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Cystinuria is a hereditary disorder of amino acid transport and is manifested by the development of kidney stones. In some patients the disease is caused by mutations in the SLC3A1 gene, which is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 and encodes a renal/intestinal transporter for cystine and the dibasic amino acids. In Israel cystinuria is especially common among Jews of Libyan origin. After excluding SLC3A1 as the disease-causing gene in Libyan Jewish patients, we performed a genomewide search that shows that the Libyan Jewish cystinuria gene maps to the long arm of chromosome 19. Significant linkage was obtained for seven chromosome 19 markers. A maximal LOD score of 9.22 was obtained with the marker D19S882. Multipoint data and recombination analysis placed the gene in an 8-cM interval between the markers D19S409 and D19S208. Significant linkage disequilibrium was observed for alleles of four markers, and a specific haplotype comprising the markers D19S225, D19S208, D19S220, and D19S422 was found in 11 of 17 carrier chromosomes, versus 1 of 58 Libyan Jewish noncarrier chromosomes.  相似文献   

Cystinuria is a genetic disorder in the domestic dog that leads to recurrent urolith formation. The genetic basis of the disorder is best characterized in humans and is caused by mutations in one of the amino acid transporter genes SLC3A1 or SLC7A9, which results in hyperexcretion of cystine and the dibasic amino acids in the urine and subsequent precipitation of cystine due to its low solubility in urine. In this study we describe the cloning of the canine SLC7A9 cDNA and present a thorough mutation analysis of the coding SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 regions in cystinuric dogs of different breeds. Mutation analysis of the two cystinuria disease genes revealed one SLC7A9 mutation (A217T) and two SLC3A1 mutations (I192V and S698G) in French and English Bulldogs that affect nonconserved amino acid residues, arguing against functional impact on the proteins. The absence of deleterious mutations linked to cystinuria in the remainder of our panel of cystinuric dogs is surprising because SLC3A1 or SLC7A9 mutations explain approximately 70% of all human cystinuria cases studied. The present study, along with previous investigations of canine and human cystinuria, implies that regulatory parts of the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes as well as other unknown genes may harbor mutations causing cystinuria.  相似文献   

Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by increased urinary excretion of cystine and dibasic amino acids, which cause recurrent stone formation in affected individuals. Three subtypes of cystinuria have been described (type I, II, and III): type I is caused by mutations in the SLC3A1 gene, whereas nontype I (II and III) has been associated with SLC7A9 mutations. Of the 53 patients reported in our previous work, patients that showed SLC7A9 mutations in single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) screening and/or either lacked or showed heterozygosity for SLC3A1 mutations were included in the present study. The entire coding region and the exon/intron boundaries of the SLC7A9 gene were analyzed by means of both SSCP and DNA sequencing in 16 patients, all but one of which were clinically diagnosed as homozygous cystinurics. Three novel SLC7A9 mutations were identified in the patient group: two missense mutations (P261L and V330M), and one single base-pair deletion (1009 delA). We also detected the previously reported A182T and nine novel polymorphisms in the patients. Mutations V330M and 1009delA occurred on different alleles in one individual, and we suggest that these mutations cause cystinuria in this patient. One patient that was homozygously mutated in the SLC3A1 gene carried the third novel mutation (P261L). We conclude that SLC3A1 is still the major disease gene among Swedish cystinuria patients, with only a minor contribution of SLC7A9 mutations as the genetic basis of cystinuria. The absence of SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 mutations in a substantial proportion of the patients implies that mutations in parts of the genes that were not analyzed may be present, as well as large deletions that escape detection by the methods used. However, our results raise the question of whether other, as yet unknown genes, may also be involved in cystinuria.  相似文献   

Cystinuria represents 3% of nephrolithiasis in humans with an overall prevalence of 1 in 7,000 neonates. Two genes have been reported to account for the genetic basis of cystinuria, the SLC3A1 and the SLC7A9. Recently, the possible involvement of the SLC7A10 gene in the genetic basis of the disorder was also reported. In the present study, we found a total of 15 mutations in 20 Greek cystinuric patients. Eight mutations are novel, 4 in the SLC3A1: F266S, T351I, R456C, and N516D, and 4 in the SLC7A9: 479-1G>C, Y232C, D233E, and 1399+1G>T. Furthermore, 2 polymorphisms were identified in the SLC3A1 gene and 16 polymorphic variants were also found in the SLC7A9 gene of which the 235+18C>A, 604+10G>A, and 604+24T>C are novel. Finally, no mutation was found in the SLC7A10 gene in all patients. Only, the novel 634+8C>G and the previously reported 913-11C+T polymorphisms were identified in the SLC7A10 gene. In conclusion, a spectrum of SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 mutations are responsible for the genetic basis of cystinuria in Greek patients.  相似文献   

Congenital chloride diarrhea is a recessively inherited intestinal disorder affecting electrolyte transportation. The clinical presentation is a life-threatening watery diarrhea with a high chloride content. Recently, the congenital chloride diarrhea gene (CLD) was assigned to chromosome 7 by linkage in eight Finnish families. In the present study, refined mapping of CLD was performed by studying linkage and linkage disequilibrium in 24 Finnish and 4 Swedish families. Recombination mapping assigned CLD to an approximately 10-cM region flanked by D7S515 and D7S799. Linkage disequilibrium was detected over this large genetic region, with the strongest allelic association at D7S496. Application of the Luria and Delbrück-derived analysis allowed for a further narrowing of the CLD region to approximately 0.37 cM from the marker D7S496. Haplotype analysis placed CLD unequivocally between D7S501 and D7S692, very close to D7S496 and most likely on the distal side of D7S496. This combined analytical approach allowed highly accurate mapping of CLD, each component adding complementary and consistent mapping information.  相似文献   

Mutations in the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes cause cystinuria (OMIM 220100), an autosomal recessive disorder of amino acid transport and reabsorption in the proximal renal tubule and in the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. In an attempt to characterize the molecular defect in the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes, we analyzed a cohort of 85 unrelated subjects clinically diagnosed as affected by cystinuria on the basis of stone formation, prevalently of Italian and Greek origin. Analysis of all coding region and exon-intron junctions of the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes by using direct sequencing method allowed us to identify 62 different mutations in 83 out of 85 patients accounting for 90.5% of all affected chromosomes. Twenty-four out of 62 are novel mutations, 9 in SLC3A1 and 15 in SLC7A9. In conclusion, this report expands the spectrum of SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 mutations and confirms the heterogeneity of this disorder.  相似文献   

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a recessively inherited disorder characterized by episodes of fever with abdominal pain, pleurisy, or arthritis. The familial Mediterranean fever gene, designated MEFV, was recently cloned, and the missense mutation M694V accounting for most of the patients with this disease was identified. The objective of the present study was to establish frequencies of the M694V mutation in three groups of Jews. The subjects studied were 381 Sephardi, 256 Ashkenazi, and 65 Oriental Jews, all male subjects, previously collected for an anthropological study, independent of their FMF status. The M694V mutation in the 702 samples was assessed by amplifying genomic DNA with the use of primers that selectively amplify the normal or altered DNA sequence of the M694V mutation, by the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS). In our sample of Sephardi Jews, the frequency of the M694V mutation is elevated (10.9%), and this is also the case for Oriental Jews (9.2%). In our sample of Ashkenazis, the M694V allele frequency is very low (0.8%).  相似文献   

A composite-conditional-likelihood (CCL) approach is proposed to map the position of a trait-influencing mutation (TIM) using the ancestral recombination graph (ARG) and importance sampling to reconstruct the genealogy of DNA sequences with respect to windows of marker loci and predict the linkage disequilibrium pattern observed in a sample of cases and controls. The method is designed to fine-map the location of a disease mutation, not as an association study. The CCL function proposed for the position of the TIM is a weighted product of conditional likelihood functions for windows of a given number of marker loci that encompass the TIM locus, given the sample configuration at the marker loci in those windows. A rare recessive allele is assumed for the TIM and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are considered as markers. The method is applied to a range of simulated data sets. Not only do the CCL profiles converge more rapidly with smaller window sizes as the number of simulated histories of the sampled sequences increases, but the maximum-likelihood estimates for the position of the TIM remain as satisfactory, while requiring significantly less computing time. The simulations also suggest that non-random samples, more precisely, a non-proportional number of controls versus the number of cases, has little effect on the estimation procedure as well as sample size and marker density beyond some threshold values. Moreover, when compared with some other recent methods under the same assumptions, the CCL approach proves to be competitive.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequence analysis have been used to characterize a point mutation in the seventh exon of one allele of the C1-inhibitor gene in a family with type I hereditary angioedema. A single base change (C→T) at nucleotide 1482 in C1-inhibitor converted the codon for Gln-339 to a premature translation termination codon, TAG. Family studies suggest that this mutation is reponsible for type I hereditary angioedema in a studied pedigree. Received: 19 March 1996  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a prion disease which is manifest as a sporadic, inherited, and transmissible neurodegenerative disorder. The mean age at onset of CJD is approximately 60 years, and as such, many people destined to succumb undoubtedly die of other illnesses first. The delayed onset of CJD has complicated the analysis of inherited forms of the illness and led to the suggestion that mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene are necessary but not sufficient for prion disease despite genetic linkage; indeed, an environmental factor such as a ubiquitous virus has been proposed as a second necessary factor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To examine what appeared to be incomplete penetrance, we applied a life-table analysis to clinical and pedigree data from a cluster population of Libyan Jews in which the E200K mutation is prevalent. The study population included 42 affected and 44 unaffected members of 13 Libyan Jewish families, all of whom possessed the E200K mutation. RESULTS: The calculated value using life table analysis is 0.77 at age 70 which increases to 0.89 if a mutation carrier survives to age 80 and 0.96 if age 80 is surpassed. CONCLUSIONS: These data argue that the E200K mutation alone is sufficient to cause prion disease and does so in an age-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by attacks of fever and serosal inflammation; the biochemical basis is unknown. We recently reported linkage of the gene causing FMF (designated “MEF”) to two markers on chromosome 16p. To map MEF more precisely, we have now tested nine 16p markers. Two-point and multipoint linkage analysis, as well as a study of recombinant haplotypes, placed MEF between D16S94 and D16S80, a genetic interval of about 9 cM. We also examined rates of homozygosity for markers in this region, among offspring of consanguineous marriages. For eight of nine markers, the rate of homozygosity among 26 affected inbred individuals was higher than that among their 20 unaffected sibs. Localizing MEF more precisely on the basis of homozygosity rates alone would be difficult, for two reasons: First, the high FMF carrier frequency increases the chance that inbred offspring could have the disease without being homozygous by descent at MEF. Second, several of the markers in this region are relatively nonpolymorphic, with a high rate of homozygosity, regardless of their chromosomal location.  相似文献   

The gene causing cystic fibrosis (CF) has been recently cloned, and the major mutation (delta F508) accounting for approximately 70% of CF chromosomes has been uncovered. We have identified at the 3' end of intron 6 in the CF gene a 4-bp tandem repeat (GATT) that exhibits interesting features. First, PCR screening of 103 normal individuals revealed that the repeat exists only in two polymorphic allelic forms, either as a hexamer or a heptamer. These two alleles are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and predict a heterozygote frequency of 41% (p[seven repeats] = .71; q [six repeats] = .29). Second, the allele with six repeats was found linked to delta F508 on all 76 CF chromosomes investigated, demonstrating strong linkage disequilibrium and suggesting that delta F508 had originated on the gene bearing six repeats. Third, when the repeat alleles are linked to the DNA markers XV2c and KM19, extended haplotypes are generated. These new haplotypes become informative in situations in which prenatal diagnosis cannot be performed solely with XV2c and KM19. Since this repeat marker is located in the CF gene and would be very less likely to recombine with the gene, it can serve as a valuable DNA marker for haplotype analysis. A possible crossover, however, was identified between XV2c and KM19, transferring delta F508 to a different haplotype.  相似文献   

The organic anion transporter SLC21A6 (also known as OATP2, OATP-C, or LST-1) is involved in the hepatocellular uptake of a variety of endogenous and xenobiotic substances and drugs. We analyzed 81 human liver samples by immunoblotting and found one with a strongly reduced amount of SLC21A6 protein suggesting mutations in the SLC21A6 gene. The SLC21A6 cDNA from this sample contained five base pair changes in one allele; three of the mutations resulted in amino acid substitutions designated SLC21A6-N130D, SLC21A6-P155T, and SLC21A6-L193R. The former two were polymorphisms (SLC21A6*1b and SLC21A6*4), whereas SLC21A6-L193R represents the first naturally occurring mutation identified in one allele of the SLC21A6 gene, which affects protein maturation and organic anion transport. We introduced each of the mutations into the SLC21A6 cDNA and established stably transfected MDCKII cells expressing the respective mutant SLC21A6 protein. Immunofluorescence microscopy and uptake measurements were used to study localization and transport properties of the mutated proteins. Both proteins carrying the polymorphisms were sorted to the lateral membrane like wild-type SLC21A6, but their transport properties for the substrates cholyltaurine and 17beta-glucuronosyl estradiol were altered. Importantly, most of the mutant protein SLC21A6-L193R was retained intracellularly, and this single amino acid exchange abolished transport function.  相似文献   

Chamberlain et al. have assigned the gene for Friedreich ataxia (FA), a recessive neurodegenerative disorder, to chromosome 9, and have proposed a regional localization in the proximal short arm (9p22-cen), on the basis of linkage to D9S15 and to interferon-beta (IFNB), the latter being localized in 9p22. We confirmed more recently the close linkage to D9S15 in another set of families but found much looser linkage to IFNB. We also reported another closely linked marker, D9S5. Additional families have now been studied, and our updated lod scores are z = 14.30 at theta = .00 for D9S15-FA linkage and z = 6.30 at theta = .00 for D9S5-FA linkage. Together with the recent data of Chamberlain et al., this shows that D9S15 is very likely within 1 cM of the FA locus. We have found very significant linkage disequilibrium (delta Std = .28, chi 2 = 9.71, P less than .01) between FA and the D9S15 MspI RFLP in French families, which further supports the very close proximity of these two loci. No recombination between D9S5 and D9S15 was found in the FA families or Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain families (z = 9.30 at theta = .00). Thus D9S5, D9S15, and FA define a cluster of tightly linked loci. We have mapped D9S5 by in situ hybridization to 9q13-q21, and, accordingly, we assign the D9S5, D9S15, and FA cluster to the proximal part of chromosome 9 long arm, close to the heterochromatic region.  相似文献   

Four loci seem responsible for the dilution of the basic coat colours in horse: Dun (D), Silver Dapple (Z), Champagne (CH) and Cream (C). Apart from the current phenotypes ascribed to these loci, pearl has been described as yet another diluted coat colour in this species. To date, this coat colour seems to segregate only in the Iberian breeds Purebred Spanish horse and Lusitano and has also been described in breeds of Iberian origin, such as Quarter Horses and Paint Horse, where it is referred to as the ‘Barlink Factor’. This phenotype segregates in an autosomal recessive manner and resembles some of the coat colours produced by the champagne CHCH and cream CCr alleles, sometimes being difficult to distinguish among them. The interaction between compound heterozygous for the pearl Cprl and cream CCr alleles makes SLC45A2 the most plausible candidate gene for the pearl phenotype in horses. Our results provide documented evidence for the missense variation in exon 4 [SLC45A2:c.985G>A; SLC45A2:p.(Ala329Thr)] as the causative mutation for the pearl coat colour. In addition, it is most likely involved as well in the cremello, perlino and smoky cream like phenotypes associated with the compound CCr and Cprl heterozygous genotypes (known as cream pearl in the Purebred Spanish horse breed). The characterization of the pearl mutation allows breeders to identify carriers of the Cprl allele and to select this specific coat colour according to personal preferences, market demands or studbook requirements as well as to verify segregation within particular pedigrees.  相似文献   

Cystinuria is a genetic disease manifested by the development of kidney stones. In some patients, the disease is caused by mutations in the SLC3A1 gene located on chromosome 2p. In others, the disease is caused by a gene that maps to chromosome 19q, but has not yet been cloned. Cystinuria is very common among Jews of Libyan ancestry living in Israel. Previously we have shown that the disease-causing gene in Libyan Jews maps to an 8-cM interval on chromosome 19q between the markers D19S409 and D19S208. Several markers from chromosome 19q showed strong linkage disequilibrium, and a specific haplotype was found in more than half of the carrier chromosomes. In this study we have analyzed Libyan Jewish cystinuria families with eight markers from within the interval containing the gene. Seven of these markers showed significant linkage disequilibrium. A common haplotype was found in 16 of the 17 carrier chromosomes. Analysis of historical recombinants placed the gene in a 1.8-Mb interval between the markers D19S430 and D19S874. Two segments of the historical carrier chromosome used to calculate the mutation's age revealed that the disease-causing mutation was introduced into this population 7-16 generations ago.  相似文献   

In the present study, we characterized a STAS-domain amino acid mutation of SLC26A9 having a significant impact on ion transport. We focused on the sole conserved L- leucine residue of the STAS domain identified among SLC26 members. We therefore characterized the L683P mutation of SLC26A9 in Xenopus oocytes by monitoring the protein functional expression (two-electrode technique for voltage-clamp analysis) and its presence at the cell membrane (surface protein biotinylation technique). This mutation was found to reduce Cl(-) transport through SLC26A9 as well as the positive interaction exerted by SLC26A9 on CFTR ion transport activity. The origin of this effect is discussed in the light of the presence of the SLC26A9-L683P mutant at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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