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Outer cells from the root cap of Cattleya orchids are characterized by their secretory activity. They are arranged in layers intercalated with layers of secretory product and form a protective mantle over the root tip. The ultrastructure of these cells is similar to those of terrestrial roots (for example Zea mays) in that they are characterized by copious quantities of endoplasmic reticulum and numerous dense-staining prevacuolar bodies. In contrast, most root cap cells of water hyacinth and duckweed are highly vacuolate with no dense-staining prevacuolar bodies. The endoplasmic reticulum is sparse and dictyosomes are small and without secretory activity.  相似文献   

综述了国内外生物源挥发性有机化合物 (Biologicalvolatileorganiccompounds, BVOCs) 研究现状及未来的研究方向, 侧重介绍了陆地生态系统中植物排放BVOCs的种类、生物学功能及其对大气化学过程的影响。BVOCs按其化学结构以及在大气中的滞留时间可以分为 4类 :异戊二烯、单萜、其它活性BVOCs和其它次活性BVOCs。不同的植物类群排放不同的BVOCs种类并具有不同的排放特性, 环境条件对植物不同BVOCs的排放影响也不同。BVOCs作为有机物质被排放到体外, 从植物能量代谢的角度来讲要消耗一部分植物光合作用产物从而降低植物的生产力, 因此推测植物排放BVOCs具有一定的生理学或者生态学的功能。其中比较成熟的假说是抗热胁迫假说, 其次是抗氧化假说, 也有一些其它假说例如促氮同化假说等。但这些假说都还缺乏直接的有力证据, 有待更多的研究来支持。BVOCs被排放到大气中对大气化学过程的影响更是科学家关注的问题, BVOCs对大气的影响一方面是在大气对流层中促进臭氧 (O3 ) 的形成, 造成环境污染, 另一方面BVOCs通过对大气中的OH自由基和臭氧等氧化物浓度的调整而影响到大气中甲烷等温室气体的平衡, 对大气温室效应具有间接的贡献。我国在BVOCs的研究上也做了大量的工作, 包括分析鉴定了一些植物排放的BVOCs, 探讨了环境因子对植物BVOCs排放速率的影响, 从不同尺度估测了BVOCs的排放量等等。今后对BVOCs的研究将会集中在以下几个方面 :1) 进一步研究不同植物类群释放的BVOCs种类及其它们在大气中的理化性质 ;2 ) 继续探讨植物排放BVOCs的合成与代谢途径及其生物学功能 ;3) 研究BVOCs对大气化学过程的作用, 以及区域植被变化对BVOCs排放格局进而对区域乃至全球环境变化的影响 ;4 ) 加强对一些研究比较薄弱的生态系统例如在热带地区所进行的BVOCs研究工作 ;5 ) 进一步建立和完善BVOCs排放的理论模型, 以模拟不同陆地生态系统BVOCs排放的时空动态。  相似文献   

姜在阶(1973)曾对一些硬蜱在不同发育时期和不同生理状态下的抗热性特点及不同种类间的抗热性差异作过研究,提出可用硬蜱的抗热性作为鉴别物种的指标。一般认为,硬蜱的抗热性与保持水分平衡的表皮脂类密切相关。但是,关于蜱类表皮化学的研究,国内尚未见到报道。  相似文献   

植物多糖的凹形结构与生物活性关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述了植物多糖的生物活性与结构 ,讨论了植物多糖的生物活性与结构的关系 ,提出了凹形结构是多糖产生生物活性的基础  相似文献   

藻胆体结构与功能的研究概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
与隐藻及甲藻不同,蓝藻和红藻中的藻胆蛋白并非独立地行使能量吸收与传递的功能,而是通过连接多肽将不同类型的藻胆蛋白按照一定的次序组合在一起,形成高度有序的超分子复合体——藻胆体,存在于光合膜的表面,作为光合作用能量吸收与传递的功能单位。藻胆体分子量的范围介于7×106至15×106道尔顿之间,形状及大小与藻的种类密切相关。    相似文献   

Improved investigative techniques including electron microscopy, isotope tracings and improved histochemistry have greatly increased knowledge of the function of cartilage as a body tissue. Highly complex and delicate enzyme systems contained in the cartilage cell are involved in cartilage matrix formation and in the processes of calcification and cartilage repair. Heat, various drugs, freezing, and changes in the chemical environment damage or destroy these enzyme systems and interfere with the growth and function of cartilage. Hyaline cartilage to be transplanted must be handled with great care to preserve the cellular enzyme systems—otherwise the graft will be resorbed and clinical failure will result.  相似文献   

本文采用单向硅胶薄层色谱对“红星1号”(抗风品系)和“9-110”(抗寒品系)两种无性系天然橡胶胶乳脂质的磷脂组成进行定性分析,分离出8种磷脂组分,已检出6种,发现两种是从来没检出过的磷脂组分,此外用薄层色谱扫描和“吸光度比例系数校正法”对两种品系天然胶乳总脂,橡胶相和底层脂质中各种磷脂组分的分布进行了快速定量分析。  相似文献   

Testes of jellyfish Phialidium gregarium were fixed in 2 per cent OsO4 in Veronal-acetate buffer at pH 7.4. Thin sections showed that in young spermatids the spindle fibers of the last maturation division are attached to satellites of the filament-forming centriole. In more mature spermatids this attachment is not observed. During the developmental phase, nine satellites can be observed emanating from the interspaces between the nine tubular triplets of this centriole. A circular region on each of the enlarged distal ends of the satellites attaches them to the cell membrane. The satellites apparently provide a firm anchor for the axial filament. Each of the epithelial cells covering the testis produces a single long flagellum. On the filament-forming centriole often a satellite can be observed to which tubules are attached. These tubules are 180 A in diameter and probably represent remnants of spindle fibers. It is suggested that the distal centriole has the ability to form several satellites or appendages at appropriate times during the cell cycle. These satellites are distinct from the daughter centrioles in that they are supportive structures: in certain phases of cell life, spindle fibers may attach to them, while in other instances the distal centriole and the flagellum it is forming are anchored by them.  相似文献   

The species composition of phytoflagellates in the Salton Sea has recently been the subject of intense investigation as part of an analysis of the Salton Sea ecosystem. The Salton Sea, an inland sea occupying 980 km2 in southern California, has become a major stopping point for migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway. The increasing salinity of the sea, currently at 44 gm L−1, and its eutrophic condition (average depth is nine meters, with a high nutrient load contributed by agricultural drainage from the surrounding farmlands) have contributed to a stressed ecosystem. Massive fish kills and bird kills, including such endangered birds as the brown pelican, have become a recurring problem. Although previous investigations have noted the presence of at least two phytoflagellates implicated in fish mortality, little attention has been paid the to the identities of the smaller flagellates observed growing in the sea and their possible contribution to the fish and bird population mortality. Using freshly collected field samples as well as enrichment culture techniques, we report the occurrence of several genera of cryptomonads in the Salton Sea, including representatives from the genera Chroomonas , Hemiselmis , Leucocryptos , Plagioselmis , Storeatula and Teleaulax.  相似文献   

Abstract— The proportions of esterified cholesterol and phosphatidyl ethanolamine in lipids of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from children were found to be lower than the corresponcling values for adult CSF. The fatty acid patterns of the cholesterol ester, triglyceride + non-esterified fatty acids and phospholipid fractions all displayed low proportions of linoleate; palmitate and oleate were the principal acids present. The fatty acid composition of these lipid classes for CSF derived from children was similar to that from adult subjects. Degradation of CSF lecithin by snake-venom phospholipase A2 revealed the saturated acids to be located predominantly in the 1-position with the unsaturated ones mainly in the 2-position.  相似文献   

10种海洋微藻总脂、中性脂和极性脂的脂肪酸组成   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
研究了10种海洋微藻的总脂、中性脂和极性脂的脂肪酸组成特征。海洋微藻的脂肪含量均在15%以上。极性脂一般为海洋微藻的主要脂类,是长链多元不饱和脂肪酸的主要提供者。中性脂含短链脂肪酸较多,为主要的储存脂类。绿藻纲可以将高含量的16:4(n-3)和18:3(n-3)作为化学分类的标记脂肪酸,小球藻和微绿球藻有丰富的20:5(n-3),与绿藻纲显著不同,可能属于大眼藻纲。绿枝藻纲的脂肪酸组成与绿藻纲类似,绿胞藻纲以16:0、18:4(n-3)和20:5(n-3)为主要脂肪酸。脂肪酸组成可用于海洋微藻的分类学研究,并能指导利用海洋微藻生产高度不饱和脂肪酸。  相似文献   

陈祖铿 《植物研究》1987,7(1):105-126
本文是一篇综述性文章,内容包括:1.植物微体的研究历史及其分类,2.植物微体的形态和超微结构特点,3.微体在植物及其组织中的分布(A.被子植物,B.裸子植物,C.蕨类植物,D.苔藓植物);4.微体的功能,5.微体的个体发育。其中裸子植物部分基本上是作者的第一手材料,并配有电子显微镜照片。  相似文献   

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