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NG2 (nerve/glial antigen2)-expressing cells represent the largest population of postnatal progenitors in the central nervous system and have been classified as oligodendroglial progenitor cells, but the fate and function of these cells remain incompletely characterized. Previous studies have focused on characterizing these progenitors in the postnatal and adult subventricular zone and on analyzing the cellular and physiological properties of these cells in white and gray matter regions in the forebrain. In the present study, we examine the types of neural progeny generated by NG2 progenitors in the cerebellum by employing genetic fate mapping techniques using inducible Cre–Lox systems in vivo with two different mouse lines, the Plp-Cre-ERT2/Rosa26-EYFP and Olig2-Cre-ERT2/Rosa26-EYFP double-transgenic mice. Our data indicate that Olig2/Plp-positive NG2 cells display multipotential properties, primarily give rise to oligodendroglia but, surprisingly, also generate Bergmann glia, which are specialized glial cells in the cerebellum. The NG2+ cells also give rise to astrocytes, but not neurons. In addition, we show that glutamate signaling is involved in distinct NG2+ cell-fate/differentiation pathways and plays a role in the normal development of Bergmann glia. We also show an increase of cerebellar oligodendroglial lineage cells in response to hypoxic–ischemic injury, but the ability of NG2+ cells to give rise to Bergmann glia and astrocytes remains unchanged. Overall, our study reveals a novel Bergmann glia fate of Olig2/Plp-positive NG2 progenitors, demonstrates the differentiation of these progenitors into various functional glial cell types, and provides significant insights into the fate and function of Olig2/Plp-positive progenitor cells in health and disease.  相似文献   

Cells of the trophoblast lineage make up the epithelial compartment of the placenta, and their rapid development is essential for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. A diverse array of specialized trophoblast subtypes form throughout gestation and are responsible for mediating implantation, as well as promotion of blood to the implantation site, changes in maternal physiology, and nutrient and gas exchange between the fetal and maternal blood supplies. Within the last decade, targeted mutations in mice and the study of trophoblast stem cells in vitro have contributed greatly to our understanding of trophoblast lineage development. Here, we review recent insights into the molecular pathways regulating trophoblast lineage segregation, stem cell maintenance, and subtype differentiation.  相似文献   

Mouse models incorporating inducible Cre‐ERT2/LoxP recombination coupled with sensitive fluorescent reporter lines are being increasingly used to track cell lineages in vivo. In this study we use two inducible reporter strains, Ai9iCol2a1 (Ai9 × Col2a1‐creERT2) to track contribution of chondrogenic progenitors during bone regeneration in a closed fracture model and Ai9iUBC (Ai9 × UBC–creERT2) to examine methods for inducing localized recombination. By comparing with Ai9 littermate controls as well as inducible reporter mice not dosed with tamoxifen, we revealed significant leakiness of the CreERT2 system, particularly in the bone marrow of both lines. These studies highlight the challenges associated with highly sensitive reporters that may be activated without induction in tissues where the CreERT2 fusion is expressed. Examination of the growth plate in the Ai9iCol2a1 strain showed cells of the osteochondral lineage (cell co‐staining with chondrocyte and osteoblast markers) labeled with the tdTom reporter. However, no such labeling was noted in healing fractures of Ai9iCol2a1 mice. Attempts to label a single limb using intramuscular injection of 4‐hydroxytamoxifen in the Ai9iUBC strain resulted in complete labeling of the entire animal, comparable to intraperitoneal injection. While a challenge to interpret, these data are nonetheless informative regarding the limitations of these inducible reporter models, and justify caution and expansive controls in future studies using such models.  相似文献   

Lineage specification in the preimplantation mouse embryo is a regulative process. Thus, it has been difficult to ascertain whether segregation of the inner-cell-mass (ICM) into precursors of the pluripotent epiblast (EPI) and the differentiating primitive endoderm (PE) is random or influenced by developmental history. Here, our results lead to a unifying model for cell fate specification in which the time of internalization and the relative contribution of ICM cells generated by two waves of asymmetric divisions influence cell fate. We show that cells generated in the second wave express higher levels of Fgfr2 than those generated in the first, leading to ICM cells with varying Fgfr2 expression. To test whether such heterogeneity is enough to bias cell fate, we upregulate Fgfr2 and show it directs cells towards PE. Our results suggest that the strength of this bias is influenced by the number of cells generated in the first wave and, mostly likely, by the level of Fgf signalling in the ICM. Differences in the developmental potential of eight-cell- and 16-cell-stage outside blastomeres placed in the inside of chimaeric embryos further support this conclusion. These results unite previous findings demonstrating the importance of developmental history and Fgf signalling in determining cell fate.  相似文献   

High titered anticarbohydrate antibodies were used to identify cell surface carbohydrates during different stages in histogenesis of mouse cerebellum in a micro tissueculture system which mimics selected features of in vivo cerebellum development. Blockage of fiber formation within the first few days in vitro and inhibition of cell migrations by carbohydrate-specific antibodies served as an assay system for possible contributions of surface carbohydrates to the behavior of developing cerebellar cells. Microbial strains were selected on the basis of carbohydrate structures of their cell wall antigens, and anticarbohydrate antibodies were raised against treated whole bacteria and yeast in rabbits. We found that antibodies to mannan were active at all stages of development tested (embryonic day 13, E13; the day of birth, P0; and postnatal day 7, P7). Antibodies to sialic acids prepared against strains B and C of Neisseria meningitidis distinguish different subterminal structures: anti-B reacted with E 13 and P0 cerebellar cells, and anti-C mostly with cells older than P7. Antifetuin antibody recognized E 13 and P0 but not P7 cell populations. Pneumococcus C strain R36A-specific antibodies were effective only after coating cells to C type carbohydrate before application of the antibody. The results demonstrate that antimicrobial carbohydrate antibodies cross-react with mammalian cell surface carbohydrate structures and therefore can be used as a powerful tool in tissue culture to analyze those structures which might control cell behaviors pertinent to cerebellar development.  相似文献   

Summary Reaggregate cultures were obtained from single-cell suspensions of fetal and early postnatal cerebellum, and fetal telencephalon and mesencephalon from C57BL/6J and NMRI mice and maintained in suspension under constant rotation as described previously (Seeds 1971). The percentage of dead cells in the aggregates as measured by the uptake of the fluorescent dye propidium iodide was always less than 5% of all cells. During the initial phase of reaggregation up to 20 h in vitro (hiv) several immunocytochemically defined cell types had a random distribution within the aggregate. Astrocytes were identified by indirect immunofluorescence by the use of the markers glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), C1 and M1 antigens; neurons by NS-4 antigen and tetanus-toxin receptors; fibroblasts or fibroblast-like cells by fibronectin and laminin; and oligodendrocytes by myelin basic protein (MBP). Choleratoxin receptors and M 2 antigen served to distinguish the more mature from the less mature neurons. In reaggregates of early postnatal cerebellar cells neurons had started to redistribute after 40 hiv, forming an outer region containing more immature neurons and a core with more mature neurons. After 5 days in vitro (div) immature neurons were no longer detectable. From 3–8 div M1-and GFAP-positive astrocytic processes in the outer region showed a tendency for radial orientation. At later stages the processes appeared more randomly distributed and formed a dense glial network. Few oligodendrocytes and fibronectin-positive cells were present in the reaggregates. When reaggregates were prepared from 15 day-old embryonic cerebella, formation of radially oriented astrocytic processes and redistribution of neurons proceeded more slowly, but in a similar pattern as described for early postnatal cerebellum. GFAP was detectable at earlier ages than in situ. In reaggregates of 15 to 17 day old embryonic telencephalic anlage or midbrain, radially oriented astrocytic processes were not detectable. Similar to cerebellar reaggregates, accumulation of neurons in the inner region was observed.  相似文献   

It is thought that small intestinal epithelial stem cell progeny, via Notch signaling, yield a Hes1-expressing columnar lineage progenitor and an Atoh1 (also known as Math1)-expressing common progenitor for all granulocytic lineages including enteroendocrine cells, one of the body's largest populations of endocrine cells. Because Neurogenin 3 (Neurog3) null mice lack enteroendocrine cells, Neurog3-expressing progenitors derived from the common granulocytic progenitor are thought to produce the enteroendocrine lineage, although more recent work indicates that Neurog3+ progenitors also contribute to non-enteroendocrine lineages. We aimed to test this model and better characterize the progenitors leading from the stem cells to the enteroendocrine lineage. We investigated clones derived from enteroendocrine precursors and found no evidence of a common granulocytic progenitor that routinely yields all granulocytic lineages. Rather, enteroendocrine cells are derived from a short-lived bipotential progenitor whose offspring, probably via Notch signaling, yield a Neurog3+ cell committed to the enteroendocrine lineage and a progenitor committed to the columnar lineage. The Neurog3+ cell population is heterogeneous; only about 1/3 are slowly cycling progenitors, the rest are postmitotic cells in early stages of enteroendocrine differentiation. No evidence was found that Neurog3+ cells contribute to non-enteroendocrine lineages. Revised lineage models for the small intestinal epithelium are introduced.  相似文献   

Glial cells are derived from stem cells that mature through specific stages of development to generate fully differentiated astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Several types of intermediate precursors have been described and in some cases lineage relationships identified although this remains a subject of controversy. We review recent findings and discuss some possibilities. Motoneuron-oligodendrocyte precursors (MNOPs), white matter progenitor cells (WMPCs), polydendrocytes, glial restricted precursors (GRPs), astrocyte precursor cells (APCs), and oligodendroblasts are likely all derived from earlier appearing stem cells but segregate at different stages in development. Some of these precursors persist in the adult, and it is these glial progenitors rather than stem cells that respond after injury and participate in the repair process. Although which specific glial progenitor responds remains unclear, the availability of new markers will likely resolve this issue. We believe that the development of consensus sets of markers and an improvement in our ability to define stages of glial maturation will lead to a clearer appreciation of the importance of glia in the etiopathology of disease.  相似文献   

Purkinje cell size is reduced in cerebellum of patients with autism   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. The authors' goal was to compare the size and density of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of subjects with and without autism. Blocks of cerebellum were dissected at autopsy from the brains of age, sex- and postmortem-intervaled (PMI) groups of autistic and normal control individuals (N = 5 per group). Frozen, unfixed blocks were sectioned and stained with 1% cresyl violet.2. The linear, molecular, granular densities and cross-sectional area of Purkinje cells were measured using computer-assisted image analysis. The average cross-sectional areas of Purkinje cells of the patients with autism were smaller by 24% when compared to the normal subjects. Two of the five autistic subjects had mean Purkinje cell sizes that corresponded to greater than 50% reduction in size. There was a substantial effect size difference in Purkinje cell size (2 = 0.29) between control and autistic brains (F(1, 8) = 3.32, P = 0.106). No differences in Purkinje cell densities were observed between the two groups.3. These data indicate the possibility of Purkinje cell atrophy in autism with significant neurohistological heterogeneity among individuals diagnosed with this disorder.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus houses the central circadian clock and is characterized by the timely regulated expression of clock genes. However, neurons of the cerebellar cortex also contain a circadian oscillator with circadian expression of clock genes being controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus. It has been suggested that the cerebellar circadian oscillator is involved in food anticipation, but direct molecular evidence of the role of the circadian oscillator of the cerebellar cortex is currently unavailable. To investigate the hypothesis that the circadian oscillator of the cerebellum is involved in circadian physiology and food anticipation, we therefore by use of Cre‐LoxP technology generated a conditional knockout mouse with the core clock gene Arntl deleted specifically in granule cells of the cerebellum, since expression of clock genes in the cerebellar cortex is mainly located in this cell type. We here report that deletion of Arntl heavily influences the molecular clock of the cerebellar cortex with significantly altered and arrhythmic expression of other central clock and clock‐controlled genes. On the other hand, daily expression of clock genes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus was unaffected. Telemetric registrations in different light regimes did not detect significant differences in circadian rhythms of running activity and body temperature between Arntl conditional knockout mice and controls. Furthermore, food anticipatory behavior did not differ between genotypes. These data suggest that Arntl is an essential part of the cerebellar oscillator; however, the oscillator of the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex does not control traditional circadian parameters or food anticipation.  相似文献   

In the mouse blastocyst, some cells of the inner cell mass (ICM) develop into primitive endoderm (PE) at the surface, while deeper cells form the epiblast. It remained unclear whether the position of cells determines their fate, such that gene expression is adjusted to cell position, or if cells are pre-specified at random positions and then sort. We have tracked and characterised dynamics of all ICM cells from the early to late blastocyst stage. Time-lapse microscopy in H2B-EGFP embryos shows that a large proportion of ICM cells change position between the surface and deeper compartments. Most of this cell movement depends on actin and is associated with cell protrusions. We also find that while most cells are precursors for only one lineage, some give rise to both, indicating that lineage segregation is not complete in the early ICM. Finally, changing the expression levels of the PE marker Gata6 reveals that it is required in surface cells but not sufficient for the re-positioning of deeper cells. We provide evidence that Wnt9A, known to be expressed in the surface ICM, facilitates re-positioning of Gata6-expressing cells. Combining these experimental results with computer modelling suggests that PE formation involves both cell sorting movements and position-dependent induction.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of cell adhesion molecule L1 in cerebellum was quantitatively assessed in weaver and reeler mutant mice and in heterozygous litter-mate controls. In the latter the concentration and the amount of L1 both increased from the first postnatal week to become maximum at the second. In contrast, in the weaver and reeler neurologic mutant mice, L1 decreased steadily. The L1 concentration and the amount of L1 was lower in the cerebellum of homozygous mutant mice than in litter-mate controls. The findings are consistent with L1 being a component of axonal plasma membranes. However, no evidence was found of any direct effect of thewv andrl phenotypes on L1 expression.  相似文献   

Despite the indispensable role thyroid hormone (TH) plays in brain development, only a small number of genes have been identified to be directly regulated by TH and its precise mechanism of action remains largely unknown, partly because most of the previous studies have been carried out at postnatal day 15 or later. In the present study, we screened for TH-responsive genes in the developing mouse cerebellum at postnatal day 4 when morphological alterations because of TH status are not apparent. Among the new candidate genes selected by comparing gene expression profiles of experimentally hypothyroid, hypothyroid with postnatal thyroxine replacement, and control animals using oligoDNA microarrays, six genes were confirmed by real-time PCR to be positively ( orc1l, galr3, sort1, nlgn3, cdk5r2 , and zfp367 ) regulated by TH. Among these, sort1 , cdk5r2, and zfp367 were up-regulated already at 1 h after a single injection of thyroxine to the hypothyroid or control animal, suggesting them to be possible primary targets of the hormone. Cell proliferation and apoptosis examined by BrdU incorporation and terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay revealed that hypothyroidism by itself did not enhance apoptosis at this stage, but rather increased cell survival, possibly through regulation of these newly identified genes.  相似文献   

Eras encodes a Ras-like GTPase protein that was originally identified as an embryonic stem cell-specific Ras. ERAS has been known to be required for the growth of embryonic stem cells and stimulates somatic cell reprogramming, suggesting its roles on mouse early embryonic development. We now report a dynamic expression pattern of Eras during mouse peri-implantation development: its expression increases at the blastocyst stage, and specifically decreases in E7.5 mesoderm. In accordance with its expression pattern, the increased expression of Eras promotes cell proliferation through controlling AKT activation and the commitment from ground to primed state through ERK activation in mouse embryonic stem cells; and the reduced expression of Eras facilitates primitive streak and mesoderm formation through AKT inhibition during gastrulation. The expression of Eras is finely regulated to match its roles in mouse early embryonic development during which Eras expression is negatively regulated by the β-catenin pathway. Thus, beyond its well-known role on cell proliferation, ERAS may also play important roles in cell lineage specification during mouse early embryonic development.  相似文献   

We have used a sensitive electrophoretic technique for estimating the activity, or ratio, of two allozymes of the X-chromosome-linked enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1), in order to investigate the randomness of X-chromosome expression in the derivatives of the three primary cell lineages of the early mouse conceptus. The maternally derived Pgk-1 allele is preferentially expressed in the derivatives of the primitive endoderm and trophectoderm lineages at 6 1/2 days post coitum in Pgk-1a/Pgk-1b heterozygous conceptuses, and in the one informative 5 1/2-day heterozygous conceptus analysed. This evidence for preferential expression of the maternally derived X chromosome (Xm), so soon after the time of X-chromosome inactivation, favors the possibility that the preferential expression of Xm is a consequence of primary non-random X-chromosome inactivation, rather than a secondary selection phenomenon. The majority of embryos analysed at 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 days pc produced only a single PGK-1 band, corresponding to the allozyme produced by the Pgk-1 allele on Xm, although 50% of these embryos should have been heterozygous females. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Lucifer Yellow-Dextran labelling of lower layer cells (LLC), sometimes together with upper layer cells (ULC), of the 64-cellBarbus conchonius embryo resulted in labelled primordial germ cells (PGCs) at 12 h after fertilization (a.f.) in about 25% of cases. The presence of labelled PGCs was independent of the location of the injected blastomere with respect to the later orientation of the embryonic axis. After injection of an ULC alone, however, labelled PGCs were never found. Also, the distribution of labelled somatic cells differed between the ULC- and LLC-injected embryos. When we found fluorescent PGCs, only a few of them were labelled, suggesting that either a single predecessor exists earlier than the 64-cell stage or that the formation of germ cells is a polyclonal process. Tracing the fluorescent cells at successive stages of development shows an extensive mixing with unlabelled cells during the epiboly stage, which might well be the cause of partly unpredictable cell lineages. The chance of being committed to a specific fate is different for the ULC and LLC descendants. This might be due to relatively limited cell mixing between these two cell populations.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of cell adhesion in the specification of pigment cell lineage in sea urchin embryos, cell contacts were inhibited by Ca2+-free artificial seawater (ASW) treatment, and the number of differentiated pigment cells was examined by the method devised for the present study. Obtained results showed that inhibition of cell contacts during mid-to-late blastula stage greatly affects the number of pigment cells. Treatment with Ca2+-free ASW during 7.5–10.5h of development drastically decreased the number of pigment cells, indicating that cell adhesion during this period is indispensable for the specification of pigment cell lineage. On the other hand, the number of pigment cells were increased by the treatment during 9.5–12.5 h of development. It was suggested that this increase was caused by excess divisions of the precursor cells, that is, the division schedule of the precursor cells was altered by inhibition of cell contacts at this period. Interestingly, the number of pigment cells was a multiple of four in a majority of embryos in which pigment cells were drastically decreased in number. These findings suggest that the founder blastomeres of the pigment cell lineage are specified during 7–10 h of development, and that these blastomeres divide twice before they differentiate into pigment cells.  相似文献   

In an attempt to estimate the number of pigment precursor cells in sea urchin embryos, DNA synthesis and cell divisions were blocked with aphidicolin from various stages of development. Interestingly, pigment cells differentiated on a normal time schedule, even if the embryos were treated from late cleavage stages on. In most of the embryos treated from 10 h on, 10-15 pigment cells differentiated. Thereafter, the number of pigment cells in the aphidicolin-treated embryos further increased, as the initiation of the treatment was delayed. On the other hand, total cell volumes in the pigment lineage, calculated from the averaged number and diameter of differentiated pigment cells, were almost the same irrespective of the time of the initiation of aphidicolin treatment. This indicated that the increase in the number was caused by divisions of the pre-existing cells in the pigment lineage. Thus, the founder cells that exclusively produce pigment cells could be identified. They are nine times-cleaved blastomeres and specified by 10 h post-fertilization. The obtained results also clarified the division schedule in the pigment lineage; the founder cells divide once (10th) until hatching, and divide once more (11th) by the end of gastrulation.  相似文献   

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