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Visna virus induced cell fusion of sheep choroid plexus cells was explored in vitro. Fusion is early rapid, and of exogenous origin for multiplicities of infection equal to or greater than 2 UFP per cell; whereas fusion is slow, late-occurring and of endogenous origin for multiplicities of infection less than or equal to 0.75 UFP per cell.  相似文献   

The authors compare the fusion of sheep fibroblasts induced by low multiplicities of infection using visna virus and by high concentrations of polyethylene-glycol. In the case of Visna virus cell fusion is of the endogenous type, while fusion induced by polyethylene-glycol is of the exogenous type. The ultrastructural features are discussed for each type of cell fusion. The main differences between the two systems involve the intracellular microfilaments and Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The authors attempt to determine the sensibility of polymer two phases system applied to the concentration of viruses from water. They show that this technic agrees to the research of poliomyelitic viruses in waters since viral recuperation is always upper than 74.5%. Besides, they notice that average percentages of regained viruses are always 100% where the initial concentrations of viruses are 10(2) or 10(3) per liter; on the other hand if the initial concentration is higher the yield of this method is decreasing.  相似文献   

Citral, 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal, is a key component of the essential oils extracted from several lemon-scented herbal plants. Besides its antifungal activity, the anticancer effect of citral was studied in recent years. In this study, we investigated the effect of citral on the acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line NB4. Citral treatment had an antiproliferative effect in NB4 cells via the induction of apoptosis assessed by morphology, proliferation assay, DNA electrophoresis, Annexin V-FITC/PI staining and caspase-3 activation. And citral induced apoptosis of NB4 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In addition, citral treatment induced decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, indicating that citral induced apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway. Bax up-regulation and Bcl-2 down-regulation on mRNA level and NF-κB down-regulation on protein level was found in this study, suggesting that Bcl-2, Bax and NF-κB may be involved in the mechanism of the apoptotic effect of citral on NB4 cells. These data suggest that citral has a potential therapeutic effect on leukemia.  相似文献   

During the eukaryote cell cycle the nuclear envelope displays a series of major morphogenetic changes, the most significant of which include its breakdown and reconstitution as cells move up to, pass through and emerge from division. The three polypeptides, lamins A, B and C, are major components of the nuclear pore complex-lamina fraction of the nuclear envelope and their association with the nuclear membrane or their dispersal in the cytoplasm reflects the existing balance between polymerization and depolymerization in the envelope. We have perturbed the lamina polymerization cycle by means of cell fusion between mitotic and interphase cells, following the redistribution of nuclear lamina protein by means of immunofluorescence techniques. In these heterophasic heterokaryons changes in the distribution of lamina occur as a function of (1) the time elapsed after fusion; (2) the ratio of mitotic to interphase elements in the cell, and (3) the stage in the cell cycle occupied by the interphase partner at the time of fusion. Depolymerization of nuclear lamina occurs most rapidly in cells with high ratios of mitotic to interphase elements, and especially in G1 rather than S-phase nuclei. While lamina depolymerization predominates early after fusion, at later times lamina is deposited around both the original metaphase and interphase nuclear masses and this is associated with the resumption of interphase activity in the form of limited DNA synthesis. These observations lead us to conclude that lamina depolymerization is under positive control mediated by diffusible factors in the cytoplasm of the metaphase partner. Repolymerization is likely to be associated with the inactivation of these factors as the heterokaryons age and, as a result, pass into an interphase-like state.  相似文献   

The effects of wheat germ agglutinin on Drosophila embryonic cell lines growing on cover-glasses was examined by scanning electron microscopy. At low concentrations of the lectin (5-10 mug/ml), cells spread against the glass surface and fused to form syncytia. At high concentration, damage to the cell surface was evidenced as extensive membrane shrivelling and loss of surface microfilaments. Fusion also occurred under these conditions. There was some indication that the morphology of cells in division remains undisturbed by wheat germ agglutinin. The coalescence of cells and morphologic disotrtion induced by wheat germ agglutinin were not inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine, the hapten inhibitor of the lectin, under the conditions utilized in this study.  相似文献   

Electrofusion has recently become an important area of cell biology research. We studied the effects of pH of the cell medium on the electrofusion of human red blood cells. Cell fusion was monitored by observing the movement of a lipophylic dye between neighboring fused cells using a fluorescence microscope. The cells were first brought into close contact by dielectrophoresis. Fusion was then induced by three pulses of high-intensity electric field. Within minutes following the pulse application, many cells were observed to fuse together to form fusion chains of different lengths. We found that the optimal pH for cell fusion is around pH 7.5. At this pH, the fusion yield was highest (ranging from 57 to 81%) and the average number of cells within a fusion chain was also the largest. The dependence of cell fusion on pH is more sensitive at low than at high pH. The fusion yield was decreased by 40% when the pH was changed from 7.5 to 6.0, but there was only a 20% decrease in yield between pH 7.5 and 10.0. We suspect that the observed pH effects may be caused by a redistribution of fixed charges at the cell surface, or changes in amphipathicity of the surface proteins.  相似文献   

Electrofusion has recently become an important area of cell biology research. We studied the effects of pH of the cell medium on the electrofusion of human red blood cells. Cell fusion was monitored by observing the movement of a lipophylic dye between neighboring fused cells using a fluorescence microscope. The cells were first brought into close contact by dielectrophoresis. Fusion was then induced by three pulses of high-intensity electric field. Within minutes following the pulse application, many cells were observed to fuse together to form fusion chains of different lengths. We found that the optimal pH for cell fusion is around pH 7.5. At this pH, the fusion yield was highest (ranging from 57 to 81%) and the average number of cells within a fusion chain was also the largest. The dependence of cell fusion on pH is more sensitive at low than at high pH. The fusion yield was decreased by 40% when the pH was changed from 7.5 to 6.0, but there was only a 20% decrease in yield between pH 7.5 and 10.0 We suspect that the observed pH effects may be caused by a redistribution of fixed charges at the cell surface, or changes in amphipathicity of the surface proteins.  相似文献   

Osmotic forces in artificially induced cell fusion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The importance of cell swelling in the fusion of erythrocytes by three different chemical treatments has been investigated with cells that were cytoplasmically labelled with 6-carboxyfluorescein. Hen erythrocytes, which had been pre-incubated with ionophore A23187 and 5 mM Ca2+ to cause a proteolytic breakdown of the membrane skeleton, were induced to fuse by applying an osmotic shock. Human erythrocytes that had been incubated in an isotonic salt/buffer solution, which was progressively diluted and which contained 0.5 mM La3+ to minimise cell lysis, were also fused. In addition, the fusion of human erythrocytes by 40% poly(ethylene glycol) began only when the poly(ethylene glycol) was diluted, and it mostly occurred when the diluted polymer solution was subsequently replaced by isotonic buffer. In related experiments, the effect of an osmotic gradient on electrically induced cell fusion has been studied. Human erythrocytes in 150 mM erythritol fused more readily than less swollen cells in 200-400 mM erythritol when subjected to a 20 microseconds pulse of 3.5 kV X cm-1, indicating that the extent of cell fusion induced by the breakdown pulse is governed by the combined electrical-compressive and osmotic forces. Since osmotic phenomena are already known to be important in exocytosis, we suggest that these observations on cell fusion indicate that osmotic forces may provide the driving force for many membrane fusion reactions in biological systems.  相似文献   

The role of the bound peptide in alloreactive T-cell recognition is controversial, ranging from pep-tide-independent to peptide-specific recognition of alloreactive T-cells. The aim of this study is to find the evidence that there exist peptide/MHC complex (pMHC)-specific CTLs among alloreactive T cells generated with long-term mixed lymphocytes culture (LTMLC). A single pMHC was manipulated by loading the TAP-defective, HLA-A2 expressing T2 cells with a viral peptide (LMP2A426-434) or a self-peptide (Tyr369-377). The PBLs samples from 4 HLA-A2 positive (HLA-A2 ve) and 4 HLA-A2 negative (HLA-A2-ve) donors were included in this study. The HLA-A2 ve PBL co-cultured with the LMP2A426-434 pulsed T2 (T2/LMP) stands for the nominal T-cell response to a viral antigen, and the HLA-A2-ve PBLs co-cultured with the Tyr369-377 pulsed T2 (T2/Tyr) for alloreactive T-cell response to an allogeneic antigen. The specificity of the expanded CTLs after the LTMLC was detected by their specific cytotoxicity and binding ability to specific pMHC-tetramer. An HLA-A2 restricted, HIV peptide (Gag77-85)was included for control. The cultural bulk of HLA-A2 ve PBLs with the T2/LMP showed an elevated specific cytotoxicity against the T2/LMP compared to that against the T2/HIV (26.52%±3.72% vs 7.01%±0.87%, P<0.001), and an increased frequency of binding to LMP-tetramer compared to that binding to HIV-tetramer (0.98%±0.33% vs 0.05%±0.01%, P=0.0014). The cultural bulk of HLA-A2-ve PBLs with the T2/Tyr showed a more active cytotoxicity against the T2/Tyr than that against T2/HIV (28.07%±2.58% vs 6.87%±0.01 %, P<0.001), and a higher frequency of binding to the Tyr-tetramer than that binding to the HIV-tetramer (0.88%±0.3% vs 0.06%±0.03%, P=0.0018). Our results indicate that the LTMLC is able to expand the viral antigen-specific CTLs as well as allogeneic antigen-specific CTLs. A relatively large proportion of alloreactive CTLs should be pMHC-specific, i.e., the specificity of the alloreactive lines depends on both the bound peptide and the allotype of MHC. Our observations support the hypothesis that the cumulative effect of T cells specific to each peptide epitope could account for the strength and diversity of the alloresponse. The method using manipulated pMHC and the LTMLC to generate pMHC-specific, alloreactive CTLs is of potential importance for adoptive T-cell immunotherapy.  相似文献   

1. The fusion of human erythrocytes into multicellular bodies that is induced by microdroplets of oleoylglycerol was investigated by optical and electron microscopy, and by gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins. 2. At the highest concentrations of oleoylglycerol and Ca2+ used, at least 80% of the cells fused after 30min at 37°C and only about 5% of the cells had completely lysed; the shapes of fused multicellular bodies were usually retained in `ghosts' prepared by hypo-osmotic lysis. 3. The rate of cell fusion was related to the concentration of Ca2+, although some cells fused when no exogenous Ca2+ was present. 4. Interactions of microdroplets of oleoylglycerol with the cells led to abnormalities in the structural appearance of the erythrocyte membrane; subsequent membrane fusion occurred, at least in some instances, at the sites of the microdroplets. 5. The intramembranous particles on the P-fracture face of the treated cells were more randomly distributed, but not significantly increased in number by comparison with the control cells. 6. Gel electrophoresis of the proteins of `ghosts' prepared from fused human erythrocytes showed a production of material of very high molecular weight, the development of a new component in the band-3 region, an increased staining of bands 4.3 and 4.5, and a new component moving slightly faster than band 6. 7. Bands 2.1–2.3 were altered, band 3 was decreased and band 4.1 was lost. 8. Most, but not all, of the changes in the membrane proteins appeared to result from the entry of Ca2+ into the cell. 9. 1-Chloro-4-phenyl-3-l-toluene-p-sulphonamidobutan-2-one partially inhibited both cell fusion and the associated decrease in band-3 protein. 10. The possibility that proteolytic degradation of membrane proteins may be involved in cell fusion induced by oleoylglycerol is considered, and some implications of this possibility are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of the bound peptide in alloreactive T-cell recognition is controversial, ranging from peptide-independent to peptide-specific recognition of alloreactive T-cells. The aim of this study is to find the evidence that there exist peptide/MHC complex (pMHC)-specific CTLs among alloreactive T cells generated with long-term mixed lymphocytes culture (LTMLC). A single pMHC was manipulated by loading the TAP-defective, HLA-A2 expressing T2 cells with a viral peptide (LMP2A426-434) or a self-peptide (Tyr369-377). The PBLs samples from 4 HLA-A2 positive (HLA-A2+ve) and 4 HLA-A2 negative (HLA-A2-ve) donors were included in this study. The HLA-A2+ve PBL co-cultured with the LMP2A426-434pulsed T2 (T2/LMP) stands for the nominal T-cell response to a viral antigen, and the HLA-A2-ve PBLs co-cultured with the Tyr369-377 pulsed T2 (T2/Tyr) for alloreactive T-cell response to an allogeneic antigen.The specificity of the expanded CTLs after the LTMLC was detected by their specific cytotoxicity and binding ability to specific pMHC-tetramer. An HLA-A2 restricted, HIV peptide (Gag77-85) was included for control. The cultural bulk of HLA-A2+ve PBLs with the T2/LMP showed an elevated specific cytotoxicity against the T2/LMP compared to that against the T2/HIV (26.52%±3.72% vs 7.01%±0.87%, P<0.001), and an increased frequency of binding to LMP-tetramer compared to that binding to HIV-tetramer (0.98%±0.33% vs 0.05%±0.01%, P=0.0014). The cultural bulk of HLA-A2-ve PBLs with the T2/Tyr showed a more active cytotoxicity against the T2/Tyr than that against T2/HIV (28.07%±2.58% vs 6.87%±1.01%,P<0.001), and a higher frequency of binding to the Tyr-tetramer than that binding to the HIV-tetramer (0.88%±0.3% vs 0.06%±0.03%, P=0.0018). Our results indicate that the LTMLC is able to expand the viral antigen-specific CTLs as well as allogeneic antigen-specific CTLs. A relatively large proportion of alloreactive CTLs should be pMHC-specific, i.e., the specificity of the alloreactive lines depends on both the bound peptide and the allotype of MHC. Our observations support the hypothesis that the cumularive effect of T cells specific to each peptide epitope could account for the strength and diversity of the alloresponse. The method using manipulated pMHC and the LTMLC to generate pMHC-specific, alloreactive CTLs is of potential importance for adoptive T-cell immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at in vitro investigation of the Myramistin antiviral activity against the measles and mumps viruses in the Vero cell culture. The experiments with addition of myramistin simultaneously or at various periods after inoculation of the monolayer by the measles virus (Edmonson strain) or mumps virus (PetroNov/03 strain) revealed pronounced dose-dependent antiviral effect of the drug. It was shown that for prevention of replication of the measles and mumps viruses the optimal concentrations were 0.05 to 0.005%. The prospects of myramistin use as a prophylactic agent for infections caused by the measles and mumps viruses are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of alteration of the glycolytic pathway on cell damage induced by oxidative stress was investigated with dihydrofolate reductase-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells that either overexpress cytosolic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (CHO/cGPDH cells) or are depleted of the A subunit of lactate dehydrogenase as a result of anti-sense RNA expression (CHO/anti-LDH cells). The extent of oxidative phosphorylation in CHO/anti-LDH and CHO/cGPDH cells was increased and decreased, respectively, relative to that in parental CHO cells, as revealed by measurement of the intracellular content of ATP, the rate of cellular O(2) consumption, the mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)), and the generation of reactive oxygen species. The sensitivity of these cell lines to cell death induced by the exogenous oxidant tert-butyl hydroperoxide decreased according to the rank order CHO/anti-LDH>CHO>CHO/cGPDH. Exogenous pyruvate markedly increased the sensitivity of CHO/cGPDH cells to oxidant-induced death. The differences among the three cell lines in susceptibility to oxidant-induced death were reflected in the proportion of oxidant-treated cells with a subdiploid DNA content, with a collapsed DeltaPsi(m), and with cytochrome c in the cytosol, indicating that death was mediated by apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the influx of respiratory substrate into mitochondria is an important determinant of cell sensitivity to oxidant-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

已分化的体细胞能够通过重编程转化回多能干细胞,在细胞移植、疾病细胞模型的制备以及药物筛选等领域具有重要意义。通过干细胞和体细胞的细胞融合,可使体细胞重编程。细胞融合致体细胞重编程速度快、效率高,是一种研究重编程机制的重要手段。对细胞融合致体细胞重编程的机制作一综述。  相似文献   

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