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利用RT-PCR技术研究了美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)材性相关候选基因细胞分裂素结合蛋白(cytokininbin ding protein)基因PdCYTOB的表达谱,结果显示,在未成熟木质部、未成熟韧皮部和韧皮部中PdCYTOB基因具有较高水平的表达量。对导入反义PdCYTOB的山新杨(Populus davidiana×P.bolleana)植株进行Southern杂交和RT-PCR检测,证实反义PdCYTOB基因已整合到杨树基因组中并表达。对大田转基因株系及对照植株进行表型观察、组织切片和微纤丝角的测定,结果表明,转反义PdCYTOB基因植株的高度明显增加,木质部、韧皮部变宽,微纤丝角明显变小,初步表明转基因杨树在造纸性能上有所改良。这些研究结果对于阐明PdCYTOB在美洲黑杨木材形成中的分子作用机制具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to explore arsenic (As) tolerance and phytostabilization potential of the two tree species, buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Both plant species were grown in pots and were exposed to various soil As levels (control, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg kg?1). The plants were harvested after 9 months for the evaluation of growth parameters as well as root and shoot As concentrations. With increasing soil As levels, plant height stress tolerance index (PHSTI) was significantly decreased in both tree species, whereas root length stress tolerance index (RLSTI) and dry matter stress tolerance index (DMSTI) were not affected. Root and shoot As concentrations significantly increased in both tree species with increasing soil As levels. Translocation factor and bioconcentration factor were less than 1.0 for both plant species. This study revealed that both tree species are non-hyperaccumulators of As, but they could be used for phytostabilization of As-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of different Populus euramericana (Neva, PE68-022 x P. nigra, 71-060 x P. nigra) and P. deltoides (PE68-022 x P. deltoides) clones to wild-type Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains (A281 and 82.139) was evaluated in an inoculation experiment, and differences in the frequency of tumor formation (0-48) were found. Co-cultivation experiments demonstrated high transformation ability of oncogenic binary A. tumefaciens strains as compared to disarmed strains. Using oncogenic binary strains, transgenic calluses were obtained from all tested clones. The presence of acetosyringone did not influence the transformation frequency of the disarmed strains. Co-inoculation experiments were performed using leaf discs and a bacterial suspension containing both wild-type and disarmed strains. No positive effects on transformation efficiency were noticed in these conditions either. The transformation of tumors and kanamycin resistant calluses was confirmed by DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Organic solutes, in particular glycine betaine and proline, have been detected as osmoprotective compounds in many microorganisms and herbaceous species. However, for woody plants, very little information is available on mechanisms of adaptation to salt stress. In the present study, effects of NaCI treatment on betaine and free amino acid contents in a clone of Populus trichocarpa X deltoides micropropagated vitroplants were analyzed using HPLC and silicate plate chromatography. The application during 12 days of 50 to 200 m M NaCI to viroplants cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473–497) led to a progressive decrease of growth, leaf senescence, abscission, and apical necrosis. Populus trichocarpa X deltoides was characterized by the absence of glycine betainc and/or proline accumulation. However, trigonelline was found to increase in vitroplants subjected to 100 m M NaCI. Trigonelline was also present in dormant buds harvested in natural conditions and missing in active buds. In vitroplants, the content of some amino acids was strongly modified by salt stress. A progressive accumulation of alanine and γ-amino butyrate was particularly significant in roots, whereas the relative concentration of glutamine was strongly enhanced in leaves. Leaf content of glutamate and ornithine attained maximum in the presence of 100 and 150 m M NaCI concentrations, and then decreased. Arginine and serine pools were not significantly modified by salt treatment. The variations in vitroplants were of small amplitude compared to those observed in mature poplars where winter rest was associated with a very high arginine level and with a disappearance of nearly all other free amino acids. The results are discussed in relation to previous data obtained with herbaceous species and in relation to some metabolic pathways in poplars where trigonelline could be considered as a sensitive stress indicator.  相似文献   

We studied 15 riparian and upland Sonoran desert species to evaluate how the limitation of xylem pressure (Ψ(x)) by cavitation corresponded with plant distribution along a moisture gradient. Riparian species were obligate riparian trees (Fraxinus velutina, Populus fremontii, and Salix gooddingii), native shrubs (Baccharis spp.), and an exotic shrub (Tamarix ramosissima). Upland species were evergreen (Juniperus monosperma, Larrea tridentata), drought-deciduous (Ambrosia dumosa, Encelia farinosa, Fouquieria splendens, Cercidium microphyllum), and winter-deciduous (Acacia spp., Prosopis velutina) trees and shrubs. For each species, we measured the "vulnerability curve" of stem xylem, which shows the decrease in hydraulic conductance from cavitation as a function of Ψ(x) and the Ψ(crit) representing the pressure at complete loss of transport. We also measured minimum in situ Ψ(x)(Ψ(xmin)) during the summer drought. Species in desert upland sites were uniformly less vulnerable to cavitation and exhibited lower Ψ(xmin) than riparian species. Values of Ψ(crit) were correlated with minimum Ψ(x). Safety margins (Ψ(xmin)-Ψ(crit)) tended to increase with decreasing Ψ(xmin) and were small enough that the relatively vulnerable riparian species could not have conducted water at the Ψ(x) experienced in upland habitats (-4 to -10 MPa). Maintenance of positive safety margins in riparian and upland habitats was associated with minimal to no increase in stem cavitation during the summer drought. The absence of less vulnerable species from the riparian zone may have resulted in part from a weak but significant trade-off between decreasing vulnerability to cavitation and conducting efficiency. These data suggest that cavitation vulnerability limits plant distribution by defining maximum drought tolerance across habitats and influencing competitive ability of drought tolerant species in mesic habitats.  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化是阻碍林业发展的重要原因, 杨树(Populus spp.)是中国主要的人工林树种, 探究盐胁迫下植物的碳氮代谢特征与抗盐胁迫能力, 将有助于杨树人工林的可持续发展。该研究利用美洲黑杨(P. deltoides)和青杨(P. cathayana)两个物种, 采用去叶与不去叶处理, 在盐胁迫下研究两种杨树的抗逆性差异。研究发现, 盐胁迫下美洲黑杨的总生物量和光合能力均显著高于青杨。盐胁迫与去叶处理导致美洲黑杨叶绿素浓度和光系统II最大光量子效率显著高于青杨, 表明去叶对美洲黑杨影响较小, 但是加重了盐对青杨的毒害作用。美洲黑杨茎叶Na+浓度显著低于青杨, 表明美洲黑杨能够有效地限制Na+向地上部分运输。在盐胁迫条件下, 美洲黑杨茎和根比青杨能够维持更高浓度的淀粉、可溶性糖以及蔗糖, 前者较高的腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性促进了光合产物向淀粉转换, 保证植物有充足的非结构性碳水化合物来参与渗透调节和维持其他生命活动, 而去叶使得青杨非结构性碳水化合物严重不足, 受盐胁迫影响更严重。盐胁迫下, 青杨分布在脂溶性蛋白(膜系统相关蛋白质)的氮浓度显著下降, 而NH4+、谷氨酸脱氢酶活性与脯氨酸浓度显著升高。研究结果证明, 非结构性碳水化合物的积累、转化和分配是植物抗逆性的重要特征。  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-plant variation in xylem cavitation in Betula occidentalis   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
A modified version of a method that uses positive air pressures to determine the complete cavitation response of a single axis is presented. Application of the method to Betula occidentalis Hook, gave a cavitation response indistinguishable from that obtained by dehydration, thus verifying the technique and providing additional evidence that cavitation under tension occurs by air entry through interconduit pits. Incidentally, this also verified pressure-bomb estimates of xylem tension and confirmed the existence of large (i.e. >0·4 MPa) tensions in xylem, which have been questioned in recent pressure-probe studies. The air injection method was used to investigate variation within and amongst individuals of B. occidentalis. Within an individual, the average cavitation tension increased from 0·66±0·27 MPa in roots (3·9 to 10·7 mm diameter), to 1·17±0·10 MPa in trunks (12 to 16 mm diameter), to 1·36±0·04 MPa in twigs (3·9 to 5 mm diameter). Cavitation tension was negatively correlated with the hydraulically weighted mean of the vessel diameter, and was negatively correlated with the conductance of the xylem per xylem area. Native cavitation was within the range predicted from the measured cavitation response and in situ maximum xylem tensions: roots were significantly cavitated compared with minimal cavitation in trunks and twigs. Leaf turgor pressure declined to zero at the xylem tensions predicted to initiate cavitation in petiole xylem (1·5 MPa). Amongst individuals within B. occidentalis, average cavitation tension in the main axis varied from 0·90 to 1·90 MPa and showed no correlation with vessel diameter. The main axes of juveniles (2–3 years old) had significantly narrower vessel diameters than those of adults, but there was no difference in the average cavitation tension. However, juvenile xylem retained hydraulic conductance to a much higher xylem tension (3·25 MPa) than did adult xylem (2·25 MPa), which could facilitate drought survival during establishment.  相似文献   

杨树是我国“三北”地区防护林建设的主栽树种,自20世纪70年代以来长期受到光肩星天牛的严重危害。北抗杨对光肩星天牛有一定的抗性,但产生抗性的生化机制尚不清楚。本研究采用试剂盒法与高效液相色谱法以未受害、机械损伤、虫害北抗杨为研究材料,对其树皮和木质部中的次生代谢产物和防御酶含量进行检测,以探索其抗性机制。结果表明,北抗杨受到机械损伤和光肩星天牛危害后其反应不同:1)次生代谢产物,北抗杨受到机械损伤后,树皮中的水杨苷和白杨甙含量显著上升,槲皮苷含量降低;而受光肩星天牛危害后,树皮中的水杨苷和槲皮苷含量显著上升,白杨甙含量无显著变化。机械损伤的北抗杨木质部总酚含量高于虫害与未受害木质部,后两者间无显著差异;光肩星天牛危害的北抗杨木质部白杨甙和亚麻木酚素含量高于机械损伤木质部与未受害木质部。遭受机械损伤与虫害后北抗杨木质部的总酚苷含量显著高于未受害木质部。2)防御酶活性分析表明,与未受害北抗杨树皮相比,受到机械损伤与虫害后的树皮苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性显著升高,但两者间无差异;受到机械损伤与虫害后的树皮超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性高于未受害树皮,且机械损伤树皮高于虫害树皮;北抗杨受机械损伤与虫害后木质部中的过氧化物酶(POD)活性高于未受害木质部,但两者间无差异。3)与未受害北抗杨相比,北抗杨受机械损伤、虫害后部分次生代谢物和防御酶都有不同程度的增加,推测这些物质可能与北抗杨抗逆性反应有关。  相似文献   

Plants that remediate groundwater pollutants may offer a feasible alternative to the traditional and more expensive practices. Because its success depends on water use, this approach requires a complete understanding of species-specific transpiration patterns. The objectives of this study were (1) to quantify tree and stand-level transpiration in two age classes (whips and 1-year-old seedlings) of eastern cottonwoods (Populus deltoides Bartr.), and (2) to determine climatic and physiological driving variables at the Carswell Air Force Base in central Texas, USA. Trichloroethylene (TCE) was detected in shallow (2 to 3 m) groundwater in the early 1980s. Cottonwood whips and 1-year-old potted seedlings were planted in two separate 0.15-ha plantations in spring 1996. Sapflow gauges determined sapflow on 14 to 16 trees in May, June, July, August, and October 1997. Without adjusting for differences in tree size, sapflow rates were greater for 1-year-old trees than whips (peak values were 0.75 and 0.53 kg hr-1 tree-1, respectively). When adjusted for tree size, the pattern reversed, with whips having significantly greater sapflow rates than 1-year-old trees (peak values were 0.053 and 0.045 kg cm-2 hr-1, respectively). Temporal variation (diurnal and seasonal) in sapflow rates was principally related to VPD, solar radiation, and leaf conductance. Extrapolating to the stand and across the growing season, the plantations transpired ~25 cm of water. Early attainment of high levels of transpiration indicates that the stands will transpire considerably more water as leaf area and root exploitation increases with stand development.  相似文献   

Here we tested whether some leaf traits could be used as predictors for productivity in a range of Populus deltoides x P. nigra clones. These traits were assessed in 3-yr-old rooted cuttings from 29 clones growing in an open field trial, in a five randomized complete block design, under optimal irrigation. Variables were assigned to four groups describing productivity (above-ground biomass, total leaf area), leaf growth (total number of leaves increment rate), leaf structure (area of the largest leaf, specific leaf area, carbon and nitrogen contents), and carbon isotope discrimination in the leaves (Delta). High-yielding clones displayed larger total leaf area and individual leaf area, while no correlation could be detected between productivity and either leaf structure or Delta. By contrast, Delta was negatively correlated with number of leaves increment rate and leaf N content. Our study shows that there is a potential to improve water-use efficiency in poplar without necessarily reducing the overall productivity.  相似文献   

Stems of cottonwood ( Populs deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) plants grown under different conditions were examined to determine the relation between net endogenous auxin yields and the acropetal advance of the primary-secondary vascular transition zone (TZ). In all treatments, the internode yielding maximum net auxin activity, as determined by the Avena curvature bioassay, closely corresponded with the internode in which the TZ occurred. Under short-day (SD) dormancy-inducing conditions, auxin yield declined steadily while the maximum auxin peak and the TZ shifted toward younger internodes. Auxin yields from these plants were extremely low after 5 weeks of SD compared with those from long-day (LD) plants. The only consistent auxin yield was obtained from internodes subtending young leaves beneath the apical bud. Plants placed in SD for 3 weeks and then returned to LD conditions showed an immediate increase in auxin yield in the stem, and the progressive acropetal advance of the TZ under SD was reversed. Therefore, within 7 LD the positions of the TZ and peak auxin yield corresponded to those observed before the imposition of SD Fully dormant plants placed in LD showed a dramatic rise in auxin yields during the first 2 weeks of renewed growth. Although low levels of auxin were found in the newly developing shoots after 6 LD, yields increased rapidly after 9 and 14 LD. The position of the TZ corresponded with the peak of net auxin activity after 9 and 14 LD.  相似文献   

Refixation of xylem sap CO2 in Populus deltoides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vascular plants have respiring tissues which are perfused by the transpiration stream, allowing solubilization of respiratory CO2 in the xylem sap. The transpiration stream could provide a conduit for the internal delivery of respiratory CO2 to leaves. Trees have large amounts of respiring tissues in the root systems and stems, and may have elevated levels of CO2 in the xylem sap which could be delivered to and refixed by the leaves. Xylem sap from the shoots of three Populus deltoides trees had mean dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations (CO2+H2CO3+HCO?3) ranging from 0. 5 to 0. 9 mM. When excised leaves were allowed to transpire 1 mM[14C]NaHCO3, 99. 6% of the label was fixed in the light. Seventy-seven percent of the label was fixed in major veins and the remainder was fixed in the minor veins. Autoradiography confirmed that label was confined to the vasculature. In the dark, approximately 80% of the transpired label escaped the leaf, the remainder was fixed in the major veins, slightly elevating dark respiration measurements. This indicates that the vascular tissue in P. deltoides leaves is supplied with a carbon source distinct from the atmospheric source fixed by interveinal lamina. However, the contribution of CO2 delivered to the leaves in the transpiration stream and fixed in the veins was only 0. 5% of atmospheric CO2 uptake. In the light 90% of the label was found in sugar, starch and protein, a pattern similar to that found for atmospheric uptake of[14C]CO2. Compared with leaves labelled in the light, leaves labelled in the dark had more label in organic acid, amino acid and protein and less label in sugar and starch. After a 5-s pulse the majority of the label fed to petioles in both the light and the dark was found in malate. The majority of the label was found in malate at 120 s in the dark; only 2% of the label was found in phosphorylated compounds at 120 s. The proportion of label found in phosphorylated compounds increased from 17% at 5 s to 80% at 120 s in the light. This suggests that CO2 delivered to leaves in the light via the transpiration stream is fixed in the veins, a small portion through dark fixation into malate, the remainder by C-3 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of heavy metal deposition onto soil from a copper smelter on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity in the fine roots of two poplars (Populus nigra L. and Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsch) was analyzed. The subjects were mature trees growing in real environments. In both analyzed species, heavy metals stimulated the overproduction of free radicals in fine roots (measured as malondialdehyde level), which was directly proportional to advancing senescence. In young fine roots, heavy metals caused a decrease in guaiacol peroxidase activity and presumably disturbed the lignification process. Catalase was highly sensitive to the presence of heavy metals in the soil. In contrast, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were unaffected by heavy metals. In the case of superoxide dismutase, a clear increase in enzyme activity was observed only in P. nigra under drought conditions, whereas it was inhibited in polluted stands.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplars are an important renewable forest resource known for their high productivity. At the same time, they are highly vulnerable to water stress. Identifying traits that can serve as indicators for growth performance remains an important task, particularly under field conditions. Understanding which trait combinations translate to improved productivity is key in order to satisfy the demand for poplar wood in an uncertain future climate. In this study, we compared hydraulic and leaf traits among five hybrid poplar clones at 10 plantations in central Alberta. We also assessed the variation of these traits between 2‐ to 3‐year‐old branches from the lower to mid‐crown and current‐year long shoots from the mid to upper crown. Our results showed that (1) hybrid poplars differed in key hydraulic parameters between branch type, (2) variation of hydraulic traits among clones was relatively large for some clones and less for others, and (3) strong relationships between measured hydraulic traits, such as vessel diameter, cavitation resistance, xylem‐specific and leaf‐specific conductivity and leaf area, were observed. Our results suggest that leaf size could serve as an additional screening tool when selecting for drought‐tolerant genotypes in forest management and tree improvement programmes.  相似文献   

The extent to which stomatal conductance (gs) was capable of responding to reduced hydraulic conductance (k)and preventing cavitation-inducing xylem pressures was evaluated in the small riparian tree, Betula occidentalis Hook. We decreased k by inducing xylem cavitation in shoots using an air-injection technique. From 1 to 18 d after shoot injection we measured midday transpiration rate (E), gs, and xylem pressure (Ψp-xylem) on individual leaves of the crown. We then harvested the shoot and made direct measurements of k from the trunk (2–3 cm diameter) to the distal tip of the petioles of the same leaves measured for E and gs. The k measurement was expressed per unit leaf area (kl, leaf-specific conductance). Leaves measured within 2 d of shoot injection showed reduced gs and E relative to non-injected controls, and both parameters were strongly correlated with kl At this time, there was no difference in leaf Ψp-xylem between injected shoots and controls, and leaf Ψp-xylem was not significantly different from the highest cavitation-inducing pressure (Ψp-cav) in the branch xylem (-1.43 ± 0.029 MPa, n=8). Leaves measured 7–18 d after shoots were injected exhibited a partial return of gs and E values to the control range. This was associated with a decrease in leaf Ψp-xylem below Ψp-cav and loss of foliage. The results suggest the stomata were incapable of long-term regulation of E below control values and that reversion to higher E caused dieback via cavitation.  相似文献   

美洲黑杨不同无性系对分月扇舟蛾幼虫的抗性及相关机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方杰  赵博光 《昆虫学报》2011,54(9):1042-1050
为了选育出在生产上具有推广价值的美洲黑杨Populus deltoides优良抗虫品系,本研究以分月扇舟蛾Clostera anastomosis 3龄幼虫为材料,以I-72杨为对照评价和分析了18个美洲黑杨无性系在实验室条件(28±1℃,RH 70%,16L∶8D)下的抗虫性,通过选择性和非选择性取食实验筛选出了11个具有较强抗性的无性系; 测定了美洲黑杨主要营养物质和次生代谢物质含量,研究了不同无性系对分月扇舟蛾体内保护酶和消化酶活性及对该虫生长发育和食物利用的影响。结果表明:美洲黑杨不同无性系抗性的大小与它们叶片中总酚含量呈明显正相关趋势; 抗性水平不同的无性系对分月扇舟蛾幼虫的生长发育和食物利用有不同的影响,表现在幼虫体重、每日体重增加量、相对生长率、近似消化率、食物利用率和食物转化率等主要生长发育指标的变化上,同时对分月扇舟蛾幼虫取食量和排粪量亦有不同的影响。结果说明,分月扇舟蛾对次生代谢物质的反应更为敏感,抗性无性系对分月扇舟蛾幼虫体内SOD和CAT酶活性有明显的激活作用。  相似文献   

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