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Plant invasions result in biodiversity losses and altered ecological functions, though quantifying loss of multiple ecosystem functions presents a research challenge. Plant phylogenetic diversity correlates with a range of ecosystem functions and can be used as a proxy for ecosystem multifunctionality. Laurentian Great Lakes coastal wetlands are ideal systems for testing invasive species management effects because they support diverse biological communities, provide numerous ecosystem services, and are increasingly dominated by invasive macrophytes. Invasive cattails are among the most widespread and abundant of these taxa. We conducted a three‐year study in two Great Lakes wetlands, testing the effects of a gradient of cattail removal intensities (mowing, harvest, complete biomass removal) within two vegetation zones (emergent marsh and wet meadow) on plant taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity. To evaluate native plant recovery potential, we paired this with a seed bank emergence study that quantified diversity metrics in each zone under experimentally manipulated hydroperiods. Pretreatment, we found that wetland zones had distinct plant community composition. Wet meadow seed banks had greater taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity than emergent marsh seed banks, and high‐water treatments tended to inhibit diversity by reducing germination. Aboveground harvesting of cattails and their litter increased phylogenetic diversity and species richness in both zones, more than doubling richness compared to unmanipulated controls. In the wet meadow, harvesting shifted the community toward an early successional state, favoring seed bank germination from early seral species, whereas emergent marsh complete removal treatments shifted the community toward an aquatic condition, favoring floating‐leaved plants. Removing cattails and their litter increased taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity across water levels, a key environmental gradient, thereby potentially increasing the multifunctionality of these ecosystems. Killing invasive wetland macrophytes but leaving their biomass in situ does not address their underlying mechanism of dominance and is less effective than more intensive treatments that also remove their litter.  相似文献   

Comparisons of nematode communities among ecosystems have indicated that, unlike many organisms, nematode communities have less diversity in the tropics than in temperate ecosystems. There are, however, few studies of tropical nematode diversity on which to base conclusions of global patterns of diversity. This study reports an attempt to estimate nematode diversity in the lowland tropical rainforest of La Selva Biological Research Station in Costa Rica. We suggest one reason that previous estimates of tropical nematode diversity were low is because habitats above the mineral soil are seldom sampled. As much as 62% of the overall genetic diversity, measured by an 18S ribosomal barcode, existed in litter and understorey habitats and not in soil. A maximum-likelihood tree of barcodes from 360 individual nematodes indicated most major terrestrial nematode lineages were represented in the samples. Estimated 'species' richness ranged from 464 to 502 within the four 40 × 40 m plots. Directed sampling of insects and their associated nematodes produced a second set of barcodes that were not recovered by habitat sampling, yet may constitute a major class of tropical nematode diversity. While the generation of novel nematode barcodes proved relatively easy, their identity remains obscure due to deficiencies in existing taxonomic databases. Specimens of Criconematina, a monophyletic group of soil-dwelling plant-parasitic nematodes were examined in detail to assess the steps necessary for associating barcodes with nominal species. Our results highlight the difficulties associated with studying poorly understood organisms in an understudied ecosystem using a destructive (i.e. barcode) sampling method.  相似文献   

Plant communities are structured by both competition and facilitation. The interplay between the two interactions can vary depending on environmental factors, nature of stress, and plant traits. However, whether positive or negative interactions dominate in regions of high biotic and abiotic stress remains unclear. We studied herbaceous plant communities associated with a dwarf shrub Caragana versicolor in semi-arid, high altitude Trans-Himalayan rangelands of Spiti, India. We surveyed 120 pairs of plots (within and outside shrub canopies) across four watersheds differing in altitude, aspect, and dominant herbivores. Herbaceous communities within shrub canopies had 25% higher species richness, but similar abundance when compared to communities outside the canopy, with the shrub edge having higher diversity than the centre of the canopy. Grasses and erect forbs showed positive associations with the shrub, while prostrate plants occurred at much lower abundance within the canopy. Rare species showed stronger positive associations with Caragana than abundant species. Experimental removal of herbaceous vegetation from within shrub canopies led to 42% increase in flowering in Caragana, indicating a cost to the host shrubs. Our study indicates a robust pattern of a dwarf shrub facilitating local community diversity across this alpine landscape, increasing diversity at the plot level, facilitating rare species, and yet incurring a cost to hosts from the presence of herbaceous plants. Given these large influences of this shrub on the vegetation of these high altitude rangelands, we suggest that the shrub microhabitat be explicitly considered in any analyses of ecosystem health in such rangelands.  相似文献   

More than 1,000 Spiroplasma isolates have been obtained from horse flies and deer flies (Diptera:Tabanidae) in the United States and Canada. However, the spiroplasma biota of Central America is poorly known. In August of 1995 and 1998, 13 isolates were obtained in 14 attempts from horse flies of a single species, Poeciloderas quadripunctatus, taken in the Costa Rican highlands (1,100–2,000 m). The majority of the “isolates” proved to be mixtures of two or more Spiroplasma species, but after filter cloning, single strains emerged that were designated as representatives of the 13 accessions. Six distinct spiroplasma serogroups were identified from these isolations. Three of the strains are putative new species with no serological relationship to any other Spiroplasma species. A fourth strain is a putative new species that may be distantly related to S. helicoides, a southeastern U.S. species. These four strains are accorded herein status as representatives of new serogroups: strain BARC 4886 (group XXXV); strain BARC 4900 (group XXXVI); strain BARC 4908 (group XXXVII); and GSU5450 (group XXXVIII). A fifth Spiroplasma species was very closely related to S. lineolae, known previously only from the Georgia (U.S.) coast. The sixth was most closely related to subgroup VIII-3, known from Texas and the southeastern U.S. Discovery of six spiroplasma species in only 13 attempted isolations reflects diversity seldom equaled in southeast Georgia, and never elsewhere in the U.S. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that spiroplasma diversity increases from north (Nova Scotia) to south (Georgia and Costa Rica). The discovery of significant affinity between some spiroplasmas of the southeastern U.S. and the Costa Rican highlands was unexpected, but may reflect a climatically complex Pleistocene history.
Robert F. WhitcombEmail:

Robert L. Wilbur 《Brittonia》1969,21(4):355-358
A newCentropogon (sect.Wimmeriopsis subsect.Colombiani) from the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica, is described and compared toC. gutierrezii (Planch. & Oerst.) F. E. Wimmer, a species restricted to the Cordillera Central with which it previously has been confused.  相似文献   

围封是修复退化草原生态系统的主要措施之一,科学与优化围封方式是目前草地资源管理中急需解决的科学问题。以内蒙古围栏封育10年和未围封的荒漠草原为研究对象,分析围封和未围封对内蒙古荒漠草原群落物种多样性和优势种空间分布格局的影响,旨在为荒漠草原的恢复与重建提供科学依据。结果显示:(1)围封10年显著提高了荒漠草原的植被盖度、密度、高度和地上生物量;(2)围封10年对Margalef多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数无显著影响,但围封均低于未围封样地;(3)围封10年对优势种短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)及糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)的空间分布格局有较为显著的影响,与未围封相比围封后糙隐子草的分布格局变得单一,短花针茅分布格局变得多样。总体看来,围封10年后,荒漠草原群落物种组成、物种优势度和优势种的空间分布格局均发生一定程度变化,反映出围封后草地生态系统中植物适应其生存环境的策略,围封方式应根据立地条件,科学制定围封年限以达到较好的生态恢复效果。  相似文献   

The karyotypes of five species of colubrid snakes from Costa Rica are as follows: Imantodes cenchoa and Drymobius margaritiferus have a diploid number of 36, with 16 macro- and 20 microchromosomes. The fourth pair is heteromorphic in females of I. cenchoa, with a metacentric Z and a submetacentric W chromosomes. Karyotypes of Erythrolampius bizonus and Leimadophis epinephalus have 28 chromosomes, without a clearcut separation between macro- and microchromosomes. In the case of E. bizomus, the fourth pair contains the sex chromosomes Z and W, both are submetacentric, but the W is smaller. Xenedon rabdocephalus has a diploid number of 34 chromosomes (22 macro- and 12 microchromosomes); pair 3 is heteromorphic in females, with a submetacentric Z and a smaller metacentric W. The karyotype of X. rabdocephalus may be derived from a primitive karyotype by means of reduction in the number of microchromosomes and centric fissions of two pairs of metacentric autosomes.  相似文献   

Changes in terrestrial vascular plant diversity along a successional gradient were studied in a Costa Rican upper montane Quercus forest. In 1991 and 1992 species presence and cover were recorded in 12 successional 0.1 ha forest plots. A total of 176 species in 122 genera and 75 families were found. Asteraceae was the most speciose family. With the help of TWINSPAN three successional phases were classified: (i) Early Secondary Forest (ESF, 145 spp.), (ii) Late Secondary Forest (LSF, 130 spp.) and (iii) Primary Forest (PF, 96 spp.). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) species ordination using DECORANA illustrates that different ecological species groups can be distinguished along the time sequence. Alpha diversity (Shannon-Wiener index, among others) in ESF and LSF was significantly greater than in PF. This is probably explained by downslope migration of numerous sub(alpine) species to cleared and recently abandoned montane sites. Beta diversity applying Sørensen's similarity coefficients declined during succession. Using linear regression, the minimum time required for floristic recovery following disturbance and abandonment was calculated at 65.9 years. A comparison with other studies shows that secondary forests in upper montane Costa Rica can be as diverse as in neotropical lowlands.  相似文献   

以绢蝶为代表的甘肃南部蝶类多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方健惠  牛犇  骆有庆  杜品  陈莉 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4976-4985
在甘肃南部地区的蝶类调查中,共记录到蝴蝶339种,分属于12科,157属,区系组成以广布种为主,占总种数的56.6%;古北种次之,占26.9%;东洋种最少,占16.5%;共采集到绢蝶15种,占分布于中国绢蝶总种数41种的36.6%。样线调查结果显示绢蝶在甘肃南部地区有比较明显的垂直性分布,高山亚冰雪稀疏植被带、亚高山灌丛草甸带、山地森林草原带及山地草原带均有绢蝶分布。各生境中绢蝶多样性与蝶类群落多样性进行比对得出变化趋势不一致,随着海拔升高,绢蝶物种丰富度S及Shannon-Wiener多样性指数呈逐渐上升趋势,而蝶类群落物种丰富度S及Shannon-Wiener多样性指数总体呈下降趋势。绢蝶是高原地区的特有珍稀物种,君主绢蝶(P.imperator)、依帕绢蝶(P.epaphus)、小红珠绢蝶(P.nomion)等3种绢蝶为甘肃南部地区常见种,元首绢蝶(P.cephalus)等8种绢蝶为甘肃南部地区偶见种,数量极少,其种群及生存状态需予以关注。  相似文献   

Habitat loss is one of the key drivers of the ongoing decline of biodiversity. However, ecologists still argue about how fragmentation of habitat (independent of habitat loss) affects species richness. The recently proposed habitat amount hypothesis posits that species richness only depends on the total amount of habitat in a local landscape. In contrast, empirical studies report contrasting patterns: some find positive and others negative effects of fragmentation per se on species richness. To explain this apparent disparity, we devise a stochastic, spatially explicit model of competitive species communities in heterogeneous habitats. The model shows that habitat loss and fragmentation have complex effects on species diversity in competitive communities. When the total amount of habitat is large, fragmentation per se tends to increase species diversity, but if the total amount of habitat is small, the situation is reversed: fragmentation per se decreases species diversity.  相似文献   

Species are predicted to shift their distributions upslope or poleward in response to global warming. This prediction is supported by a growing number of studies documenting species migrations in temperate systems but remains poorly tested for tropical species, and especially for tropical plant species. We analyzed changes in tree species composition in a network of 10 annually censused 1‐ha plots spanning an altitudinal gradient of 70–2800 m elevation in Costa Rica. Specifically, we combined plot data with herbarium records (accessed through GBIF) to test if the plots' community temperature scores (CTS, average thermal mean of constituent species weighted by basal area) have increased over the past decade as is predicted by climate‐driven species migrations. In addition, we quantified the contributions of stem growth, recruitment, and mortality to the observed patterns. Supporting our a priori hypothesis of upward species migrations, we found that there have been consistent directional shifts in the composition of the plots, such that the relative abundance of lowland species, and hence CTS, increased in 90% of plots. The rate of the observed compositional shifts corresponds to a mean thermal migration rate (TMR) of 0.0065 °C yr?1 (95% CI = 0.0005–0.0132 °C yr?1). While the overall TMR is slower than predicted based on concurrent regional warming of 0.0167 °C yr?1, migrations were on pace with warming in 4 of the 10 plots. The observed shifts in composition were driven primarily by mortality events (i.e., the disproportionate death of highland vs. lowland species), suggesting that individuals of many tropical tree species will not be able to tolerate future warming and thus their persistence in the face of climate change will depend on successful migrations. Unfortunately, in Costa Rica and elsewhere, land area inevitably decreases at higher elevations; hence, even species that are able to migrate successfully will face heightened risks of extinction.  相似文献   

Tagosodes orizicolus (Homoptera: Delphacidae) is one of the main constraints of the rice production in the Neotropics. This planthopper produces severe damages as a phloem feeder, causes mechanical injury during oviposition and vectors the rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV). The main objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of T. orizicolus populations from three rice growing regions of Costa Rica, using RAPDs. Individuals from Guanacaste, Parrita, San Carlos and Cali-Colombia, as outgroup, were analyzed using the random primers. Phenetic relationships revealed that the Costa Rican populations were clearly separated from Cali-Colombia, sharing less than 25% similarity. Costa Rican populations were divided into two main branches separated at 30% similarity. The first branch included Guanacaste and San Carlos and the second displayed Parrita. In relation to similarity indexes within groups, the Guanacaste cluster showed the highest (over 50%) and Cali-Colombia was the most diverse (28%). The correspondence analysis confirmed the clusters of the phenogram and showed close interactions between the Parrita and San Carlos populations. The genetic separation observed could be the result of the geographic isolation among populations, but it could also be explained by the infection with the rickettsia Wolbachia pipientis. This bacterium causes cytoplasmic incompatibility in its host, which results in non-viable progeny when infected males mate with non-infected females, or when insects hosting different strains of Wolbachia mate. Then, a search for Wolbachia in previously described populations of T orizicolus was initiated. The presence of the bacteria was analyzed by PCR with 16S rDNA-specific primers for Wolbachia. The PCR analyses revealed infections of 86% in the population of San Carlos, 96% in Guanacaste, 37% in Parrita and 100% in Cali-Colombia. Crosses between individuals of T. orizicolus from Parrita and Guanacaste were performed for testing cytoplasmic incompatibility. When infected males were crossed with non-infected females within the same population, a significant reduction in progeny number was obtained as well as when crosses between infected individuals belonging to different populations were performed. These experiments showed cytoplasmic incompatibility not only caused by the presence of Wolbachia within the population, but also by the presence of different strains of the bacteria between populations.  相似文献   

A new species invading a new area may cause a decrease in diversity of the community already present there. Comparison of temporal changes in species diversity of the “new” community (including alien species) with those of the “original” community (including only native species) may clarify our understanding of the effect of alien species. Using a simulation-based modelling approach we considered several scenarios describing the invasion of native communities by alien species and calculated the trends in Shannon-Wiener indices and in the numbers of species of the “original” and “new” communities during the course of the invasion. We found that despite a large increase in the population size of the invasive alien species the diversity of the original community may be little affected. Native species numbers may stay relatively constant for a long time and then suddenly collapse. The results indicate some possibly still concealed consequences of the spread of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas).  相似文献   

Taylor  Andy F. S. 《Plant and Soil》2002,244(1-2):19-28
A number of recent review articles on ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community diversity have highlighted the unprecedented increase in the number of publications on this ecologically important but neglected area. The general features of these species-rich, highly dynamic and complex communities have been comprehensively covered but one aspect crucial to our assessment of diversity, namely the sampling of ECM communities has received less attention. This is a complex issue with two principal components, the physical sampling strategy employed and the life cycle traits of the ECM fungi being examined. Combined, these two components provide the image that we perceive as ECM diversity. This contribution will focus primarily on the former of these components using a recent study from a pine forest in central Sweden to highlight some sampling problems and also to discuss some features common to ECM communities. The two commonly used elements of diversity, species richness and community evenness, present rather different problems in the assessment of ECM diversity. The applicability of using current measures of abundance (number or percentage of root tips colonised) to determine community evenness is discussed in relation to our lack of knowledge on the size of individual genets of ECM fungi. The inherent structure of most ECM communities, with a few common species and a large number of rare species, severely limits our ability to accurately assess species richness. A discussion of theoretical detection limits is included that demonstrates the importance of the sampling effort (no. of samples or tips) involved in assessing species richness. Species area abundance plots are also discussed in this context. It is suggested that sampling strategy (bulk samples versus multiple collections of single tips) may have important consequences when sampling from communities where root tip densities differ. Finally, the need for studies of the spatial distribution of ECM on roots in relation to small-scale soil heterogeneity and of the temporal aspects of ECM community dynamics is raised.  相似文献   

陆地植物群落物种多样性研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
王永健  陶建平  彭月   《广西植物》2006,26(4):406-411
生物多样性是当前生态学研究的热点之一,物种多样性层次是最直接、最易观察和最适合研究生物多样性的层次。总结了与群落动态、生境因子、取样尺度及生态系统相关的陆地植物物种多样性研究。同时,根据目前的趋势提出了多样性动态研究的发展动向。  相似文献   

Costa Rica is located in the Tropic, one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world; its soil is an important epicenter of biodiversity and Clostridium spp. are among the most frequent bacteria. The diversity of clostridia in Costa Rican soils and its possible association with geographic zone, pH or type of soil was studied in 117 soil samples: 18 from the Atlantic Zone, 30 from the Central Plateau, 30 from the Dry Pacific, 13 from the North Zone, and 26 from the South Pacific. The pH and the mesophilic clostridia species were determined for each sample. For bacterial isolation, a selective methodology for spores and pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized media were used. A total of 1945 strains of clostridia were isolated, 98% were identified and corresponded to 54 species; the most frequent species were C. subterminale (56%), C. oceanicum (51%), C. bifermentans and C. glycolicum (50%, each), C. sporogenes (49%), and C. sordellii (42%). An average of 7.1 species per sample was obtained; the Atlantic Zone showed the greatest diversity: 8.6 species per sample and a total of 45 species. Except for C. chauvoei, all described toxigenic clostridia species were isolated; C. sordellii (42%) and C. perfringens (38%) were the most frequent. No statistical relation could be established between geographic zone or type of soil and any species, showing that clostridia had a high adaptation capability to grow in different soil conditions; only some clostridia were isolated from very acidic samples while others from soils with a wide range of pH. In general, a uniform distribution of most species and a high variety of clostridia in Costa Rican soils were observed, in agreement with the high biodiversity described for other living beings in this country.  相似文献   

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