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A 5'-hydroxyl RNA kinase from mouse L cells has been partially purified and characterized. The enzyme transfers the gamma-phosphorus from ATP to 5'-hydroxyl termini of RNA much more efficiently than DNA substrates, and is virtually inactive on 3'-CMP. The molecular mass of the predominant kinase activity is estimated to be 93-96 kDa from denaturing and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel analyses. A minor band of lower molecular mass has been also observed. The enzyme activity requires Mg2+ and is inhibited by both Mn2+ and Zn2+. Antibodies to small nuclear ribonucleoproteins have no effect on this activity.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA turnover in mouse L cells   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The turnover of polyadenylic acid-containing messenger RNA and histone messenger RNA, which lacks poly(A), was studied in exponentially growing mouse L cells by measuring the kinetics of approach to steady-state uridine labeling. Constant specific activity of precursor pools was verified by showing that the data for stable RNA components, like ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA, follow theoretically predictable curves. In agreement with a previous report by Greenberg (1972), the data for poly(A)-containing mRNA (poly(A)(+)mRNA) follow theoretical curves for a class of molecules turning over with first-order (stochastic) kinetics. Cells growing with doubling times of 13·5 hours at 37 °C and 41 hours at 30 °C exhibited mean lifetimes for their poly(A)(+)mRNA of 15 hours and 42 hours, respectively, suggesting a parallelism between growth and turnover rates. The kinetic data for histone mRNA are not indicative of a stochastic process. Rather, they suggest an age-dependent decay or a zero-order (ordered) turnover with a mean lifetime of about six hours. One model, which gave a good fit to the data, considers that the histone messages persist for a fixed duration of the cell cycle, e.g. the DNA synthetic phase, and are then destroyed in a “sensitive period” after this phase. These results are discussed with regard to the possible implications of the poly(A) sequences in messenger RNA aging.  相似文献   

A variety of methylated oligonucleotides were derived from mouse L cell messenger RNA and heterogeneous nuclear RNA by digestion with specific ribonucleases, and the cap-containing oligonucleotides separated from those containing internal m6A by chromatography on diborylaminoethyl-cellulose. Cap-containing sequences of the type m7GpppXmpG, m7GpppXmpY(m)pG, m7GpppXmpY(m) pNpG and m7GpppXmpY(m)p(Np)> 1G have distinctive non-random compositions of the 2′-O-methylated constituent Xm; yet sequences of a particular type and composition occur with a remarkably similar frequency in mRNA and hnRNA2. For example, approximately 20% of the cap sequences in both hnRNA and mRNA are m7Gppp(m6)AmG, whereas less than 1% are m7GpppUmpG. The high degree of similarity in cap sequences is consistent with the previously postulated precursor-product relationship between hnRNA caps and mRNA caps.The composition of the Y position in capped hnRNA molecules was determined to be (29% G, 20% A, 51% Py), which differs considerably from the composition of Ym in the cap II forms of mRNA (8% Gm, 11% Am, 81% Py). Given the precursor-product relationship between hnRNA caps and mRNA caps, this result provides strong evidence that only a restricted subclass of mRNA molecules receive the secondary methylation at position Y.In both hnRNA and mRNA the internal m6A occurs in well-defined sequences of the type: -N1-(GA)-m6A-C-N2-, the 5′ nearest-neighbor of m6A being G in about three-quarters of the molecules and A in about one-quarter of the molecules. The nucleotide N1 is a purine about 90% of the time and the nucleotide N2 is rarely a G. These same sequences are present in large (> 50 S), as well as small (14 S to 50 S) hnRNA. These results raise the possibility that the internal m6A, like caps, may be conserved during the processing of large hnRNA into mRNA. Two models based on this idea are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis was examined in karyoplasts permeabilized by hypotonic buffer or lysolecithin. DNA synthesis was not affected by the omission of a single deoxyribonucleated triphosphate but was greatly reduced in the absence of three of the deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates. The rate of DNA synthesis was linear for 40 min and continued for up to 2–3 h. The DNA synthesized in the permeabilized karyoplasts was a continuation of semi-conservative replication occurring in the intact cell.  相似文献   

The first event after infection with mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59) is presumed to be the synthesis of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from the input genomic RNA. The synthesis and processing of this putative polymerase protein was studied in a cell-free translation system utilizing 60S RNA from MHV-A59 virions. The polypeptide products of this reaction included two major species of 220 and 28 kilodaltons. Kinetics experiments indicated that both p220 and p28 appeared after 60 min of incubation and that protein p28 was synthesized initially as the N-terminal portion of a larger precursor protein. When the cell-free translation products were labeled with N-formyl[35S]methionyl-tRNAi, p28 was the predominant radioactive product, confirming its N-terminal location within a precursor protein. Translation in the presence of the protease inhibitors leupeptin and ZnCl2 resulted in the disappearance of p28 and p220 and the appearance of a new protein, p250. This product, which approached the maximal size predicted for a protein synthesized from genomic RNA, was not routinely detected in the absence of inhibitors even under conditions which optimized the translation reaction for elongation of proteins. Subsequent chelation of ZnCl2 resulted in the partial cleavage of the precursor protein and the reappearance of p28. One-dimensional peptide mapping with Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease confirmed the precursor-product relationship of p250 and p28. The results show that MHV virion RNA, like many other viral RNAs, is translated into a large polyprotein, which is cleaved soon after synthesis into smaller, presumably functional proteins. This is in marked contrast to the synthesis of other MHV proteins, in which minimal proteolytic processing occurs.  相似文献   

Mouse L cells are rendered permeable to nucleoside triphosphates by a cold shock with a near isotonic buffer. These cells retain their morphologic integrity and use exogenously supplied nucleotides and deoxynucleotides to synthesize RNA and DNA. The newly synthesized DNA is nuclear and is the product of semiconservative replication. Incorporation of deoxynucleotides into DNA by thymidine kinase-deficient cells were used to conform rigorously that the exogenously supplied deoxynucleotides were incorporated into DNA without intermediate processing through nucleosides. DNA synthesis requires the presence of Na+, ATP, all 4 deoxynucleotides, and Mg2+. The reaction is inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and actinomycin D. Hydroxy-urea and arabinosylcytosine do not inhibit the reaction whereas cytosine arabinoside triphosphate shows competitive inhibition with the deoxynucleotides. These findings indicate that the permeable cell system can be used for in situ evaluations of the replicative DNA polymerase using the endogenous DNA template.  相似文献   

A number of hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins, including NS5B, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, were detected in membrane fractions from Huh7 cells containing autonomously replicating HCV RNA replicons. These membrane fractions were used in a cell-free system for the analysis of HCV RNA replication. Initial characterization revealed a reaction in which the production of replicon RNA increased over time at temperatures ranging from 25 to 40 degrees C. Heparin sensitivity and nucleotide starvation experiments suggested that de novo initiation was occurring in this system. Both Mn2+ and Mg2+ cations could be used in the reaction; however, concentrations of Mn2+ greater than 1 mM were inhibitory. Compounds shown to inhibit recombinant NS3 and NS5B activity in vitro were found to inhibit RNA synthesis in the cell-free system. This system should be useful for biochemical analysis of HCV RNA synthesis by a multisubunit membrane-associated replicase and for evaluating potential antiviral agents identified in biochemical or cell-based screens.  相似文献   

RNA and protein synthesis in sperm cells isolated from Zea mays L. pollen   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Sperm cells are thought to be quiescent in pollen and activated upon pollen germination. To test this hypothesis, protein, RNA and DNA synthesis were assessed in Zea mays sperm cells at different times after isolation from pollen. Protein synthesis changed with time; while some proteins were found to be constitutive in both 0 and 24 h cells, others were synthesized and some disappeared. Overall, the number of proteins detected at 24 h doubled compared with freshly isolated cells. Incorporation of [3H]leucine in 24 h cells was about 50 times that in freshly isolated cells, and that of [5, 6-3H]uridine, about 7 times. Very low incorporation of [6-3H]thymidine into the cells was detected; there was no difference between freshly isolated and 24 h cells. It is possible that the differences in synthetic activity between freshly isolated and 24-h-old cells might correspond to sperm cell activation during pollen tube growth. If so, these metabolic changes may play an important role in fertilization.Supported by funds from a Strategic Grant (D.D.C.) and an Operating Grant (D.J.G.) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

Adriamycin and 4'-epi-adriamycin were compared as to their effect on nRNA synthesis. 4'-Epi-adriamycin was a more effective inhibitor than the parent compound of RNA synthesis as measured by incorporation of [3H]-uridine. Adriamycin inhibited all three species of nRNA (ribosomal, non-poly(A)hnRNA, poly(A)hnRNA) to approximately the same extent. 4'-Epi-adriamycin on the other hand inhibited the nRNA species in the following order: non-poly(A)hnRNA greater than ribosomal RNA greater than poly(A)hnRNA. The inhibitory effects of both drugs on incorporation of uridine into RNA were reversible at low concentrations (5 microgram/ml).  相似文献   

RNA polymerase II from mouse sarcoma cells catalyzed the incorporation of UMP into an acid-insoluble fraction in the presence of tRNA. This reaction was not affected by DNase or actinomycin D but was inhibited by α-amanitin. This reaction was dependent on nucleoside triphosphate and manganese ions. RNA synthesized in the presence of tRNA could be digested with RNase A. These results suggest that the RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase II from mouse sarcoma is dependent on the presence of tRNA.  相似文献   

Simultaneously cloned monkey CV-1 cell sublines were found to differ in morphology, cloning efficiency, chromosome number, and sensitivity to SV40 virion productive infection. A fibroblast-like clone, FC7, when compared with an epithelioid clone, TC7, had a lower mean chromosome number and was resistant to SV40 virion infection. Virion adsorption and penetration were similar in both the FC7 and TC7 cells, and both cell types were equally sensitive to first cycle SV40 DNA infection. As the subdiploid mean chromosome number of the FC7 cells increased with passage time toward the TC7 subtetraploid number, the FC7 cells became more sensitive to virion infection. This host gene-dosage effect on SV40 productive infection suggests that a monkey cell function participates in the SV40 uncoating and/or viral genome activation process.  相似文献   

The similarity of the Arrhenius plots relating temperature to messenger RNA (mRNA) transport from intact and membrane-denuded rat liver nuclei demonstrates that the ATP and cytosol-dependent transport is independent of the lipid phase of the nuclear membrane. This temperature dependence of RNA release was confirmed for alpha 2u-globulin mRNA by use of a recombinant DNA probe. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) release showed a similar temperature dependence, suggesting that both mRNA and rRNA share a common temperature-sensitive step. The kinetics of RNA release at different temperatures suggest that RNA transport from mammalian cell nuclei is a rate-controlled rather than a graded unlocking phenomenon. The processing of mRNA precursors also exhibits a temperature dependence as shown by the linear increase in the ratio of total alpha 2u-globulin RNA to alpha 2u-globulin precursor as a function of time at 30 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C in spite of residual transport at the lower temperature. This temperature dependence of mRNA processing was confirmed by Northern blot analysis of the nuclear RNA following a 45 min incubation. Thus, both the processing and transport of RNA show temperature-sensitive steps when analyzed in cell-free systems derived from mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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