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Pregnant mice congenic with C57BL/10 (B10.A, B10.BR, B10.D2, B10.A(2R), B10.A(5R), B10.A(15R), B10.A(1R), B10.A(18R), and B10.OL) were fed Purina Mouse Chow or the same diet plus 200 IU of vitamin A daily. The pregnant dams were sacrificed on the 18th day of gestation and the fetuses were sexed and examined for defects in eye development. It was found that the frequency of microphthalmia and anophthalmia in the female progeny of mice fed Mouse Chow was 7.4-9.2% in B10.A and B10.BR, 4.0-5.5% in B10.A(18R), B10, B10.A(5R), B10.A(1R), B10.A(15R), and B10.A(2R), and 0.8% and 1.4% in B10.D2 and B10.OL mice, respectively. On average, the frequency of these defects in the female progeny was 6.2 times greater than that in males (P less than 0.001). The right eye was 5.8 times more often affected than the left (P less than 0.001). The addition of vitamin A to the diet increased the frequency of these eye abnormalities in all strains, suggesting that this effect is not mediated by loci associated with H-2, as is the case with vitamin A-enhanced cleft palate. The addition of vitamin A to the diet did not affect the ratios of affected males to females, affected right to left eye, or microphthalmia to anophthalmia. The results suggest that there are two loci on chromosome 17, one centromeric to E beta and one telemeric to C4, that interact to determine to some degree the frequency of microphthalmia and anophthalmia.  相似文献   

Pregnant mice congenic with C57BL/10 (B10.A, B10.BR, B10.D2, B10.A(2R), B10.A(5R), B10.A(15R), B10.A(1R), B10.A(18R), and B10.OL) were fed Purina Mouse Chow or the same diet plus 200 IU of vitamin A daily. The pregnant dams were sacrificed on the eighteenth day of gestation, and the fetuses were sexed and examined for defects in mandibular development. On average, micrognathia occurred five times more frequently in female (1.5%) than male (0.3%) fetuses. The addition of vitamin A to the diet affected only females, reducing the frequency of this defect to that observed in males from dams fed the control diet. Micrognathia was strongly associated with micro- or anophthalmia, but not with defects of the palate. C57BL/10 fetuses had the highest frequency of micrognathia (3.2%) and B10.D2 and B10.A(5R) fetuses had the lowest (0.1%). The results suggest that a locus distal to C4 and perhaps proximal to Qa-1 may exert a moderate influence on mandibular development and a second locus proximal to E beta may have a weak effect.  相似文献   

T Franz 《Teratology》1992,46(6):599-604
Homozygous Splotch mutant mice (Sp/Sp) die on day 14 of gestation with neural tube defects, curly tail, and malformations of neural crest derivatives. Sp1H mice, which have a radiation-induced allele of Splotch with a similar phenotype, were used for this study. The neural tube defects are always located in the lumbosacral region and in 50% of the cases also in the region of the hindbrain. In this report, rare cases of neural tube defects and tail defects among the offspring of crosses between Splotch (Sp1H) heterozygotes are presented, which are not associated with a neural crest defect. This suggests that the development of the neural tube and neural crest defects in this mutant is caused by independent mechanisms or is dependent on the dosage of the mutant gene, with different thresholds being pathogenetic in the neural tube and neural crest, respectively.  相似文献   

Congenic mouse strains C57BL/10Sn (B10) and B10.A/SgSn (B10A), genetically different only in the region of the H-2 complex, were compared for sensitivity to hydrocortisone-induced embryotoxicity and embryonic drug disposition. Pregnant B10A mice dosed intramuscularly with 0, 100, 150, and 200 mg hydrocortisone/kg body weight and B10 mice injected with 0, 200, 400, 600, and 800 mg/kg, both on gestational day (GD) 12, were evaluated on GD 18 for reproductive toxicity. The induction of cleft palate demonstrated a linear dose-response by probit analysis: The ED50s were 143.6 mg/kg and 512.0 mg/kg for B10A and B10 mice, respectively. Comparison of fetal weight revealed statistically significant intrauterine growth retardation at all doses administered to B10 mice. However, growth retardation was shown only in the high-dose group in the B10A strain. Embryonic drug concentrations were evaluated by administration of hydrocortisone to mice of both strains on GD 12, at the ED50 for cleft palate production in the B10A strain, with 3H-hydrocortisone (5 muci/mouse) added as a tracer. Maternal serum and embryos were analyzed for steroid content. Disposition and pharmacokinetics of 3H-hydrocortisone were similar in both strains, with the majority of serum radioactivity recovered as hydrocortisone and the major radioactive peak in embryos comigrating with cortisone. The results indicate that H-2 haplotype does not influence hydrocortisone-induced cleft palate sensitivity through an alteration of embryonic drug exposure.  相似文献   

Strain differences in heat-induced neural tube defects in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neural tube defects are common congenital anomalies affecting approximately 0.1% of liveborn infants. It is widely accepted that these disorders are of a multifactorial origin, having both a genetic and an environmental component to their development. In a study designed to elucidate the genetic factors involved in a mouse model of hyperthermia-induced neural tube defects, it is apparent that a hierarchy of susceptibility exists among various inbred mouse strains. Female SWV mice were extremely sensitive to a 10-minute hyperthermic treatment on day 8.5 of gestation, with 44.3% of their offspring having exencephaly. The other strains used in these studies (LM/Bc, SWR/J, C57BL/6J, and DBA/2J) all had less than 14% affected offspring. In experimental situations where the environment is held constant and the only difference between the strains is their genotype, it is assumed that the difference in response to a teratogen is genetically mediated. To test the hypothesis that several genes are involved, reciprocal crosses were made between strains of high, moderate, and low sensitivity. When this was done, the high sensitivity of the SWV strain was lost in the F1 hybrid, implying not only that multiple genes are involved, but that it is the embryo's genotype and not the maternal genotype that is the major factor in determining susceptibility to heat-induced neural tube defects.  相似文献   

We review the data from studies of mouse mutants that lend insight to the mechanisms that lead to neural tube defects (NTDs). Most of the 50 single-gene mutations that cause neural tube defects (NTDs) in mice also cause severe embryonic-lethal syndromes, in which exencephaly is a nonspecific feature. In a few mutants (e.g., Trp53, Macs, Mlp or Sp), other defects may be present, but affected fetuses can survive to birth. Multifactorial genetic causes, as are present in the curly tail stock (15-20% spina bifida), or the SELH/Bc strain (15-20% exencephaly), lead to nonsyndromic NTDs. The mutations indicate that "spina bifida occulta," a dorsal gap in the vertebral arches over an intact neural tube, is usually genetically and developmentally unrelated to exencephaly or "spina bifida" (aperta). Almost all exencephaly or spina bifida aperta of genetic origin is caused by failure of neural fold elevation. The developmental mechanisms in genetic NTDs are considered in terms of distinct rostro-caudal zones along the neural folds that likely differ in mechanism of elevation. Failure of elevation leads to: split face (zone A), exencephaly (zone B), rachischisis (all of zone D), or spina bifida (caudal zone D). The developmental mechanisms leading to these genetic NTDs are heterogeneous, even within one zone. At the tissue level, the mutants show that the mechanism of failure of elevation can involve, e.g., (1) slow growth of adjacent tethered tissue (curly tail), (2) defective forebrain mesenchyme (Cart1 or twist), (3) defective basal lamina in surface ectoderm (Lama5), (4) excessive breadth of floorplate and notochord (Lp), (5) abnormal neuroepithelium (Apob, Sp, Tcfap2a), (6) morphological deformation of neural folds (jmj), (7) abnormal neuroepithelial and neural crest cell gap-junction communication (Gja1), or (8) incomplete compensation for a defective step in the elevation sequence (SELH/Bc). At the biochemical level, mutants suggest involvement of: (1) faulty regulation of apoptosis (Trp53 or p300), (2) premature differentiation (Hes1), (3) disruption of actin function (Macs or Mlp), (4) abnormal telomerase complex (Terc), or (5) faulty pyrimidine synthesis (Sp). The NTD preventative effect of maternal dietary supplementation is also heterogeneous, as demonstrated by: (1) methionine (Axd), (2) folic acid or thymidine (Sp), or (3) inositol (curly tail). The heterogeneity of mechanism of mouse NTDs suggests that human NTDs, including the common nonsyndromic anencephaly or spina bifida, may also reflect a variety of genetically caused defects in developmental mechanisms normally responsible for elevation of the neural folds.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity in neural tube defects.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1985-1987, the authors attempted to ascertain all cases of confirmed neural tube defects (NTD) in California and Illinois, not only among live-born infants (postnatal) but also cases ascertained during pregnancy (prenatal). Mothers of both prenatal and postnatal NTD cases were interviewed within 5 months. Among postnatal NTD cases, 14.9% (45/303) had anomalies not ordinarily associated with NTD. The frequency of non-NTD related anomalies was 9.4% (5/53) in anencephaly, 0/3 in craniorachischisis, 22.9% (8/35) in encephalocele, 14.5% (27/186) in spina bifida, 20% (1/5) in multiple NTD cases and 19% (4/21) in other NTDs. However, relatively few postnatal NTD cases had known multiple malformation patterns; Meckel-Gruber syndrome was the most common, with 2 postnatal cases, and 3 additional prenatal cases. Maternal age, paternal age and birth order in postnatal cases were 26.7 +/- 5.4 SD, 28.9 +/- 5.8 and 2.8 +/- 1.8, respectively. These characteristics were similar in prenatal NTD cases (27.9 +/- 6.0, 30.1 +/- 6.3, 2.5 +/- 1.5, respectively). We also found no differences in parental ages among different types of NTD. Frequency of prior spontaneous abortion differed neither between postnatal NTD (9.3%) and postnatal controls (8.1%), nor between prenatal NTD (10.7%) and prenatal control (8.7%). Loss rates in the pregnancy immediately prior to the index NTD cases were not significantly higher than in control subjects. The high frequency of non-NTD associated malformations (14.9%) indicates the caution must be exercised before assuming that a given NTD case is polygenic-multifactorial in etiology, especially cases of encephalocele.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed a significant association between genes at or near the H-2 complex and fetal loss. Reasoning that the maternal serum might contain one or more unknown factors that are harmful to early embryonic or fetal development, or both, we performed an embryotoxicity screen using chick embryos and serum from nonpregnant C57BL/10Sn(H-2 b) and B10.A/SnSg (H-2 a) congenic mice. Serum from the strain with the higher frequency of fetal loss (C57BL/10 Sn) yielded a significantly greater frequency of chick abnormality, specifically neural tube malformation and death, than the serum from the strain with the lower frequency of fetal loss (B10.A/SnSg). Further, the C57BL/10 Sn serum demonstrated a highly significant dose-response. These results suggest that analogous studies may be profitable with women who have a history of chronic fetal wastage and/or offspring with neural tube defects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are among the most common human congenital malformations. Although clinical investigations have reported that periconceptional folic acid supplementation can reduce the occurrence of these defects, its mechanism remains unknown. Therefore, the murine mutant Splotch, which has a high incidence of spontaneous NTDs, along with the inbred strains SWV and LM/Bc, were used to investigate the relationship between folate and NTDs. METHODS: To investigate whether folates could reduce spontaneous NTDs, heterozygous Splotch dams (+/Sp) were treated with either folate or folinic acid throughout neurulation, gestational day (GD) 6.5 to 10.5. On GD 18.5 the dams were sacrificed and the fetuses examined for any neural tube defects. Subsequently, Sp/+ dams were treated with arsenic while receiving either a folate or folinic acid supplementation. Similar experiments were performed in the LM/Bc and SWV strains. RESULTS: Neither folate nor folinic acid supplements reduced the frequency of spontaneous NTDs in the embryos from Splotch heterozygote crosses. Arsenic increased the frequency of NTDs and embryonic death in the Splotch, LM/Bc and SWV litters and folinic acid failed to ameliorate the teratogenic effect of this metal. A folate supplement given to arsenic-treated dams proved to be maternally lethal in all three strains. CONCLUSIONS: Splotch embryos were not protected from either spontaneous or arsenic-induced NTDs by folinic or folic acid supplementation. Furthermore, folinic acid supplements did not reduce the incidence of arsenic-induced NTDs in either the LM/Bc or SWV litters.  相似文献   

Mice of three congenic resistant lines differing from C57BL/10 at theH-3, H-13, H-7, andH-8 minor histocompatibility loci were used to immunize, and were immunized with, C57BL/10. Cytotoxic cells which were capable of causing rapid lysis of cells from the immunizing strain were generated at least one-way in all combinations tested. In order for a target to be susceptible to cytolysis, it had to carry both the sameH-2 b haplotype and the same differential minor histocompatibility alleles as the immunizing strain. That is, B10.C(47N) (H-2 b ,H-7 b ) anti-C57BL/10 (H-2 b ,H-7 a ) cytotoxic cells lysed C57BL/10 targets but not B10.BR (H-2 k ,H-7 a ) targets, nor BALB.B (H-2 b ,H-7 b ) targets. Crossreactions in the cytotoxic assay suggest that theH-3, H-13 congenic pair —B10.LP and C57BL/10 —may differ in at least two more minor histocompatibility loci which have not yet been defined. Although 6 x 1066 C57BL/10 lymphoid cells primed B10.D2(57N) (H-8 b ) mice for a secondary in vitro cytotoxic response, a tenfold higher dose apparently made them tolerant. It is concluded that all minor histocompatibility differences can generate cytotoxic T cells which show specificity both for the minor and major histocompatibility alleles.  相似文献   

Several B 10 strains of mice, recombinant at theH-2 locus, have been shown to differ in their resistance to infection with ectromelia virus, a natural mouse pathogen. Of 10 strains, 1310, B 10.A(2R), B10.A(4R) and B10.D2 were the most resistant, while B10.G and B 10.A(5R) were the most susceptible. Other strains were intermediate between these extremes. Several genes conferring resistance have been mapped toD b in B10.A(2R),K k I-A k I-B k in B10.A,I-J b in B10.A(2R) and toD d in B 10.T(6R). In general, death among susceptible strains was not a consequence of acute liver necrosis as in other non-B10 strains, and occurred randomly from 8–14 days after infection. The exact cause of death is unknown but is characterized by persisting high titers of virus in the spleen and sometimes the liver, despite an ongoing immune response indicated by strong cytotoxic T-cell activity detectable in the spleens of all mice. The most resistant B10 and B10.A(2R) strains cleared virus from the spleen and liver by 8 days after infection. Analysis of infection in chimeric mice indicates thatH-2 genes, which determine susceptibility to virus persistence in the spleen, operate via radiosensitive cells of the lymphomyeloid system. This evidence, together with several examples ofH-2-linked differences in cytotoxic T-cell responsiveness between resistant and susceptible strains, is consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanism by whichH-2 genes control resistance to ectromelia virus in B10 strain mice is by their influence on the effectiveness of a cell-mediated immune response.  相似文献   

Childhood cancer and neural tube defects.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

We have studied the function of protein kinase A (PKA) during embryonic development using a PKA-deficient mouse that retains only one functional catalytic subunit allele, either Calpha or Cbeta, of PKA. The reduced PKA activity results in neural tube defects that are specifically localized posterior to the forelimb buds and lead to spina bifida. The affected neural tube has closed appropriately but exhibits an enlarged lumen and abnormal neuroepithelium. Decreased PKA activity causes dorsal expansion of Sonic hedgehog signal response in the thoracic to sacral regions correlating with the regions of morphological abnormalities. Other regions of the neural tube appear normal. The regional sensitivity to changes in PKA activity indicates that downstream signaling pathways differ along the anterior-posterior axis and suggests a functional role for PKA activation in neural tube development.  相似文献   

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