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The distribution of surface immunoglobulin (Ig) determinants on Xenopus laevis splenic lymphocytes after combination with divalent rabbit anti-Ig coupled to ferritin was studied. The electron micrographs showed the presence of immune complexes in 67% of lymphocytes treated at 0 degrees C-4 degrees C. The complexes were located all around the membrane and uniformly distributed in a random fashion. The variation of ferritin grain counts on cell sections is such, that the existence of two major subclasses of Ig-positive cells may be suggested. Raising the temperature produced a rapid interiorization of the complexes in vesicles without any previous aggregation to form a "cap" having occurred.  相似文献   

Maps of the spatial distribution of surface immunoglobulin on B lymphocytes obtained by freezeetch electron microscopy were analysed mathematically. The pictures were automatically scanned by a digital microdensitometer and the number and coordinates of the immunoglobulin molecules determined. A statistical measure, the radial distribution function, g(r), commonly used to study the structure of liquids, was computed for each map. The radial distribution function of surface immunoglobulin was found to closely resemble g(r) for fluids, indicating the presence of shortrange (but not long-range) order. It was determined that a given surface immunoglobulin molecule has a high probability of being surrounded by other immunoglobulins at distances approximately one-half the mean interparticle spacing. From this one can conclude that the distribution of surface immunoglobulin is non-random and is characterized by local clustering. The mean number of first nearest neighbors surrounding each surface immunoglobulin, computed from g(r), was found to be near two. This value is consistent with a degree of linear order in the topographic distribution of immunoglobulin. The radial distribution function provides a method of quantitating the amount of clustering in a spatial distribution. This function may prove useful in accessing the amount of receptor cross-linking necessary to trigger cellular responses, and in elucidating mechanisms for aggregation and movement of membrane macromolecules.  相似文献   

The class of surface immunoglobulin on virgin and memory B lymphocytes.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The class of surface immunoglobulin receptors for antigen on B cell precursors of different classes of antibody-forming cells was determined by utilizing a technique of class-specific antigen suicide. Spleen cells are first treated with a class-specific antiserum under conditions that result in the stripping of that class from the cell surface. The cells are then permitted to bind a highly radioactive trinitrophenyl (TNP)-conjugated protein, which leads to lethal irradiation of all TNP-specific B cells except those whose TNP receptors had been removed by the class-specific stripping of surface immunoglobulin. In this way, the class of antibody-forming cells resulting from TNP stimulation of B cells with different classes of surface immunoglobulin can be examined. It was found that the virgin B cell precursors of IgM-producing cells are two types: cells bearing IgM receptors only and those bearing both IgM and IgD receptors. All virgin B cells that gave rise to IgG1 antibody-forming cells had both IgM and IgD on their surfaces, demonstrating that an antigen-dependent switch from IgM and IgD to IgG1 production is a common feature of B cell maturation. In contrast, memory B cell precursors of IgG1 antibody-forming cells had predominantly IgG1 as their surface antigen receptor. The implications of these findings on current models of B cell maturation are analyzed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possible role of intramembraneous particles as revealed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy in the plasma membrane of B lymphocytes from rabbits and mice as reflections of transmembrane structures of surface immunoglobulin receptor molecules. This was achieved by aggregation of the surface receptors using fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, fixation and freezing of the cells in 35% glycerol. This procedure resulted in replicas of lymphocytes with well-preserved morphology (no ice-crystals), enabling the study of both protoplasmic and external fracture face in combination with surface receptor markers. It appeared that very small intramembraneous particles (3–6 nm diameter) were selectively clustered under patches of surface receptor label. This phenomenon was found on the external fracture face exclusively and not on the protoplasmic fracture face. ‘Classical’ intramembraneous particles (6–12 nm diameter) were not involved. We suggest that these small, clustered particles should be interpreted as transmembrane structures of surface immunoglobulin molecules.  相似文献   

Activation events in hapten-specific B cells from tolerant mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have studied hapten-binding cells from the spleens of normal and tolerant adult mice in terms of their ability to enlarge, proliferate, and differentiate into antibody-secreting cells. Tolerant B cells showed clear defects in intermediate activation events in addition to a deficit in antibody-secreting cells. In these studies, isolated B cells were stimulated by T cell independent Ag with lymphokines, or with mitogens, in the absence of filler cells. The number of antibody-secreting cells generated from the tolerant population was consistently reduced by 70 to 80% of the control response to the specific Ag, fluoresceinated Brucella abortus (FL-BrA) +/- lymphokines. We found that similar numbers of normal and tolerant cells enlarged (entered cell cycle) when stimulated by FL-BrA, LPS, IL-4, or alpha-Ig coupled to dextran (alpha-Ig-dex). Ia induction stimulated by IL-4, LPS, FL-BrA, or alpha-Ig-dex was the same in normal and tolerant cells. However, DNA synthesis stimulated by FL-BrA, FL-BrA + IL-5, or suboptimal concentrations of LPS was reduced by 70% in the tolerant cell population. Proliferation in response to 50 micrograms/ml LPS or to low doses of alpha-Ig-dex was similar in normal and tolerant B cells. These data suggest that the primary defect in adult B cell tolerance is the ability to proliferate in response to Ag.  相似文献   

To explore the biochemical basis for maintaining immunological tolerance by functional inactivation of self-reactive B lymphocytes, transgenic mice carrying rearranged anti-lysozyme immunoglobulin transgenes and a lysozyme transgene were used as a source of large numbers of tolerant self-reactive B cells. Antigen receptors of the IgD isotype were expressed at normal levels on tolerant B cells, contained the heterodimeric MB1/B29 signalling component of the receptor complex and were structurally indistinguishable from IgD on nontolerant B cells. In contrast, cell surface expression of IgM receptor complexes on tolerant B cells was greatly reduced, despite normal expression of mRNA encoding the receptor components. Three-fold fewer immunoreactive mu heavy chains were detectable after a short period of biosynthetic labelling and the immunoreactive mu chains produced were paired with kappa light chains and assembled normally into intact receptor complexes containing the MB1/B29 heterodimer. Nascent IgM receptor complexes nevertheless failed to be processed into an endoglycosidase H-resistant form in the tolerant B cells and thus appeared to be selectively blocked in their transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the medial Golgi. These findings demonstrate that intracellular trafficking of antigen receptor complexes is regulated by exposure to receptor stimuli at the cell surface causing a long-lasting decrease in surface receptor expression on tolerant B cells.  相似文献   

At different times of exposure, interferon (IFN) enhanced and suppressed pokeweed mitogen- (PWM) induced IgG synthesis by human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Pretreatment of PBL and IFN frequently increased antibody production by more than 100% when compared with that by untreated PBL. Results of experiments in which PBL were separated into T and B subpopulations indicated that IFN preparations acted directly on B cells. Thus, mixtures of IFN-treated B cells and untreated T cells from 5 of 7 persons tested produced 81% to 500% more IgG than untreated, matched control cells. However, IFN-treated monocytes mixed with untreated B and T cells or IFN-treated T cells mixed with untreated B cells failed to enhance IgG production significantly in similar assays. In contrast to the pretreatment protocol, when IFN was present in the incubation mixture throughout the PWM assay, IgG production decreased. Sephadex chromatography of the IFN and tests of the resulting fractions indicated that the IgG production-enhancing activity was located in the fraction carrying the antiviral activity.  相似文献   

In culture, human blood B cells regenerated surface IgM and IgD after their removal by a brief treatment with pronase. In contrast, surface Ig was poorly reexpressed after interaction with specific antibody. Both classes of surface Ig were suppressed after treatment with antibody specific for only one. B lymphocytes from spleen and tonsils regenerated surface Ig after treatment with either pronase or anti-Ig. We suggest that the particular sensitivity of circulating B cells to anti-Ig-surface Ig interaction may be reflection of their state of maturation.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of steady-state ion fluxes in murine lymphocytes were used to examine for possible ionic changes generated by surface Ig, the antigen receptor of B lymphocytes. When bound by ligands, surface Ig triggered the mobilization and release of 45Ca2+ from the cell interior by a transmembrane process requiring crosslinking of the bound receptors. This ionic event was unique for two reasons: (a) it did not occur when other common lymphocyte surface macromolecules were bound with rabbit anti-lymphocyte antibodies; and (b) it was not accompanied by a general perturbation of lymphocyte ionic properties such as a change in 42K+ fluxes nor did it depend on the presence of extracellular ions. Capping of surface Ig shares the same time sequence, dose response, requirement for crosslinking, and lack of dependence on extracellular ions. These correlations suggest that mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ may represent an early ionic signal for the contractile activation of lymphocytes that generates capping of surface Ig.  相似文献   

In order for humoral immune responses to develop, B cells must be able to recognize, bind, and internalize Ags. These functions are performed by the BCR, which is also responsible for initiating and transducing activation signals necessary for B cell proliferation and differentiation. We have examined surface expression patterns of individual components of the BCR following anti-Ig- and Ag-induced aggregation. Specifically, the localization and expression levels of the Ag-binding component, surface Ig (sIg), and the Igbeta component of the Igalpha/Igbeta signaling unit were investigated to determine their individual participation in the internalization and signal transduction. Using primary murine B cells, we found that while >95% of the sIg is internalized following anti-Ig-induced aggregation, 20-30% of Igbeta remains on the surface. These results suggest that sIg and Igbeta may function independently following the initial stages of signal transduction.  相似文献   

Elution properties of horse immunoglobulin isotypes from protein A and protein G columns were examined. IgGa and IgGb isotypes were bound to protein A and protein G columns and were eluted by adjusting the pH of the elution buffer from 8.0 to 2.0. IgGc bound to protein G column but not to protein A column while IgG(T) bound to both columns. IgM and IgA apparently appeared not to bind to either column. New methods for purification of serum isotypes were developed using protein A and protein G columns as well as formerly established methods. Using these methods, it was possible to obtain purified isotypes for establishment of immunological assays for practical clinical use.  相似文献   

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