Ac alpha 2-->3Gal beta 1-->4GlcNAc (W. Melaugh, N. J. Phillips, A. A. Campagnari, M. V. Tullius, and B. W. Gibson, Biochemistry 33: 13070-13078, 1994). In this study, mass spectrometry and composition analyses have shown that the lipooligosaccharides from three other H. ducreyi strains also contain N-acetyllactosamine and are highly sialylated (approximately 30 to 50%), although one African strain was found to contain neither of these structural features.  相似文献   

K I Wolska  J Paciorek  K Kardy? 《Microbios》1999,97(386):55-67
Mutations in the heat shock genes, dnaK and dnaJ, cause severe defects of several cellular functions. Null dnaJ and dnaKdnaJ mutations can be transduced in a restricted range of temperature. The efficiency of transformation with three unrelated plasmids, viz pACYC184, pBR322 and pSC101, is two times lower in dnaK mutants while the dnaJ mutant is characterized by slightly impaired transformation with pSC101 only. The lack of DnaJ function negatively influences the stability of pSC101 at 42 degrees C, and this plasmid cannot be stably maintained at 30 degrees C in the delta dnaKdnaJ mutant. The double deletion mutant, delta dbaKdnaJ, is characterized by impaired osmoadaptation. The galactokinase content is lower in both mutants tested compared with wild-type strains even at 30 degrees C. The efficient complementation of some of these defects by the wild-type alleles present on low-copy number plasmid was achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract To determine the degree of heterogeneity among Shiga-like toxin-II (SLT-II)-related toxins present in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 strains, slt-IIB -related genes of 15 strains were amplified and sequenced. Of these 15 isolates, six contained only the slt-II -related genes, seven strains harbored slt-II -related genes together with slt-II , and two strains had slt-II -related genes plus slt-I . In strains carruing slt-II -related genes alone or in combination with slt-I , the PCR fragments were directly subjected to Taq cycle sequence analysis. Direct sequencing was not possible with the seven strains possessing both slt-II and slt-II -related genes, since the PCR products contained both genes. In order to allow sequence analysis of these slt-II -related genes, the PCR products were first subjected to restriction enzyme digestion with Fok I, which selectively digested slt-IIB . This resulted in an undigested 270-bp fragment consisting of pure slt-II -related genes. Interestingly, comparison of the nucleotide sequences revealed 100% homology of all analyzed 15 slt-IIB -related toxin genes. In addition, the nucleotide sequence of slt-IIB -related toxin genes were identical to slt-IIcB . Our findings indicate that SLT-IIc is a major variant form of SLT-II present in E. coli O517 strains.  相似文献   

A clinical isolate of Haemophilus ducreyi was found to harbor three plasmids: a 23.5-megadalton (Mdal) phenotypically cryptic plasmid, a 7.0-Mdal ampicillin resistance plasmid, and a 4.0-Mdal sulfonamide resistance plasmid. The two smaller plasmids were transferable by conjugation to Haemophilus recipients, but only if the donor cell harbored the 23.5-Mdal plasmid as well, indicating that this large plasmid had mobilizing capabilities. Transfer was also possible to Escherichia coli recipients. Haemophilus influenzae transconjugants which had acquired both the 23.5-Mdal plasmid and one of the R-plasmids could subsequently retransfer the R-plasmid to other Haemophilus recipients at higher frequencies. A derivative of the 23.5 Mdal plasmid was isolated which was shown by restriction endonuclease analysis to contain an ampicillin resistance transposon and to have retained its conjugative ability.  相似文献   

Little is known about the genetics of Haemophilus ducreyi, the etiologic agent of chancroid. To develop a method for constructing isogenic mutants of this organism that could be utilized in pathogenesis-related studies, electroporation techniques were evaluated as a means of introducing DNA into this organism. Electroporation of the plasmid shuttle vector pLS88 into H. ducreyi yielded approximately 10(6) antibiotic-resistant transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA. Studies of the feasibility of moving mutated genes into H. ducreyi were initiated by using NotI linker insertion and mini-Tn10kan mutagenesis techniques to introduce insertion mutations into cloned H. ducreyi genes encoding cell envelope antigens. In the former case, a gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was then inserted into the NotI linker site created in the cloned H. ducreyi gene. The recombinant Escherichia coli strains containing these mutated plasmids no longer expressed the homologous H. ducreyi cell envelope antigens, as evidenced by their lack of reactivity with monoclonal antibody probes for these H. ducreyi proteins. Subsequent electroporation of both circular and linearized forms of plasmids carrying these mutated H. ducreyi genes into the homologous wild-type strain of H. ducreyi yielded antibiotic-resistant transformants which also lacked reactivity with the cell envelope antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies. Southern blot analysis confirmed that homologous recombination had occurred in these monoclonal antibody-unreactive transformants, resulting in the replacement of the wild-type allele with the mutated allele. Allelic exchange was most efficient when linear DNA molecules were used for electroporation. These results indicate that electroporation methods can be utilized to construct isogenic mutants of H. ducreyi.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Haemophilus ducreyi is an OmpA homolog that migrates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gels as three species with apparent molecular weights ranging from 37,000 to 43,000. Monoclonal antibodies directed against this macromolecule were used to identify recombinant clones containing fragments of the gene encoding this protein. Nucleotide sequence analysis of these fragments confirmed that the MOMP encoded by the intact gene (momp) was a member of the OmpA family of outer membrane proteins. Construction of an isogenic H. ducreyi mutant unable to express the MOMP led to the discovery of a second outer membrane protein which migrated at the same rate on SDS-PAGE gels as the MOMP. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of this second protein revealed that its N terminus was nearly identical to that of the MOMP and also had homology with members of the OmpA family. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the region downstream from the momp gene revealed the presence of a partial open reading frame encoding a predicted OmpA-like protein. A modification of anchored PCR technology was used to obtain the nucleotide sequence of this downstream gene which was shown to encode a second OmpA homolog (OmpA2). The N-terminal amino acid sequence of OmpA2 was identical to that of the OmpA-like protein detected in the momp mutant. The H. ducreyi MOMP and OmpA2 proteins, which comigrated on SDS-PAGE gels and which were encoded by the tandem arranged momp and ompA2 genes, were 72% identical.  相似文献   

We characterized pJB1, the plasmid previously reported to mediate beta-lactamase production in Haemophilus ducreyi. We studied its relationship to pMR0360 and RSF0885, the plasmids responsible for beta-lactamase production in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophilus parainfluenzae, respectively. Although pJB1 was maintained as a multicopy pool in Escherichia coli, it was not stably maintained in the absence of antibiotic selection. Electron microscope heteroduplex studies showed that it carried 100% of the transposable ampicillin resistance sequence TnA. This sequence was transposed to plasmid pUB307 at a low rate. Heteroduplexes between pMR0360 and pJB1 showed that they contained 3.3 megadaltons of homologous sequences. Two sets of nonhomologous sequences, one a TnA sequence and the other a non-TnA sequence, took the form of insertion loops. For plasmids pMR0360 and RSF0885, previously shown to be highly related, the nonhomologous sequences took the form of a substitution loop. We concluded that all three plasmids shared major portions of their sequences but differed in discrete segments. pJB1 was the first such plasmid to have a physically and functionally intact TnA sequence.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease maps of the ampicillin resistance plasmids of Haemophilus ducreyi and Neisseria gonorrhoeae show marked structural similarities. Transfer frequencies obtained by mobilization correlated with physical structure and were enhanced by increased homology with the conjugative plasmid. The origin of transfer of each plasmid was located within a specific restriction fragment.  相似文献   

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