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Thiol content of calf thymus histone fractions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Phosphate contents of calf thymus histone fractions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

DNA isolated from calf thymus nuclei is fractionated by zonal centrifugation into 40 sedimentation-rate classes and the reduced viscosity profile determined. This profile is divided into four fractions, I–IV, IV being the fastest sedimenting. The relative concentrations of repetitive DNA sequences in these is determined by hybridization on membrane filters and also hypochromicity by reannealing at 60 °. Repetitive sequences are found in all fractions, although they are slightly more abundant in the order III > II > I. Moreover, fractions I, II, III, act as good competitors in hybridization experiments with each other, implying that a high degree of complementarity exists between repetitive sequences in each of the fractions. Fraction IV had peculiar hydrodynamic properties which have provoked observations on DNA purification.  相似文献   

Molecular weights and sedimentation coefficients of four major fractions of calf thymus histones were measured. The minimum molecular weights were determined in concentrated solutions of guanidine hydrochloride. The results indicate that, with the possible exception of fraction F3, the fractions are heterogeneous. Comparisons in 0.1m-sodium chloride suggest that fraction F1 does not aggregate and show that fractions F2(a) and F3 aggregate to form larger complexes than does fraction F2(b). The degree of aggregation of each fraction is independent of pH in the range pH1-7. Detailed studies with fraction F2(b) have confirmed that the change in sedimentation coefficient observed as the sodium chloride concentration of the solution is increased results from increases in the apparent molecular weight of the sedimenting units. It has been found that the molecules of fraction F2(b) are present as single molecules only in sodium chloride solutions of 33mm or less. At these low concentrations the effects of charge greatly increase the concentration dependence of the sedimentation rate; the results can, however, be interpreted by using the theory developed by Alexandrowicz & Daniel (1963) and Daniel & Alexandrowicz (1963).  相似文献   

1. Interactions of histone fractions with quinacrine mustard were investigated by fluorimetry and spectrophotometry and the results were interpreted with the aid of thinlayer chromatography. 2. Characteristic differences were found between the various histone fractions of calf thymus. The conditions that favoured histone conformational changes and aggregation, also favoured interaction between histones and the dye; low concentrations of SO(4) (2-) brought about more interaction than did Cl(-); urea, guanidinium and iodide ions were inhibitory to binding. 3. Changes in the physical state of all the quinacrine mustard-protein complexes occurred as a function of ionic strength and pH. The most salt-dependent interaction was found in the arginine-rich histone fraction. 4. The interaction of the calf thymus histone fractions with quinacrine mustard was compared with the interaction of bovine plasma albumin and protamine with quinacrine mustard. 5. The relationship between dye-binding and the aggregation of histone fractions was discussed.  相似文献   

C K Tan  M J So  K M Downey    A G So 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(5):2269-2278
The mechanism by which millimolar concentrations of ATP stimulate the activity and increase the processivity of calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha has been investigated with poly(dA)/oligo(dT) as template/primer to eliminate possible effects due to primer synthesis. The effect of ATP on the rate of DNA synthesis with this template/primer was found to be dependent upon whether or not the ATP was neutralized and the species of buffer used in the reaction. The present studies suggest that ATP stimulation of calf thymus DNA polymerase can be attributed to changes in the pH of the reaction mixture, a shift in the magnesium ion optimum, or both. Furthermore, effects of ATP on the processivity of DNA polymerase alpha could be mimicked by lowering the pH of the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

Nuclear histone acetyltransferase isolated from calf thymus was found to be inhibited by numerous salts at millimolar concentrations. Salts made up of monovalent ions caused 50% decrease in enzymatic activity at an average concentration of 51 +/- 14 mM while the same degree of inhibition was achieved by divalent salts at 15 +/- 5 mM. At the same ionic strength in the range from 5 to 70 mM, the divalent salts were 14-31% more inhibitory than the salts of monovalent ions. Kinetic analysis showed that NaCl and (NH4)2SO4 inhibited the enzyme competitively against both acetyl-CoA and histones. The inhibition constants for NaCl against acetyl-CoA and histones are respectively 30 and 34 mM. That for (NH4)2SO4 are 8 and 12 mM respectively.  相似文献   

An anti- thymostimulin (TS) serum was tested on calf thymus to study the localization of the hormonal factor. The immunoperoxidase method was applied to tissue fixed in Bouin's fluid and embedded in paraffin, or to tissue fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in Epon for semi-thin sections. Immuno-reactivity was shown, with DAB- Fluka , in reticulo-epithelial cells in the medulla, and between the cortex and the medulla, while with DAB-Sigma reactivity was found in the cortex as well. The external cells of Hassall's corpuscles were also reactive. Myoid cells were not reactive. In semi-thin sections a weak reactivity was noted at the periphery of a few lymphocytes. Comparison with the localization of other thymic factors, and the possibility of a functional cycle of the epithelial cells synthesizing one or more factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary An anti-thymostimulin (TS) serum was tested on calf thymus to study the localization of the hormonal factor. The immunoperoxidase method was applied to tissue fixed in Bouin's fluid and embedded in paraffin, or to tissue fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in Epon for semi-thin sections. Immuno-reactivity was shown, with DAB-Fluka, in reticulo-epithelial cells in the medulla, and between the cortex and the medulla, while with DAB-Sigma reactivity was found in the cortex as well. The external cells of Hassall's corpuscles were also reactive. Myoid cells were not reactive. In semi-thin sections a weak reactivity was noted at the periphery of a few lymphocytes. Comparison with the localization of other thymic factors, and the possibility of a functional cycle of the epithelial cells synthesizing one or more factors are discussed.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of tolerance induction has been investigated in BALB/c(H-2d, thy 1.2, M1s1b2a) nude mice grafted with thymus of neonatal AKR/J mice(H-2k,Thy1.1,M1s1a2b). The spleen cells from nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus showed a significantly decreased level of primary cytotoxic T cell response when stimulated with AKR/J cells, although these cells lysed well target cells of a third party C57BL/6 when stimulated with C57BL/6 cells. Consistent with CTL responses, T cells bearing V beta 6, that is important for recognizing M1s1a-encoded products of the thymic phenotype, were virtually abolished in the spleen and lymph node cells of nude mice 8 wk after grafting with AKR/J thymus. However, a substantial number of V beta 6-bearing T cells were detected in the peripheral organs of nude mice 23 wk after grafting with AKR/J thymus and in those of nude mice grafted with AKR/J fetal thymus depleted of macrophages/dendritic cells by incubating with 2'-deoxyguanosine in vitro before grafting. On the other hand, T cells bearing V beta 3, which are selectively related to M1s2a-encoded products of the host phenotype, were expressed neither on the peripheral T cells of nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus at any stage after grafting nor on those of nude mice grafted with 2'-deoxyguanosine-treated AKR/J thymus. These data suggested that both V beta 6 and V beta 3 T cells were eliminated in the thymus of nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus, presumably on the basis of interaction with both of graft-derived persisting and host-derived hemopoietic cells in the thymus and that thymic epithelium appears to have little capacity to eliminate T cells reactive to minor lymphocyte stimulating-encoded products.  相似文献   

The effect of 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine-5'-triphosphate (araATP) on the reactions of DNA polymerases alpha and beta [E.C.] purified from calf thymus was examined. The reaction of DNA polymerase alpha was shown to be more sensitive to the inhibition than that of DNA polymerase beta. The K1 value of DNA polymerase beta for araATP was 45 micrometer; 15 times higher than that of DNA polymerase alpha (3 micrometer). The mode of inhibition by araATP was essentially competitive to deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP) in the reactions catalyzed by both DNA polymerase alpha and beta using activated DNA as a template-primer. However, in the reactions of the alpha-enzyme, araATP also inhibited the incorporation of deoxyribonucleotides othan than dATP non-competitively.  相似文献   

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