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Prasophyllum odoratum is a vernal, nectariferous, terrestrial orchid that flowers profusely six to eight months following cyclical fires that disrupt sclerophyll woodlands. The morphology of the column and pollinarium is indicative of taxa placed within the subfam.Spiranthoideae. The orientation of the pollinaria to the stigma appears to prevent mechanical self-pollination. Both cross- and self-pollination appear to be effected by insects that forage within the brightly-colored, scented, non-resupinate flowers. Ants and drosophilid flies remove nectar, but do not appear to transport pollinaria between flowers. The primary pollinators are polytrophic flies in the fam.Syrphidae and opportunistic male bees in the genusLeioproctus (Colletidae). Approximately 52% of the flowers on a raceme set seed. The comparatively short floral tube ofP. odoratum reflects the dependence of this species on short-tongued insects to effect successful dispersal of pollinaria.  相似文献   

Summary Can bees accurately gauge accumulating bodily pollen as they harvest pollen from flowers? Several recent reports conclude that bees fail to assess pollen harvest rates when foraging for nectar and pollen. A native nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles) that is visited exclusively for pollen by both solitary and social bees (eg. Ptiloglossa and Bombus) was studied in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico. The flowers have no nectaries. Two experiments were deployed that eliminated pollen feedback to the bees by experimentally manipulating flowers prior to bee visits. The two methods were 1) plugging poricidal anthers with glue and 2) emptying anthers of pollen by vibration prior to bee visitation. Both experiments demonstrated that bees directly assess pollen harvest on a flower-by-flower basis, and significantly tailor their handling times, number of vibratile buzzes per flower and grooming bouts according to the ongoing harvest on a given flower. In comparison to experimental flowers, floral handling times were extended for both Bombus and Ptiloglossa on virgin flowers. Greater numbers of intrafloral buzzes and numbers of times bees groomed pollen and packed it into their scopae while still on the flower were also more frequent at virgin versus experimental flowers. Flowers with glued andreocia received uniformly brief visits from Bombus and Ptiloglossa with fewer sonications and virtually no bouts of grooming. Curtailed handling with few buzzes and grooms also characterized visits to our manually harvested flowers wherein pollen was artificially depleted. Sonicating bees respond positively to pollen-feedback while harvesting from individual flowers, and therefore we expect them to adjust their harvesting tempo according to the currency of available pollen (standing crop) within Solanum floral patches.  相似文献   

Individual flowers ofMoraea inclinata are nectariferous and last about six hours. They appear to be pollinated largely by bees in the familyHalictidae (Lasioglossum spp.,Nomia spp.,Zonalictus) and to a lesser extent by bees in the familyAnthophoridae (Amegilla). The mechanism of bee-pollination inM. inclinata is the Iris type; i.e., each flower consists of three pollination units (an outer tepal, a partly exserted anther, and the opposed style branch which terminates in a pair of petal-like crests). Bees rarely visit more than one pollination unit per flower. Transferral of pollen to the bee is passive and nototribic although all bees collected on the flowers were female and 55% of the bees carried pollen loads with 2–5 pollen taxa in their scopae.Moraea brevistyla flowers are nectariferous but lack scent and last two days. They are visited infrequently by bees and only one femaleLasioglossum spec. carried the pollen ofM. brevistyla. Unlike flowers ofM. inclinata those ofM. brevistyla deposit pollen only on the head and thorax. Bee-mediated autogamy in both species is avoided due to the erratic foraging patterns of the bees and the flexibility of each stigma lobe as the bee backs out of the flower. Approximately 2–4 flowers in the inflorescences of both species (6–8 flowers/infloresence) develop into capsules.  相似文献   

Thelymitra epipactoides has a highly variable visual display achieved through polychromatic flowers and variable inflorescence size, bearing between 7 and 31 flowers, which attract foraging polylectic bees. Only bees of the genusNomia were observed carrying pollinia and successfully pollinating the orchid. The genusNomia contains polylectic, pollen gathering species that store pollen in both the crop and scopa on the hind legs. The absence of a reward for the bees indicates the orchid is relying on deception to attract visitors. The relationship of deception to mimicry is discussed. Once on the flower, tactile, visual and possibly olfactory stimuli direct bees to the false anther formed by the voluminous column wings, where morphological adaptations of the flower ensure that the pollinarium is deposited on the gaster of the bee to effect pollination. — The lack of seed set observed on the Victorian coast appears to be due to the absence of pollinators from the heath and grassland communities in which the orchid grows. This may well be a consequence of the reduced number of plants flowering in the community (a result of the elimination of fire at these sites), thus not maintaining a floral community attractive to potential pollinators.  相似文献   

The flowers ofPavonia cancellata, a creeping ruderal half-shrub of northeastern Brazil, open synchronously at 6:00 h with all anthers already dehisced. The oligolectic beePtilothrix plumata was the most effective pollinator. During 90—180 min, female bees make up to 40 brief pollen collection trips to provision their brood cells. The pollen of about 40 flowers ofP. cancellata is needed to feed one bee larva. The most frequent flower visitors, however, are the specialized curculionid beetlesPristimerus calcaratus, which do not crosspollinate the flowers. They perforate the epidermis with their mouthparts, provoking dehydration, and then actively close the loose petals with their legs. Two hours after opening, half of the flowers had already been closed by the beetles. We interpret the fast, uninterrupted pollen foraging ofPtilothrix plumata bees as a strategy adapted to synchronous pollen presentation ofPavonia and to competition withPristimerus calcaratus: the female bees have to provision their brood cells before the beetles succeed in closing the flowers.  相似文献   

Schrankia nuttalii flowers through late spring on the tallgrass prairie. Although each stem produces an average of 26 capitate inflorescences only 12% of those inflorescences will open each day to disperse and receive polyads. Each inflorescence may live up to 48 hours but anthers abscise by late afternoon on the first day and the filaments change color and lose their scent. The 78–93 florets comprising each inflorescence open synchronously before dawn or during early morning hours. First day inflorescences ofS. nuttallii are herkogamous and fragrant. They are nectarless. Bombyliid flies and male bees are infrequent floral foragers so the major pollinators include female bees representing five families;Anthophoridae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, andMegachilidae. All foraging insects ignore second day inflorescences although stigmas are still receptive. Although 97% of all bees collected onS. nuttallii carrySchrankia polyads in their scopae or corbiculae 59% also carry the pollen/pollinaria of one or more coblooming angiosperms. At least 98% of all bees carrying mixed pollen loads incorporate the pollen/pollinaria of one or more nectariferous taxa (e.g.Asclepias spp.,Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Delphinium spec., etc.). Species of halictid bees are more likely to carry pure loads ofS. nuttallii polyads (70%) than bees of the four remaining families. Due to the nectarless florets and high degree of polylectic foraging bee-pollination inS. nuttallii converges more closely with the pollination systems of some AustralianAcacia spp. than with most other xeric/tropical genera of mimosoids studied in the western hemisphere.  相似文献   

Opuntia brunneogemmia andO. viridirubra occur sympatrically in the Serra do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Their flowers have 450–600 thigmonastic stamens and provide large amounts of pollen and nectar for bees. Bees of 41 species were registered at the flowers ofO. brunneogemmia and 30 at the flowers ofO. viridirubra. Females of three oligolectic species are the only effective pollinators:Ptilothrix fructifera (Anthophoridae),Lithurgus rufiventris (Megachilidae), andCephalocolletes rugata (Colletidae). During their visits inOpuntia-flowers, bees touch the filaments and stimulate the movement of the stamens to the centre of the flower. At the end of this movement, the anthers are densely packed around the style. As a consequence the pollen is presented in an easily accessible upper layer of anthers and various, nearly inaccessible lower layers. The lower layers contain about 80% of the pollen reward. Only females of the three oligolectic pollinators exploit the pollen from the lower layers and reach the nectar furrow. Therefore, through their stamen movements,Opuntia flowers hide most of their pollen from flower visitors but favour effectively pollinating, oligolectic bees.  相似文献   

The exines of pollen grains ofHibbertia stricta (DC.)R. Br. exF. Muell. (Sect.Pleurandra) wear an oily, yellow pollen coat that stains positively for lipids. The pollen is collected by asocial bees, exclusively. The most common floral foragers are members of the genusLasioglossum (subgenusChilalictus;Halictidae) and they harvest pollen via thoracic vibration. As these bees cling to the inflated anthers their pollen smeared bodies come in contact with either of the two wet, nonpapillate stigmas. The stigmas respond positively to cytochemical tests for the presence of esterase immediately following expansion of the corolla, indicating the effective pollination period. The foraging patterns of the bees are narrowly to broadly polylectic. AsH. stricta flowers are nectarless, it is not surprising that bees bearing mixed pollen loads always carry the pollen of at least one nectariferous, coblooming plant. The pollination biology ofH. stricta is compared with otherHibbertia spp. and with pollen flowers in general.  相似文献   

The flowers ofDillenia are highly elaborate pollen-flowers adapted to buzzpollination byXylocopa bees. Two major forms of floral architecture (revolver flowers and roundabout flowers) are associated with two different pollination modes. In the first (e.g.,D. suffruticosa), the pollination organs are connivent to a cone; the pollinator grasps the entire cone with its legs and buzzes it; it revolves around its axis and repeats the buzzing in different positions. In the second (e.g.,D. alata, D. philippinensis), the stylar branches are spreading and the stamens are arranged in two sets of two different forms and colourations. The inner set has fewer and longer stamens that are cryptic pollination stamens; those of the outer set are shorter but optically conspicuous feeding stamens. The pollinator squeezes itself under the stylar branches and handles only the outer set by grasping part of the set at a time; it moves tangentially around the flower with several buzzing-stops; when buzzing pollen is sprayed onto its side and back from the inner stamen set. Centrifugal polyandrous androecia are a constitutive feature of flowers inDilleniaceae. InDillenia the centrifugal initiation of stamens proceeds for an unusually long time and is still not finished when the gynoecium is completely closed (in contrast toTetracera). The differentiation of heteranthery seems to be functionally correlated with the extended centrifugal inception. The latest formed stamens are small and sterile in many species. Generic features ofDillenia flowers can be understood from the roundabout architecture: big size, increased number of carpels, syncarpy forming a firm pedestal and spreading firm stylar branches with small, concave stigmas at the end, stamens with short, stout filaments and much elongated poricidal anthers, heteranthery, recurved stamens of the inner set.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

The floral and pollination biology of three closely related species,Tricyrtis flava, T. nana andT. ohsumiensis, were comparatively investigated. The primary pollinator wasBombus diversus in all the three species observed, andAmegilla sp. also acted forT. ohsumiensis. The flowers ofT. flava andT. ohsumiensis bloom for two days and are protandrous. Thus autogramy seems to be prevented in these species when the larger bees forage on them, though geitonogamy may also occur. On the other hand,T. nana appears to be a primarily self-pollinating species. The flowers of this species open only during one day and are homogamy. The stigmata seem to receive much pollen of their own flower by the visit of bumblebees. Moreover, many flowers ofT. nana fruited without any visit of pollinators.T. nana has many features characterizing the autogamous derivatives.  相似文献   

To examine the response of pollinating bees to size and sexual phases of flowers, we constructed an artificial population ofCampanula having large flower variation and presented it to potentially pollinating bees in nurseries. The pollinating bee groups (halictid, megachilid and bumble bees) responded differentially to both the flower size and to the sexual phases of the flowers. Whereas visitation rate of megachilid bees increased with the flower size, those of halictid bees and bumble bees did not show particular trends; for example, bumble bees visited almost all of the flowers consistently. Visitation frequencies to male-and female-phased flowers were significantly different between megachilids at Tokyo and halictids. This study indicates that pollinator attraction could not solely explain the evolution of the flower size inCampanula, and that other factors such as pollen transfer efficiency, should be considered.  相似文献   

Observations on native populations of JapaneseEpimedium have revealed that two types of effective pollinators can be recognized. One of the two types, which consists of small bees (mainlyAndrena spp. andLasioglossum spp.), is characterized by nondiscriminating behavior for collecting pollen and is commonly found inEpimedium. The other type, which comprises medium sizedTetralonia nipponensis and largerBombus diversus queens as main components, showed flower-dependent foraging fidelity associated with nectar-sucking behavior.T. nipponensis with a shorter proboscis pollinated flowers with a shorter spur ofE. trifoliatobinatum and of a part ofE. s sempervirens, while the queen ofB. diversus with a longer proboscis pollinated longer spurred flowers ofE. grandiflorum andE. sempervirens. In the populations of putative hybrid-derivatives which show gradational variations of spur length, bees of the pollencollecting type pollinated any flower non-discriminately while bees of the nectar-foraging type tended to visit the flowers with spur lengths corresponding to their proboscis length. These observations suggest that the pollen-collecting bees play an important role for gene flow among theEpimedium species, and the nectar-foraging bees reinforce the isolation between the species by their selective pollination. Reproductive isolation between species ofEpimedium is discussed in relation with some practical behavior, such as flying power, of the pollinators.  相似文献   

Hummingbird pollination is documented for a natural population ofStenorrhynchos lanceolatus Aublet. L. C. Rich. occurring in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. At the study site the plants are pollinated byPhaethornis eurynome (Phaethorninae),Thalurania glaucopis (females only) andLeucochloris albicollis (Trochilinae). The plants offer nectar as a reward and the pollinaria become stuck to the surface of the hummingbird's bill while it is probing the flowers. The orchid population received a few (0–4) hummingbird visits per day, with about 83% of the flowers being pollinated. In spite of the low frequency of visits, the granular structure of the pollinarium plus the behaviour of the most frequent pollinators, which tend to visit all the fresh-looking flowers of each inflorescence, a very high fruiting success was promoted. Experimental evidence suggests that the pollinaria may remain up to 6.30 hours on the hummingbird's bill, enhancing the chances of cross-pollination and long-distance pollen flow.  相似文献   

The large, yellow, bowl-shaped flowers ofOpuntia lindheimeri, O. discata, O. phaeacantha major, andO. compressa in Texas are visited by various species of beetles and bees. The beetles and small bees (Perdita, Dialictus) are pollen thieves. The pollinators are the medium-sized and larger bees (Melissodes, Diadasia, Lithurge, Megachile, Agapostemon, etc.). Different species of theOpuntia lindheimeri group have the same pollination system and there is no evidence of any floral isolation between them. The pollination system of these species ofOpuntia in Texas is essentially the same as that ofEchinocereus fasciculatus andFerocactus wislizeni in Arizona.Pollination of North American Cacti, II.—SeeGrant & Grant (1979).  相似文献   

In direct contrast to mostHibbertia spp., the flowers ofH. fasciculata R. Br. ex D. C. bear only a single whorl of stamens and these stamens are arranged separately (not in typical bundles). The short filaments are appressed to the three carpels so that the inflated, porose and introrsive anthers form a centralized cluster obscuring the three ovaries. The three slender styles emerge at right angles from between the filaments. These styles curve upward and the stigmas form the three points of a triangle; each stigma is approximately one millimeter outside the centralized cluster of anthers. The flowers are nectarless and bear a bright yellow corolla. A pungent and unpleasant fragrance appears to be concentrated within the pollenkitt. When native bees attempt to forage for the pollen, within the cluster of anthers, the ventrally deposited loads of pollen, on the bees' abdomens, contact the outer triangle of stigmas. The major pollinators ofH. fasciculata are female bees in the polylectic genera,Lasioglossum (subgenusChilalictus, Halictidae) andLeioproctus (Colletidae). These bees carry an average of more than two pollen taxa when they are caught foraging onH. fasciculata. 78% of the 47 bees, captured onH. fasciculata carried the pollen from at least one sympatric taxon bearing nectariferous flowers (e.g., genera in theMyrtaceae, Compositae, andEpacridaceae). The pollination biology ofH. fasciculata is assessed in relation to the known radiation of bee-pollinated flowers in the genusHibbertia, and within theDilleniaceae s. l.  相似文献   

The pollination biology ofSymphonia globulifera was studied in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As suggested by the bird syndrome of the flowers, these are mainly pollinated by hummingbirds. Occasional visits by other birds, butterflies and more rarely bees, as well as tamarin monkeys were also observed.Trigona bees partly destroy the flower tube to rob nectar. The possibility thatS. globulifera may not be primarily adapted to hummingbird pollination is discussed. The pollen is intermixed in an oily fluid secreted by the anthers (antheroil). Each of the five stigmas consists of a pore-like opening at the apex and a small chamber behind it. The antheroil mixed with pollen is absorbed by capillarity into the chamber when deposited on the pore. the pollen germinates inside the stigma. The presence of antheroil and pore-like stigmas in the flowers of the closely relatedPlatonia insignis indicate a similar mode of pollination. The results of this study are compared with observations in some otherClusiaceae (Caraipa, Clusia, Garcinia, Mahurea), where floral oils or floral resin occur. The role of these substances in the pollination process and their relation to the evolution of flower biology inClusiaceae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most common types of cactus flower in the southwestern United States is the large, colorful, cup-shaped flower.Echinocereus fasciculatus var.boyce-thompsonii in Arizona is a representative of this class of flowers. Its flowers are visited by three common types of insect visitors: medium-sized bees, small solitary bees, and beetles. All three types of visitors come into contact with the pollen, but only the mediumsized bees regularly touch the stigma in their visitations. The main effective pollinators are therefore the medium-sized bees (Megachile, etc.).Ferocactus wislizenii has a similar floral mechanism and is likewise pollinated mainly by medium-sized bees (Megachile, Lithurge, Diadasia, etc.).Pollination of North American Cacti, 1.  相似文献   

Pollination ofLaurus azorica (Lauraceae), a dioecious Macaronesian tree, was studied. Male and female trees had the same size distribution. The population had 2.5 times as many male trees as females. In addition, males produced more flowers, and their inflorescences lasted longer. Individual flower lifetime and length of flowering season were the same in both sexes. Between the years of observation, one tree changed sex. Pollinators wereHalictinae bees and the flyTachina canariensis. The bees collected pollen and nectar and the fly collected nectar from both sexes. Both species visited other plants as well. The evolution of breeding systems inLauraceae is discussed.  相似文献   

The manner whereby the oil-producing bisaccate flowers ofAngelonia (Scrophulariaceae) are pollinated by female oil-collecting bees is reported for the first time. Observations were made in the Caatinga formation of Pernambuco, NE. Brazil, on four synchronopatric species. These differ in sizes and structural details of the corolla, level of flower exposition, and habitat preferences. All legitimate visitors wereCentris spp. (Anthophoridae):Angelonia hirta was mainly pollinated byC. fuscata andA. pubescens byC. hyptidis; A. bisaccata andA. hookeriana shared an unidentified species. Several exomalopsine, tetrapediine and meliponid bees exploit the flowers less descriminately for oil or pollen, respectively, without regularly contacting anthers and stigma. The flowers are protandrous, and are self-incompatible except those of the annualA. pubescens. After alighting, theCentris bees introduce their front legs simultaneously into each of the pouches and start alternate collecting movements to gather the oil from the trichome elaiophores. While doing so, they are forced by projections of the corolla floor to press their head under the anthers and stigma, whereby pollen is transferred with their frons or clypeus. On account of their collector type and behaviour,C. fuscata andC. spec. are not specialized toAngelonia but may equally exploit other nonrelated taxa for oil, whereasC. hyptidis exhibits oligolecty onA. pubescens. It possesses relatively elongate forelegs with padlike collectors suitable for sweeping the lipids from the scattered glandular hairs inside the divergent spurs of its host. It is the only species that also collects pollen (by buzzing) from the oil host.A. hirta and relatives, provided with dense elaiophore carpets, are, for their part, adapted to scrapingCentris species with typical oil collectors. Flower and bee phenologies, although largely dependent on the irregular rainfalls, are not always coincident.  相似文献   

In natural habitats ofCarludovica palmata (Colombia) numerous stingless bees (Meliponinae) were observed as pollen collectors at the inflorescences and were believed to be the pollinators of the entomophilous flowers. Male flowers surround female ones on the spadix in a regular fashion. At first, the filiform, strongly scented staminodia of the female flowers unfold. After they have dropped, the anthers open, and finally the male flowers fall to ground. Only then, the stigmata of the female flowers are exposed. Previous literature references on proterogyny and the drying-up of the stigmata prior to the male phase inCarludovica are in conflict with these observations on the course of anthesis and pollination.

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