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Leaf gas exchange parameters and the content of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in the leaves of two 2‐year‐old aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones (no. 216, ozone tolerant and no. 259, ozone sensitive) were determined to estimate the relative stomatal and mesophyll limitations to photosynthesis and to determine how these limitations were altered by exposure to elevated CO2 and/or O3. The plants were exposed either to ambient air (control), elevated CO2 (560 p.p.m.) elevated O3 (55 p.p.b.) or a mixture of elevated CO2 and O3 in a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) facility located near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA. Light‐saturated photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were measured in all leaves of the current terminal and of two lateral branches (one from the upper and one from the lower canopy) to detect possible age‐related variation in relative stomatal limitation (leaf age is described as a function of leaf plastochron index). Photosynthesis was increased by elevated CO2 and decreased by O3 at both control and elevated CO2. The relative stomatal limitation to photosynthesis (ls) was in both clones about 10% under control and elevated O3. Exposure to elevated CO2 + O3 in both clones and to elevated CO2 in clone 259, decreased ls even further – to about 5%. The corresponding changes in Rubisco content and the stability of Ci/Ca ratio suggest that the changes in photosynthesis in response to elevated CO2 and O3 were primarily triggered by altered mesophyll processes in the two aspen clones of contrasting O3 tolerance. The changes in stomatal conductance seem to be a secondary response, maintaining stable Ci under the given treatment, that indicates close coupling between stomatal and mesophyll processes.  相似文献   

Shoots of poplar (Populus euramericana L. cv. Flevo) were exposed to filtered air, SO2, NH3 or a mixture of SO2 and NH3 for 7 weeks in fumigation chambers. After this exposure gas exchange measurements were carried out using a leaf chamber. As compared to leaves exposed to filtered air, leaves pretreated with 112 μg m?3 SO2 showed a small reduction in maximum CO2 assimilation rate (Pmax) and stomatal conductance (gs). They also showed a slightly higher quantum yield and dark respiration. In addition, the fluorescence measurements indicated that the Calvin cycle of the leaves pretreated with 112 μg m?3 SO2 was more rapidly activated after transition from dark to light. An exposure to 64 μg m?3 NH3 had a positive effect on Pmax, stomatal conductance and NH3 uptake of the leaves. This positive effect was counteracted by an SO2 concentration of 45 μg m?3. The exposure treatments appeared to have no effect on the relationship between net CO2-assimilation and gs. Also, no injury of the leaf cuticle or of epidermal cells was observed. Resistance analysis showed that NH3 transfer into the leaf can be estimated from data on the boundary layer and stomatal resistance for H2O transfer and NH3 concentration at the leaf surface, irrespective of whether the leaves are exposed for a short or long time to NH3 or to a mixture of NH3 and SO2. In contrast SO2 uptake into the leaves was only partly correlated to the stomatal resistance. The results suggest a large additional uptake of this gas by the leaves. The possibility of a difference in path length between SO2 and H2O molecules is proposed.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr.) were planted as 2-year-old seedlings in an open-air fumigation facility at Liphook in southern England in March 1985. The soil was a humoferric podzol of pH 4. SO2 fumigation began in May 1987 and continued until December 1990. Long-term mean SO2 concentrations were 4,13 and 22 nmol mo?1. Three plots, one at each SO2 level, were also exposed to O3 at an average of 1–3.times the ambient level. O3 fumigation ran from March to December 1988, May to December 1989 and February to December 1990. Each species reacted differently to treatment. Scots pine showed no growth response to either pollutant, although other work on the site demonstrated a number of deleterious effects of SO2 on this species, including increased leaf loss and foliar injury. Stem basal diameter growth of Norway spruce was depressed in SO2-treated plots. In contrast, extension growth of shoots of Sitka spruce increased in SO2-treated plots, in apparent response to codeposition of NH3-N. However, diameter growth of Sitka spruce main stems did not increase. No effects of O3 on growth were recorded for any species.  相似文献   

The toxicity of Cd2+in vivo during the early phases of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seed germination and the in vitro Cd2+ effect on radish calmodulin (CaM) were studied. Cd2+ was taken up in the embryo axes of radish seeds; the increase in fresh weight of embryo axes after 24 h of incubation was inhibited significantly in the presence of 10 mmol m?3 Cd2+ in the external medium, when the Cd2+ content in the embryo axes was c. 1.1 μmol g?1 FW. The reabsorption of K+, which characterizes germination, was inhibited by Cd2+, suggesting that Cd2+ affected metabolic reactivation. The slight effect of Cd2+ on the transmembrane electric potential of the cortical cells of the embryo axes excluded a generalized toxicity of Cd2+ at the plasma membrane level. After 24 h of incubation, Cd2+ induced no increase in total acid-soluble thiols and Cd2+-binding peptides able to reduce Cd2+ toxicity. Ca2+ added to the incubation medium partially reversed the Cd2+-induced inhibition of the increase in fresh weight of embryo axes and concomitantly reduced Cd2+ uptake. Equilibrium dialysis experiments indicated that Cd2+ bound to CaM and competed with Ca2+ in this binding. Cd2+ inhibited the activation of Ca2+-CaM-dependent calf-brain phosphodiesterase, inhibiting the Ca2+-CaM active complex. Cd2+ reduced the binding of CaM to the Ca2+-CaM binding enzymes present in the soluble fraction of the embryo axes of radish seeds. The possibility that Cd2+ toxicity in radish seed germination is mediated by the action of Cd2+ on Ca2+-CaM is discussed in relation to the in vivo and in vitro effects of Cd2+.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate metabolism of the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) has been examined in trees that were exposed to SO2, and O3, in an open-air fumigation experiment located in the Liphook forest in southern England. Two-year-old seedlings were planted in 1985 in seven experimental plots. Five plots received fumigation treatments of SO2, O3 or a combination of these gases to give a 2 × 3 factorial design with one additional ambient plot Fumigation with SO2, occurred from May 1987 to December 1990 and O3, fumigation occurred from March to December 1988, May to December 1989 and February to December 1990. Five samples of needles for investigation of carbohydrate metabolism were taken between February and July 1989. The concentrations of soluble carbohydrates (including sucrose and hexoses) were greatly reduced in the needles taken from Scots pine growing in the treated plots, and were also reduced, but to a lesser extent, in the needles taken from Norway spruce. Little variation in the concentration of starch in the needles of either species was detected. The activities of the two final enzymes of sucrose synthesis, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose 6-phos-phate phosphatase, were greatly reduced in the needles of Scots pine and were also reduced, but to a lesser extent, in the needles of Norway spruce in the fumigated plots. These reductions could be correlated with decreases in rates of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation determined by independent groups of researchers working on the Liphook site.  相似文献   

In the present study the response of stomatal conductance (gs) to increasing leaf‐to‐air vapour pressure difference (D) in early season C3 (Bromus japonicus) and late season C4 (Bothriochloa ischaemum) grasses grown in the field across a range of CO2 (200–550 µmol mol?1) was examined. Stomatal sensitivity to D was calculated as the slope of the response of gs to the natural log of externally manipulated D (dgs/dlnD). Increasing D and CO2 significantly reduced gs in both species. Increasing CO2 caused a significant decrease in stomatal sensitivity to D in Br. japonicus, but not in Bo. ischaemum. The decrease in stomatal sensitivity to D at high CO2 for Br. japonicus fit theoretical expectations of a hydraulic model of stomatal regulation, in which gs varies to maintain constant transpiration and leaf water potential. The weaker stomatal sensitivity to D in Bo. ischaemum suggested that stomatal regulation of leaf water potential was poor in this species, or that non‐hydraulic signals influenced guard cell behaviour. Photosynthesis (A) declined with increasing D in both species, but analyses of the ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO2 (Ci/Ca) suggested that stomatal limitation of A occurred only in Br. japonicus. Rising CO2 had the greatest effect on gs and A in Br. japonicus at low D. In contrast, the strength of stomatal and photosynthetic responses to CO2 were not affected by D in Bo. ischaemum. Carbon and water dynamics in this grassland are dominated by a seasonal transition from C3 to C4 photosynthesis. Interspecific variation in the response of gs to D therefore has implications for predicting seasonal ecosystem responses to CO2.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), aged 28–30 years old, were grown in open-top chambers and subjected in situ to three ozone (O3) regimes, two concentrations of CO2, and a combination of O3 and CO2 treatments From 15 April to 15 September for two growing seasons (1994 and 1995). The gas exchanges of current-year and 1-year-old shoots were measured, along with the nitrogen content of needles. In order to investigate the factors underlying modifications in photosynthesis, five parameters linked to photosynthetic performance and three to stomatal conductance were determined. Elevated O3 concentrations led to a significant decline in the CO2 compensation point (Г*), maximum RuP2-saturated rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), maximum stomatal conductance (gsmax), and sensitivity of stomatal conductance to changes in leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (?gs/?Dv) in both shoot-age classes. However, the effect of elevated O3 concentrations on the respiration rate in light (Rd) was dependent on shoot age. Elevated CO2(700 μmol mol?1) significantly decreased Jmax and gsmax but increased Rd in 1-year-old shoots and the ?gs/?Dv in both shoot-age classes. The interactive effects of O3 and CO2 on some key parameters (e.g. Vcmax and Jmax) were significant. This may be closely related to regulation of the maximum stomatal conductance and stomatal sensitivity induced by elevated CO2. As a consequence, the injury induced by O3 was reduced through decreased ozone uptake in 1-year-old shoots, but not in the current-year shoots. Compared to ambient O3 concentration, reduced O3 concentrations (charcoal-filtered air) did not lead to significant changes in any of the measured parameters. Compared to the control treatment, calculations showed that elevated O3 concentrations decreased the apparent quantum yield by 15% and by 18%, and the maximum rate of photosynthesis by 21% and by 29% in the current-year and 1-year-old shoots, respectively. Changes in the nitrogen content of needles resulting from the various treatments were associated with modifications in photosynthetic components.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic performance, mineral content and chloroplast pigments were investigated in August-September 1988 and 1989 in Norway spruce trees (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) exposed to SO2, and O3 in an open-air fumigation facility at Liphook, England. The data do not suggest a treatment effect on the mineral content of the needles in terms of nutrient leaching from the foliage. In addition, there were no direct SO2 and/or O3 effects on the content and/or composition of the chloroplast pigments. However, the long-term application of SO2 resulted in a depression of net photosynthesis under light saturation and ambient CO2 (A 340) which was probably caused by a treatment-related depression of the carboxylation efficiency (CE). In 1989, the supposed treatment effects were apparently masked by an insufficient N-supply and probably also by low water availability during summer. However, fumigation appeared to accelerate an N-deficiency-related decrease of CE, stomatal closure and the age-dependent development of the chlorophyll content of the needles. In 1989, an observed depression of the photosynthetic capacity (A2500) was in part accompanied by a decrease in light use efficiency (α), suggesting an enhanced photosensitivity resulting from the impact of several possible interacting stresses (drought, N deficiency and fumigation). The results support the general conclusion that long-term low-level SO2 dosage adversely affects the photosynthetic performance of the needle, whether directly or indirectly, and may also interact with other environmental stresses. The findings of our investigations are discussed with regard to the hypothesis of forest decline in the mountain regions of the Fichtelgebirge (north-eastern Bavaria, Germany).  相似文献   

The above-ground parts of two years old seedlings of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were exposed to filtered air, NH3, NO2+, SO2 (66, 96 and 95 μg m?3, respectively), to a mixture of NO2+NH3 (55 + 82 μg m?3) or SO2+NO2 (128 + 129 μg m?3), for 8 months in fumigation chambers. Both chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange measurements were carried out on shoots which had sprouted at the beginning of the exposure period. The chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were performed after 3 and 5 months of exposure (average shoot age 70 and 140 days, respectively). Light response curves of electron transport rate (J) were determined, in which J was deduced from chlorophyll fluorescence. In addition, light response curves of net CO2 assimilation were determined after 5 months of exposure. After 3 months of exposure (average shoot age 70 days) all exposure treatments showed a lower maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) as compared to the control shoots (filtered air). A large reduction (45%) was observed for shoots exposed to SO2+NO2. During the exposure period between 3 and 5 months (average shoot age 70 and 140 days, respectively) a decrease of Jmax was observed for all treatments. Jmax had further declined some time after termination of the exposure, when average shoot age was 310 days. Shoots exposed to SO2 and SO2+NO2 also showed a reduction in maximum net CO2 assimilation (Pmax) as compared to the control shoots. However, shoots exposed to NO2 showed no reduction and even a higher Pmax was observed for shoots exposed to NH3 or NO2+NH3. Needles of these treatments also showed a higher chlorophyll content which might explain the contradictory results obtained for these treatments: the increased amount of photosynthetic units counteracts the reduction in Jmax and consequently no reduction in Pmax is measured. Shoots exposed to SO2 and SO2+NO2 also showed a reduction in maximum stomatal conductance (gs). However, the stomatal opening was larger than could be expected on basis of their (maximum) CO2 assimilation rate. Consequently, water use efficiency of these shoots was lower than that of the control shoots. Also shoots exposed to NO2 had a lower water use efficiency due to a significantly higher maximum gs. Shoots exposed to NH3 showed a high transpiration rate in the dark, indicating imperfect stomatal closure.  相似文献   

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