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Murine monoclonal antibodies stimulate the production of human anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibodies (AMIA) when administered to patients. This limits their long-term usefulness as therapeutic and diagnostic agents. We report the use of three maneuvers to suppress AMIA against T cell-specific monoclonal antibodies in cynomolgus monkeys. Twelve monkeys received daily i.v. infusions of 1 mg each of anti-Leu-2a, -3a, and -5 on days 1 through 10. One group (control) received no suppressive regimen. The second group received cyclosporine, 12.5 mg/kg daily on days -7 to +14. The third group (PI) were passively immunized with 0.4 ml of hyperimmune monkey AMIA serum on days -7, -1, 2, 4, 6, and 8. The fourth group (TLI) received 1700 rad fractionated total lymphoid irradiation ending on day -1. The animals treated with TLI were markedly delayed in the onset of AMIA, which was suppressed to less than 1% of the control group. The AMIA specific for the constant region of animals receiving PI was also suppressed to one-third of control. The majority of the AMIA in all the animals was anti-idiotypic and wholly anti-idiotypic in the TLI animals.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide-(LPS) induced differentiation of mouse B lymphocytes to cells synthesizing large amounts of cytoplasmic IgM and IgG2 could be suppressed by antibodies to mu-chains. Maximal inhibition of LPS-induced differentiation was associated with increased cellular proliferation as measured by incorporation of 3H-thymidine, whereas treatment with anti-mu alone over a wide dosage range did not stimulate cellular proliferation. Spleen cells from newborn mice were suppressed by concentrations of anti-mu several hundred-fold lower than required for adult spleen cells; the adult pattern of susceptibility to suppression was acquired by 1 week of age. No significant differences in susceptibility to anti-mu were found in comparisons of adult spleen, lymph node, bone marrow, and Peyer's patch lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A functional role for Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the peripheral nervous system is well-documented, but a similar case for NGF in the central nervous system remains to be established. One approach to answering this question would be the availability of high-affinity monospecific Fab fragments obtained against NGF. In the present studies we describe the preparation and characterization of such Fab fragments from anti-mouse NGF polyclonal antibodies. Following their purification by the use of a NGF Sepharose-coupled affinity column, the Fab fragments were examined for biological competence in several ways. In vitro, the anti-Fab fragments blocked the neuronotrophic activity of NGF, as measured by the survival of chicken embryonic day 8 dorsal root ganglion neurons. In vivo, these Fab fragments, when administered systemically to neonatal rats, produced a decrease of noradrenaline levels in two sympathetically innervated organs, the heart and the spleen. These findings suggest that affinity purified Fab fragments of anti-NGF antibodies can be a useful tool for studying the physiological function of NGF in the nervous system.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin (Ig) binding proteins of Staphylococcus aureus namely staphylococcal protein A (SpA) and staphylococcal binder of immunoglobulin (Sbi) are responsible for false positives during immunoassays. Avian IgY antibodies were reported to have no affinity to SpA and thus are safe for use in immunoassays. However, the behaviour of Sbi with IgY was not reported. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the interactions between IgY antibodies and Sbi protein from different S. aureus strains. Initially, heterologous cloning and expression of complete sbi gene in Escherichia coli was undertaken. Recombinant Sbi protein was utilized to generate polyclonal anti-Sbi IgY and anti-Sbi antibodies in chicken and BALB/c mice respectively. Indirect ELISA and Western blotting were performed to evaluate the reactivity of anti-Sbi antibodies. Non-reducing PAGE followed by Western blotting and double-antibody sandwich dot-ELISA were performed to analyze the reactivity of IgY antibodies with recombinant Sbi and native Sbi from S. aureus strains. To avoid the possible interference of enzyme-conjugated secondary antibodies from mammalian sources, mouse anti-Sbi revealing antibodies were labeled with biotin so that streptavidin-HRP was used as developing reagent for chromogenic reaction. Sbi was highly immunogenic in chicken and mouse with antibody titers of 1:128,000 and 1:64,000 dilutions respectively. We observed that unimmunized IgY antibodies showed no affinity to either recombinant Sbi or native Sbi from S. aureus strains in Western blotting and double antibody sandwich ELISA. In view of these observations, we recommend that IgY antibodies are safe and free from false positives due to SpA and Sbi in immunoassays involving detection of S. aureus antigens/exotoxins.  相似文献   

Plasma from different species is the most accessible and valuable source for biomarker discovery in clinical and animal samples. However, due to the high abundance of some proteins such as albumin and immunoglobulins, low-abundant proteins are often undetectable in proteomic analysis of plasma. We have established a plasma depletion scheme using chicken antibodies against various abundant proteins. This immunoaffinity purification procedure is able to deplete albumin across multiple species. The high binding capacity and specificity of the chicken antibody enables the efficient capture of its ligand from microliter volumes of plasma sample. The resulting two-dimensional gel analyses of the depleted and captured samples show significant enhancement of the low-abundant proteins and specific capture of the abundant ligand. By utilizing this sample preparation scheme, it is now possible to analyze the plasma proteome from multiple species in a potentially rapid and large-scale capacity for biomarker discovery, drug target discovery, and toxicology studies.  相似文献   

Several rat anti-mouse interleukin 3 (IL-3) monoclonal antibodies have been developed which inhibit the biologic activity of mouse IL-3. These antibodies were produced in rats immunized with preparations of purified, recombinant mouse IL-3, obtained from transiently transfected COS7 cell supernatant. Hybridomas secreting anti-IL-3 were selected initially either on the basis of their giving a positive signal in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or for their ability to inhibit the proliferation of the IL-3-dependent mouse mast cell line, MC/9. Neutralizing rat monoclonal IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b antibodies have been identified; these also block IL-3-induced proliferation of the NFS-60 and IC2 cell lines. These antibodies also blocked the IL-3-induced proliferation of mouse bone marrow-derived colony-forming units-culture suggesting that the same epitopes on IL-3 influence receptor recognition for both the proliferation of factor-dependent cell lines as well as normal bone marrow cells. Fab fragments produced from certain of the IgG2a-neutralizing antibodies blocked as well as the parent IgG. Antibody cross-blocking studies identified one neutralizing antibody apparently recognizing an epitope that was spatially distinct from those recognized by the other blocking antibodies tested. The development of these neutralizing rat monoclonal antibodies to mouse IL-3 should facilitate further investigation on the role of this factor in hemopoietic regulation.  相似文献   

We have prepared mouse monoclonal antibodies against idiotypic (Id) determinants on chicken antibodies to N-acetylglucosamine (NAGA) and p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) made by inbred line EL 6(3) birds. The monoclonal anti-NAGA Id antibody, termed CId-1, reacted with affinity purified antibodies to NAGA, but not with antibodies specific for PABA, arsanilic acid (Ars), phosphorylcholine (PC), or with normal chicken IgG and IgM. The monoclonal anti-PABA ID antibody, termed CId-2, reacted with anti-PABA antibodies and to a lesser extent with anti-Ars antibodies, but not with anti-NAGA, anti-PC, and normal IgG and IgM. The Id determinants were found among antibodies to NAGA and PABA made by outbred and inbred lines of White Leghorn chickens. The binding of the CId-1 and CId-2 antibodies to intact homologous anti-NAGA and anti-PABA antibodies, respectively, was not hapten-inhibitable in either case. Both anti-Id antibodies reacted specifically with isolated homologous heavy chains, suggesting VH Id specificities. The monoclonal CId-1 and CId-2 antibodies were reactive by immunofluorescence with approximately 0.9 and 0.2%, respectively, of the circulating lymphocytes and with approximately 0.4 and 0.15 of plasma cells. CId-1+ and CId-2+ bursal cells were first detected on the 16th and 14th days of incubation, respectively; both reached maximal frequencies by the 17th day of incubation. The CId-2 antibody reacted exclusively with immunoglobulin-positive cells. The CId-1 antibody also reacted with a subpopulation (0.4%) of immunoglobulin-negative lymphocytes from normal and agammaglobulinemic chickens, and thus would appear to recognize an idiotypic determinant expressed by certain clones of B and T cells.  相似文献   

Deficiency of interleukin (IL)-36 receptor antagonist (DITRA) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in IL36RN. IL-36R is a cell surface receptor and a member of the IL1R family that is involved in inflammatory responses triggered in skin and other epithelial tissues. Accumulating evidence suggests that IL-36R signaling may play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Therapeutic intervention of IL-36R signaling offers an innovative treatment paradigm for targeting epithelial cell-mediated inflammatory diseases such as the life-threatening psoriasis variant called generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP). We report the discovery and characterization of MAB92, a potent, high affinity anti-human IL-36 receptor antagonistic antibody that blocks human IL-36 ligand (α, β and γ)-mediated signaling. In vitro treatment with MAB92 directly inhibits human IL-36R-mediated signaling and inflammatory cytokine production in primary human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. MAB92 shows exquisite species specificity toward human IL-36R and does not cross react to murine IL-36R. To enable in vivo pharmacology studies, we developed a mouse cross-reactive antibody, MAB04, which exhibits overlapping binding and pharmacological activity as MAB92. Epitope mapping indicates that MAB92 and MAB04 bind primarily to domain-2 of the human and mouse IL-36R proteins, respectively. Treatment with MAB04 abrogates imiquimod and IL-36-mediated skin inflammation in the mouse, further supporting an important role for IL-36R signaling in epithelial cell-mediated inflammation.  相似文献   

A new approach to avoid typical complications from bone marrow transplantation into MHC different mice was studied. Rat monoclonal anti-Thy-1 antibodies of the IgG 2b isotype were identified, which inhibit T lymphocytes in vivo so that transplanted donor T cells as well as residual T cells of the conditioned marrow recipient were suppressed. A single injection of these antibodies after irradiation and before marrow transplantation did not only prevent graft-versus-host mortality but suppressed also host-versus-graft reactivity so that the radiation dose necessary for engraftment of donor cells differing in H-2, IA (both haplotypes) major histocompatibility antigens could be reduced to 6.0 Gy. In addition an anti-T leukemic cell effect from the injected monoclonal T cell antibodies was observed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and validate ELISAs for quantification of HAMA-IgM and HAMA-IgG in serum of patients with ovarian cancer who enrolled in a large international randomized phase III trial of intraperitoneal Yttrium-90-labeled HMFG1 murine monoclonal antibody therapy. The capture antibody of these 2 assays was the murine antibody HMFG1, while mouse anti-human IgM-HRP or mouse anti-human IgG(Fc)-HRP served as tracer antibodies. A pool of HAMA-positive serum samples was used to prepare a series of assay standards and another pool served as reference preparation. The analytical sensitivity of the HAMA-IgM assay was 2.5 arbitrary units per mL (AU/mL) and 4.7 AU/mL for the HAMA-IgG ELISA. Diluted serum samples showed good parallelism with the HAMA-IgM and HAMA-IgG standard dose-response curves. Within-assay coefficient of variation was 7.5% for HAMA-IgM and 6.5% for HAMA-IgG. Between-assay variation was 14.2% for HAMA-IgM and 15.3% for HAMA-IgG. The developed HAMA-IgM and HAMA-IgG ELISAs show satisfactory reliability criteria (sensitivity, parallelism and precision) and are suitable for monitoring of HAMA-IgM and HAMA-IgG responses in ovarian cancer patients. These ELISAs will be used to monitor the development of HAMAs in patients who received radioimmunotherapy with murine HMFG1.  相似文献   

Molecular stability of chicken and rabbit immunoglobulin G.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Molecular stability of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin G (IgY) and that of rabbit IgG were compared by measuring antibody activities and conformational changes. Stability of rabbit IgG to acid denaturation was much higher than that of IgY. Conformation of the IgY molecule was readily changed in acidic conditions, resulting in a rapid loss of antibody activity. Much less stable natures of IgY to heat-treatment and guanidine-HCl denaturation than rabbit IgG were also observed. Differences in the structure between the two immunoglobulins that might participate in their different stability were inferred from their amino acid sequence data. Importance of the intramolecular disulfide linkage in the rabbit light chain and some other structural differences were suggested.  相似文献   

Generation and application of chicken egg-yolk antibodies   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Despite the fact that the use of chicken as immunization host brings many advantages to the production of polyclonal antibodies, the generation of egg yolk immunoglobulins (IgY) is rarely chosen. In this review, we report on the fast and efficient method for generation and affinity purification of IgY, in this case raised against the alpha-subunit of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). The IgY antibody was successfully applied in a variety of methods and a number of different species for HIF-1alpha detection. In electrophoretic mobility shift assays, the IgY antibody recognized the native HIF-1 complex. The IgY antibody also detected HIF-1alpha protein on Western blots with extracts derived from human, monkey, pig, dog and mouse cell lines grown under hypoxic conditions. Immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation experiments using the IgY antibody allowed detection and subcellular localization of HIF-1alpha in the nuclei of hypoxic cells. Chicken antibody production brings great benefit concerning the welfare of the immunized animals, due to non-invasive antibody harvesting with the added convenience of simple egg collection. An additional advantage is the fast and simple IgY isolation from egg yolk. IgY technology is a great improvement and should be considered as a good alternative to conventional polyclonal antibody production in mammals.  相似文献   

Chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) against Shiga toxin 2e (Stx2e), a major cause of swine edema disease, was prepared to evaluate its possible clinical applications. The titer of Stx2e‐specific IgY in egg yolk derived from three chickens that had been immunized with an Stx2e toxoid increased 2 weeks after primary immunization and remained high until 90 days after this immunization. Anti‐Stx2e IgY was found to neutralize the toxicity of Stx2e by reacting with its A and B subunits, indicating that IgY is a cost‐effective agent to develop for prophylactic foods or diagnosis kits for edema disease.  相似文献   

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