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The structure of four new autumn-sown determine genotypes ofwhite lupin, grown with a combination of sowing dates and plantdensities at four locations in France was studied in 1990/91and 1991/92. Plant architecture was characterized in terms ofthe number of first-order branches produced and the distributionof leaves on these branches and how they varied with the numberof mainstem leaves and the position of the branch on the mainstem. The variation in the number of mainstem leaves on determinegenotypes was satisfactorily described by an earlier model developedfor indeterminate genotypes using the intensity of vernalizationrelative to accumulated temperature above 3°C as input.However the architecture of the first-order branches, definedby their number and the total number of leaves per branch ateach subtending position on the mainstem, differed and was influencedby genotype, location and sowing date. In four determinate genotypes,these two characters were positively correlated, and correlatedwith the number of leaves on the mainstem. Increasing densityfrom 10 to 40 plants m-2 reduced the number of branches andtheir total number of leaves. Pruning 15 leaves from the mainstemat the beginning of stem elongation did not influence the developmentof the first-order branches. There appeared to be a functionalrelationship between the number of leaves on the mainstem andthe number of branches established very early in the growingseason. The profiles of number of leaves on the first-order brancheson the mainstem with branch position were modelled using twosub-models, one describing the mean number of leaves on thebranches actually present, and the second describing the frequentlyof occurrence of a branch at a particular position on the mainstem.Of the five model parameters, one, representing the minimalnumber of branches present on the plant, was correlated withthe number of first-order branches. Genotype, location, sowingdate and density affected the shape of the profiles.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press While lupin, Lupinus albus L., determine growth, architecture, model, branch  相似文献   

The general pattern of decrease of the 'critical' plant N concentration(i.e. minimum concentration required for maximum growth rate)during growth has been described for several C3 non grain-legumespecies, and this can be used as a reference curve for diagnosisof N nutrition in these species. The present study was undertakento investigate changes of N concentration during growth of agrain legume, in different conditions of N nutrition. Whitelupin (Lupinus albus L.) was grown for six crop seasons in fieldtrials in which inoculation with Rhizobium lupini, nitrogenfertilizer rate, cultivar and plant density were density weremanipulated. The yield and dry matter production of noninoculatedplants were lower than, or at the best similar to, those ofinoculated plants, whatever the level of N supply. From anthesisto the beginning of seed filling, the N concentration of shootsof inoculated plants was found to be remarkably stable betweenyears, N fertilization regimes, cultivars, and for individualplants within a plot. Nitrogen concentration only varied withplant density. By contrast, the N concentration of noninoculatedplants was highly variable and generally lower than that ofinoculated plants, whatever the level of N supply. The highand stable N concentration of inoculated plants did not appearto be necessary for maximum growth rate but seemed to be requiredfor maximum production of seed dry matter and N. The potentialuse of these results to diagnose, in any white lupin crop, aninefficiency of the lupin-R. lupini interaction is evaluated.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus albus L., white lupin, N2 concentration, inoculated plants, non-inoculated plants, N2 fixation efficiency, diagnosis  相似文献   

Although the basal and uppermost lateral branches of Lupinus angustifolius L. frequently grow and contribute to yield, buds formed in the axils of leaves 6-12 (referred to as middle buds) rarely grow. This may be due to an inherent limitation of these buds, or some form of apical dominance or competition imposed by the plant. The hypothesis that middle buds have the full capacity to grow, but remain suppressed on intact plants was tested. The main stem apex and buds from the axils of leaves 1 and 8 (bud 1 and bud 8) were excised and cultured on sterile agar. The buds were removed from culture and weighed every 2-3 d for 21 d. The growth rate of apices from the main stem was approximately 5.8 mg d-1, compared to 2.4 mg d-1 for bud 1 and 0.9 mg d-1 for bud 8. Buds in the axils of leaves 6-10 on intact plants were painted six times with a synthetic cytokinin, benzylaminopurine, from 40 d after sowing. This promoted rapid elongation and thickening of these buds, visible as early as 5 d after painting began. The rapid growth of these branches was associated with a reduction in the length of the remaining branches on the plant. However, excision of lower branches did not increase the growth of the middle buds. It is concluded that buds 6-12 of Lupinus angustifolius L. have a partial potential to grow. This potential appears to be limited by innate factors in the bud, and may be structural and/or hormonal. The limitation appears to develop very early in the plant, and potential growth is not modified by subsequent nutrition of the plant.  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):65-73
Components of seed yield of cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) andcv. Unicrop (L. angustifolius L.) were measured when grown atthree densities. The low density (10 plants m–2) Unicropyield (34 g seed per plant) was 1.8 times that of Ultra as ithad more branches, pods and seeds per pod. Ultra seeds (310mg per seed) were heavier than Unicrop seeds (180 mg). The branchingpattern of Ultra was less dependent on plant density, henceat 93 plants m–2 it gave a higher per plant yield (7.4vs 6.4 g) than Unicrop at lower densities (83 plants m–2).Density had most influence on pod formation and only small effectson seeds per pod and seed weight. Yield components on the main-steminflorescence were influenced less by density than componentson branch inflorescences. Later formed, higher order generationsof inflorescences were most affected by increased inter- andintra-plant competition. Pod numbers on the main-stem were similarfor both species. Pods formed at higher flower nodes in Unicrop,but the lower flower nodes were less fertile than those in Ultra.Node position of flowers had no influence on seed set in main-stemUnicrop pods, but pods from higher nodes in Ultra formed fewerseeds. Seed weights in Unicrop were similar among main-stemnodes but in Ultra seed weights tended to increase at highernodes. Lupinus spp, lupins, seed yield, planting density  相似文献   

The implications of the presence of a root, either at the parentnode or at neighbour nodes, on branch formation of Trifoliumrepens (white clover) was investigated. Plants were freely rootedor rooting was restricted to every sixth or every twelfth nodealong the parent axis. The absence of a root at the parent nodehad little influence on the probability of the subtending axillarybud forming a branch but, on average, delayed the outgrowthof the bud. The probability that an axillary bud, emerging froma non-rooted parent node, developed to a lateral branch (branchwith elongated internodes) decreased with decreasing proximityof the parent node to a rooted node. Lateral branches emergingfrom non-rooted parent nodes which were two nodes distal toa rooted node had a higher rate of node appearance, a greatermean internode length and area per leaf, and were more branchedthan lateral branches emerging from other non-rooted parentnodes. The dry mass of each single root and of branches grownat rooted parent nodes were significantly higher in plants withrestricted rooting than in freely rooted plants. Restrictionin the number of rooted nodes per plant increased the numberof inflorescences. It is concluded that the whole plant responseto restricted root formation was continuous growth of the parentaxis and compensatory growth of the branch at the rooted node.In general, growth was slow for axillary buds whose developmentwas dependent on the basipetal movement or cross-transport withinthe stolons of resources exported from roots. Trifolium repens (L.); white clover; axillary bud outgrowth; branch development; clonal growth; nodal root  相似文献   

The relationship between several growth components of a shootand the fates of the axillary meristems (developing in the axilsof the leaves) borne by that shoot were studied, on first-ordershoots of young peach trees. A comprehensive picture of thoserelationships was obtained by a discriminant analysis. Shootgrowth at meristem emergence date was characterized by internodelength, leaf-production rate and leaf-unfolding duration. Allpossible fates of axillary meristems at the end of the growingseason (i.e. blind nodes, single vegetative or flower bud, budassociations, sylleptic or proleptic shoots) were considered.Shoot-elongation rate determined meristem fates quantitatively.The number of buds produced by a meristem increased when theshoot-elongation rate increased. Qualitatively, the fate of axillary meristems was related tothe balance between shoot-growth components. If the subtendingleaf unfolded slowly, sylleptic or proleptic shoots were morelikely to develop than bud associations, for high shoot-elongationrates; and flower buds were more frequent than vegetative buds,for low shoot-elongation rates. Compared to flower buds, blindnodes appeared for similar shoot-elongation rates but longerinternodes and lower leaf-production rates. The emergence dateslightly modified the relation between shoot growth and axillary-meristemfates, but the main features held true throughout the growingseason. The relationships between shoot growth and meristem fates mayresult from competitive interactions between the growing subtendingleaf and the developing axillary meristem. Growing conditionsmight also influence both shoot growth and meristem fates byfavouring either cell enlargement or cell division.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Peach tree, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, axillary meristem, meristem fate, branching, flowering, shoot growth, discriminant analysis, exploratory analysis  相似文献   

The influence of shoot architectural position on growth andbranching pattern of young Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manettiex Carrière trees were studied. Extension growth andtype of axillary products (lateral bud, sylleptic short or longshoots) of annual shoots of increasing branching order (mainstem, branches and branchlets) were recorded weekly during the1993 growing season. Annual final shoot length, duration ofextension, and maximum extension rate decreased with increasingbranching order. Sylleptic axillary shoots occurred only onannual shoots of the main stem and branches and were producedwhen extension rate was at its highest. Differences in growthrate and final length of annual shoots, according to their architecturalposition, were related to differences in the total number anddiversity of types of sylleptic axillary shoots produced. Itis suggested that types and numbers of sylleptic axillary shootsproduced are linked with threshold values for both final lengthand extension rate of the parent shoot. Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Atlas cedar, extension growth, sylleptic branching, tree architecture, morphology.  相似文献   

At low temperatures (15/15 °C day/night) in controlled environmentsthe growth of lateral branches at the cotyledonary node ofPhaseolusvulgarts L is suppressed The suppression can be overcome byraising the temperature of the buds by approximately 6 °Cwith small electric heaters In order to test the practical significanceof the induction of branching for yields of the commercial crop,seedlings were raised in contrasted regimes and then transplantedto the field The effects of pretreatment regime on final yieldwere small, changes in the yield from axillary branches tendedto be balanced by compensatory changes in the yield from themain stem In another field experiment, synthetic growth substanceswere applied in order to suppress or enhance branching Changesin the amount of yield carned on branches were again offsetby compensatory changes in the yield from the main stem Compensatoryeffects between branches and main stem were also found in avariety trial However, in an experiment on a single cultivarand various levels of N fertilizer, compensatory effects werenot found, here, branch and main stem yields were positively,rather than negatively, correlated These results are discussedin relation to the intrinsic factors that govern yield in Pvulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris L, dwarf bean, axillary branches, correlative inhibition, temperature, growth substances, plant density, yield  相似文献   

REAY  P. F. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(2):219-225
The Ca, Mg, K, Na, P, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and opaline-Si contentsof leaves, stems and inflorescences from each order of shootaxis was determined in Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus angustifoliusL. The distribution of Si was used as a base for passive transportin the transpiration stream. All of the elements investigatedwere redistributed among the leaves, stems and inflorescencesof either L. albus or L. angustifolius. Most of the elementsinvestigated were enriched in the inflorescences and depletedin either the leaves or the stems. Sodium was enriched in thestems whereas Ca and Mn were redistributed only in L. albus.The pattern of element redistribution was similar in each ofthe lateral shoot axes except for the youngest. For the elementsenriched in the inflorescences, more than half was suppliedby redistribution. Calcium redistribution was similar to thatfor K, which is regarded as phloem mobile, but a mechanism forCa redistribution is uncertain. Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, leaves, inflorescences, transpiration, silicon, calcium  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):55-63
In an August-sown experiment the pattern of flower developmentwas followed for cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) and cv. Unicrop(L. angustifolius L.) grown at low (10 plants m–2) andhigh (93 and 83 plants m–2, Ultra and Unicrop respectively)densities. Dry weight increase of flowers on the main-stem inflorescenceand first lateral below the main-stem were compared at differentfloral stages. Maximum flower weight was reached just priorto the open flower stage and remained constant or declined untila pod formed or abscission occurred. The time period betweenmaximum flower weight and pod formation or abscission was upto 10 days. Emergence of the inflorescence was earlier and thefirst flower of Ultra opened 10 days before Unicrop. Developmentof each terminal raceme (inflorescence) was acropetal, withpods having formed on lower flower nodes when terminal flowerswere still quite immature. Laterals forming the next generationof inflorescences grew from axillary leaf buds below an inflorescencewhile it was in full flower. Sources of competition from connectedreproductive and vegetative metabolic sinks are discussed. Lupinus spp., lupins, flower development, planting density  相似文献   

Comparative embryo development has been studied histologicallyin Lupinus albus, Lupinus mutabilis, Vicia faba, Pisum sativumand Latkyrus latifolius. The detailed histology of the stagesof embryo formation up to the early differentiation of tissuesof the seed is reported. The rate of embryogenesis has beentimed through 15 stages of development from anthesis and comparativerates of tissue formation established between the species. Themain observation was the slow rate of morphogenesis of embryosand seeds in Lupinus albus in comparison with the very rapidrate observed in Pisum sativum. A long period at the globularembryo stage, when embryo morphogenesis was inactive contributedto the extended development time of embryos and seeds in Lupinusalbus. Slow differentiation of reproductive tissues in L. albusdetermines late maturity in seeds and pods. Lupinus albus, white lupin, L. mutabilis, tarwi, Vicia faba, faba bean, Pisum sativum, pea, Lathyrus latifolius, everlasting pea, embryo development  相似文献   

The present work reveals new and completely different conclusionsabout the alkaloid economy of symbiotically fed Lupinus albusand L. albus parasitized by Cuscuta reflexa in the study periodof 43–55 d after sowing of lupin. Net flows of alkaloidswithin lupin and between host and parasite were calculated usingthe molar ratio of alkaloid nitrogen: total nitrogen combinedwith known net flows of nitrogen in the transport fluids andanalysing alkaloid accumulation in plant organs by HRGC. Incontrast to previous studies, quinolizidine alkaloids were predictedto be synthesized mainly in the root of L. albus and to be predominantlytransported via xylem to the apical plant shoot organs. Parasitismby C. reflexa for 12 d induced a decline of alkaloid contentin the host L. albus up to 53% compared to control plants andalkaloid synthesis was halved—apparently due to a shortageof the precursor lysine. In spite of an additional decreasein nitrogen levels at the second harvest, the host-parasitesystem showed a1.3-fold higher alkaloid content than the controlplants, 63% of the total alkaloids being attracted by Cuscuta.This indicates (a) restriction of catabolic processes withininfected lupins, (b) a massive shift of nitrogen metabolismin the direction of alkaloids and (c) an enormous sink potentialof Cuscuta for nitrogenous compounds. Although xylem was foundto be the main translocation system for alkaloids, the modellingof alkaloid flows predicts Cuscuta to derive only 4.5% of itstotal alkaloid supply from the xylem and 95.5% from the phloem.By analogy with nitrogen flows, this finding requires xylemphloemtransfers which were assumed to occur within the stem axis oflupin. A similar proportion regarding the contribution of xylemand phloem to the supply of Cuscuta was obtained for the netflows of two selected alkaloids, lupanine and 13  相似文献   

HUYGHE  C. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(5):429-434
The winter growth of winter white lupin (cv. Lunoble) was investigated.Over three consecutive years, 1987–1989, it was sown atdifferent times at Lusignan (France) and in 1989, at nine differentlocations with various sowing times. The production of primordia,the vernalization requirements and the final number of leaveson the main stem were related to field measurements of dailymaximum and minimum temperatures. A statistical model for the main apex growth with a system oftwo equations was developed, with a threshold level for leafprimordia production at 3°C. The number of leaf primordiaproduced by a vegetative apex (y) in terms of the cumulativesums of temperature over 3°C (x) followed the curvilinearregression y = 4.76+ 0.0268x + 0000015 6x2. The upper and lowertemperature limits for vernalization were estimated as 14 and1°C respectively. The vernalization requirements of a vegetative apex (y) decreasedwhen the number of initials produced (x) increased accordingto the negative exponential regression y = exp (7.2— 0.02626.x). The two equations were used for the prediction of the finalnumber of leaves of a lupin crop. The predictive accuracy ofthe model was checked against independent data. The agreementbetween observed and predicted final leaf number was often close,but some deviations did occur with low leaf number. The modeldescribed most of the growth phenomena which occur during thephase sowing to floral initiation of the main stem of a winterlupin crop, and its possible uses are discussed Lupinus albus L, white lupin, growth, model, vernalization, primordia, apex, thermal time  相似文献   

C.  HUYGHE 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):429-434
The winter growth of winter white lupin (cv. Lunoble) was investigated.Over three consecutive years, 1987–1989, it was sown atdifferent times at Lusignan (France) and in 1989, at nine differentlocations with various sowing times. The production of primordia,the vernalization requirements and the final number of leaveson the main stem were related to field measurements of dailymaximum and minimum temperatures. A statistical model for the main apex growth with a system oftwo equations was developed, with a threshold level for leafprimordia production at 3 °C. The number of leaf primordiaproduced by a vegetative apex (y) in terms of the cumulativesums of temperature over 3 °C (x) followed the curvilinearregression y = 4.76 + 00268x + 00000156x2. The upper and lowertemperature limits for vernalization were estimated as 14 andI °C respectively. The vernalization requirements of a vegetative apex (y) decreasedwhen the number of initials produced (x) increased accordingto the negative exponential regression y = exp (7.2 + 002626.x). The two equations were used for the prediction of the finalnumber of leaves of a lupin crop. The predictive accuracy ofthe model was checked against independent data. The agreementbetween observed and predicted final leaf number was often close,but some deviations did occur with low leaf number. The modeldescribed most of the growth phenomena which occur during thephase sowing to floral initiation of the main stem of a winterlupin crop, and its possible uses are discussed. Lupinus albus L., white lupin, growth, model, vernalization, primordia, apex, thermal time  相似文献   

A controlled environment experiment investigated whether thered:far-red (R:FR) ratio of light at the apical bud of the mainstolon could alter plant morphogenesis in clonal cuttings ofwhite clover (Trifolium repens L.) The apical bud included theapical meristem, five to six developing leaf primordia withassociated axillary bud primordia and stipules and the firstemerged folded leaf until development was greater than 0·3on the Carlson scale. Three light regimes were imposed on theapical bud by collimating light from R or FR light-emittingdiodes so that the R:FR ratio of light incident at the apicalbud was set at 0·25, 1·6 or 2·1, withoutsignificantly altering photosynthetically active radiation.The effect of these light regimes on white clover seedling growthwas also tested. At a low R:FR ratio seedling hypocotyl and cotyledon lengthswere significantly longer. However, with the cuttings, the lighttreatments did not alter node appearance rate or internode lengthof the main stolon, petiole length, area of leaves or totalshoot dry matter. There was one significant photomorphogeneticresponse in the cuttings, a delay of 0·5 of a phyllochronin the appearance of branches from axillary buds in the lowR:FR ratio treatment relative to the other treatments. Wherebranch appearance was delayed plants had fewer branches. Thisdifference could be ascribed solely to a delay in branch appearanceas there were no significant treatment effects on either theinitiation of axillary bud primordia within the apical bud,the probability of branching or on the rate of growth of branchesafter appearance. Because treatment of the apical bud inducedonly one of the many previously observed responses of whiteclover to a decrease in the R:FR ratio of light, we concludethat other plant organs must also sense the quality of incidentlight.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press White clover, Trifolium repens, apical bud, light quality, red:far-red ratio, light-emitting diode, branching, axillary buds, photomorphogenesis  相似文献   

The effect of axillary bud age on the development and potentialfor growth of the bud into a shoot was studied in roses. Ageof the buds occupying a similar position on the plant variedfrom 'subtending leaf just unfolded' up to 1 year later. Withincreasing age of the axillary bud its dry mass, dry-matterpercentage and number of leaves, including leaf primordia, increased.The apical meristem of the axillary bud remained vegetativeas long as subjected to apical dominance, even for 1 year. The potential for growth of buds was studied either by pruningthe parent shoot above the bud, by grafting the bud or by culturingthe bud in vitro. When the correlative inhibition (i.e. dominationof the apical region over the axillary buds) was released, additionalleaves and eventually a flower formed. The number of additionalleaves decreased with increasing bud age and became more orless constant for axillary buds of shoots beyond the harvestablestage, while the total number of leaves preceding the flowerincreased. An increase in bud age was reflected in a greaternumber of scales, including transitional leaves, and in a greaternumber of non-elongated internodes of the subsequent shoot.Time until bud break slightly decreased with increasing budage; it was long, relatively, for 1 year old buds, when theysprouted attached to the parent shoot. Shoot length, mass andleaf area were not clearly affected by the age of the bud thatdeveloped into the shoot. With increasing bud age the numberof pith cells in the subsequent shoot increased, indicatinga greater potential diameter of the shoot. However, final diameterwas dependent on the assimilate supply after bud break. Axillarybuds obviously need a certain developmental stage to be ableto break. When released from correlative inhibition at an earlierstage, increased leaf initiation occurs before bud break.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Age, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, pith, shoot growth, Rosa hybrida, rose  相似文献   

The effect of assimilate supply on axillary bud developmentand subsequent shoot growth was investigated in roses. Differencesin assimilate supply were imposed by differential defoliation.Fresh and dry mass of axillary buds increased with increasedassimilate supply. The growth potential of buds was studiedeither by pruning the parent shoot above the bud, by graftingthe bud or by culturing the bud in vitro. Time until bud breakwas not clearly affected by assimilate supply during bud development,Increase in assimilate supply slightly increased the numberof leaves and leaf primordia in the bud; the number of leavespreceding the flower on the shoot grown from the axillary budsubstantially increased. No difference was found in the numberof leaves preceding the flower on shoots grown from buds attachedto the parent shoot and those from buds grafted on a cutting,indicating that at the moment of release from inhibition thebud meristem became determined to produce a specific numberof leaves and to develop into a flower. Assimilate supply duringaxillary bud development increased the number of pith cells,but the final size of the pith in the subsequent shoot was largelydetermined by cell enlargement, which was dependent on assimilatesupply during shoot growth. Shoot growth after release frominhibition was affected by assimilate supply during axillarybud development only when buds sprouted attached to the parentshoot, indicating that shoot growth is, to a major extent, dependenton the assimilate supply available while growth is taking place.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Assimilate supply, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, defoliation, development, growth potential, meristem programming, pith, Rosa hybrida, rose, shoot growth  相似文献   

Numbers of total, metabolically active, dormant or dead axillarybuds, and growth characteristics were determined before andafter controlled burnings in Stipa tenuis Phil., a native foragegrass of the Caldén District in central Argentina. One-hectareplots were burned on 25 Mar. (Burn 1) or 4 Apr. 1991 (Burn 2),or remained unburned (control). Bud metabolic activity was examinedusing the tetrazolium test and the vital stain Evans' blue. Before fire, more than 83% of the axillary buds on previous-seasonstems of S. tenuis were metabolically active in all treatments.After fire, previous-season stems that produced tiller in thecontrol and Burn 2 plots had more than 75% of the axillary budsalive, but those that did not produce them had more than 82%of their axillary buds dead in the burned areas. This high budmortality was associated with direct fire effects on the fateof buds; most dead buds showed visible signs of dehydration.Since more than 97% of the plant stem bases did not producetillers after fire, tiller number per plant was reduced (P <0·05) in the burned plots to fewer than 22% of valuesof controls. Plant mortality was 50% higher at the Burn 1 thanat the Burn 2 site probably because the first site had a 43%lower soil moisture content (P < 0·05). At the endof the growing season, however, a different set of S. tenuisplants at both burned sites had a similar tiller number anddry weight to controls. These plants were probably in areasof lighter fuel loads and exposed to a less intense fire.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Stipa tenuis Phil., thin needlegrass, controlled burning, bud viability, axillary meristems, regrowth  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between bud size and position and bud fate through time is crucial for identifying and subsequently modeling the mechanisms underlying tree architecture. However, there is a lack of information on how bud size drives crown architectural patterns in coexisting tree species. We studied bud demography in two coexisting Mediterranean oak species with contrasting leaf habit (Quercus ilex, evergreen; Q. faginea, deciduous). The main objective was to analyse the effect of bud size on the fate of buds with different positions along the shoot (apical, leaf axillary and scale-cataphyll axillary buds). The number, length and position of all buds and stems were recorded in marked branches during 4 years. Study species presented different strategies in bud production and lifespan. The evergreen species showed greater mortality rate than the deciduous one, which produced larger buds. Bud size and position were highly related since apical buds where longer than axillary ones and bud length declined basipetally along the stem. Apical buds had also higher chances of bursting than axillary ones. Within positions, longer buds presented a higher probability of bursting than shorter ones, although no absolute size threshold was found below which bud bursting was impaired. In Q. ilex, four-year-old buds were still viable and able to burst, whereas in Q. faginea practically all buds burst in their first year or died soon after. Such different bud longevities may indicate contrasting strategies in primary growth between both species. Q. ilex is able to accumulate viable buds for several ages, whereas Q. faginea seems to rely on the production of large current-year buds with high bursting probability under favourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This glasshouse experiment was performed to assess the effectsof a range of constant defoliation regimes applied to cuttingsof a single large-leaved genotype ofTrifolium repens L. on theviability of its axillary buds. Plants were established to comprisea single main stolon (axillary branches were removed) and defoliationtreatments were applied by removing the older (basal) leavesuntil leaf complements of 1·0, 1·5, 2·0,2·5, 3·0 or all leaves (control) remained. Basalleaves were subsequently removed as necessary to maintain thetarget leaf complements. Only severe defoliation (leaf complements of 1·0 and1·5) induced a loss of viability in axillary buds. Lossof viability was greatest in reproductive buds present withinthe apical bud when the treatments were first imposed. Althoughthe most severe treatment (leaf complement 1·0) resultedin death of half the plants, in plants surviving that treatment,death of vegetative axillary buds was restricted to 21% of thevegetative buds at the three youngest node positions withinthe apical bud at the time of treatment application. No othertreatment induced any loss of viability of vegetative buds.There was no loss of viability of axillary buds at nodes formedafter the treatments were imposed. The frequency of initiationof inflorescences at nodes formed after treatments were imposeddecreased as defoliation severity increased. Severe defoliation resulted in marked changes in plant morphologyindicative of a sharp decrease in availability of intraplantresources. It was concluded that under severe defoliation: (1)the potential for vegetative growth (as represented by viablevegetative axillary buds) was maintained at the expense of reproductivegrowth; and (2) that the loss of viability of axillary budswas associated with the sudden changes in physiological processesinduced by defoliation as there was no loss of viability inbuds formed after plants had adjusted their phenotype to oneof smaller size. Trifolium repens L.; white clover; defoliation; axillary buds; viability; inflorescences  相似文献   

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